The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 24, 1897, Image 8

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    WWPWtMWWWWWWWfppwpwwiWMiii mm m iiiwiWiWiawi mma Mi.iniimJjiiiuiiuMwuaBTOgTttWMWW.
ffffUr Nri-i'U i wKkj The Nebraska Advertiser
M mtm vougn ujrup. tuim uooo. unn
M Intlm. Bold brdrtiMlftt. H
J)ll. W. W. KEELING, a City, Nkhhaka.
Olllco first door south of Park liotel.
Notary ;-; Public
Nomaha City, Nob.
Contractor and Builder.
All kinds of Carpenter work ilono on
abort nolluo. SatisfacLioii guaranteed.
- NE 1)11 ASK A.
J.L.Mclvhi, M.J)., Ph. U.
SI'KUIALIIKH: DlHuiiHL'Hof tlio Skin, Din.
cum o Womuii and Chlldron Will
promntl miHWur nil ciiIIh, oltlior day or
night. Olllco m rvHldonoc.
Kerker & Hoover,
Dunlur In
HIkIiohI iirlcoH jmld for hides, lard, tiulow
gAinu, etc
J. H. SEID, Prop
Droodumud Hhlppur of Dnroc JorHoy
und l'ohuid Clilnu UogH
Beat no, low prices. Farm ono mile
south of Nemaha.
Nemaha Cornet Band.
Ih now prepared to furninh good mimic
for entertainments, picnics, mumorial
services, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed
Charges reasonable .
E. E. Mumkoud, Pres.
J.E. Ckothkk, Sec'y.
G. N. Sanukus, Loador.
Proprietor of tlio
Behkshihe : Fakm.
Hniedor of Tlioroiinhlrod llorlctdilro Iioijh,
Frl.o winning Mock, No titittor rnlsod. My
prlcHiiri) In uucordiuiUH with the Union. Hee
Htook and not prices. Kiirm i nillen north
west ot Notnaha.
There is a Wrong Way
' rw
way of treating the eyes, Some people
seem to think that if they only wear
glasses it will ho all right with their
eyes. There would bujust aB much
souse in prescribing the same medicino
for every disease. Unless you place
yourself in the care of a skillful oculist
or optician it would bo better to give
no thought to your eyes at all. Wo
make a specialty of fitting glasses.
Wo uro lloproHontlng
and Introducing
tlio rustling
ok Nkmaiia.
Successor to S.Coopor
Leave your orderH
for a loam, linck or
dray, mid
Our Hack meo's all
S$ Vfe
If. W. HiJ'ltlinH VuMOhtr.
V v W
81.00 I'KH YKAH
The republican electors of remaha'
county are tequested to send delegates
from their respective precincts to meet
in convention at the court house in
Auburn, Saturday, Stfptoinbor 12511), at
12 o'clock, for the purpose of placing
in nomination candidates for the fol
lowing olllcos: '
Corn.nissionot from the 2nd comtnis
(doner's district, and to transact such
other business as may properly come
bafoio the convention.
TIib several nrecinotH are entitled to
representation as follows, being based
upon the vote cast for republican pres
idential electors in 1800, giving one
delegate for each 1R votes cast and tho
major fraction thereof:
Island l London 4
Peru 11 Brownvillo .... 7
Glenrock U Nomiihu 8
1st Lafayette ... R Aspnwall 7
2nd Lafayette ... 4 Si Deroin 1
1st Washington . !$ Hertford 4
2nd Washington.. 8 Ronton 8
1st Douglas 7
2nd Douglas 0 Total 102
.'in I Douglas . . 0
Primaries will bo held in tho various
nrooincts and votitnr districts through
out the county at the usual polling
places in each, between the hours of 4
and 7 o'clock p. m , Saturday, Septem
ber 18, 1807. except Douglas. The
primaries for Douglas precinct will be
held open from 12 o'clock, noon, to 7
o'clock p. in By ordor or republican
central committee.
B II. Bailky, Chairman.
W. P. Fkickman, Secretary.
"Last Bummer onu of our grandchil
dion was sick with a severe bowel
trouble," sayB Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of
Fiedorlckstown, Mo. "Our doctoi s
remedy hart failed, then wo trlfd
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy, which gave very sheedy
roliof." For Hale by Taylor the drug"
sombtiiinVto KNOW.
It may be worth something to know
that the very best remedy for restor
ing tho tired out nervous sjstem to a
healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This
remedy is purely vegetable, acta by
giving tone to the nerve centers in the
stomach, gently stimulates the liver
and kidneys, and aids these organs in
throwing oil impurities in the blood.
Electric Bitters improves tho appetite,
aids digestion, and is pronounced by
those who have tried it as the very
best blood purifier and neivo tonic.
Try it. Sold for 50c and SI per bottle
at Talor's drug store.
Every Thursday afternoon a tourist
sleeping car for Salt Lake, San Fran
cisco and Los Angeles leaves Omaha
and Lincoln via the Burlington route.
It is carpeted, upholstered in rattan
has spring seats and backs and is pro
vided with curtains, bedding, towels,
soap, etc. An experienced excursion
conductor and a uniformed Pullman
porter accompany it through to the
Pacific coast. While neither so ex
pensively furnished nor so lino to look
at as a palace slot per, it is just as good
to rido in. Second class tickets aro
accepted for passage and the price of a
berth wide enough and big enough for
two is only Sf For folder giving full
particulars, call at nearest Butlington
ticket olllco or write to .1. Francis, G.
P. A., Burlington route, Omaha, Neb,
"I crave but One Minute," said tho
speaker in a husky voice; and then he
took a dose of One Minute Cough Cuio
and procoeded with his oratory. Ono
Minute Cough Curo is unequalled for
throat and lung troubles. M. II,
on easy payments. Inqulro at this of
lice for particulars.
Totter, Salt-lthoum una Eczema.
Tho intense itching and smarting inci
dent to those diseases is instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Oiutmont. Many very bad caBes
have beon permanently cured by it. It
is equally efficiont for itching piles and
a favorito remedy for soro nipples:
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic soro oyos. 25 cts. por box.
Dr. Catly's CoiitlUIen Powders, aro
just what u horse needs when in bud
condition. Tonio, mood purifier and
vormifugo. They aro not food but
medicine and the best in use to put a
horso in prima cond'tion. Price 25
cents per p' w
Republican f JJBPl Newspaper
A HI. I.oiiIh Cn( Which WlilpM Hvery
flilttK In .Mull I.
Ctipt. Sam Boyd, of the Seventh
district station, claims lie is the posscH
nor of the brainiest, scrappiest and
biggest cat in the cit.v This feline
wonder Is known as plain Tom and
nothing else. When quite young he
tdiowcd a decided penchant for rata
and mice, and after his sojourn in the
Four Courts of two years he had every
thing in the shape of a rat or a mouse
on the run. He grew up big and strong,
mid while at the Four Courts licked
every dog that tried to tackle him. Capt.
Iloyd guarded him with jealous care,
and woe be unto the man who tried to
injure Tom in his presence.
One day Tom was sleeping in the
boiler room beneath Chief Desmond's
ofilee, when Ryan, the engineer, sicked
Ids Scotch terrier on the sleeping Tom.
They both pitched in and fought fast
and furious for 15 minutes, at the end
of which Ryan's terrier was stretched
out on the iloor badly battered up.
Every officer in the district chaired
Ryan over the defeat of his dog, and to
k'et even one da' he brought another
terrier down to the Four Courts, and,
after luring big Tom downstairs, he
net both dogs on him. Tom stood Ids
ground like u veteran, and fought the
dogs until he fell to the ground ex
hausted and bleeding profusely. At this
time Capt. Boj'd had been moved tip to
theSoventh.and a telephone message in
formed him that his eat was dying. The
captain hitched up his buggy and
drove in all haste to the Four Courts,
and the sight of his pet, cut and bleed
ing, made him almost desperate. lie
swore by his shield that he could lick
the man who was instrumental in in
juriiicr his cat, and Ryan took a vacation.
Tmii tnu ii.tiilnrlv iiiiTntnl Itci .lr ir i)n '
Seventh, and a surgeon summoned, who,
after exhausting his skill on Tom, suc
ceeded in saving his life, lie gradually
became stronger, and to-day he is the
cock of the walk at the station.
The captain, in speaking of Tom to a
reporter, tells a very funny story of how
ho walked up the street one day last,
summer and found Tow lying in front
of the station dead, with a rope tied
around his neck. He walked Into tho
station, and his auger knew no bounds.
He lined up every sergeant, officer and
clerk, and closely question! them
about the killing of his pet. He then
pulled oif his shield and dramatically
said: "The cur that was cruel enough
to murder Tom will have to do likewise
with me. St;p out here anil be a man
and take your medicine." Not a man
budged, ami this irritated the captain
more than ever, lie walked into his of
ilee, and for over a week he hardly spoke
to his men. One afternoon, about 12
days later, Tom walked through the
window into the captain's ofilee. The
captain stood up and gazed at the form
of Tom as though in a dream; in fact,
he refused to believe his eyes; but there
stood Tom as big as life. He was taken
up and caressed by the captain, who ac
tually shed tears of joy. It turned out
that the eat supposed to have been Tom
was a stray one which some boys had
killed and left In. front of the station.
Tom struts around the station as
though he owns it while the captain is
around to protect 1dm, but when the
captain is away Tom goes visiting and
awaits his return at the front door,
when he walks in proudly and takes
possession of the ofliee. A short time
ago lie spied a strange eat on top of the
station, and made straightway to do
Jiim. They fought nil around the roof,
and suddenly they fell to the ground,
a distance of .10 feet, but the accident
did not stop the light. Instead, they
kept it. up after reaching the ground.
The captain saw the whole thing, and
he danced nrouud the fighting cats, all
the while urging on Tom. Tom won,
and the captain proudly carried him
inlo his office and fed him on cream and
cake for V week. The captain snys
Tom has never been licked, and that he
would not sell him for love or money.
St. Louis Republic.
CoiicetttrntiMl KimiiIn.
While no one will question the ad
visability of using fresh fruit, grain
and vegetables when they can be ob
tained in a fresh and wholesome state,
it must be admitted that there are times
when properly prepared condensed or
concentrated foods are extremely de
sirable. It Is also worth while to note
that inexperienced cooks and careless
housekeepers are often at a loss to know
just what to do in an emergency. (Jrnd
ually they are learning some of the ad
vantages of prepared foods under sueh
circumstances. Among the new intro
ductions are prepared soups in cakes or
blocks. These have meat, juices with a
port of Julienne soup preparation care
fully blended, seasoned and put up in
a dainty and attractive manner. When
one wants a dish of soup all that is m c
cssary is to provide the proper amount
of water, which must be at boiling
point, and In a vessed which must be
closely coverd. Put as many of the meat
blocks as are required into a ght
amount of water, cover closely and al
low to stand for 20 minutes. In emer
gencies less time will answer, but t Ii
full flavor of the soup is not brought out
save by a little time. This is destined
to become one of the regulation arti
cles of diet. There are also biscuit
made on filename plan. These biscuits
are wrapped in waxed paper and fur
nished to local customers. N. V. ledger.
has demonstrated ten thousand
times that it Is almost infallible
frrcRularlUci nnd derangements.
It has becomo the leading remedy
for this class of troubles. It exerts
n wonderfully healing, strengthen
ing and soothing influenco upon
tho menstrunl organs. It cures
"whites" nmTtfailjiiKof tho womb.
It stops Hooding- And relieves sup.
nrcBsed and painful menstruation.
For Change of Life it is tho best
medicino made. It is beneficial
during pregnancy, and helps to
bring children into homes barren
for years. It invigorates, stimu
lates, strengthens the wholo sys
tem. This great remedy is offered
to all afflicted women. Why will
any woman suffer another minute
with certain relief within reach?
Wino of Cardul only costs $1.00 per
bottlo at your drug store.
Tor adviet, in catt rtquMng $prctnl Airet'
ttons, athlrtss, giving symptoms, the "Laditt'
Advisory Dtpartmtnt," The Chattanooga Mtd
icine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Rev. J. W. SMITH, Camden, S. C, says:
"My wlto usod Wine ol Cardul at home
for falling of tho womb and It entirely
cured her."
Reasons why Chamberlain's! Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remcd v is tin
beat ;
1. Because it affords instant relief
in case of pain in the stomach, colic
and cholera mot bus.
2 Because it is the only reined
that never fails in tho most severe
eases of dysentery and diarrhcoa
3. Because it is tho only remedy
tntit will cure chronic diarrhoea.
4, Because it is the only remedy
that will prevent bilidus colic.
R Because it is the only reined
that will curo epidemical dysentery.
0, Because it is tho only remeih
that can always bo depended upon in
cases of chelera infantum.
7. Hecauso it is the most prompt
and most i pliable medicine in use for
bowel complaints.
8. Because it produces no bad re
ults. 5) Because it is pleasant and safe
to take.
10. Because it has savee tho live?
of more people than any other medi
cine in the world.
Tho 2R and f)0c sizes for stile lv .
II Taylor, the druggist.
Burning, itching sk'n diseases in
stantly relieved bj Do Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve, unequalled for cuts,
bruises, burns. It heals without
leaving a scar. M II. Taylor.
W I? oaon u'l'l,,c lo ,nc "II over U. H. to
LJ HHllHturlc TreeH-cheapest, liKSr.
1)A V Outfit froo takes no inoiio.v to
V L thy tlio work. Also want club
CI a QTTiiuikerH got their tiecH Iroo. Drop
j ( Oil us postal; mi mo rforoncea. Stark
Nursoiy, I.oulHliiiia, Mo or Itockpoit, 111.
TlieKew York
IT (ilVKti ail imt" ant t . e Nation
IT (JIVES all important news of the world
IT GIVES tho most reliable market reports
IT GIVES brilliant and instructive editorials
IT GIVES fascinating short stories
IT GIVES an unexcelled agricultural department
IT GIVES scientific and mechanical information
JT GIVES illustrated fashion articles
IT GIVES humorous illustrations
IT GIVES entertainment to young and old
IT GIVES satisfaction everywhere to everybody
Wo furnish This Advkktisek and New York Weekly Tribune, both papers,
. Cash in Advance.
Address all ortiers to
Writo your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. YT, Rest
Boom 2. Tribune Building, New York City, and sample copy of The New
York Weekly Tribune will bo mailed to you.
Vim, vigor and victory; these are
tho characteristics of De Witt's Little
Harly Risers, the famous little pills for
constipation, biliousness and nil stom
ach and liver troubles M II. Taylor.
how ttJ'fd OUT.
Fill a bottle or common glass with
urine and let it stand t'.vetitj four hums;
a sediment or settlin1! indicates an un
healthy condition oi t ie kidneys. When
urine stainp linen It is evidence' of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to
minute or pain in the back is also con
vincing proof thai tho kidneys and
bladder aro out of order.
There is comfort in the knowledge
so ofton expressed that Dr. Kllinei'a
Swamp-Root, tho great kidney leniftly,
fulfills every wisli in relieving pain in
tho back, kidneys, liver, bladder and
every part of the urinary passages. It
corrects inability to hold tirliio and
scnlding pain in passing it, or bad effects
following UBe of liquor, wine or beer,
and ovetct ines Mint unpleasant necessi
ty of being torn tolled to get up many
times (luring the night to urinate The
mild and extraordinnn effect of Swamp
Hoot is soon realized, it stands tho
highest for its wondeiful euros of tho
most distressing cases. If vou need a
medicine you should have tho best.
Sold by druggists, price fifty conts and
ono dollar. You may have a sample
bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
mail. Mention The Advkktiskk and
send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Blnghampton, N. Y. Tho proprietor
of this paper uuarantees tho genuine
ness of this offer.
Don't nauseatu your stomach with
totia and bitter herbs, but regulate your
liver and sick headache by using thoso
famous little pills, known as DeWitt's
little Early Risers. M. II. Taylor.
Tho St Louis Republic givos a dozen
good reasons why newspaper readers
should lead this paper. Hero thev are:
1 The Republic is the greatest
newspaper published.
2. It has a cable news servico over
the entire civilized world, which no
other St. Louis paper can secute.
3. Special coi respondents in all tho
largo cities and capitals of Europe.
4 News bureau in Nw York City
and Washington, D. C.
R. Special eorrespi ndctits in every
city and town in tho western United
0. Member of the Associated Press,
the groatest news gatherer in the
7. Publishes daily tho market re
ports of the world.
8. Issues a magnificent colored
mairazine cover wltl the Sunday paper
0. More noted writers and tnti ta
contribute to the Kepublic than any
other paper.
10. Issues an unequalled four-page
comic weekly will) each Sunday paper
11. Publishes pages of interest and
value to womankind.
12 Its 10-cent dress pattern des
partment is the most popular featuie
ever introduced by a newspaper.
Thousands patronize it.
Tlio daily and Sunday St. Louis Re
public is SO a year, S3 for six months
and $1.R0 for three months. Tho
twice a week Republic is SI a year
104 papers, two each week.
RIpans Tabules cure dizziness.
Weeky Tribune
EVI3KY member of
EVERY family on
EVERY farm in
EVKRY-vilbiuc in
EVERY Stats or Territory.
FOR Education
FOR Noble Manhood
FOR True Womanhood.
I ,1