The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 03, 1897, Image 2

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XT. XV, HANIHiltS, I'ubllitier.
. .
Summary of tho Dally Nows.
TllKUK will be a novel department in
tho now congressional library at Wash
ington when it is completed. It will
be a section solely for tho blind, and
will liavo nothing in it but hooka with
raised letters.
PllKHIDKNT GoMI'KllH, of tllO A. R of
L., in an interview at Washington on
tho Udtli, gave it as his opinion that
tho eoal miners' strike would bo ter
minated by tho end of September and
that the settlement would bo in favor
of tho strikers.
In connection with the coming
Trench exposition Secretary of Agri
culture Wilson hopes to develop a plan
by which tho breeding of horses for
use in tho cavalry of European armies
will be encouraged in America, tho de
mand for horses for army uso being
very great in Europe.
Tiik United States fish commission
will soon distribute a car load of young
sters from tho Illinois fish station at
Qnincy to various points In Kansas,
When' this has been attended to a sup
ply will be taken from the station at
Neosho and deposited in private waters
In Missouri. Eacli station will bo
drawn upon for upwards of 100,000
fishes, consisting of rainbow trout,
rock bass, black bass and croppie.
At Davenport, la., .Mrs. Clans Iloh
reus was Indicted for murdering her
husband for his insurance money.
Jlv the collapse of a building on
l'rlnco street, Hoston, three men were
killed and several severely injured.
AtMUIvMo, Pa., Miss Mary .lohnson,
aged 17, died from excessive dancing.
A toll of the newly-elected Cherokee
legislature at Cherokee City, I. T.,
showed that body to be overwhelming
ly opposed to allotment and against
even treating with tho Dawes commis
sion under any consideration.
TAni'Aitio acid, or what was supposed
to bo tartaric acid, used in lemonade
sold under tho Itiirnum fc Ilalley show
tents in Anderson, I mi., recently caused
50 people, Including four showmen, to
take to their beds.
Mits. William Hutchinson, wife of
the editor of the. Iloekoepcrs' Review,
took her daughters for a drive at
Flintwood, Mich., and when a milo
from town sho forced her five-year-old
girl to drink morphino ami throw hor
into the bushes to die and then shot
hor 15-year-old daughter and throw
her out. Tho mother drove home, told
what she had done and doctors were
sent out, who thought they could save
tho eldest girl. The mother was in
sane. Maiuk, tho M-year-old daughter of
Mrs. Valdez, at Tort Tampa City, Flu.,
attempted to start a flro with kerosene.
There was an explosion and she was
set on fire. Tho mother went to hor
daughter's aid and her dress also
caught flro. Itoth ran Into tho street
and were burned to a crisp. Tho house
burned down and a small boy in it was
cremated. Tho flro spread and de
stroyed five other houses.
Wilky Johnson, a negro, was hanged
by an Infuriated mob at Mooroville,
Tex., for an attempted assault on a
white woman.
Skvkuk earthquakes recently oc
curred in .lapau and China, followed
by a tidal wave and great Hoods. A
thousand houses wore Inundated in
lapau and tiOO persons were killed and
in lured. Sixtyllvo Chinese villages
were also inundated and ninny people
Haiihy C. SroNK, tho veteran man
ager of the Tatturson opera house at
New York, been mo 111 and was forced
to go to his home on tho banks of tho
l'assalc river, and by his opportune
arrival ho saved his three daughters
from drowning. Tho girls had gone
out for a row on the river and the boat
had upset.
Gkn. Acahiiaoa, tho Spanish pre
mier, announced at a recent cabinet
meeting, that the government would
follow the policy of tho late premier,
Canovas del Castillo, and it had the
greatest confidence in Gen. Weyler's
management of aiVairs in Cuba.
A fli:vi:iti: windstorm struck Laurel
wood park, about lit miles west of Chi
cago, tho other afternoon while the
grounds were filled with picnickers at
tending a celebration of the Catholic
Total Abstinence union and Mrs. Kate
llrown was killed outright and nine
other persons were Injured, all Chicago
Tiik Woman's Heliof corps at lSufl'alo,
N. Y., on tho 27th elected Mrs. Sarah
1. Martin, of Missouri, president, and
Mrs. Kobort R Atkins, of ltull'alo,
senior vice president. Mrs. Kate
Jones, of Vermont, was chosen junior
vice president. Mrs. Hello T. llagley
was ro-elected treasurer.
Job Wolcoit knocked out George
Grcon in the 18th round tho other
night after one of tho fastest fights
ever seen in Sun Francisco. It was
rather one-sided, Wolcott leading in
every round
v.r,.v in flnsnondency by sickness
and dreading to undergo a surgical
operation Mrs. Anna Sehlesinger, wife
of a prominent St. Louis business mail,
committed tuicido by bhooting herself,
Tiihki: hundred Kiowa Indians as
Homblcd attholr dancing grounds in the
Indian territory several days ago and
began the medicine dance. Tills prov
ing too tiitne they began the ghost
dance and got wildly excited. Capt.
Ilaldwln, tho Indian agent, called upon
them to desist and they laughed at
him. Finally with the aid of Indian
police he arrested the whole crowd
and they will be tried at tho Indian
court at Anadarko.
Tiik midnight special from St. Louis
to Chicago on the C. fc A. was derailed
near Alton, 111., by spreading rails and
the tender, three baggage cars and
postal car rolled on top of the engine,
under which Peter KafFerty, tho engi
neer, was pinned. He was taken out
fatally injured. Several others were
more or less severely hurt.
Anot'T 150 guests at tlie Mtnnewa
wan hotel at Winona, Intl., were taken
sick the other night and some were
reported to be in a serious condition.
Tho cause was supposed to have been
some food served at supper.
In a free fight at a dance at Good
win, Neb., Henry Carpenter, a farmer,
was shot through the abdomen by
James Lindsay, a bartender, who was
At Nashville, Tonn., Carl French, of
Indlunapolis, lnd., and Miss Helen
Hunter, of Nashville, leaped from a
preelpice at Sunset park, falling 100
feet to instant death. They were lov
ers and Miss Hunter's parents objected
to tneir marriage.
Sr.NA'ioit John M. Tiumiston, of Ne
braska, has publicly announced that
he Intends to retire from politics and
would not stand for re-election to the
United States senate.
Tun 0. A. It. encampment at llull'ulo,
N. Y., settled down to business on the
'27th by finishing up the election of
olllcers and hearing reports of commit
tees. A service pension was recom
mended to all veterans who had
reached the age of 5'2 years. The com
mittee on text-books urged an Improve
ment in those that relate to the war of
tho rebellion and denounced the his
tories used in southern schools. The
encampment of lh'J" then adjourned.
Wiirri: river above and below Mount
Adams, Ark., for miles was lined with
pearl hunters on the '27th and wagon
loads of campers were reported as ar
riving there hourly.
Ilmiir & McCoy's elevator at Dulton
City, 111., collupscd from overloading
ami about f0,0W) bushels of grain were
scattered. The loss was very large.
Tin: first national convention of the
American party, a new political organ
ization, met at SL Louis on the '20th in
answer to a call issued by Col. E. II.
Sellers, of Detroit, Mich. The plat
form favors the demonetization of gold
and sliver and the substitution of
treasury notes, the issue of low rate
interest-bearing savings certificates
for popular investment, the control of
all public conveniences by tho govern
ment, an income tax law, the election
of president and senators by direct
vote of the people, tho initiative and
referendum and the abolishment of
trusts and monopolies.
Johki'H Fin:, a negro youth, convict
ed of attempted assault on Mrs. Marks,
a widow, and who subsequently con
fessed to two other like crimes, was
hanged in tho yard of tho jail at Rich
mond, Vn., on the '2(ith.
Tiik house of Rev. Klliott W. llrown,
pastor of the Second Presbyterian
church at Dubuque, la., was burglar
ized the other day. As Mr. llrown and
family were away tho burglar had
plenty' of leisure. He took awash in
the bath room and then donned Mr.
llrown's best suit, leaving his rags be
hind. He also had a good night'ssleep
in the pastor's bed.
A siuanoi: disease among tho chil
dren of Hackensaek, N. .1., has thrown
the people of that town into a state of
nervous excitement. The suil'erers
! have
an absolute paralysis of the
throat. The physicians do not know
how to handle tho trouble.
Tiikkk were .'100 delegates present at
the American liar association's conven
tion at Cleveland, O., on the 'J5th.
President J. M. Woolworth, of Omaha,
Neb., delivered an address, reviewing
briefly interesting laws passed during
the last year in dilVerent states.
Tiik boarding house of the Union
Consolidated mine at Weiland, Oil.,
was burned to the ground the other
night and Mrs. Craighead, wife of the
proprietor, and two of her grandchil
dren, aged eight and ten years, per
ished in the llames.
China mi:n were dragged from their
laundries, unceremoniously removed
from tho kitchens of private houses
and ferreted out from dilVerent places
in St. Louis tho other day and taken
to the custom house. It was the first
raid of tho Chinese ever made in St.
Louis under the Geary exclusion act.
Fourteen not possessed of the requisite
credentials were sent to jail pending a
preliminary examination before their
deportation to China.
Elinoua Ron da, aged 11, of Milwau
kee, was choked to death by a peanut
shell which lodged In her windpipe.
Tin: business portion of the town of
Ina, 111., was wholly destroyed by fire
on the night of the '2:id.
A dispatch from Shroveport, la., on
tho '27th stated that a general strike
was threatened on the Kansas City,
Pittsburgh Gulf railroad ou account
of reductions in wages.
Vick Piu.sidknt Hanuahan, of the
Trothorhood of Locomotive Firemen,
said nubliclv at Cleveland, O., that
there would be no .sympathetic strike
of that body to aid the striking eiml
miners, but they would aid them all
they could by contributing money.
Elliot r, the Kansas City crack shot,
won the Dupont trophy at Eau Claire,
Wis., on the 2Hth, beating Charles
lludd. The score was U0 to til. Tho
shooting of Elliott was nearly a record
breaker, as he killed Oil birds out of 100
and his lost bird, the seventh, fell dead
out of bounds, making '.Klstraight after
losing his seventh.
David R. Ridkh was stung to death
while hiving bees at Whitfield, N. Y.,
the other day.
At Readville, Mass.. the Chicago
pacing stallion, Star Pointer, on tho
'23th went a full mile in the phenome
nal time of l:5'Jf, thus necessitating
the sotting of a now limit to the speed
of light harness horses. The people
who witnessed the performance went
wild over it.
At tho national encampment of tho
0. A. It. nt Ituflalo, N. V., on the IHJth,
J. P. S. Gobin, of Lebanon, Pa., was
elected commander-in-chief and Cin
cinnati was chosen as the place for the
next meeting.
Tiik strike of the progressive tailors
at New York has been declared olf, tho
increase of 'Jr per cent, in wages de
manded having been conceded by tho
Tin: experiments conducted at Fort
Worth, Tex., under the direction of
Dr. Victor A. Norgaard, chief of the di
vision of animal pathology in the na
tional bureau of animal industry, with
a view of ridding Texas cattle of tho
fever-producing ticks, have culminated
in success. Dr. Norgaard will in a '
fitti' rlnvu ntnlr.t riUlnliil 11 n twiiiiifisirwtii !.
of the experiments.
Haiiky Flktciiki: and his grandson,
while driving across the railroad track
atSeatonville, 111., were struck by a pas
senger train and both instantly killed.
FiitKiii'os burned a large barn and
all its contents belonging to Van Ad
ams, a well-to-do farmer living neav
Princeton, lnd. They also attempted
to burn the Adams house.
Gold quartz has been discovered
near Canton, 111., and the find was said
to be rich in ore.
Ar a sale of Poland China hogs at
Springfield, 111., on the '-7th a boar
named Klever's Model sold for $5,100.
John E. Jacoiison, aged '27, was
found murdered on his beat, at Kansas
City, Mo., on tho night of the '2(1 th.
Ho had arrested a couple of burglars
in a carpenter shop and was taking
them to the station, when one of them
shot him. The two burglars escaped.
Tin: young negro named Ilonner,
who was arrested for criminal assault
upon an aged white woman near Wil
heini, Tex., was taken from jail by a
mob of '200 men early the other morn
ing and lynched in the woods. Tho
negro confessed the crime.
Tin: otlicial call for the sixth Na
tional Irrigation congress has been
issued to be held in Lincoln, Neb.,
September '2S-:iO.
AitciniiHiioi' Ihkland was mustered
into the G. A. R. at iluiralo, N. Y., on
tho '25th and became a comrade.
Mas. Jknnii: Laihd, of Providence,
R. I., was elected captain commanding
at the meeting of tho Ladies' Associa
tion of Naval Veterans at Ilull'alo, N.
Y., on the '25th.
additional distatchks.
On tho '20th there was a riot at St.
Louis between whites and blacks. The
former were playing baseball on some
vacant ground and the latter tried to
get possession of it, missiles being
thrown and revolvers fired oil". Rev.
Father Joseph Shields, of St. Mat
thew's church, stepped in between the
combatants and drove the blacks back
at the point of a revolver, just as the
police appeared in response to a riot
call. Several persons were hurt.
Piim: Chikp, a Pawnee Indian, aged
CiO, has brought suit at Pawnee, Ok.,
for divorce from his wife, Wallasha,
aged '20, charging her with neglecting
his wigwam to run around with cer
tain young braves of tho tribe.
A cattli: train on the Clover Loaf
road took lire from a hot box at Rus-
slaville, lnd., and before tho ilaines
could be extinguished several cars
were burned and a number of Texas
steers on route from Kansas City to
ltull'alo perished in the llames. The
remainder were turned loose in the
streets of the village, creating a panic
among the inhabitants.
Lutukk Itiiowx, liveryman, died the
other morning at Ottumwa, la., from
the result of an operation. His aged
father then looked at the remains,
walked down to the river and com
mitted suicide by drowning.
Fopui'KKN labor organizations, in
cluding Debs' social democracy, sup
plemented by the populists of Kansas,
were represented at the labor confer
ence at St, Louis on the ilOth. Many
policies were proposed, but nothing
definite had been settled upon, the
committee on resolutions not having
reported upon a plan of action.
An unknown man was shot on the
Skaguay trail in Alaska by a commit
tee of vigilantes and his bones are now
rotting beneath a pile of rocks near
tho pass. He had stolen a sack of Hour.
At tho session of the Zionist congress
at llasle, Switzerland, a programme
for re-establishing the Jews in Pales
tine, with publicly recognied rights,
was unanimously adopted.
In a fire at Venice nine men were
burned to death.
Twklvi: hundred trousers makers
struck at Philadelphia on the IJOth for
higher pay.
Fivr. Finlanders were drowned at
Gladstone, Mich., by the capsizing of
a boat.
Six deputy sherl Its hunting around
for Illicit stills in Pope county, Ark.,
were shot to death recently by moonshiners.
Conl Operator In tint V.ant Determined to
Sliirt Up Their 1'IiiiiIh.
Tinsiiiiiuii, Ta., Aug. '28 Coal
operators of tho Pittsburgh district
have not been asleep during the past
few days, The impression in certain
circles that there would be no attempt
made to start the mines seems to have
been established for a purpose, and
that purpose was to divert the atten
tion of the miners' ollicials. It has
been deliiiitely decided to s art sev
eral mines along the Wheeling di
vision of the Baltimore & Ohio rail
road. These preliminaries are
all completed and a decisive
move can be expected almost
any time. It was given out that tho
Cleveland operators had gone to their
homes for the ostensible purpose of
awaiting tho result of the St. Louis
convention. Some of them went, but
others did not. Those remaining behind
were members of tho newly appointed
sub-commlttce, whose duty It is to per
fect the arrangements for starting some
of tho mines and breaking the strike.
One of tho first moves was to get in
touch with tho railroad companies.
The ollicials of tho railroads at once
agreed to bring about, if possible, an
era of activity in tho coal-producing
industry of the Pittsburgh dis
trict. The expense of get
ting Imported labor Into the dis
trict was discussed, and tho railroad
companies agreed to share their pro
portion of tlie outlay. After this
agreement was made, the work of
hiring imported labor was taken charge
of by a special sub-committee.
The I'rewtdrtit AttendH the, Aniuml ItaiHiunt
(if thu American AmhocIhUoii.
Clkvkland, O., Aug. US. President
MeKinley was the guest of the Ameri
can liar association at its banquet last
night, though the fact that he was to
bo there was kept very quiet. Tho
president was accompanied by Secre
tary Alger and Senator Htiutia. After
tho applause which greeted tho presi
dent had subsided, tlie toastmaster an
nounced that tho executive committee
had reported tlie election to honorary
membership in the association of
William MeKinley, of Ohio. Tho
announcement was greeted by
cheers. .Mr. MeKinley responded
briefly. At the morning session of
the association the following olll
cers were elected: President, William
Wirt Howe. New Orleans; secretary,
John Hinkley, llaltimore; treas
urer, Francis ItawJe, Philadelphia.
Executive committee, Alfred Hemin
way, lloston; Charles Clallin Allen, St.
Louis; Charles Mobile Gregory, Wis
consin. The list of vice presidents
elected includes: J. W. McLoud, In
dian territory; John D. Millikeu,
Kansas; G. A. Filkonburg, Missouri,
and S. F. Hunt, Oklahoma.
Hundred-! of I.Iondlltern lilncluuled lit
SUiiKiiay mill Lyea Outfits for a Snug.
Pour Townsrn'd, Wash., Aug. '28.
Andrew Wasson, banker and ex-collector
of custoHS, who left with a
party of seven fir tho Klondike, has
written his wife irom Skaguay as fol
lows: Thuro arc hero uuuit 11.000 men mul 1.500
horses limltlnu' up lie most forlorn lot I
ever saw. About lUf of tliem hao Khun
up and tho other h.lf either curse or erj.
Taking It nltocethur I auvcr saw such a
condition of aflatrs. At Uvea thcro mo near
ly us ninny tit hue. tml I am told they arc
In tho same condition, Uod only knows what
will become of those leaded this way, for none
hut those who horses will net through. I
do not believe that on- in a hundred will Ket
throiiKli. Many hae sturtiri out, but Just as
iniiav have relumed, footsore and dlsheaitened.
Outllts can be bought liere for a sow:. The au
thorities should stop the tide of immigration
that Is comini,' this way.
litlpeil :!,()()() Slai'H tit l'reedom by tho
"f nd er roll lid Kiiilrn.iil."
Chicago, Aug. '28. William Cratty,
who before the civil war was one of
tlie most notable conductors of the
"underground railroad" for the assist
ance of runaway slaves, died near Ma
ryville, O., last night, of old age. Mr.
Cratty, it is said, helped over :t,0U0
slaves to escape to Canada, and at one
time a reward of :S,000 was oil'ercd to
anyone who would deliver him, dead
or alive, south of Mason and Dixon's
line. Ho was 02 vears old.
The Oiiccn Kt'Kfiit On.irded.
San Skuas han, Aug. '2S. Twenty
detectives, who are well acquainted
with the anarchists of liarcelona and
other places, have arrived hero for tho
purpose of watching over and protect
ing the iiieen regent. It is stated that
their presence is due to tlie fact that
the government has learned that the
anarchists of London have resolved to.
assassinate her majesty to avenge Golli,
the murderer of Prime Minister Cano
vas. Killed III 1'ather by M Intake.
Ahdmoih:, I. T., Aug. '28. Near Paul's
Valley, G. W. Jackson was shot and
instantly killed by his Hi-year-old son,
Albert. Jackson had been absent from
homo several days, and at one o'clock
at night .Mrs. Jackson heard footsteps.
She aroused the boy, who armed him
self. A man was discovered looking
through the window. The boy fired,
and the man fell, a corpse. It was his
Allied for l'eai-u ami War.
St. Pkikhsiivho, Aug. '28. "Our two
nations, friends and allies, equally re
solved to contribute all their resources
to maintain the peace of tho world in
right and equity." In these words tho
czar of Russia toasted President F.iure,
of France, last night, and announced
to the world that their respective coun
tries had entered Into an ulliance, of
fensive and defensive.
Mcnt I'luii of Western .Miller to Oirrcmnn
the World' Win-tit Shortage.
Washington, Aug. '20. The depart
ment of agriculture has been working
for several weeks to get proof of n
shrewd scheme said to have originated
In tlie west, it is the practice said to
be now in vogue among western mill
ers, of mixing ten per cent, of corn
meal with 00 per cent, of Hour, which
the agricultural department is trying;
to unearth. Conclusive proof has been
secured that the practice is widely
prevalent just now. In the United
States :;:i0,000,000 bushels of wheat am
made into flour every year. Mixing;
ten per cent, of corn would save JHl.OOO,
000 bushels of wheatoutof the original
MO.OOO.OOO, which at the price of 81.00
per bushel would mean SM.OOO.OOO.
Tho corn to replace this is being bought,
at HO cents a bushel, and it would there
fore cost only 0,000,000 to buy corn for
tho ten per cent, of meal needed which
would net the millers of the country u
clear profit of S'23,000,000. Flour mixed
with ten per cent, of corn meal cannot
be detected in tho cooking. Hut the
agricultural department, on the moral
ground that honesty is tho only true
policy, proposes to expose the millers
neat scheme to make profits.
Lead tho PrnccKHlon fur Corn
Wheat A'hIiii-h AllNHOtirl I'ourtli.
Washington, Aug. '2(5. Estimates of
the value of the wheat and corn in tho
United States, based on the ruling
prices of Saturday last, when wheat
closed at SL place the enormous aggre
gate at Sl,10.V2'2(i,010. In the estimate
given Kansas easily leads the proces
sion of American states, the total value
of its wheat and corn crops being esti
mated at SI.T2,'2CS,1'2.-). Nebraska Is a.
good second, its two leading
crops being estimated at Sill, 070,
:!:(). Iowa stands third, the money
value of its two leading crops
being placed at SMi, 1'2 1, -175, while Mis
souri is a close fourth, with the two
crops figured at SS0,'20-2,r,75 Tho esti
mates for Oklahoma and the Indian
territory are :'i0,7.r0,000, showing that
Kansas City is the center of the most
fortunate agricultural district in the
United States. The total value of the
two crops in the territory tributary to
Kansas City is more than S'200,000,000,
if the estimates are not at fault.
Id-port That Angry White Cltliuis lluvu
I'ut to Death a Number of Ni-grocn.
Littlk Rock, Ark., Aug. '20. Fear
ful scenes have been enacted in Arkan
sas in tho past few days. If the re
port which reached here this morning
should be true, a wholesale lynching,
which for tlie number of men put to
death without process of law lias prob
ably never been equalled in the annals
of crime, lias taken place in, Cleburne
county, where, according to the report,
six men were swung into eternity last
night by a maddened and enraged mob
of citizensof that country. One negro
rapist was burned in his own
room bj' a posse of deputy
sheriffs in Drew county Sunday
night and Tuesday morning the
lifeless body of a negro murderer was
found dangling from a railroad trestle
near Pine IllufV. Last night six of tlie
murderer's companions in crime were
taken to jail at Rison anil this morn
ing conies the report that the en tin
half doen were lynched last night.
Ttlnli Surround": t lie .lull, but
Ih l'erHimdcd
to Disperse.
KlKKSvii.Li:, .Mo., Aug. '2(1. Yester
day was the day set for the prelimi
nary trial of Richard Jamison, of
Kirksville, charged with having'
drugged and assaulted a lfl-year-old
girl named Wood, at a country dance,
five miles northwest of Kirksville.
The girl was not able to appear, and
the trial was postponed. Jamison, T.
F. Ward and C. II. Finley, tho latter
two under arrest as accomplices, wore
remanded to jail. In the afternoon a
crowd of at least f()0 men surrounded
the jail, overpowered Sheriff Hlack
ledgo and Mayor Doekery, and began
work to break down the outer doors of
the jail. Judge Andrew Ellison ap
peared on the scene, and through his
and Mayor Doekery's appeals the mob
desisted, and it is now thought no
further attempt will be made to take
Jamison away from the olllcers.
l'lKoren from the, Couitr'K National Haulcrr
1 nil or strength anil rromUe.
Washing ion, Aug. '20. George M.
Collin, assistant comptroller of the cur
rency, in speaking of tlie compilation
of the reports of the national banks,
on July '2:1, 1S07, made public yester
day, said:
The lltfiires showing total resources and lia
bilities of all the national banks on July 3,
lc37, just compiled, are full of strength and
promise They show total resources amounting
lo fli.fifU KM 0.i:t, tho ureatest amount
ever reached in tho history of tho sys
tem, the nearest approach to this con
dition helm ii total of W 510.001.h07 on Septem
ber :IJ. 1SJJ. Tho item largely contributing to
the Krand UKitrcKiito of their liabilities is that
of individual deposits, which on July '2.'. 1897.
I stood at 41.77(1. 18)5(51, tho highest point ever
touched by this Item, the next highest having
been il,7i55,'.l. on September HO, lbOi
llrllllant rinaneliil Scheme.
Kansas Cut, Mo., Aug. '20. Marlon
Parrott, a native of Tennessee, was ar
rested last night on West Ninth street
on a charge of passing counterfeit
money. Parrott did not make his
money himself, but frescoed it to make
It resemble tho currency of the United
States. Ills basis was confederate
bills. A small brush and a can ot
green paint did the rest.