The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 22, 1897, Image 1

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ill Hunk
trtuxt'd tli
mmfi c
'fnf ft fa H )t fi It 21
n alllSj
Local 3Sfi spuiir,.
Heavy frosts this week.
Cull and seo us for job work.
Old papers for sale at this ofllco.
Mrs. Fun-bank for Hno millinery.
Bring us some wood on subscription.
W. W. Suid wont to Johnson Tues
"A lino rain foil here Saturday and
llobt. Frost is building a barn 20x00
feet on his farm.
J. M. Workman lias moved into Mrs.
S. A. ScoviU's house.
Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Armstrong drove
in from Auburn Friday.
C. Shuck got a (hie hog for his Berk
shire farm a fow days ago.
Mrs. Jonn Lambert and Mrs. It. L.
Keister went to Western, Neb., Tues
day. Joe A. Winters, "for county clerk,"
was in town Wednesday, interviewing
the people.
Mrs. B. A. Minick wnt to Johnson
Thursday, to visit her daughter, Mrs
Melissa Scotleld.
Almost two inches of rain fell in the
storm the latter part of last weak and
the iirst part of this.
Win. Mead is building an addition to
his farm house. Prosperity lias math'
its appearance at his place.
The populisc meeting advertised foi
Hillsdale Monday night was a failuie,
s th speakeis tailed to appear.
Peter Knrker went to Lincoln Mon
day as a delegate from Victory, lodpi
to the grand t-jdper&drofvl"'
The county commissioners are hav
ing a bum built at the poor farm, to
replace the one recently burned down
Hev. C. II Uiliuoio drove down froiu
Drown ville Tuesday and did some car
penter work on the Methodist church
County Commissioner 13, F. Moln
inch and his wife started for southeast
ern Oklahoma Tuesday, to seo a sick
Davo Biggins shipped three cars of
cattle to Kansas City Wednesday.
Dave and his son Tom went through
with them.
Hufus Rowen's two brothers, who
have been visiting him for several
days, returned to their homo in Iowa
the tlrst of the week.
W. W. Hackney, of Lincoln, was
Shaking hands with old friends in Ne
malm Thursday. He has been visiting
in Hrownvillo for several days.
The Woodmen of the World will un-
veil a monument over the grave of
:raiiK in. JJUiuias, at Aiiuuru, one
rmi from next Sunday Oct. 30th.
)lve camp No. 14, Woodmen of the
EWorld, will meet hereafter on Wednes
"day1 night. The change was made at
'the regular meeting last Tuesday night.
Mario Tourtolot, Optician, will be in
Mis. Fail-bank's miilinerv store.Tiiurs-
'day, Nov. 4th. Eyes examined freo.
Don't fail to call if you aio in any way
annoyed with your eyes.
Mrs. Sarah J. Shaw, of Cook, Neb.,
was in town Wednesday and Thurs-
diy, in the interests of the Women's
Helief Corps Mrs. Snaw is assistant
inspector for the Helief Corps.
Joe Winters is making a winning
campaign for county ek-rk. Ho has
the happy faculty of winning friends,
not alone when ho is a candidato but
ut all times. IIo is always the same.
Mrs. i.i
iuiilvor, who has been
...... V'i
visiting no
?6nts. Dr. and Mrs. W.
W. Keeling, loivteomo time, went to
Soutli Omaha last Saturday. Her hus
band is in business in. that city,
Willio Smiley was the fortunato boy
who won too prizo of u 82.50 chain
at tlio county fair for the best original
ossav, instead of Willio Yates, as Thk
Advkutisek published two or three
weeks ago. Our first intormant was
Daniel Hiordnn, ouo of Nomahn
county's oldest citizens, diod Friday of
last week, at his homo threu and o no
half miles northeast of Auburn. Mr.
Hiordnn enmo to Browuvillo in 18.V7,
and thrco years later preempted the
farm on which ho died.
Dr. John U, Jack, republican candi
dato for coroner, was In town a short
time Tuesday. Ho was on his way to
see his father, who is nick on his farm
in the southwest part of tho precinct,
and was also talking politics a littlo on
i ho way.
At the timo the hog thieves skipped
"lit from Drowuvillo Deputy Shoiiff
Hill traced them down tho river as far
as St. Joe and then back north toSioux
City, going without sleep or rest manj
Mines, until he captured the fellows,
lie never shirks hard work in the line
of duty.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Swan visited
Will's siHter, near Gruff, several days
last week and this, returning home
Wednesday evening. Will embraced
he opportunity of soiling some torri
ory in the southwestern part of tin
county for tho patent churn for which
lie is agent.
Take Laxative Hroino Quinine Tablets
Vll druggists rotund the money if it
tails to Cure. 85c.
In olden times vien they had corn
-(nicking bees, the young fellow thai.
.found a ivd'ear oPooinhad the privils
go ot kissing a girl. If this was the
i ishion now H. C. Urown would have
io trouble in getting the young people
o attend these bees, as ho has a Held
urn nearly every ear of which is red
Hon. Harry K. McCaudlass, the
vshief clerk of Forest Home, and the
only grain buyer of the place, was in
town Tuesday evening, relating to the
hoys some of the experiences and hair.
hi end tli escapes had oy himself and
Col, Minor Taylor during their recent
lip (paid by tho state) with the sheriff
of the county, to Lincoln. Shubort
of band concerts, paraues and fireworks
Beatrice Corn Carnival. Thursday,
Oct. 28. Half rates via tho Burlington
Route. Take regular trains to Beat"
J. K. Curzon, The Jowol
qv at Auburn, hos removed
from Opera House Block
to the Cooper Buildinfr. 4
doors ast of his old stand.
MONEY TO LOAN. If you wish
to get a loan on farm lands with or
without buildings, write mo.
you wish to sell or exchange your farm
or other property, write mo what you
havo and what you want. Now is a
good time to mako a change.
HiiNitY C. hMiTH, Falls City, Nob.
Take the wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
""i T Duquoin, Devior, Walnut
vUAL iji()cki McAllister and
other grades of coal for sale, ranging
in price from S2.2." to $4.00,
IlAUJIY McCandlkss,
Private money to loan on farm se
curity on tho best terms that wore ever
made in Neinalia county, by Wesley
Dundas, Auburn, Nebraska.
Wm. II. Hill, lopublicnn candidato
for shoiiff, was in town Wednesday.
Nearly everybody knows Hill, bo he
has fow now acquaintances to mako.
Ho has boen tried as deputy BherllV for
four years, and every ono Bayn ho 1ms
made a good tloputy. Ho will do still
bettor as sheriff. Ho Is all right for
that position. Voto for him.
challenge over the Intervening swnlo,
'wero In plain view along tho opposite
,slope not half a mile awny. Beyond
that lay the scene of the sloge; and just
over It, only a few yards away from thei
road, lay two bloated, stiffening-objccts.Y
at sight of -which every horse in the
t""1"- rtS'decoased formerly
lived in Brownville, being tho oldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Flora.
John W. Knight and Miss Dcsaie
Higgins wero married at Nebraska
City Wednesday of last weok. Mr.
and Mrs. Knight have gone to house
keeping in tho house north of the
Methodist church, whoro J. M. Work
man has been living. Tins Advkuti
suit joins with the friends of tho young
couple in wishing them a long and
happy married life.
W. M. Davis has been a faithful ser
vant of tho people during tho three
years he has acted as county commiss
sinner. IIo has made some peoplo mad
no man who dves his duty in that
position can avoid this. Dut ho has
acted for what he considered tho best
interests of tho county, regardless ot
whoso toe? wero pinched. If tho poo
pie boliovo in rewarding faithful seri
vice ho will be re-elected by a big ma
jority. W. II. Gregg, a graduate of the asy
I ii in for the blind at Nebraska City,
was in town recently, selling a small
nook of which ho is the author, and
which contains 'many of his expori
encea. It la entitled, "Wo Find, We
Fight, We Win." Mr. Gregg was a
classmate of Mind Emma Crim. On
..WeduesduyoC thtsweok Mr. Gregg was
mai ried at Lincoln to Misk I'M a Hart-.
hng, of Lane. Kansas. Tho groom lias
been blind from birth. Ho resides at
as tho state lair the Beatrice Corn
Carnival. Don't tail to a tend. Re
member tho date Thursday, October
28th. Half rates via tho Burlington
Routo. Tako regular trains to Real .
rice. Special trains for Tecu i.suh,
Edgar, Washington and intermediate
stations will leave Reatrico 11 p. in.
At the homo larm, Heven miles
northeast of Auburn and five miles
northwest of Brownville, Nemaha
county . Nebraska, on Monday, Nov g.
1807, will unsold without leserve forty
Rates and Scotch Topped Shorthorn
cattle, consisting of thirty cows and
heifers, and ton bulls; ten cows with
calves at foot; the property of John
Rath. Lunch at noon. Sale to com
meneo at 1 o.cluck sharp. Parties
coming by train will bo convoyed from
Talmiigo house, Auburn, to and from
tho farm free, also to anil from R. & M,
Hrownvillo freo.
Thoi'3 is Nothing so Good.
Tlioro is nothing so good as Dr.
King's Now Discovery for consumption
coughs and colds, so demand it and do
not permit the dealer to sell you some
substitute. lie will not claim there is
any tiling bettor, but in order to make
more profit ho may claim something
else to bo just as good. You want Dr.
King's New Discovery because you
know it to bo safe and reliable, and
guaranteed to do good or money re
funded. For coughs, colds and con
sumption and for all affections of
throat, chest and lungs, there is noth-
ing so good as Is Dr. King's New Dis
covnry, Trial bottles freo at M. II,
Running sores, Indolent ulcers and
similar troubles, even though of many
yeai's standing, may be cured by using
D.tWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It
soottis, strengthens ami neam. it is
the great pile cure. M IITaylor.
XtflOELiS.. "GPaCDfJEiO.. X3GC2r-j,3L.
-llaa just
New Fall & Winter Millinery
Everything new and un to ditto.
Come and got bargains.
Tho now ballot to bo voted this fall
will bo almost universally condomned.
With a fow changes tho old ticket was
all right, but It did not suit tho fusion
managers, for tho reason that tho voter
could too easily soe that tho democrat,
pop and so-called freo silver republican
parties had united, so they ordered the
present law passed. Now there will
bo threo tickets Identically the Bitme
on ono piece of paper, The only object
is to try to fool a few voters.
Robert M. Glllan Is making a clean
campaign for county treasurer. IIo is
not buying any vo es hasn't the mon
ey to do it and wouldn't do it If ho had.
IIo Isn't making a hugging campaign,
but believes ho Is qualified for tho posi
tion, would liko to havo it, and Is con
ducting a plain honest, atralgliforward
campaign. IIo would mako a good
troitsuror. IIo is a clean man In every
respect, and doesn't act liko hu thought
tho fact of his holm; a candidato would
bo an oxouso for doing things Mint oth
erwise ho would blush to do
Joo Winters has lived in Nemaha
county nearly all his life. His parents
raised a largo family of boys to mans
hood in this county, but not ono has
ever boforo asked for an olllco. AK
though tho rest of tho lamily havo nN
ways boen democrats, with onb excep
tion, Joo has always been a lopublican.
He has been a success as a school
teacher, as agent for the American
Hook Company, and as a farmer, and
will bo tho equal of any county clerk
Nemaha county over had. Ho is com
petent in every respect, accommodat
ing, and well fitted for the position.
Every voter who wants to save
money for tho county should voto for
Or. John 13. Jack, of Hrownvillo, for
coroner. As evorbody knows, tho ma
jority of cases requiring a coroner's in
quest are along the Missouri river.
The cxpouso of the coroner coming
fiom Johnson, where Dr. Jack's op
ponent lives, would he quite an item.
Dr. Jack Is well qualified for tho posi
tion. His popularity at home is shown
by tho voto ho received last fall. IIo
got a majority of 103, while Bryan car
ried tho precinct by 48. Ho got 72
voles more than tho McKinley electors.
Do not fall to voto for Dr. Jack.
DREN. Skavikw, Vn. Wo hnvo u splendid
sale on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
and our cuutomoiH coming tar and
near, speak of it in the highest terms.
Many havo said that their childion
would havo died of croup if Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy had not neon
given. Kkllam & OuitmcN. Tho 25
and 00c sizes for sale by M. II. Taylor.
W.W. Sanders, Notary Public. Pen
sions papers of all kinds mado out acs
curatoly. Legal documents drawn up.
All business given prompt and careful
Try tho now City hotel when in
Auburn. Everything clean and neat.
One block southwost of court house
block. John MoElhanoy, proprietor.
To heal tho broken and diseased tis
sues, to soothe tho irritated surfaces, to
instantly relievo and to permanently
cure is the mission of Do Witt's Witcli
Hazel Salve. M II Taylor.
Did you Ever?
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for
your troubles? If not, get a bottle now
and get relief. This medicine has
been found to bo peculiarly adapted to
the relief and cure ot all female com
plaints, exerting a wonderful direct
influence in giving strength and tone
to the organs. If you have loss of
appetite, constipation, headache, faint
ing spoils, or aro nervous, sleepless,
excitable, melancholy or troubled with
dizzy spoils, Electric Bitters is the
medieino you need. Health and
Htrtmcth urn miiirnnteeri hv if n iirh.
Jnoc and 81 at M, II. Taylor's
Prices as usual, tho lowest in tho county.
Mcllanna gavo us a good wheat crop
and a failure in India, so tho g. o. p.
says, How who is responsible for this
general drouth that may prove as great
a disaster to this country as prevails
ovor tho sea ? Mo had bettor Interview
a rain maker. Falls City Nows.
Tho rain came promptly, almost as
soon as the Nows reached its readers.
If thoro is anything more you want,
l3ro. Davis, sond in your request to
Can the populistic democratic editor
of the Falls City Nows havo had his
oyo on our county judge when ho wroto
tho following? Impossible. And yet
wo will venture tho prediction that
neither tho Herald nor Granger will
daro copy It:
"Whim a man asks to bo elected to a
third term In olllco it looks as though
hu is greedy or incupaciatud for a
livollhood in any othor capacity. Tho
goneral sentiment is averso to third
terms, has been and always will be.
This time will ho no exception to tho
rule. It Is un-American and will
never bo tolerated. No lover of freo
institutions will tolerate It."
M. II. Carman has faithfully attend
ed to tlio duties of his office during tho
past two yeats. IIo has not allowed
friendship, politics or anything elso to
interfere witli his doing what ho con
sidered waa for tho best interests of
the schools of tho county. If party
feeling was laid aside, as it should be
in this olllco, and men voted for tho
candidate they honestly considor best
fitted for tho position of county super
intendent, very fow votes would bo
cast against M. II. Carman. Thoso in
terested in our schools cannot ail'ord to
tako ohiincesthls vettr. Mr. Carman
lias boen tried and proven, IIo should
bo reelected by u big majority.
J. M. Anderson's decisions as jtistico
of tho peace in Washington piecinct
have been noted as being good law,
giving justice, and as sound common
senso. He has studied law for a minis
her of yoais, and is amply qualified in
that respect to fill the position of coun
ty judge. IIo is level headed, judicious,
honest, prompt in his business transac
tions, and is well adapted In ovury way
to fill the position to which ho aspires.
IIo is highly respected at Johnson,
where he lias lived for a number of
years. IIo will administer tho affairs
of the olllco wisely, promptly and ceo.,
nomically. Ho will mako as good a
judge as Nemaha county over had. No
ropublicau need hesitate to cast a voto
for J, M. Anderson for county judge.
Oct. 28. Last but not least of autum
nal celebrations. For ono day only
but in that day Roatribo proposes to
crowd as many good things in tho way
of parades, band concorts and fireworks
displays as aro usually spread ovor
three times as long.
Tako regular trains to Reatrico. Ono
faro for tlio round trip. Get tickets at
H. & M. depot.
m m
Wo havo a never falling euro for
piles of every description. Tried
thousands of times and never known
to fail. So confident aro wo of tlio
merits of tho great Indian Pile Reme
dy, that wo will send freo to any read
er of Tmc Advkutisku a liberal sized
trial package, only asking tho small
remittance of ton cents to cover cost
of postage and packing. Don't suffer
ongei hut send at once for a trial of
this great remedy. Inclose ten cents.
Write name und postoflice address
plainly, and mention reading this arti
cle in Tmc Ai)Vi:utiskk. Address all
letters to the Indian Pile Remedy Co.,
Spring Valley, Minn.
HiouittiK, Screven Co., Ga. I havo
been subject to attacks of biliotiB colic
for several years. Chamberlain's Colio
Cholera and Dlnrrhiea Remedy is tho
only sure relief. It acts like a charm.
Ono dose of it gives relief when all
other remedies fail. G. D. SiiAitr.
For sale by M. II. Taylor.