The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, July 23, 1897, Image 8

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The Nebraska Advertiser
Suhsoihption, - Sl.r.O i'ku yeah
FRIDAY, JULY 2.'J, 1897.
Republican" jffilQl INcwopop'
C. Shuck, proprelor of tliu Nemaha
Valloy Horkshiro Farm, eight miles
southeast of tliooity wuh in town early
Wednesday morning with a load of
hoga for market. Mr. Shuck knows a
hog when ho doom one and keeps only
tliu vory boat forbreedlng purposes and
ho fats tho rest and Bolls them on the
market. A uhurn Post.
Cliff Cole, with bis vonerablo father-in-law,
.1. V. Den of Hrownviilo. ajiont
several daya down at Langdon this
week, returning yesterday (Saturday)
with a fine Btring of bass and croppies.
Mr. J)en ia well up in tho70s, but ho la
yet a sportsman who can givo many of
his younger brethren cards and spades
and beat them out anywhere at the
trap, in tlw field or on tliu lako or
stream. Omaha Reo.
David Higginu, while attending to n
cow that had a pnculiar eruptive dis
ease, infected himsolf with what proved
to be anthrax. Ht was fortunate in
only getting a slight infection for the
disoiiHe is fatal if tlio infection is groat.
D. Andrews has been treating him
vigorously from the first and David if
now rapidly on tbo road to recovery
Peoplo cannot bo too careful in regard
to such things, for there are many audi
diseases among stock in this country.
Stella Tress.
A caso has been decided in tbo courts
which may interest those who occupy
rented premises. It was decidod that
whajo improvements are mado by a
tenant on tlio premises, and nails are
used for fastening the samo, the im
provement becomes the property of the
owner of the premises, but if tbo fast
ening is made of scrows, thon the ton
ant has tbo right to remove the same.
Tin court rulod that articles fastened
by Bcrews ara for temsornry use, and
can bo removed, but if fastened by
nulls thoy become permanent and can
not be removed.
i i ,m
On warrant sworn out by Andrew
S. Craig, of Poru precinct. Lydia
Brumbaugh aud husband of Brown
villo wero arrested Monday for reliev
ing Oraig of S37.G7). It nppaira that
tlio woman wont to Craig's place in a
covered wagon and the two agreed to
go to Kansas together. Thoy bad not
proceeded far whon the injured hus
band and another man appeared on the
a lone and with drawn revolvors threat
o ling dire vongence and ran Craig off.
In the moantlma tbo woman got pos
session of Craig's poeketbook and
Craig came to this city and swore
out a warrant and Sheriff Glasgow
nr estod tbo man and wife. Whon the
parties wero brought in Mrs. B. turn
ed over tho money to Craig and the
latter refused to prosocuto. Craig paid
the costs, amounting to $7.20 and the
c iso was dismissed. Auburn Herald.
The long standing troublo botween
Bishop Honucum and Fathers Fitz
gerald, of this city, and Murphy, of
Tecumsob, have finally boon amicably
Battled. Father Murphy will probably
go to Soward and Father Fitzgerald
will go to Grafton, both of those mis
sions are equally as good if not better
than tho ones they now hold.
Father Feonoy will bo placed in
charge of tho church property here
and it is to bo hoped that all the ill
feeling that has boon aroused ovor this
long controversy will now bo burled
and forgotten. Father Fltzgorald dur
ing his stay in Auburn lias made many
friends by his genial ways and public
aMrit. Ho has always been found
ready and willing to aid all public
enterprises and assist in every worthy
undertaking for the good of the com
munity. His many friends horo hopo
that his pathway in tho futuro will i ot
be as rocky as it has boon during tho
past fow years.Auburn Poat.
W. W. Sanders is agent for It. V.
Muir's town lots in Nemaha. If you
w nit to lease or buy one apply at Tvy
Advkutjsku oflice.
Rlpans Tabulos: gentle cathartic.
, j. u-. '-'amx. t urn jiuijAjajroufjim jm
II. M, IliiHlinolt In Htutu Journal.
Practical completion of tho tariff
marks tho first step in the republican
policy of the present administration.
It means rovpniies for the meeting of
government expenses without being
forced to bond selling, and it means a
roturn to industrial conditions such as
have marked every republican admit. i
Istratlon. Those who think thero is
not an active interest over tho stato in
the roturn to a republican tariff are
mistaken regarding public opinion.
Two traveling men in discussing tho
question said that thero wero buns
drods of farmers ananging to add
sheep to their farming with tho res
toration of wool valuos, and that
henceforth sheep along with cattle and
hogs would bo lactors in making up
farm stock. TIih man who now trav
els noioss tho stato on any lino of rail
way sees for tlio first time in yeaiB
sheep along the way.
A street corner orator tho other day
repeated tho sneer of the Into popo
cratic candidate for president regard
ing prosperity and the fifty thousand
coal miners now striking, and yet tho
sneerer was tho one directly responsi.
bio for tho atrlko. Tho president of
the miners association in the associat
ed presB declared that tho present fall
ing in minors' wages was duo and
traceable to the pussago of tho Wilson
bill. Ho showed that tho destruction
or tho coal tariff had let coal from tho
Canadian provinces throughout New
England and along tbo Atlantic sea
board, forcing American coal westward
and breaking prices. The initfal
parado In the present strikes was mado
when tho author of the bill eroding
tlio troublo whb carried around the bal
of ropri'BontativoB on tbo Bhouldors ol
his most enthusiastic backer.
When President Polk socurod Cali
fornia as United States territory in the
peace negotiations with Mexico thore
wero those who fiercely donounced the
acquisition of territory and saw in tin
now domain only a worthless and
barren tract more expensive to retain
than it3 worth when developed. Cal
fornia was not long in silencing that
opposition and proving its worth.
When Socrotary Soward perchased Alas
ka thero was ridicule and laughter
from thousands aud thousands of ex
callent citizens yet Mr. Seward's foie
thought has long since been damni -strated
in 1 tho value of Alaska undoi
stod. A little steamer camo dot n
the Yukon river in that territory the
other day and on its ono trip brought
in gold moio tnari one-seventh the
original purchase price of Alaska.
The wisdom of a poliov of territorial
acquisition in tlio past thus proven
Will bo a futuro policy. Hawaii has
asked for four yeai's admission through
annexation and it will bo admitted.
The evidouco of a foreign policy on the
part of this government assures it.
"Last summer one of our grandchil
dren was sick with a aovere bowel
trouble." says Mrs. 13. G. Gregory, of
Froderickstown, Mo. "Our doctor's
remedy had failed, then wo tried
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rluea Remedy, which gave very sheedy
relief." For sale bv Tuvlnr Mm tinier.
Mr. 11. B. Groove, inmvlmnf of nun.
howio. Virginia, certifies that lie had
consumption, was given ui to die.
sought all medical treatment that
nionoy could procure, tried all cough
remedies that ho could hear of, but got
no relief; spent many nights sitting
up ina chair; was induced to try Dr.
King's NOW Discovery mill wnn PiirAil
by tho use of two botths. For imst
three years has been attonding to bus
inesH, and says Dr. King's New Dis
covery is tho grandest roniedv ever
nifide, as it lias done so much for him
and also for others in bis community.
Dr. King's Now Discovery is guaran
teed for coughs, colds aud consump
tion. It don't fail. Trial bottlos free
at Taylor's drugstore.
John Griflin, of Zanesvlllo, 0., says:
' I never lived a day for thirty years
VVOM,?u7Br,n8 ftP"y. mi til a box
of Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo cured
my piles." For piles and rectal
troubles, cuts, bruises, sprains, eczema
and all skin troubles Do Witt's Witch
Hazel Salvo is unequalled. M. II.
Wo will send The Adveiitiseh, tho
New York Tribune, the Toledo Blade
and tho Chicago Inter Ocean, all four
papers one year for only $2.10.
Don't nauseatu your stomach with
teas aud bitter herbs, but regulate your
liver and sick headache by using thoso
famous littlo pills, known as DoWitt's
Littlo Early Risors. M. H. Taylor
Jn special session of the district
court, last Thursday, Judge btull on
the bench, Miko A. Yorty was brought
before the court to receive sentonco,
he having nlnuilfxl tniillv tn Mm
crime of arson. Before sentence was
pronounced County Attorney LaMastor
made a fow remarks in which bo called
tbo attention of tho court to tbo miti
gating circumstances in tbo case and
tho service which Yorty had rendered
to tbo stato, and asked that in view oi
the showing made tho court would Bee
Mb way clear t pass the minimum of
sentence, Mr. LaMastor also added
that the circumstances woio such that
ho would draw up a petition to tlio
governor at his oarlist convenience
asking that executive clemency be ex
orcised in Yorty'a behalf. By pers
mission of tlio court Kov. William
Murphy also made a brief plea for
mercy. In passing sentence Judge
Stull spoke in exceedingly plain lan
guage regarding some phases of the
ease and said that he did not propose
t) make Yorty the scape-goat for a
crime which in tho court's opinion was
originated and planned by older heads.
So long aB ho was on tho bench it
should be hiB solemn endeavor to ex
ecute justice as God gave him wisdom
to see it and in this case he would give
tho prisoner the minimum sentence
under the law, ono year in the peni
tentiary. Tho prisoner was given per
mission to remain hero pending the
result of a petition for pardon, which
is now being circulated and which will
bo sent to tho governor. Tho potition
U being quite- generally signed. Tas
ouuiBoh Chieftain.
"I crave but One Minute," said the
speaker in a husky voice; and then hi
took a dose of One Minute Cough Cure
and procoeded with his oratory. One
iiuute Cough Cure is unequalled for
throat and lung troubles. M. II
Koasons why Chamberlain's Colie
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the
1. Because it aflbrds instant relief
in case of pain in the stomach, colic
and cholera morbus.
2. Because it ia the only remed
that never fails in tho most sevort
oases of dysontery and diarrhoua.
3. Because it is the only remedy
triat will cure chronic diarrhoea.
4. Because it is the only rernedj
that will prevent bilidus colic.
5 Because it is the only romed
hat will cure epidemical dvsontery.
0, Because it is the only remedv
hat can always be depended upon in
asea of chelera infantum.
7. BeeaiiBO it is the most prompt
and most reliable medicine in use for
bowel Homnlaints.
8 Becauso it produces no bad re
sults. 0 Because it ia pleasant and safe
to take.
10, Becauso it has savee tho lives
of more peoplo than any other medi
cine in tho world.
Tho 25 and ioc sizes for sale by M
H- Taylor, tlio druggist.
Vim, vigor and victory; these are
tho characteristics of Do Witt's Little
Early Risers, tho famous little pills for
constipation, biliousness and all stom
ach and livor troubles M. II . Taylor
23 buggies to paint at
; nrices. If vnn -i .,
tho very lowest nriPH
nig iu ilium, can seo me.
J. S. Hadi.ook-
Burning, itching skin diseases in
stantly rolioved by De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve, uuequalled for cuts,
bruises, bums. It heals without
leaving a scar. M. II. Taylor.
Tho St. Louis Ropublic givos a dozen
good reasons why nowspapor readers
should read this paper. Hero they are:
1. The Republic jb the greatest
nowspaper published.
2. It has a cable news service over
the entire civilized world, which no
other St. Louis paper can secure.
.". Special correspondents in all the
largo cities and capitals of Europe.
1. News bureau in New York City
and Washington, D. C.
5. Special correspondents in every
city and town in the western United
0. Member of the Associated Press,
the graatest news gatherer in the
7. Publishos daily the market re
ports of the world.
8. Issues a magnificent colored
magazine cover with tlio Sunday paper.
0. More noted writers and artists
coutributo to tho Republic than any
other papor.
10. Issues an unequalled four-page
comic weekly wih each Sunday paper
11. Publishes pagos of interest and
valuo to womankind.
12 Its 10-cent dress pattern des
partment is tho most popular feature
ovor introduced by a newspaper.
Thousands pattoniza it.
The daily and Sunday St. Louis Re
public is SO a year, S3 for six months
and $1.00 for three months. The
twico a weok Republic is SI a year
101 papors, two each week.
:....!.. ... - .....ui,u
agAmmuumi jti tm m t.jjjtAJLM'MUKtasxxmsakxmux.'U
LUMft WHflfl All (ICC CHIC
Bt Couh Byrup. TMtcs (Jowl. Use
in m. hold br drnxxlRt.
ll g ! a ft a aMlfSTirKl
Oflico first door south of Park hotel.
Contractor and Builder.
All kinds of Carpenter work done on
short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed.
J.L, JIclvui, il.D., lh. c;.
SPECIAL! IKS: niHefwes of tlio Skin, Din.
ea.sef o Women mid Children Will
prommi' answer nil cnllB, eltlior day or
nlijlit. Oflico -M residence.
Nomalia, - - Nebraska
Kerker & Hoover,
Denier lu
HtchoHt priced Dnld'for hides, lnnl. tmlnw
game, etc
J. H. SEID, Prop
Ureedernnd Shipper of Duroc Jersey
mill Polnml Cliinu llogn
Best no, low prices. Farm ono mile
south of Nemaha.
Nemaha Cornet Band.
Is now prepared to furnish good music
for entertainments, picnics, memorial
services, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed
Charges reasonable.
E. E. Mujikokd, Pres.
J. E Ckotiiek, Sec'y.
G. N. Sandeks. Leader.
General House Painting,
Kalsomining and
Paper Hanging.
New process of Graining at one-hall
in-ico. Neat work and satisfaction
Proprietor of the
Berkshire : Farm.
Uroedorof Thoroughbred Berkshire hoi's,
Prlzo wlnuliiKHtoulc. No hotter raised. M
prices are In accordance with tho tlmuN. See
stock and not prices. Kami 4 miles north
west ol Nemaha.
Surgeon Specialist,
Stella, Nebraska
Operations for Cataract and all opera
tions on the eye, Vericocele, Hernia,
Hemerrhoids, etc., performed with
out chloroform and painless. Pa
tients from abroad can obtain board
and hospital facilities at prices less
than in a city. coriBidorini? wkill ami
sanitary surroundings. Parties
seeking relief through surgical
moans will do well to confer with
Dr. Andrews.
Do YouWant Employment
At home or traveling with GOOD PAY?
If so, write us for particulars, giving
ago and occupation. You can work
1 or part time, and the work is LIGHT
AND EASY. Address 7 30
aWxT1? "V0r D"crPt,on an(1 Catalogue. Wo will toll you
about it. We havo been telling our friends about this now 23 years.
There is a Wrong Way
yiu v'h
f fr
way of treating the eyes. Some peoplo
seem to think that if they only wear
glasses it will bo all right with their
eyes. There would be just as much
sense in prescribing the same medicine
for every disease. Unless you place
yourself in the care of a skillful oculist
I or optician it would be better to givo
no thought to your eyes at all. Wo
make a specialty of fitting glasses.
tho rustling
or Nemaha.
Leave your orders
ior n team, hack or
dray, nnd
Wji do the Best.
Our Hack meets all
Notary :-: Public
Nomaha City, Neb.
Notice of Application kou Tax
To i; 8. Horns, Israel Holmes, .Trio. Argn-
brlght, J. A.'lltus. S.H.ipi.r, U. Hose, and
allotnerb heteln cum-tuni'il:
You are hereby untitled that tho under
signed did on tuoiJth day of November, A.D.
Jb!l5, purchase at pilvato sale of the county
tieiwurei of Nemaha county, Nebraska lot
one Hi .block fortj -four (41). In Nemaha City.
Nebraska, for tho years 1&87 to 1SW inclusive
that satJ property was previously otrered
for side at public sale anil not sold for want
of bidders; that the purchaser has paid tho
Hiibspquo.U taxes on said lot; that said lotfor
each of said yeais was assessed In tho names
of E s, liuriiN Israel Holmes, Jno. Argu
brlght. J. A. T tus. a. Soj.r and O. Hose; Hint
the llmool redemption of said lot iioiii said
tax sail, will expire on the 0th day of Novem.
bor, A. I). 1S9; that oh the 6th day of Novem -her,
A. I). ISO, or soon thereafter, tho under
signed will apply to the treasurer of said Ne
maha county lor a tax deed on said lot. un
less redemption will havo been made prior
to tho last dale herein mentioned.
Tkitstkks Houti:ns Kittkk Mrmokiat.
Kkkli.Vq, President.
There is a time for nvorvtiiitm. !
the time to attend to a cold is wlion ir.
starts. Don't wait till vnn imvn onn
sumption hut prevent it by using Ono
mimuo uougn uure, tiie great remedy
for COUCllS. COlds. nrotm hrnnnliiHc n.wl
all throat and lung troubles. M, II.
Ocean both one year for only S1.00.
York Tribune both one year for SI 10.
and Now York Tribune all throe ono
jear for only SI. 85.
pay the freight
s .s3s?:cra,ryv
s w-r
t.JT -11 tf". Ati"v
. rf ( V rv LrrEb J fvzi
In Nebraska and Western i0Wa.
You Get $195 Organ for $88.
down ami W.00 por month.
Fully Onnratitccd for 5 ycaM.