The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 15, 1897, Image 9

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    umutLijunu mmuu 'iHfJU'im'M) ' .miu 111 '" u'liwu, nmi"j w wnw-nimJnn'Trr --rt'.
The Nebraska Advertiser
. If. NIJ'IUiltH rubliihtr.
81.00 run YBAiJ
Fill DAY, OOP. 10, I8!)7.
RcDublican 1 .mLft
jJLltiimwwmmimfKjJIJ fl , jflPfcwi iw
Tho fact that u man Htanda well in
thu community where ho Uvea ia u good
rocotnmondution. J. M. Anderson Ih
highly esteemed by tho citizens of
JoluiHon, and will draw many votoa
from other parties. Hh Ih well quuli"
fled for the position of county judge.
Tho votera will make no mlstnko by
electing him to that position.
W. II. Hill Iiiih boon tho tnoflt efli
dent deputy HherifT Nomalia county
ever hud. Ho attends strictly to buai
neaa, and captures a larger proportion
of thu criminal!) he gooa after than any
other oHlcial Nemaha county ever had.
Ho ia deserving of election to tho oflleo
of sheriff, because ho lias Hhown by hia
uctioiiH in tho paat that ho ia all right
for that position.
Everybody Iiiih a good word to aa
for It. M. Olllan. A man that can be
in bustnoas aa many yeara an Mr. Gil
Ian haa in Auburn and mako aa many
frlonda and aa few onomios must bo an
lionebt, airaightforwaid, reliable man
Such a man will mako a good tronsur .
er. We do not bollovo any man will
regret voting for Rob Glllau for coun
ty trouHiircr.
M II. Carman haa mado the beat
county Huporiuteudout Nemaha count)
over had. He ia raining the grade nee-cf-sary
for toachora to get a eertillca e,
consequently wo aro getting a better
claaa of toachera. Ho is doing a ureal
deal of hard work to udvanco the in
torests of the schools of tho county
lie allows no threats to aworve him
from doing Ills whole duty. IIo uu
doratands tho need a of the schools bet
tor than unv ono possibly could who
liaa not been in thu oflleo. Ho should
receive tho votes of all who favor good
Bchoola, rcgntdlcHS of party. Ho should
ho elected. Vote for him.
IiKlulilliililr nvlili'iiui'TlintTlicrR Arc
That liuiy.
IiiHtcnd of a alnglo European type
there In Indubitable evidence of at least
three diHtinut races, ouch possessed of
a history of Hh own, and each contrib
uting Homething to the common
product, population, aa we see It to
day. If this be established It doeH
away at one fell swoop with most of the
current inoutlilngH about Aryans and
pro-Aryans; and especially with such
appellations ns the "Caucasians" or the
"Indo-Oermanlo" race. Supposing for
present pence that It be allowed that
the ancestors of some peoples of Eu
rope may once have, been within sight
of either the Caspian sea or the Hima
layas, we have still left two-thirds of
our European races and population out
of account. And yet It is too early to
dlsciifls these events In the history of
these racea; that will claim our atten
tion at a later time. Tho present task
before us Is to establish first of all that
three such raolal tj'pcs exist In Europe.
Prof. W. Z, Klplry, In Applctons'
Popular Science Monthly.
.Mutch nnil Clear.
Thrre are several devices for com
bining match and cigar. One of these
is a sort of peg, made of niter, sulphur,
charcoal, flour and gum arable, which Is
stuck on the end of the cigar. When
you want a light, It Is necessary merely
to nil) the tip of the cigar upon a rough
Hurface. A perfumed match has been
patented, the slick being dipped in oil
of cassia. Of course, there are ever so
many odd sorts of matches actually in
use to-duiy, as, for example, the wax
matches, which are employed In Eu
rope to an extent vastly greater than In
this country. Most of the wax matches
are manufactured in Italy and f J rent
Prltaln. They are fimde by drawing
strands of fine cotton thread, 20 or no
at a time, through melted at carina.
This hardens quickly, and the tapers
are rounded by pulling them through
perforated Iron plates. Tt. then remains
only to cut them into proper lengths
and dip them into nn igniting com
position. Philadelphia Press.
A mnn who can't smoke or chew
usually goes around with n toothpick
In his mouth. Washington Di'tno-''at.
OMB 1)0 hh A It l'O 18IM).
For a dollar bill Tho Semi-Weekly
State .Journal will bo sent from now
until Jan. 1, 181)1). A good loner time
to got two big papers every week with
nil tho news of tho whole world; all
the state news and in fact more nowti
and general reading matter than you
got in any other atato paper. The
Journal ia spending money and effort
in writing up tho interests of Nebrasv
kit and setting our state's advantage
before tho people of tho wbolo coun
try. Nebraska's prosperity will bring
thouaanda of farm buyers to our state
You should read tho Journal which is
not an Omaha paper nor a Lincoln pa
per, but a statu paper in its truest
sense. "What will bo for tho best in
terosts of Nebraska i"' is the HrBt
question asked by thu Journal when
called upon to decide. Every Nobrns
kan should do his best to keep tho
Stato Journal before tho people and
that best means by sending in Ono
Dollar wlilch will pay for tho paper
to January. 1801). After you read it
send It to your friends in tho east and
lot thorn see what great things wo aro
doing In Nebraska. Send in your dol
lar to the Stato Journal Lincoln, Nob.
The sooner you send tho inoio papers
,'you will got for your money.
Wo have a novor falling cuio for
piles of ovory description, 'I riod
thousands of timoa and never known
to fall. So confident aro wo of tho
merits of tho great Indian Pile Ri mo
dy, that wo will send free to any lead
er of Tiik Advkutiskk a liberal i-taed
trial package, only asking tho email
xomlttnnco of ton couts to covor cost
of postage and packing. Don't suffer
ouger but sand at once for a trial o(
this groat remedy. Inclose ton cents.
"Write naino and postolllce address
plainly, and mention reading this arti
cle in Hue Advkutisku. Address all
otters to the Indian L'ilu Remedy Go.
Spring Valley, Minn.
The SniltliH' Ilotutlon In Olllce.
The post olllce situation, at Adams,
Mass., Is an interesting one. Peter
Smith, republican, has been nominated
as postmaster to succeed his brother,
Fred Smith, democrat. During the past
four years Peter has been Fred's as
sistant, and Peter now very probably
appoints Fred as hi chief clerk for the
next four years. It is n fair arrange
ment, and the patrons of the office are
satisfied. Manchester Union.
(otiit Ailvlco.
Hrowni" What should I do when I'm
In doubt as to what steps to take?
Towne Consult a dancing master.
W Y. Journal.
.SprliiKT IlpjMirloe.
"Yon," said the man, "are not so hot."
The cucumber, thus rudely addressed,
managed to remain cool and replied:
"And you are not so mnuy as you might-
Then, to sustain itspreniise.itdoubled
the man up. Typographical Journal.
Ailvlco from tlio Ilcnrt.
Harrow That's a dainty wheel you
linvc there, old man. I'll take a spin on
It some day. Ily the way, what kind of
a wheel do you think I ought to ride?
Marrow One of your own. Brook
lyn Life.
Bert Cough Byrup. Twites Oood. Ubo
in unic. hoio nr nnicmnu.
Tho "Hieyclist's Hear Friend" is a
familiar name for DoWitt's Witch
Hael .Salve, always ready for emerg
encies. While a spi'dllc for piles, it
also instantly relievos and cures cuts,
bruises, salt rhuem. eczema and al
affections of tho skin. It never falls
Al II Taylor.
Bucklin's Ami' a
The best salvo in the world lor cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rlioum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, child
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions),
and positively cuies piles, or no pay
required. It is guranteed to glvo per
fect natisfaction or monoy refunded
Price 20c per box. For sale by M II
rewrwre7CTtJm.woea.jJiJiMUJxliiEaM -KiOTKvAns..jDprxniiT;j
fv H ill U m T& Jrnd-jlreot ST&ttV
W H FI IB Km I til ...i ... jrilH '0..S1
. - - . vM j m ' " jf .! .N8S2flV.Y
m vcjww
Small precautions often prevent
great mischiefs. DoWitt's Litt'e
Hnrly Risers aio very small jiills in
size, butaro most effective in prevent
ing the most serious forma of liver and
stomach troubles. They cure consti
pation and headache and regulate the
bowels. M II Taylor
"My boy camo home from school
ono day with bis band badly lacerated
and bleeding, and Buffering great pain,"
says E.J. Schall, with Meyer Bros.'
Ding Co., St.. Louis, iMo. "I dressed
the wound, and applied Chamberlain's
Pain Halm freely. All pain ceased, and
in a remarkable short time it healed
without leaving a scar. For wounds,
apt aitis, swellings and rbeuma'ism 1
know of no medicine or prescription j
equal to it. I consider it a household
necessity " The '1T and fi()e sizes foi
mile by M. II. Taylor.
Moments .ire useless if trilled nwnj ;
and dangerously wasted if consumed
by delay in cases whore One Minute
Cough Cure would bring immediate
relief M II Talor
Fill a bottle or common glass wit
urine and lot it stand twenttour liouis;
a sediment or settling uidicaies nn uu
healthy condition of tliekidnes When
urine stains linen it is evidence of kid
ley trouble. Too frequent de.siir i
urinate or pain in the b.ick is hIm con
vincing proof Ilia' the kidneys am
bladder aio out uf older.
There is euiniort in the knnwledgi
so ill ten expresai'd that. Dr Kiinm'
-wiiinp-loot. tin uient kuui- iciueih
IhIII is iiv.ry wish in lvlievinu pain in
the buck, UhIiicas, liver, bbuldei ami
eveiv part of the urtnarj pasiigi-s. It
conects inability to hold mine ano
scalding pain in passing it, oi bad eff cts
following use ot liquor, wine oi heM,
and overcomes that unpleasant necessi
ty of being compelled to get up main
Mines during the night ti uiinatt I'lie
mild and exttaordiunrN effect of Swamp
!()'it is soon lealized. It stands the
highest for its wonderful cures of the
most distiossing eases. If von need a
medicine you should have tho best
SjH by druggists, price fifty cents and
ono dollar Yon may have a sample
bottle and pamphlet both sent free bv
mail. Mention This Advkuti&hu and
send your address to Dr. Kilmer it Co.,
Kinuhnmpton, N. V. The proprietor
f tliia nuper uuaiantees the genuine
ness of this offer.
m f ff S ft 5
ink 13 hi ix in L
if ill
M y)
Were Contracted before
the Boom in Prices.
And tiro being sold tit lowest yriccs on record. Manufacturers
have notified us of recent advances ranging from 10 to -0 per cent
on nearly all qualities of Jackets and Capes.
At Mcliiincli9.
Our values are 2f) per
bettor than last season.
stock is much larger than ever
before, embracing a complete
assortment of fill styles and qual
ities of "Wraps for ladies, misses,
children and infants.
Our garments lit. They are
perfectly tailored. Thep have
the artistic touch which is the
delight of discriminating buyorr.
Prices never were so low as
now. Our assortment never was
so complete as at this time.
It will bo impossible to dupli
cate present prices later in tho
season if our stock should bo
come exhausted.
Tile GrGat Casli BeDarmiaiit Store
,. ,. Jlelvln, 31.J)., Ph. .
KS: 1)1 senses of tho Skin, l)ls
Wonu'ii nnil C'lillilrt'ii Will
nromn iiswor all o.iIIk, oltliur day or
;iili;ht. Olllcu resliionoc.
KicsouitOK, Scrovon Co., Ga. I have
been subject to attacks of bilious colic
for doveral yeare. Chamborlain's Colic
Cholera and Dlarrluun HeuuHly is tlie
only sum leliof. It acts like a charm.
One dose of it givos relief when all
other remedies fail. O. 1)(J tjUAur.
Foraaloby M. II. Taylor.
Every intelligent family needs in
additional to the local paper, a good
national weekly. The greatest and
most widely known general family
nowspapor is tho Toledo Weekly Made.
For thirty veara it has been a regular
visitor in every pint of tho Union and
is well known lit almost ovury one of
the 70,000 postoillces in tha country.
It is edited with reference to a nation
al circulation. It ia a republican
paper, but men of all politics take it,
because of its honesty and fairness in
the discussion uf public questions. It
is the favorite family paper, with
something for ovory member of tho
household. Serial stories, poetry, wit
and humor; tlio household depart merit,
(best In tho world). Young folk, Sun
day school lessons, Talmago's sermons
tho Farmstead, tho (juestion buio.iu'
(which answers questiona for subscri
bers), the news of the week in com
plete form, and other special features.
Specimen copies gladly sent on appli
cation, and if you will send us a list of
addresses, we will mall a copy to each.
Only SI a year. If you wish to raise
club, write for terms.
Address Tins Hladk,
Toledo, Ohio.
If you have evorseen a little child
in a piuoxysm of whooping cough, or
if you have been annoyed by a con
stant tickling in tho throat, you can
appreciate tho value of Ono Minuto
Cough Cure, which give quick relief.
M II Taylor.
)ll. W. W. KEELING,
Numaiia City, Ni:ukaica.
Olllco llrst door south of Park hotel.
nemaha:stock farm
.7. H. SEjlD, Prop
IJroeiloriuiil Hliippor of Duroo Jersey
ii ml Poland China Hogs
PlOpllftOI III tllf
BfiiiKSiiiUE : JKAitar.
Hi hi .Icroi lliorouglilited lleilthlilro Iioijh,
I'll.- wliinliiK ntcick. No liettfr lalciil. My
prlci-s arc in ucuonliuici' with tho tlinns. Sea
stock unit cut piluus. Knrin in lies north
WL'.si o. Nt'iniihii.
M;.mH, - - - NI3MHASICA.
Best no, low prices,
south of Nemaha.
Farm one mile
Notary :-: Public
Nomalia City, Nob.
Acme nnil ARUtlto work u Hpi'clulty. CIh.
teriiR tiutlt. l'aper Hnnclng, Kiilnomtnlnu
anil Wttltowiiktilni; tlono. Low prlct-H, AH
work wurriuilml.
Nemaha Comet Band.
Is now prepared to furnish good music
for entertainments, picnics, memorinl
services, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed
Charges reasonable.
E. E. Mumfoud, Pies.
J. E. CnoTiiuu. Sec'y.
G. N. Sandisus, Leader."
There is a Wrong Way
Wo Hlf Hopri'vpiiting
niul introtluclng
.Mi. J .M.
Contractor and Builder.
All kinds of Carpenter work done on
short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Certainly you don't want to suffer
with dyspepsia, constipation, sick head
ache, sallow skin and loss of appatlto.
You have never tiled DoWitt's Little
Early Minors for tlieso complaints or
you would hayo been cured, They
are small pllla but great regulators.
iM 11 Taylor.
Kerker & Hoover,
Doulur In
H luliest prices paid for htaen, lnrit, ttulow
jaiiio, etc
way or treating the een, Somo people
seem to think that if thoy only wear
glasses it will bo all right with their
eyes. There would be just as much
sense in prescribing tho same medicino
for every disease. Unless you place
yourself In the care of a skillful oculist
or optician it would bo better to give
no thought to your eyes at all. Wo
mako a spocialty of fitting glassea.
tlio rustling
OF Nkmaha.
Successor to S.Cooper
Leave your orders
for u tenin, hack or
dray, niul
Wk do the Rust.
Our Hack mcetBall
Tho M Louis Republic gives a dozen
good reasons why newspaper readers
should lead this paper. Hero they aie:
1 The Republic is tho greatest
newspaper published.
'2. It has a cable news service over
the entire civilized world, which no
other St. Louis paper can secure.
',). Special correspondents in all tho
largo cities and capitals of Europe.
l News bureau in N?w York City
and Washington, D. C.
n. Special correspondents in every
city and town in tlio western United
0. Member of tlio Associated Press,
the groatest news gatherer in tho
7. Publiahoa daily tho market re
ports of the world.
8. Issues a magnificent colored
macazine cover with the Sunday paper.
0. More noted writers and artists
contribute to tho Republic than any
other paper.
10. Issues an unequalled four-pago
comic weekly will) each Sunday paper
11. Publishes pages of interest and
value to womankind.
12 Its 10-cent dress pattern ues
partmont is the most popular feature
ever introduced by a newspaper.
Thousands patronize it.
Tlio daily and Sunday St. Louis lie
public in SO a year, S3 for six months
and for threo months. The
twice a week Republic Is SI a year
101 papers, two each week.
Itlpans Tabulea cure torpid IlYer.