The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 13, 1897, Image 2

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I 1
XV, XV. 8ANDKKH, I'lililliher.
"" ' - !
AUGUST 1897.
Summary of tho Dally Nowb.
Commissioner Foumam, of tho inter
nal revenue service, Iiiih issued a cir
cular culling attention of collectors of
internal revenue to the provisions of
tho Dinglcy tariii act relative to to
bacco, cigars and cigarettes.
Ti:mii:nci: V. Powit.w,Y, of Pennsyl
aula, formerly muster workman of
the Knights of Lfvbor, took tlie pro
scribed oatli on tlie !!d and received
his commission us commissioncr-gen-crul
of immigration.
Incitp.I) by tho newspajHir publica
tions recently made, some of tho high
(government oflieinls at Washington
have been looking up tho title to tho
Klonkyke gold Holds and say tiiat they
uro unquestionably within ltritish ter
ritory, lying east of tho 141st meridian,
which defines the boundary line, by
about 85 miles at least.
Tun United States government bus
Rent an ultimatum to the Peruvian
government requiring tbo immediate
payment of tbo MeCord claim of S.r0,000.
TilK commissioner of tho general
land ofllco is having a new map made
of the Alaskan country, which will bo
of the greatest value to persons con
templating a trip to tho gold regions.
It will show all tho rivers and lakes
and all the routes to tho gold fields,
including those through British Co
lumbia. Tbo maps will be out in a
couple of mouths.
Tub Pritlsh government has in
formed tho American bimetullio com
mission that it will probably reply to
the proposals of tho commissioners on
behalf uf tho United States In October.
Tun Russian mission bus been ten
dered formally to Ethun Allen Hitch
cock, of St. Louis, by President Mc
Kinlcy. Mh. Pukhton, tho director of the
mint, estimates tho gold production of
the world for 181)0 to have been 8U05,
000,000, of which tho United States
contributed over 5!1,000,000. For 1807
ho believed tho world's gold product
would reach at least S'JIO, 000,000, an in
crease of ?:t5,000,000 over 1800.
Tin: postmaster-general proposes to
recommend to congress at its next ses
sion tho establishment of postal sav
ings bunk and ho Is collecting all tho
information possible on the bubjeot.
Accokdino to tho National Apple
Shippers' association at Hufl'ulo, N. V.,
tho probable yield of apples for 1S97
based on an average of 100 as a full
crop In Missouri will be 80; in Ivan
has, 75.
At Houston, Tex., Essock White was
taken from jail by a mob and hanged
and his companion, Armas Phillips,
narrowly escaped tho fury of tho
lynchers. The two had attempted a
criminal assault upon two young
Tin: New York World recently pub
lished an interview in which Secretary
Sherman was represented to have said
that SpKiii would lose Cuba, that there
would J)e no Hawaiian protectorate
unless extraordinary occasion should
arise, and that there was no longer a
shadow on Anglo-American amity.
Tiik August crop report of the Orange
Tudri Farmer, of Chicago, based upon
returns from all the principal agricul
tural counties of the country, makes
tho condition of the corn crop on Au
gust 1 SIJ.-I, against SS.l on Inly 1.
Mu. Solomon Timmkhmax and his
wife, each 7.r years old, were both
killed whilo driving across the West
Shore railroad tracks at St. .lohnsville,
N. Y.
At tho free-for-all pacing race at
tho Columbus, O., driving park on the
0th there were four starters Joe
Putehon, Star Pointer, Lottie Lorraln
and Itadgc. doo Putehon not only won
tho race on its merits, but paced tho
fastest mile over made in tho Grand
circuit, equaling tho world's record of
ti:0Uf, made by John It. Gentry at Ulcus
A dispatch from Chicago stated that
an agreement had been reached be
tween tho iinportantdlstilllngand dis
tributing interests of spirits in tho
United States for tho control of output
and prices.
Tun miners of tho Ohio & Mississippi
Valley Coal & Mining Co., at Marion,
111., struck for a raise of ten cents per
ton for digging, secured It and re
turned to work within two hours.
Foun persons were burned to death
nt Cincinnati tho other morning in a
frame dwelling by a fire which btarted
tooiii the explosion of a gasoline btovo,
lifttHW. 'I homah, in tho Tutted States
cotirt at Muskogee, 1. T., has declared
the Incorporation of towns in the In
dian territory under tho Arkansas law
a nullity. The decision nlfocU muuy
towns and places u damper on munici
pal government in the territory.
11y an explosion at tho cartridge fao
tory of itustchuk, Bulgaria, 4(1 persons
were killed und many others injured
and tho lives of 00 of tho latter de
spaired of.
A hkcp.nt dispatch from Siloam
Springs, Ark., said that there was a
rush In the Cherokee strip by white
men to marry Indian maids, as August
15 was tlie lost date upon which squaw
men could qualify as Chorokeo citizens.
Each dusky maid carries u dowry of
ICO acres.
A nkoho numod Nathaniel Mason at
tempted an assault upon his employer's
wife atUlenwood, Ua. Ho was captured
and a mob of no decided to shoot him
in military fashion. Ho was placed
against a pile of rocks, given an oppor
tunity to pray and, at a signal, every
trigger was pulled and a shower of
lead found lodgment in his body.
Distinct vibrations of an car Unmake
were recently felt at Pasalt, Col.,
windows being rattled, houses rocked
and plastering cracked.
iIudoic MiutPiir, of tho court of crim
inal correction at St. Louis, has ruled
that the Breeders' law is unconstitu
tional and pool rooms may reopen.
"Mibs" Lucr Smith, of Omaha, Nob.,
has Hied a sensational pleu for divorce
in the Douglass county court. She sot
up that on May 311 last, whilo alio was
confined to her bed, Harvey lioono
bribed her nurso to drug her, and while
she was stupeflod ho camo to her bed
side with a minister and Hoense and
they wore married.
A nuiixiu at Kerthoh, Russia, which
had been weakened by a flood, collapsed
recently. A number ut people were
crossing when tho bridge foil, and .IS
of them were drowned.
Tub queen's speech vros read to the
British lords and commons at London
on the 0th and parliament was pro
rogued until October (5.
Jack Williams was lynched near
Purbourvllle, Ky., for assaulting a
deaf and dumb girl.
A cam. has been sent out to the state
presidents of ex-Slaves' Pension asso
ciations for a national convention to
be hold in Nashville, Tenn., September
20,1807. were 214 business failures in
the United States for tho week ended
the 0th, according to Hradstrcot's re
port, against 200 for tho corresponding
week lost year.
A nkoho farm laborer, named George
Turner, attempted to assault his em
ployer's daughter in Harbour county,
Aliu, was caught by a posse a few
hours after his escapo and then
promptly bunged to a tree in a swamp.
Tun two largest silver mines In Utah
the Ontario and Daly have been
ordered closed, owing to tho decline of
silver. Tho mines gave employment
to 700 men.
A TKHiiini.K disaster occurred recent
ly at Kromentehung, Russia, a town
on tho river Dneiper. Owing to the
high stage of water in tho river a
women's swimming bath anchored
along the bank was swept away. Tho
bath was occupied at the time by 400
women, 200 of whom were drowned.
Fiktv leading society ladies of La
fayette, Ind., moved tho electric cars
and gathered in fares for the benefit of
the Young Men's Christian association.
Thousands patronized the linos, and
many paid extravagant fares for a
briof ride. No change was returned by
tho handsome collectors.
Onk hundred women employed as
warpers in the Kheniu silk mills at
College Point, L. I., made a demand
for an increase of wages and for the
re-employment of the men who struck
two months ago In consequence of a
reduction of !t(l to 40 per cent, in wages.
Hoth were refused and the women
Ciiahi.ks, of Philadelphia, quur
reb'd with Kutherine Skollon, his
sweetheart, shot her, probably fatal
ly, and then killed himself.
Tiik long-standing breach in the An
eientOrderof Hibernians in the United
States, which occurred in 1SS1, has
been closed and the 105,000 members of
tho order are again nulliiitod under one
head. The union was ulTcctcd at a
joint conference of tho national olllcers
of tho rival factions hold In Atlantic
City, N. .)., on the 5th.
It was reported at Ardmore, I. T.,
on the 4th that tho Kiowa and Coman
che Indians were putting on war paint
and a general uprising was feared.
Tin: report that Chief Quiinuh Parker
had been killed and robbed by a gam
bler was false. It originated in the
fact that the chief was one of several
Indians who had trouble with outlaws
and that Running Antelope, a Co
manche, was injured by being thrown
from his horse.
A ci.opniiriisr occurred at Castle
Rock, Col., on the 4th which caused
the most serious Hood ever known in
that section. Plum creek became a
raging torrent and not less than 100
bridges on that stream and its tribu
taries were washed away. The dam
age to wagon roads will cost the coun
ty thousands of dollars.
TllKlti: wwe five victims of the heat
atCinclnnatl on tho Ith and 'Jit prostra
tions. Ci.aiia I I.u.i,, 10 years old, and Lena
Ilorriok, US, were drowned at Grand
Kupids, Mich., while bathing.
R R. Mosks, of Great liond, Kan.,
has issued the olllcial call for tho sixth
national irrigation congress to be held
nt Lincoln, Neb.. September 2b.;;o.
Liz.ii: Hoppman throw her baby,
sewed in a bag, into the Hudson river
at New York, but tint bag filled with
air and floated, saving the child's life.
The mother was arrested.
TillHTV thousand people witnessed
tho final contests of the national meet
of tho League of American Wheelmen
ut Willow Grove, Philadelphia, on tho
7th. Tho finishes were all Intensely
exciting, but only one record was
broken, Fred Schade covering one-third
mile In !!2 4-5 seconds.
Tiik discovery of new diamond fields
was reported in tho district west of
tho Ivimberly initios in Africa, the
find being said to bo fully equal to
those of Ivimberly.
Sknoii Canovah hl Castillo, tho
prime minister of Spain, was shot and
killed by an anarchistatSanta Agucda,
Spain, on the 8th. The assassin was
arrested. Great excitement prevailed
in tho place.
Tiik sensutlonal story sent out from
Ottumwa, la., to the effect that Gov.
Drake was on his death-bod at his
homo in Centorvillo was denied by his
son-in-law and physician, who said that
the governor had never been in a crit
ical condition, and that ho was improv
ing rapidly.
Tiik men at the Reading iron plant
at Danville, Pa., who recently struck
against a reduction of wages, have
finally agreed to accept the reduction
and go to work. Seven hundred men
were affected.
Tiik grand staml at tho White Ilorso
race track near Lancaster, Pa., gave
way just as tho winning horse passed
under the wire. There were fully 2.
000 men, women and children on ltnd
hundreds of them were buried in tho
debris. Over '200 were injured and four
A nioiit watchman at Homestead,
N. .1., heard a woman shrieking "I am
burning up; save me!" He rushed to
her rescue, boat out th flumes aud
picked her up, but she wit, dead. It
proved to bo his wife, who was tho
victim of a lamp explosion.
Opkickhs of the Florida Fruit ex
change, who keep themselves posted
on tho condition of the orange erop
throughout the state, estimate that tho
crop this fall will amount to between
150,000 and 200,000 boxes
Tiik Glucose Sugar Refining Co., with
nil authorized capital stock of 40,000,
000, has been incorporated at Trenton,
N. J.
Julian Pkiuiyman was legally hanged
at Hattlcsburg, Miss., for assaulting a
Fivk lives wero lost and scores of
persons sustained berious Injuries. 51
of them being firemen, in an explosion
which took place during the burning
of the Northwestern grain elevator at
Chicago. Either the bursting of a
boiler or the explosion of mill dust
caused tho awful havoc. The build
ing was of composite construction and
tho explosion caused a perfect bom
bardment of tiling, bricks, etc., at al
most white heat, leaving little of tho
building save tho framework and a
great pile of bluzing wheat. The loss
was estimated at 8:500,000, fully in
Lkadkhh in Chinese mission work at
San Francisco were recently circulat
ing a petition to bo sent to President
MoKinloy asking him to get congress
to appoint a commission to investigate
tho horrors of human slavery in that
city. It was said that over 1,000 Chi
nese women were bought and sold as
chattels and kept in involuntary servi
tude. A (iitAi)iNd company at work near
Valley, Nob., exhumed 10 skeletons re
cently, five being women. Residents
of tho locality could not account for
them being there nor recall any bury
ing ground as having been located at
tho place. The bodies were not buried
in any coflins.
Whim: on his way to serve warrants
on charges of "wildcatting," Dink
Wharton, a deputy sheriff, in Cleburne
county, Ala., was assassinated from
tho bushes. His body was literally
filled with lead.
A NKdtio attempted to assault a 14-year-old
girl near Hdwardsville, Ala.,
but she screamed and got away. A
short time after armed men with dogs
wero after the liond. When they re
turned they said they had "lost" tho
negro, intimating tfcut he never would
be found alive.
Work is being pushed in a vigorous
manner at the Brooklyn navy yard on
all the government vessels which are
undergoing repairs, but the otllclals
deny that there is any special signifi
cance in the fact.
It was said that the Spanish govern
ment was aware that a meeting of
anarchists had been held early in duly
and that it was decided to murder Se
nor Canovas del Castillo before August
Tin: gravel train on tho Chicago &
Northwestern railroad struck a street
car which was passing over the track
at .lanesvillo, Wis., and badly injured
half a dozen passengers.
A kiot broke out among the prison
ers in tho jail at the Four Courts, St.
Louis, on the night of tho 0th and it
took a largo force of policemen anil de
tectives to quell the disturbance.
About 20 of tho rioters were placed In
IohnGohdon, a negro who murdered
u white man, was captured aud taken
to Brunswick, .Miss., tho other even
ing. The next morning his body was
discovered dangling from a pecan tree.
Tin: towbout Fritz blew up on the
Mississippi about ton miles below
Cairo, 111., on the 0th and ton negro
roustabouts were afterwards missed.
Tho Ohio l.uil Won Two National Chmii
plonnliip nt Ilia I.. A. W. .Meet.
Philadelphia, Aug. 9. The greatest
race meet in the history of American
cycling came to an end Saturday even
ing at Willow Grove park, when the
18th national meet of tho League of
American Wheelmen closed. In attend
ance there has never been a national
or local race meet that has approached
it. During tho two days of racing
nearly 45,000 persons witnessed tho
great contests. Fred L. Longhead, the
Sarnia, Out., lad, who carried off the
honors Friday, kept up his flue work
Saturday, but little Earl Ivisor landed
on top, winning the half-mile profes
sional and the great mile open profes
sional. Eddie Raid also added to his
reputation, and, while no firsts ap
peared to his eredit, yet his seconds in
the mile open and the live-mile profes
sional finals were within a hair-breadth
of being firsts.
I'ropoKi'd Trust to Control llulne Wont ot
the, Allegheny Mountain.
Chicaoo, Aug. 9. A gigantic combi
I nation of companies to control insur
I unco in all tho states between the Al-
legheny and Rocky mountains will, in
! all probability, result from the meet
I ing here yesterday of representatives
I of '.','.) non-union companies. This union
of the companies will be backed by tin
I limited capital, and will have absolute
Mipervlsion over rates, forms, compen
! sation, interlnsuranco and all mat
! tors appertaining to insurance and
' property in all western states except
' those west of the Rocky mountains.
The representatives of the non-union
companies who wero present voted to
arrange a meeting of all the companies
at Saratoga, on September 7, tho date
and place of meeting of the Western
union, when a new organization will
be formed.
l'orTliut KniNon Wlllluin It. leltz Did Not
Make III .lump from PIkc'k I'riilt.
Colohado Si'iunos.CoI., Aug. 9. Wil-
1 liam IS. Feltz did not make his jump
from Pike's peak yesterday, but that
was not his fault. With tlie conditions
of cloud and fog it would have been a
blindfolded leap to certain destruction.
Feltz went up to the summit of the peak
carrying his immense aeroplanes with
h'm. Two hours were required in ad
justing the big wings, but heavy clouds
gathered and a slight snow falling
at the time convinced him that a leap
from the peak would have been sui
cidal. The leap was postponed, but
Feltz is still on the peak, and it is said
he will stay there until the conditions
are favorable, when he will sail down
into Colorado Springs, 12 miles distant.
Oriiugo Jiultl 1'urmor Report Dcrrcnxe
In Condition Sliico July.
Chicaoo, Aug. 9. Tlie August crop
report of tho Orange Judd Farmer,
based upon count' returns from all the
principal agricultural counties of the
country, makes the condition of the
corn crop on August 1, SO. 4 against
ss. t on .Inly 1. This is below tho aver
age for a series of years, and it has
been lower but once in recent years,
in the year of partial failure, lbOI.
An KxdIomIoii in n Hiiliriirliin 1'actory Kill
1(1 IVrstniH null Injure 00 Other.
IlrsTciicii. ISulguria, Aug. 9. An ex
plosion occurred in a cartridge depot
in this city yesterday, demolishing tlie
buildings and killing 40 persons. Sixty
others wero injured, and all of them
are in a hopeless condition. Rustchuk
is a city on the south bank of the
Danube, 40 miles from liucharcst.
KlclicH In Wlieut Alone,
Topkka, Kan., Aug. 9. Tho winter
wheat raised this year in a block of six
adjoining counties Itartou, Ellis,
Ellsworth, Pawnee, Rush and Russell
at 00 cents a bushel, would be equal
to a per capita of Sl.'tO.OO for every
child, woman and man in the counties.
The aggregate Mim it would yield is
S(i.:S9l,9s7. Sumner, with its !,5s5,000
bushels, probably has more winter
wheat than was ever produced by any
like territory in the world.
A Itleli Peddler's (initlt udc.
MrsKKOON, Mich., Aug. 9. Jerome
E. Turner, an attorney of this city,
lias been notified that he is heir to
575,000. bequeathed to him by William
Seymour, of Chicago. During tlie
world's fair Turner met Seymour on
Clark street, Chicago, just as he was
being arrested by police otlicers. For
the novelty of trying a case in Chicago
he appeared as Seymour's attorney and
succeeded in having him acquitted.
A Piiriluii Applied 'ir.
DiwvKit, Col., Aug. 9. Alfred Packer,
convicted of killing five companions
who were lost in the mountains with
him in lb7:i and eating their llesh and
sentenced to the nenitentiarv for .in
, years, has applied for a pardon. Do
claims that four of his companions
wore killed by the fifth who had be
come ciuzy and that lie shot the mad
man dead as the latter was rushing at
, him with a hatchet.
l.lKlitnlnir CiuiHe run iM-ulli.
Nnwnop., Ky., Aug. 9. -During a
storm last night the home of a farmer
named liostwin, near Gibbs' cross
roads, In Tennessee, was struck by
lightning and burned and llotwlu
aud his wife and a grown daughter
perished. A .son and a farm hand
jumped fium tho window, but in their
fright ran To the Cumberland vlver
und were drowned,
American llliiietiilllc Cominlmlnner Must
Walt Until Next October.
London, Aug. 7. Tho British gov
ernment has informed tho American
bimetallic, commission that it will
probably reply to the proposals of the
commissioners on behalf of the United
States in October. The commis
sioners have been waiting In London
since their conference with tho cab
inet, and, desiring to know tho exact
position of England before opening
negotiations with other governments,
they wrote to the cabinet inquir
ing when they might expect a de
cision, as they wero anxious to ar
range their future programme. Yester
day Senator Wolcott received a reply
from Sir Michael Hicks-lloaoh, in the
course of which tho chancellor ex
pressed a fear that the ltritish govern
ment was not yet in a position to reply
to the proposals of tho envoys of the
United States and the French ambas
sadors on the question of an interna
tional agreement.
Conference ut I'lttnliurK Kesult In Conees
nIoiih from Sllno Operator.
PlTTsntmo, Kan., Aug. 7. The con
ference between tho operators and ex
ecutive board of miners held In this
city yesterday had a larger attendance
than the one a week ago. All the min
ing companies wero represented except
four. Tho meeting was presided over
by George Wallace, chairman of the
executive board of miners, and A. P.
Kirkwood, superintendent of tho Wear
Coal Co., acted as secretary. The op
erators practically agreed to accede to
all tho demands made by the miners.
They were given a choice of any kind
of powder at S'J per keg. Tho semi
monthly pay day was agreed to, as
well as S2 per day for day men, and
SI. 80 per yard for entry work.
Grain Arriving at Kiuihh City 1'iiHter Than
It Can Jlfi Handled.
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 7. A block
ade of wheat in the Kansas Citj' yards
is imminent. It was estimated last
evening that fully 1,800 cars of wheat
wero being hold here, about half of
which are billed through to Galveston.
The gulf roads are short of engines,
principally for the reason that all of
their extra motive power has been put
Into use in the grain belt. Another
cause for the blockade on the
tracks here lies in the fact that the
elevators have been unable to bundle
the grain consigned to them as rapidly
as it comes in. There are over 500 cars
of wheat on tho Suburban Pelt, and
the elevators can only take care of
about 150 a day.
Settlement or tho Cuonn and Hawaiian
UueHtloiiH Will Jtequlrc (Ircat Diplo
macy. Washington, Aug. 7. There is a grow
ing belief, strengthened by the actions
and statements of high oirciuls, that
the highest powers of tho diplomatic
branch of the government will be re
quired to prevent serious issues with
Spain or Japan, or both. Tlie true
statement of affairs, as it confronts
the administration to-day, is not real
ized by the superficial observer of
events, but there is no doubt what
ever that the experienced men who
are at the head of the state depart
ment are prepared to use all the re
sources of diplomacy before a settle
ment of the Cuban question or the an
nexation of Hawaii is realized.
rwo of Hie Greatest Producer to SuspeniJ
lieeaiiHo of tlio Kilter Slump.
Panic City, Utah, Aug. 7. Superin
tendent Chambers, of tlie Ontario aud
Duly mines, has received a telegram
from New York to close down both
mines at once, owing to tlie recent de
cline in silver. These are two of the
largest silver mines in the state and
give employment to about 700 men.
The Ontario mine is one of the
greatest producers in tho country and
has been in active operation for 'JO
years and has paid about Sl!i,500,000 in
dividends. It is claimed that these
mines cannot bo worked with profit at
tho present price of silver.
Tim KilHHlan MUlnn.
Washington, Aug. 7. Tho Russian
mission bus been tendered formally to
Ethan Allen Hitchcock, of St. Louis.
More than that, the president has vx
presscd to Mr. Hitchcock the reasons
why he is particularly desirous thaS
the appointment shall be accepted. A
business man of wide experience is
wanted for this post. Relations be
tween Russia and tho United States
which will call for business rather
than legal qualifications are foreseen.
Putiilly Hurt In llleyelu Itueo.
Lawhknci:, Kan.. Aug. 7. Lloyd Wel
nian, from Dallas, Tex., who came to
Lawrence to participate in the state
bicycle moot, was probably fatally in
jured yesterday. Jt win, in the 'five
mile professional race, in which there
were a large number of starters. There
was a bj,r .spin ,UU j tl)(J fall Wel.
Hum's head was caught and pushed
through the wheel and horribly cut.
Threatened the Wroiic Woman.
Nasiivii.i.i:, Tenn.. Aug. 7. Yester
jjtiy, in the ollice of Magistrate W. W.
Martin, at Dcehor, .Mrs. Charles 01 in
stead, whilo applying for a warrant
"giiinst her husband, was threatened
with death if she persisted in trying to
have him arrested. Suddenly Mrs.
Olmstead drew a pistol and bh'ot him
ui the itoinach, inflicting a mortal