The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 05, 1897, Image 1

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    " 'rs-r&ppr -
t 1
Unocal ISTews.
Call and see us for job work.
Old papers for sale at this olllco.
Mrs. Puirbank for flno millinery.
JJrinpj us some wood on subscription.
Wo want corn and wood on sub
erlpitlon .
District Court is, in session tit Aus
Minor Taylor visited Auburn Wed
J. W. Taylor came down from Lin
coln Tuesday.
MIbs Cora Pruzlor wont to Crab Or
chard Monday.
Harry McCandloss is putting in new
scales at the siding.
County Commissioner Mclnincb
was in town Wednesday.
John Mosier is assisting D. A. Mor
ton in tho blacksmith shop.
There will bo no services held at the
Methodist church next Sunday night.
Miss Margaret Smith, of Poru,start
ed for Texas Monday to spend the
winter with a sister.
C. P. Pordyce, of Brownvillo, has
been assisting in The Advektisbh
office for the last week.
Jrvin Hadloelc wont to Johnson
Tuesday morning. We understand
lie has asituatioti there.
- Miss Marie Tourtelot, the optician,
of Lincoln, ,wao in toiyn Wednesday1
and rhuradsy of this week.
Remember the big short horn sale
eale at the farm of John Bath in Lon
don precinct, next Monday.
Stephen Cooper, who lias been quite
low with malarial fever, is getting
some better but is not out of danger
yet. He has had a hard siege of it.
Dr. I. L. Callison. the Stella dentist,
will be in Nemaha Monday, Nov. 8th.
prepared to do all kinds of dental work
Satisfaction guaranteed. Office at ho
tel. The County Commissioners received
a car load of lumber at Nemaha the
first of the week to be used in the new
barn they are building at tiio poor
John Jennings lias bought two lots
north of his residence of It. V. Muir,
of Brown ville. He has planted them
in peach and other fruit trees and
small fruit.
Mr. and Mrs J. It. Borgor wont to
BeatriceThursday to visit their daugh
ter, Mrs. T, A. Lorance, and take in
the groat Corn Carnival, hold Priday
of this week:
The Woodmen of the World gave a
dance and oyster supper Tuesday
night at Hoovers opera house. There
wub a large attendance and a good
sum was realized.
Elder A. J. Barnes, of Blanchard,
Iowa, will begin n series of meetings
at the Christian church next Sunday.
Elder Barnes is an evangelist of the
Christian church.
James Cochran, of Brownvillo. had
n stroke of apoplexy Monday night and
ia now lying at the point of death.
Ho was found in the yard near the
house Tuesday morning, having evi
dently lain out doors the most of the
Caleb Brogan, who has lived in Ne
maha for two or three years, moved to
Marysville, Mo, .this week. Mr. and
MrB, Brogan and Miss Mabel have
mado a great many friends during
their stay hero, who are sorry to see
them loavo us.
J. II. Binndy was in Nemaha Thuis
day, on business connected with his
land northeast of town. IIu is ats
tending court at Auburn.
It. V. Muir camo down from Brown
villo Wednesday, and was in consulta
tion with Dr. Keeling over the pros
pects of the success of the prohibition
ticket. Both admitted that they had
little hopes of their election. Mr.
Muir was a candidate on the county
ticket for judgo.
A Halloween party was given at
tho residence of Mr, and Mrs. Peter
Kerker last Saturday night, Tho lit
tlo folks who were so fortunate as to
bo invited say they had a "lovely" time
Mrs. Kerker makes a good, hostess.
Refreshments of cake, nuts, popcorn
etc., were served.
J. K. Curzon, Tho Jowol-
or at Auburn, hos removed
from Opera House Block
to tho Cooper BuildinttT. 4
doors east of his old stand.
A B. & M. bridge a mile and a half
this side of Bracken caught fire from
unknown cause Monday and was bad
ly disficured. Only the prompt action
of farmers in the viciuitv saved its
entire destruction. As it was Harry
Shadlev insisted by his men and the
farmers had it repaired in lime so no
trains were delayed.
One day this week, Mayor L. L.
Jones.ot Forest Homo, removed a com
crib and in doing so 'his It tlo terrier
dog killed 237 rate, many of them al
most as large as the dog. He picked
them up in a basket and carried away
nearly two bushels of the ".varmints"
This story map -eem a littly "mttj" to
s'lirip.-biieiliVu'th'ij'atl binT?ovri nird'
it wasn't much of a day for rats
either. Shunert Citizen.
The Methodist chinch of Nemaha iB
now one of the neatest looking
churches on the inside tit bo found
anywhere. Tho body of tho church is
papered with liuhl blue paper. Tho
ceiling is a lighter shade with scrolls.
Buck of the pulpit is a panel witli
arch and iMais. The Ladies Aid bo
ciety is . be congratulated for the
good work and tor the handsome up
pearance of the chinch.
An Auburn special of tho 30th savs:
Word reached here this evening that
the twenty-year-old son ot Henry Tay
lor, an old resident of Island precinct,
was killed last evening by means of a
club in the hands of a neighbor boy.
A fight was in progress and tho Taylor
boy had injured two others with a
knife before ho was struck, Officers
from hero have gono via Nebraska
City and Hamburg to look tho matter
On Tuesday morning while Mr. and
Mrs. Edmond Williams were coming
to town from their homo north of here,
the buggy in which they wero riding
was upset, and they wore both thrown
to tho ground with considerable ton e.
In the fall Mi . Williams received sev
eral bruises, but nothing serious, but
Mrs. Williams foil witli her arm un
der m such a manner as to break both
bones just above the wrist. Dr. Sut
ton was called, and set the broken
parts and she was taken to lior home,
but it will be sometiuio before her in
jury will lieal.- Shubert Citizen.
J. W. Armstrong, the South Auburn
hardware and furniture dealer, has
added a lino hoarse to his undertaking
department tho best in the county.
He invites your patronage.
to ciritK a :oii in:onk day
Take Laxative Breino Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to Cure. 2ftc.
ri T Duquoin, Bevier, Walnut
VUALi j,0(,ki McAllister and
otlior grades of coal for sale, ranging
in price from 82.25 to $4.00,
Q. W. Cornell, of Auburn, was ad
vertised to spouk at Nemaha last Fri
day night. Ho came 'n on tho aftorn
noon train but found no arrangements
had been made for a hall. After en
deavoring to got tlio hall cheaper than
usual rates or got another place to
speak In, ho dually got some one to
take up a collection to pay the rent
and then engaged the hull, but as it
was then after 8 o'clock ho did not
get much of an audience At Brown
villo his reception. wnB alBO very cool.
The pops would llko to got rid of G. W.
or a great many of them would, but
they can't do it.
Lost Monday night live of the neigh
bors, namely ; Sherm Catehum, Sam
Shuck, Georgo Greene, Frank Collins
and George Beard thought they would
furnish Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Swops
a little music at the home of George
Kittoll where they aro now staying.
The boys formed lit lino at tho gate
and inarched in as though they were
going to storm a fort and take a bunds
red captives. But when they would
have tired tho opening gun both caps
snapped and it evidontly made the
boys ashamed of themselves for they
lied leaving the young couple undis
turbed witli a box till I of choice cigars.
Now hoys my advice is, tho next
time you go off on an expedition if
tnat kind you had hotter taKc a good
trusty gun and leffvo "Old Snapio" at
home. A Si'Y.
Thursday forenoon a snook thief
made a raid on Hanny Bennett, who
lives on tho Cooper farm south of
town. Mrs. Bennett went out in tho I
Hold where her husband was gathering
corn and stayed a short time. When
she got back to the house sue discov
ered, that, sojne one liad been in it.
Mr. Bennett started after the fellow
and caught up n l'li H'tn m the ede of
town. Tun leliww was miry ing Ir.
Bennett's overcoat. li- halted him,
and the fellow gave up the coat and
also a razor and French harp he had.
He claimed two other fellows were
witli him, one ot whom had gone into
the house and taken Hie things, giving
them to him, and they were to meet
afterward. Two follows who woie
tramping through wero arrested here,
of course denying they had anything
co do with the theft and expressing a
willingness to yo to Auburn with the
ollicer. They were all taken to Au
burn that afternoon.
ThexM is Nothing so Good.
riiero is nothing so good as Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption
coughs and colds, so demand it and do
not permit the dealer to sell you some
substitute. He will not claim there in
any thing bettei, but in order to make
mure profit lie may claim something
else to bo just as good. You want Dr.
King's New Discovery because you
know it to bo safe and reliable, and
guaranteed to do good or money re
funded. Por coughs, colds and con
sumption and lor all affections of
throat, chest and lungs, there is nolhi
ing so good as is Dr. King's Now Dis
covory, Trial bottles free at M. II,
I suffered for wseks with colic and
pains In my stomach caused by bil
iousness and had to tako medicine all
tho while untile I used Chumherluius
Colec, Cliolora and Diarrhoea Remedy
which cured me. 1 have sinco recom
mended it to a good many people.
Mrs. P. Butlkk, Fuirhuvon, Conn.
Persons who are subject to bilious col
ic can ward off the attack by taking
this remedy as soon as the (list symp
toms appear. Sold by M. II. Taylor,
Druggist, Nemaha, Nebraska.
Did you Ever?
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for
your troubles V If not, got u bottle now
and get relief. This medicine has
been found to he peculiarly adapted to
the relief and cure of all female com-,
plaints, exerting a wondeiful direct
influence in giving strength and tone
to the organs If you have loss of
appetite, constipation, headache, faint
ing spoils, or aro nervous, sleepless,
excitable, melancholy or troubled with
dizzy spoils, Electric Bitters is the
medicine you need. Health and
strength are guaranteed by its use.
00c and SI at M, II. Taylor's
-Has just
New Fall & Winter Millinery
Everything new and up to date. Priees as UBtial, tho lowest in tho county.
Come and get bargains.
Tho following is the vote In Nema
ha precinct Tuesday:
Kupromo Judgo Post 114: Sullivan
Regents Kaloy 117: Dryden 117; Ke
nower 1)1; Von Poroll 00.
Treasurer Glllan 113; Englos 00.
Sheriff Hill 117; Colo 02.
Clerk-Wlnteis 110; Poory 08.
Judgo Anderson 118; Lambert 80
Supsrintondent Carman lift; Pur
riott 1)2.
Surveyor Hacker 121; McLaughlin
Coroner Jack 121; Wilson 81; Keol
ing G,
Assessor II. T. Minick lift, J. Vf .
Webber 81.
Justice of the Peace L. IT. Barnes
123; L. T. Smiley 118; It. I. Smith 87;
N. B. Scrivoner 70.
Constables C. P. Zook 118, John
Minick 112; Charles Curtis 77; dims.
Anderson 83.
Bond Ovtrseor District 3'2 S. O.
Lawrence 35; Wm. Moore 21. Dis
trict 33 J.gM, Puller 10: 1. J. Jarvis
1ft. District 34 W. T. UusboII 10;
Win. Anderson 20-
Tho name given llrst is republican,
the soconu demo-pop -silver republican
and tho third, where given, is prohibi
Tho canvas was completed about
10:30 p. m.
No national democrat or prohibition
ticket was voifd.
The vote was light only 210 being
cast. Last vote was 230. In
1805 It Was 200. ' "" "
James A. Titus, P. M. Anderson and
John C. Stokes acted as judges of elec
tion and W. W. Sandeis ami A. B.
Paris as oleiks.
Dr. Keel. ng says he voted for one
candidate on the prohibition stale
ticket but bib vote was not counted
for that ollicer.
On account of ilio blanket ballots,
tho judges found it necessary to usu
two ballot boxes, as one box filled up
when ahout three-fourths of tho votes
wero polled.
Tho republicans got a majority in
Nemaha precinct for all their candi
dates except road overseer in district
31 the southwest corner of tho pre
cinct. That was too heavily pop. Tho
republicans made a gain over last
year, taking tho vote for regent, as the
McKinley electors hud a plurality of
24 on a vote of 230-, and the regent
tills year have a majority of 27 on a
vote of 210.
Tho three-joar-old boy of J. A.John
son, of Lyon Center, 111 is subject to
attacks of croup. Mr. Johnnon says
lie is satisfied tliut the timely use of
Chamberlains Cough Hdiindy, during
t severe attack, saved Ins little boys
lite. He is in the drug luisiuess, and
a membfir of the linn of Johnson Bros,
of that place; and they handle a great
many patent medicines for throat and
lung diseases. Do had all these to
chose from, and skilled physicians
ready to respond to his call, but se
lected this remedy for use in his own
family at u time when his child's life
was in danger, because ho know it to
he superior to any other, and famous
tho country ouer for its cores oi eioup.
Mr. Johnson says thin is the best sell
ing cough medicino they handle, and
that it gives splendid satisfaction in all
eases. Sold byM. II. Taylor.Druggist
Nemaha, Nebraska.
W.W. Sanders, Notary Public. Pen
sions papers of all kinds mado out acs
curately. Legal documents drawn up.
All business given prompt and careful
Try the new City hotel when in
Auburn. Everything clean and neat.
One block southwest of court house
block. John McElhaney, proprietor.
To heal tho broken and diseased tis
sues, to soothe the irritated surfaces, to
instantly relievo and to permanently
cure is the mission of DoWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. M H Taylor.
Fusion Victorious In Ne
maha County-
Tho fusion forces won last Tuesday
although by a decreased majority over
last year. The head of the ticket this
your getH 1174. Last year they carried
tho county for Bryan by 488 a de
oroasoof 114. Carman and Dr. Jack,
candidates for superintendent and cor
oner, wero tho only republicans who
pulled through. Wo tako tho following
majorities for the county ticket from
tiio Auburn Herald:
Treasurer A. M.Englos, fusion ,R03.
Sheriff J. L. Cole, fusion, 117.
Clerk II. E. Poory, fusion, 450.
Judge II. A. Lambert, fuBion,371.
Superintendent -M. M. Carman, rui
publican, 21.
Surveyor D. II. McLaughlin, fusion,
Commissioner MTConnor,fusion,142
Coroner Dr. J.B.Jack, republican,?.
Thirty-live cars of potatoeB, aggre
gating 20,000 bushels, have been ship
pod from Gordod during tho past two
weeks and still the crop of "spudi" is
by no means exhausted. Thousands of
bushels yet remain to be shipped thin
fall and still other thousands are be.
ing "holed up" for spring' shipment.
The crop la ot line quality and the
price paid is :,() cents a bushel. Nebr,
City Nowh.
At the homo farm, seven miles
northeast of Auburn and five miles
northwest of Brownvillo, Nemaha
county, Nebraska, on Monday, Nova,
1807, will bo sold without reserve forty
Bates and Scotch Topped Shorthorn
cattle, consisting of thiity cows and
heifers, ami ten bulls; ten cows with
calves at foot; the property of John
Bath. Lunch at noon, Sale to com
mence at 1 o,clock sharp. Par Men
coming by train will be convoyed from
Talmago house, Auburn, to and from
tho farm free, also to and from B. & M,
Brownvillo free.
"The worst cold 1 ever had in ny
life was cured by Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy," writes W. II. Norton, of
Suttoi Creek, Cal. "TIiIb cold left mo
witli a cough and I was expectorating
all the time. The Remedy cured mo,
and I want all my friendB when troub
led with a cough or cold to use it, for
it will do them good " Sold by M, II.
Taylor, Druggist, Nemaha, Nebraska.
Privato money to loan on farm se
curity on tho best terms that wore ever
made in Nemaha county, by Wesley
Dundas, Auburn, Nebraska.
Running sores, indolent ulcers and
similar troubles, even though of mauy
yeui's standing, may be cured by using
D.iWitfs Witch Hazel Salvo It
sooilis, strengthens and heals. It is
tho great pile cure. M HTnylor.
All you guess about dilliculty in soil
ing Stark Trees may bo wrong. If you
wish to know the truth, drop postal to
Stark Nursery, Louisiana, Mo., or
ltockport, III. Namo references.
Cash pay to salesmen each week tho
year round. Outfit free takes no
money to try the work. Also want
lub makers get their trees free.
Certainly you don't want to suffer
witli dyBpupBiu, constipation, sick head
ache, sallow skin and lost of appetite.
You have never tried DeWitt's Little
Early Risers for tliese complaints ot
you would haye been cured. They
aro small pills but great legulatora.
M II Taylor.
Rlpana Tabulos.