Y. v 1 SUCCESSFULLY TESTED. A Now SyBtom of Drought-Dofy inff SolTGulturo, Invented liy XlnrAy XV. 'Campbell, Dnkotn Fnrnver, lint Not Patent ed Good Thing tor Weilern JParnicra. IBiKsclftl'Chicajro Letter. Four years ngo Hardy W. Campbell, a farmer living near Aberdeen, S. D., be gan to Investigate in a modest way the possibilities of overcoming the evils of drought in that part of the west. He ascertained that the average precipita tion from snows and rnius in the semi arid region is 20 inches a year which is equivalent to 2,000 tons of wnttr on every acre of land. Most of this moist ure comes in the winter and 6onks down deep Into the earth from which it Is rapidly exhausted by the hot suns and warm winds of early summer, leaving the ground dry and parched at the very time when the moisture is most needed for the sustenance of plant life. Ex perts have established the fact that a crop which in this dried stage weighs three tons to the acre does not require in its growth more than 000 tons of moisture per acre, leaving a waste by evaporation and surface drainage of 1,100 tons of water from each acre every year. The ordinary method of cultivation in the west Is such as to encourage the gone over repeatedly with n novel con structed harrow which thoroughly pul verizes the top earth, while nt the samo time it packs firmly all the- ground four or live inches below the. surface, thus preventing the escape of moisture before the crop is put in. Under the old plan the ground was allowed to lie for days after being plowed beforea harrow was started and the evaporation of wa ter through the freshly-broken snrface was rapid and exhaustive. Immediate pulverization of the top soil following its turning up by the plow reduces this evaporation to the minimum. Crops are then sowed or planted in the usual manner and the moment the plant shows a fair growth cultivation is be gun with a special designed machine which just scratches the surface of the ground without disturbing the earth around the roots of the plant. By con tinuous use of this machine so long us the horses can make their way through the fields the top earth is kept in finely powdered condition and serves as whnt Mr. Campbell calls a dust blanket, By the time the plants are too Dig to bo worked any longer the shade they cast will keep oiT the sun's rays und even the hot winds will not be able to do much damage. The process is so simple that mnny farmers are at first inclined to doubt its efficacy, but the results are be yond dispute. It not only insures crops in dry seasons, but it increases the yield per acre when there is seemingly no ne cessity for its use. For two years experimental stations have been in operation ntOberllu.Kan.; AGRICULTURAL HINTS FOR SHIPPING HOGS. A Crntc Thnt Will Keep the Porker In Good Condition. The first thing necessary in shipping hogs or pigs Is a good crate, without which no breeder is certain of his ship ment arriving nt destination in safety and in as fine order ns when placed on board of cars. The crate, Illustrated herewith, is mode of seasoned linden wood, n material at once very tough, hard to break and light, a requisite in shipping nnimals by express, especially when rntefi arc inclined to be exorbitant. This crate is IS Inches wide, 24 Inches high nnd four feet long, and can be made in like proportion to suit the largest hog. The material used is sawed ex pressly for this purpose direct from the logs. Before working Into crates it is sorted nnd ricked up, as other lum ber, in n sheltered place to season; POULTRY FOR MARKET. How MR. BROWN'S LOST CREEL. IffllLliliff SPECIAL. TOOL, FOR FERTILIZING SUBSOIL. maximum of waste in moisture. Land is shallow-plowed to begin with and after the plants are above ground the earth is stirred with a deep-reaching cultivator which turns over all the broken soil and at the same time dis turbs the fine roots of the plants. Be fore the first of August the cultivator is laid by and a hard crust at once forms on the surface of the ground. On this crust the sun nnd wind act with terrific energy and in a few days the earth i sucked dry of all moisture. The season of drought is then at hand and the crops wither nnd die from excessive heat. In working his kitchen garden Mr. Campbell noticed he never had trouble in raising good crops of vegetables while a fair yield in ad joiuing fields was n rarity. As the methods of cultivation were radically different he concluded the secret must lie in this. Extensive experiments satisfied him he was right and he communicated his discovery to his neighbors, to the state authorities, and to railway managers interested in western lands. This was in the fall of 1894. Since then the matter has been more thoroughly tested over o wide area of territory with results that make the most conservative of men give the system empthntic Indorsement. In working his garden Mr. Campbell used a hand hoe continually nnd the surface soil was kept finely pulverized, forming a sort of dust blanket which McCook, Holdredge, Alma nnd Broken Bow, Neb.; at Lisbon, Jamestown, Pin gree, Dawson and Olenullin. North Da kota, and other points on the Great Northern, Milwnukee & St. Paul, Union Pacific, Burlington and other railroads. From all these places the reports are ro seate. All sorts of crops have been treated, and under all sorts of condi tions. Corn, small grains, hay and root vegetables all are benefited by the new system of cultivation. It might seem at first impossible to raise anything but hoed crops where a cultivator has to be kept constantly in motion, but wheat, rye, barley and oats are handled with great profit, if seeded or drilled in rows from 15 to 24 inches npnrt. There is a di rect gain in qunntity of from 25 to33per cent, in the yield over the old system, and the quality is much better, as there is no dwarfing or retardation of the plants or grain berries by drought. Statistics which have been carefully kept at these experimental stntions put the cost of cultivation by this new method at about 00 cents an acre over the old plan. This increased expense, it is asserted, is more than met by the extra yield, thus virtually furnishing insurance for a crop in dry seasons without cost. There is no patent on the Campbell system. Everybody is free to use it. The necessary machines are cheap and may be made by any handy mechanic. CRATE FOR SHIPPING HOGS. then when made into crates each one is treated to a coating or two of paint. All saw fuzz is removed by a sharp jack plane. The crate is put together with wire nails. For the sides and tops use one-half by four inches and four feet, 11 pieces, and equally divide the space. The bot tom is in one piece one inch thick, 18 inches wide and four feet long less one inch. Front end contains one piece one half by ten by IS inches, and two half by four by 18 inches, each. The rear or door end lias two pieces one-hnlf by 21C, by 18 inches for inside cross strips top and bottom, and two outside top and bottom strips one-hnlf by four by IS inches, with two upright strips one hnlf by 2a by 23 inches for each side of the movable door, and to whivh are fnstened the side strips. The door is one-half by eight 13' 23 inches, and is held firmly to place by a wire nnil driven partially in nt top end. The corner posts in front end are one by two by 23 inches, and on the inside of them is fastened a board one half b eight by 18 inches, which forms with the out side board n feed space of two inches in width in front end of crate. The board on the inside comes within an inch of the bottom, where a trough is made by tacking in n piece of board one-hnlf by four by 18 inches, at a slant of about the same degree as shown by one side of the letter V. When ready to bhip, place crate in the wagon and back up to the driveway door in the hog house, which is on a level with the wagon bed, and you can load or crate the hogs with ease; then put feed in the box at end of crate, and it will drop down ns it is eaten from the trough, thus affording plenty of food for the hog until the end of the jour ney. Water can be given in the trough, at intervnls, by those having the ani mal in ehnrge. In such a crate, bedded with straw, the hog should reach its destination O K. Farm and Home. FACTS FOR FARMERS. with soap and JlJIilJllB-Bf CULTIVATOR USED IN THE CAMPBELL METHOD. choked the pores of the sub-soil and prevented the escape of moisture except as it was drawn up by the roots of the plants. That this theory is correct wus proven by taking test tubes of earth from the garden aud adjoining fields, nnd sending them to different chemists for analysis. This earth was in all in stances taken from the uniform depth of 12 inches. That from the fields yield ed only seven per cent, of moisture while that from the garden gave be tween 18 and 19 per cent. The impor tance of this variation may be lenrened from the fact t hut earth containing only seven per cent, of wntcr is diy and powdery to the touch; that which holds IS per cent, can be squeezed into a mud ball. Satisfied lie had struck the right idea Mr. Campbell's next move was to devise a means of putting it into prnctical operation. Large fields cannot be economically cultivated on the same plan as Email gardens, nnd a radical change in tillage methods had to be evolved. The ground is first plowed deeply, so as to stir up the subsoil aud at once There is no apprenticeship to serve in learning to operate them. These are points. which commend the new method to western farmers and are likely to lead to a revolution in the farming busi ness beyond the Mississippi, hallway men think so well of it that they nro sending instructors through the coun try to teach fanners how the thing is done and organizing parties to visit the nrious experimental sta tions to benefit by practical object les sons. The directions are simply these: Plow deeply to start with; right behind the plow have a circular harrow that will pulverize the surface sell ond while doing this pack the earth under It firm ly; after the plants are above ground cultivate them by merely scratching the top of the earth, making sure the packed subsoil is not disturbed. Uy this course the moisture will be held in store until it is drawn oil' by the plants instead of being evaporated b the sun and wind. The whole thing is so simple as to appear almost ridiculous, but there is plenty of incontestable evidence that it is producthe of surprising results. Wasli the harness water before oiling. We repeat, that corn, wheat and oats will not be permanently lower than they are at present. Corn fodder may be shredded, but not perfectly, by running it through un old threshing machine. A threshing machine boiler that is too small to do the work, is always dangerous from over-pressure. A farmer says that lie kills Canada thistles in the pasture by piling ma nure on them thick enough to smother them. Put buggy benns or peas in n tight box and put a little cup of bisulphide of carbon on top, being careful that no fire is near. Wheat, independent of interest on land, ought to be grown at six dollars an acre at most. Eight, or even ten bushels, per acre, will not pay. Be careful to sow only the cleanest timothy seed. Weeds in timothy make bad work, worse than clover, though they are bad enough there. Western Plowman. UIcol rlonl S1um SliriirliiK-. Farming by electricity is now a recog nized fact. Electricity diies the plow, churn, thrasher, aud other implements, nnd stimulates the sprouting and grow ing of some kinds of egetution. And now, at Great Falls, in Montana, which is becoming the great wool-growing state, 20 machines for shearing sheep are arranged in a long, narrow shed. open on one side. A single line of shaft ing extends overhead, and from this 20 flexible cables fall. The shaft, by means of "universal joints," cause each cable to rotate, and the cable transmit its power to the clipper by means of binii lar connections. A man needs only to steer the clipper around. The blades work themselves. A small electric mo tor of six horse-power drives the line of shafting. The motor is biicli as is used under n trolley car, and takes its current from a trolley line. The 20 ma chines operated for nearly three weeks and sheared 10,181 sheep, averaging nearly 100 sheep a day per machine. Chicago Inter Ocean. to DrcHN Chicken, Turkey, (cvMc nnd Duck. Keep from food 24 hours. Kill by blcdlng in the mouth or opening the veins In the neck; hang by the feet un til properly bled; head and feet should be leit on and the Intestines and crop should not be drawn. For scalding poultry, the water should be as near the boiling point ns possible without actually boiling; pick the legs dry be forso scalding; hold by the head nud legs and immerse and lift up and down three times; if the head Is immersed it turns the color of the comb and gives the eyes u shrunken appearance, which leads the buyers to think the fowl has been sick. The feathers and pin feath ers should be removed immediately, very cleanly and without breaking tho skin, then "plump" by dipping ten sec onds in water nearly or quite boiling hot, and then immediately Into cold water, hang in n cool place until the animal heat is entirely out, it should bu entirely cold, but not frozen before be ing pneked. Dry picked chickens nnd turkeys sell best, and we advise this way of dressing, as they sell better to shippers, scalded chickens and turkeys generally are sold to the local trade. To dry pick chickens nnd lurkey prop erly the work should be done while the bird is bleeding; do not v!t and let the bodies get cold, dry picking is more easily done while the bodies nre warm. Be careful nnd do not break and tear the skin. Pack in boxes or bar rels, boxes holding 100 to 200 pounds are preferable, ond pack snugly; straighten out the body nnd legs so that they will not arrive very much bent nnd twisted out of shape; fill the package as full as possible to prevent shuttling about on the way. Mark kind and weight und shipping directions neatly and plainly on the cover. Bar rels answer better for chickens and ducks than for turkeys or geese. When convenient avoid putting more than one kind iu u package. Endeavor to market all old and heavy cocks before .Inuuiiry 1, as after the holidays the demand is for small, round, fat lien turkeys only, old toins being sold at u discount to ca uners. For geese and ducks the water for scalding should be the same tempera ture as for other kinds of poultry, but it requires more time for it to penetrate and loosen the feathers. It is n good plan after scalding to wrap thorn In a blanket, providing they nre not left long enough to partly cook the flesh. Another method, and no doubt the best for loosening the feathers, is to steam them, and whenever proper facilities are at hand, we advise this process. It is poor policy to undertake to save the feathers dry by picking them alive just before the killing, as it causes the skin to become very much inilamed, and greatly injures the sale. Do not pick the feathers oil the head and it is well to leave them on the neek, close to the head, for a space of two or three inches. The feet should not be skinned, nor the bodies singed for the purpose of re moving any down or hair, as the heat from the flume will cause them to look oily and bad. Tho process of plumping and cooling is the same as with turkeys and chickens. There is no kind of poultry harder to sell at satisfactory prices than poor, slovenly dressed geese and ducks, and those who send in such must not be disappointed at low prices. No poultry of any kind sent to city market should bo drawn. llurnl World. GARDEN Hoiv WHEELBARROW. to Mnlic u Whool 'Mint llonrn II Slinru of liurrieii. In mnrket gardening, there is much work that can be done with a whcelbor iow. Wliile resting my aching arms one day, 1 concluded thnt the wheel of the ordinary barrow was not bear ing its share of the burden, so I made one in which the axle was placed up nearer the body of the barrow, the wheel extending inside. A cap was fitted over this, inside the body, and I J-Ut BARROW FOR THE GARDEN. Tnnly Hevolntlon of tho Fnotn Aliout the Ijomh of 1-t I'ounil of Trout. "I lost a borrowed trout creel once," said Banana Bob Brown, the cigar man. "and was so mad at myself for not fol lowing it up and recovering it that I never told the owner how I enmo to lose it, but bought him another nnd never said a word. This happened up in Sullivan county. "The creel was a IB-pound one, nnd the morning I strapped it on, ready to start out after the 15 pounds of trout necessary to fill it, the landlord of tho house where I was stopping said: " 'Where are you going, Mr. Brown V " 'Whore am I going?' I replied, u little milled. 'After trout, of course! Do I look ns"lf I was going after u.l.,,l..u'l . ultimo " 'I asked you where you were go ing,' said the landlord. 'I didn't ask you what you were going after.' "'Oh!' said I. 'I'm going to Jump ing creek. Trout there, ain't tlicreV " 'Ought to be,' said the landlord. 'If the bears haven't fished 'em all out.' " 'Bears!' I said, and I had to laugh. '"That's right!' said the landlord. 'Sure! Bears can beat water snakes catching trout. Water snakes win (bent coons, and coons enn beat tho best trout fisherman that ever went out carrying his fly hook where everyone can see it and his bait box hid in ills pocket!' " 'Fudge!' I said, and went my way. "I had great luck that day. The creel I carried belonged to a man who lived In the village. 1 borrowed it because I was afraid my own creel was too small. It held only ten pounds. 1 enmo to u pool where 1 knew I could get the needed two pounds of trout and at first thought I would make short work of It by killing u two-pounder, but after ward made up my mind it would be more sport to kill two one-pounders. So 1 prepared to do that. I had to cliunbed down a steep, rocky place to get to the pool, and I took ofV my creel und left it at the top, fearing that I might slip nnd fall and spill the trout and lose 'em in the creek. 1 got down all right, and soon had a pound trout hooked. Away he went with a rush down stream, and I gnve him line. He went a hundred feet before lie stopped, and then stopped right where a tre mendous big bear stood in the creek, tlolng, as sure as you live, a little fish ing for himself. Before I could reel my trout away from that spot the bear reached out aud put the hooks of his big claw into my trout, and yanked it out of the water, grabbing my leader at the snme time and breaking it. Then that aggravating and impudent bear held up the trout for me to look at, snapped his eyes at me in a way that made my dander raise right up, and waddled out of the creek into the bushes, taking 1113' trout along. 1 can't remember when I had been so mad us I was to see that bear walk away with my prize. '"Not if 1 know It, you don't get away with that fish!' I hollered, and shinned up that rock to head the bear oil' and make him stand and deliver up that trout or take the consequences. When 1 got back to the top of the rock I discovered thnt my creel of trout wasn't where I hud left it. I looked all around, but It was nowhere to lie seen. I hurried to the bushes, pushed them aside, and there, making for the woods, I saw two bear cubs walking oil' with my basket of fish, carrying it between them! I was simply dumb founded, and while 1 gazed after those audacious young thieves they were joined by the old bear that had caught my big trout down the creek, and away the trio went showing every evidence Df hilarity over the way they had tricked me. Instead of bounding after the rob ber bear family, recovering the prop erty they had looted me of, and admin istering them such punishment as they richly desrrved, I was so taken aback that 1 stood there like a chump and let them escape. When 1 came to some degree of reason 1 was so mad at my self thnt 1 went home ashamed to tell how l had really lost my creel, and faked up some story about its having tumbled into the creek and been washed away. This is the first time 1 ever gave away the truth aliout losing that and I feel better for it. N. . found that the wheeling was then much easier. The new barrow weighed 49 pounds. With 239 pounds of sand, there is n weight of 50 pounds on the handles, while with the ordinary barrow the weight is 99 pounds. The handles are five feet long, 1, by 1 inches at front and smaller toward the back. The wheel is 22 inches dinineter with a two inch tire. The barrow frame is 19 Indies at front, two feet at back; the body is three feet by 13 inches, while the legs are two feet ten inches from the front. II. Bingham, in Oinnge.Iudd Farmer. .Hiirfnoo Wnlcr In Wi!In. Wells are often dug in depressions, the Idea being that in such places springs of water are most apt to lie found. But if so dug the well should be stoned and cemented for 12 or more feet from the surface, so thnt shallow springs cannot find entrance. The deeper springs will generally lie free from surface impuri ties. Then if the well is filled around about so iis'to turn surface water from it there will be little danger that it will be contaminated in any way. Ameri can Cultivator. reel, Sun. .Sonllopt-tl OyNttTM. Take two dozen large salt water oys ters. Put them in 11 pan in their own Juice und place them on the fire until they boil, then drain. Take five ounces of best table butter, one large table spoon of flour; mix and let it simmer for a half minute without getting brown. Then take half of the oyster juice and add an equal portion of cream, and let it cook to thick miucc; mix it with the oysters, and Hour and butter. Season with salt, a little cayenne pep per, 11 houpcou of nutmeg and a little Worcestershire sauce. Wash and dean thoroughly a dozen large deep oyster shells; then put aliout six oysters in a iliell; sprinklo with pnrmesan cheese, aread crumbs and a little fresh butter. Hake for ten minutes in a brisk oven vnd serve immediately. Cincinnati Enquirer. Pried Toiutt tix'N, Take ripe, firm tomatoes, slice, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip In gg, then in grated bread crumbs, nnd try in boiling lard. Housekeeper.