The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, July 09, 1897, Image 8

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iffliiini mi ill mil n"i in ii ii mi i ii iiiiimiiiini nmim i n i inixmni mini milium mil am iiimiiiniim
The Nebraska Advertiser
U I. HJJ-lHiHN VubUihtr.
81.50 1'HIl YICAIt
Fill DAY, JULY 0, 1807.
Tim tariff bill passed tliu aeiuit o
Wednesday by u voto of .'18 to 28. It
received tho uolid voto of the republU
cans, ono democrat MeEnory of Lou
islanu iitnl two sliver republicans
Jones of Nuvadu and Mantle of Mon
tana. Tlio voto against it was cast by
twenty live democrats, two populists
Harris of Kansas and Turner of Wash
ing onand one silver republican
Cannon of Utah. There were live pop
ulist senator present and not voting
Allen, Uutler, Iloltfeid, Kyle and Stew
art and two silver republicans Teller
and Pottigiow. Eight republicans
were paired for the bill and eight dom
ocrats against It. Tlio bill now goes to
tie conference committee of the senate
and house. Senator Aldrich thinks
the bill will be passed and congress ad
journ by the 15th.
The mid-summer number of that
popular monthly, tlio Standard De
signer, should be the cause of much
self-congratulation to its publishers.
In fashions for Indies, misses and chil
dren, millinery, literature and tlio ac
companying illustrations it thorough
ly keeps paco witb tho times, and is
auilleioutly interesting to claim the un
divided attention of Its many readers
which is saying a good deal hi tho e
sultry, drowsy daya.
To enumorato oven a part of Jits
contents would require, too mucn of
our limited space, so we can only com
mend tho entire book to those who arc
nota'ready acquainted with it, feeling
s tro that it will speak (or itself as
soon as examined.
En route to the third international
conference to bo held at Toronto July
15 18, should purchase tickets via the
Burlington route, which has been des
ignated tho ofllolal line. Special sleep
ing and chair cars will be attached to
the Burlington's "vestibuled ilyor,"
leaving Omaha at 5:05 p. m., Tuesday,
July 13. Tickets to Toronto and re
turn ai one faro for the round trip
will boon sale July 11, 12, is and U
and (If extended at Toronto) will le
good to return until August 12th.
Bjrths reserved on appl'cation to any
15. AM. K. R. agont.
J. Fuanois, G. P. A , Omaha.
An Old Virginia Ncttro VleT the
ViM'Nlilriit'n Mnimlon.
One of the most unique types of hu
manity that has been seen nt the
white house for many a day Htrollcd
leisurely Into the mansion shortly after
luncheon the other day. He was a
" 'fori-de-wur" negro, pockmarked,
ragged and footsore. lie had just
trumped in from Orange county, Va..
and after putting foot on the Washing
ton asphalt made a bee line for the
white house. He was the object of
many curious glances.
"Is dlH here de president's house?" he
asked of a doorkeeper.
"Yes, colonel," was the reply of the
doorkeeper, noticing the military garb.
"Well, is cullud putvsous 'lowed in?"
lie wns informed that no distinction
5s drawn between the races, and he
marched proudly Into the east room,
lie took in hissurroiindingsata glance,
walked straight for a chair, and, re
moving his hat, that had seen better
days, knelt in prayer, lie remained In
this posture several minutes while the
white house attaches wondered whether
a lunatic had Invaded the mansion.
Finally the old negro arose, inspected
the furnishings of the room, uttered
words of praise for the president, and
noiselessly glided out of the cast room.
It was not enough, he thought, to see
only the east room. He wanted to make
a tour of the mansion, lie peeped
through keyholes, cracks and crevices,
trying to get a look at some of the oc
cupants of the white house. Failing to
sec anybody he passed out of the build
ing. On the portico he encountered a
white house policeman.
"Just tell de president that Mistor
John W. Shelden.of Orangecounty, Vir
glnny, called. Jlcmember, now, John
W. Slmlden."
The policeman informed Mr. Khcldcn
that lie would communicate his mes
sage, whereupon the old darky removed
Ids hat, buttoned his old coat, and
Jumped up in the air like an Apache
Indian en route to war with a hostile
"Itisc, shine, shout, give God tho
glory," shouted the old man at the top
of his voice as he passed down the steps
leading to the driveway. N. Y. Sun.
Hilly' Nrxt Uueun.
Italy's next queen will be the most
remarkable woman ruler in the modern
history of the world. She has the cour
age of a Hon, the physique of an Am
azon, the spirit of Jeanne d'Arc. She
is perfectly at home in the saddle and
Is an expert with the rifle. The prin
cess, moreover, takes a keen delight in
shooting birds with a revolver, and so
great is her skill with that weapon
Hint even the smallest animal falls an
easy prey to her unerring aim. The
number of languages with which she is
thoroughly conversant Is half a dozen,
and she knows the politicnl Intricacies
of Europe as well as n prime minister.
Though a lover of the wild and fero
cious, she has enough intelligence and
training to make her a finished woman
of the world. NT. Y. World.
Tho St. Louis Mo-public givos a dozen
good reasons why newspaper readeis
Bhould i oul this paper. Hero tliev arc:
1. Tho Mopublic is the greatest
newspaper published.
2. It has a cable iihws sorvico over
tho ontiro civilized world, which no
other St. Louis paper can secure.
!). Spocial coi respondents in all tho
largo cities and capitals of Europe.
1. News bureau in New York City
and Washington, Dj C.
5. Special correspondents in every
city and town In tho western United
0. Membor of tho Associated Press,
the grwatost news gatherer in the
7. Publishes daily tho market re
ports of tho world.
8. Issues a magnificent colored
magazine cover with the Sunday paper.
0. More noted writers and artists
contribute to the Republic than any
other paper.
10. Issues an unequalled four-page
comic weekly wiili each Sunday paper
11. Publish pages of interest and
value to womankind.
12 Its 10-cent dress pattern dos
partmont is tlio most popular feature
over introduced by a newspaper.
Thousands patronize It.
Tho daily and Sunday St. Louis Re
public is SO a year, SS for six months
and SI. 50 for three months. Tho
twico a week Mopublic is SI a year
104 papers, two each week.
TIiohc VrlI
Young Brown suicided,
"Let's seel
didn't he?"
"No. He forgeried or misdemeanored
or something like that, but ho didn't
The first speaker said "Oh!" "in n
dazed sort of way nnd devoted the rest
of the day to trvhur to make un ids
mind whether he was nt the wrong end
n ioke or not. Chioncn Post.
m m
Reasons why Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhma Remedy is the
1. Because it affords instant relief
in case of pain in the stomach, colic
and cholera morbus.
2. Because it is tho only remedy
that never fails in the most severe
oases of dysentery and diarrluea.
S. Becuuso it is tho only remedy
tnat will cure chronic diarrluea.
4, Because it is the only remedy
that will prevent hilidus colic.
5 Because it is the only remedy
that will cure epidemical dysentery,
(5, .Because it is the only remedy
that can always bo depended upon in
cases of ohelera infantum.
7. Because it is tho most prompt
and most reliable medicine in use for
bowel complaints.
8 Because It produces no bad re
sults. 0 Ueeause it Ib pleasant and Bafe
to take.
10. Because it has savee tho lives
of more people than any other medi
cine in the world.
Tho 25 and fiOc sizes for salo by M .
!! Taylor, the druggist.
Have you seen the 1897 program?
It is tho best we have seen this season,
and this fifth annual session, to be hold
August 7-15, will surely be the most
successful this popular assembly has
ever held, and this means a great deal,
as past patrons will testify.
Mov. Sam W. Small, D. D., the
noted orator, evangelist and wit, will
again have entire charge of the pint
form, delivering two sermons and four
lectures, two of them being brilliantly
illustrated by means of the storeoptl
con, the illustrated ones being "The
Foot Prints of Christ," Sunday oven
ing, August 8th, and "Slums of tho
Great Cities," on the 10th. his other
lectures being "His Majesty the Devil"
and "Tho Making of a Man." Theso
lectures are all new. never having
been delivered bofore in this territory.
Dr. T. DoWitt Talmage, the most
noted preacher in tho world, will ar
rive in Salem on Saturday, August 7th,
and will preach Sunday, the 8th, at
2:30 p. in., and lecture tho Mouday
following at tho satno hour.
Prof. Cutis. Lane, of tho Georgia
school of technology, one of the funn'
est and best of southern orators, will
glvo two of his best lectures, and Prof.
Arthur Hawks, of Baltimore, Md.,
who is called "the laugh'ng philosun
phor," will also lecture twico. Mrs.
Helen M. Gougar. of Indiana, will de
liver three lectures, Prof. W. H. Dana,
of Ohio, gives a lecture, sovoral travel
talks and superintends the Chautauqua
Sunday school ; Prof. Saylor, of Lin
coln, Nob., lectures on educational day,
the 11th; Prof. J. IJ. Tscliudi exhibits
tho marvelous moving pictures (the
magnlscopo). Usual departments of
instruction are In capable hands, the
music director again being Prof. Ap
inadoc. of Chicago, tho best chorus
master in America.
The Slay ton Jubilee Singers, of Chi
cago, give a concert Monday evening
the Oth, and remain till the close of
the season. They are composed of
nine colorud artists, the best colored
troup ever organized. Band concerts
will be rendered daily and tlio session
will closo with Dr. Jahu DeWitt Mil
ler, of Philadelphia, who gives a lec
ture 14th and sermon 15th. Season
tickets are Sl.50 and tents rent for
SS.00 per season. O. W. Davis,
Salem, Neb., will answer all inquiries.
Excursion to Hot Springs, S. D.
Thursday, July 15. One fare for the
round trip. See nearest Burlington
Route agent.
"Last summer one of our grandchil
(lion was sick with a severe bowel
trouble," says Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of
Fredorlckstown, Mo. "Our doctor's
loniedy had failed, then wo tried
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rheal Remedy, which gave very slieedy
relief." For sale by Taylor the drug-
Bint .
No dust. No hot winds. No sudden
chunges in temperature. Elegant ho
tels Largest plunge hath in the west.
Therm.-.l waters of inestimable value
to sufferers from rheumatism, kidney
troubles, 'etc. Altitude just right for
consumptives. Endorsed by the lead
ing physicians and medical journals of
Nobrapka and Iowa as the healthiest
health resort on the continent. Half
rates July 15th, via tho Burlington
route. Ask local ticket agent for par
ticulars. Beautifully illustrated ads
vertlsing matter mailed on rrquest.
J. Francis, Gen'i Pass'r Agont, Omaha.
The State Journal is offering a first1'
class bicycle free to any person who
will got up a club of 100 yearly subs
scribers for the somi-weekly Journal at
Si each. Tho bicycles are covered by
as strong a guarantee as any $100
wheel and are first-class in every re
spect. Any young man or woman
can now earn a bicycle. If you find
you cannot get the required number, a
liberal cash commission will bo allowed
you for each subscription you do got.
You are sure to be paid well for what
you do. You can get all your friends
and neighbors to lako tlio Feini-wookly
State Journal at SI a year. Address
State Journal, Lincoln, Neb.
CUHS WHtHl All flKf (IWfL
Tlti Couch Syrup. TMtca Good.
in urn, sola t7 artwumu.
Nkmaha City, Njjhiiaka.
Office first door south of Park hotel.
There is a Wrong Way
Notary :-: Public
Nemaha City, Neb.
Contractor and Builder.
All kinds of Carpenter work dono on
short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed.
'J.L.Jlelvhi, M.D., Pit. (i.
SPECIAL,! 1KH: DlHcnsosof the Sklu, Die
ciiHot o. Woniou and Children Wll
protnnti' niimvor nil calls, either day oi
illicit,. Ofllco 1 residence.
Noinalia, - - Nebraska
Brownville Cornet Band
Is now prepared to furnish good music
for entertainments, picnics, memorial
services, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed
Charges reasonable.
E. E. Mu.mkohd, Pies.
G. N. Sanukhs, Sec'y.
Kerker & Hoover,
Dealer In
Hluliost prices iuki;for hides, lnrd, tallow
giiuie, etc
J. H. SEDD, Prop
Breeder nnd Shipper or Dnroc Jersey
and Poland China Hogs
Best no, low prices. Farm one mile
south of Nemaha.
-vc: ,-A-fV
way of treating the eyes, Some people
seem to think that if they only wear
glasses it will bo all right with their
eyes. There would be just as much
-tense in prescribing the same medicine
for every diseaso. Unless you place
v'ourself in the care of a skillful oculist
or optician it would bo better to give
no thought to your eyes at all. Wo
make a specialty of fitting glasses.
DoYouWant Employment
At home or traveling with GOOD PAY?
If so, write iia for particulars, giving
age and occupation. You can work
1 or part time, and the work is LIGHT
AND EASY. Address 7 30
General House Painting,
Ealsomininp: and
Paper Hanging.
Now process of Graining at ono-half
price. Neat work and satisfaction
Notice ok Application fob Tax
To K, S. Burns, Israel Holmes. Jno. Arpa.
bright, J. A. Titus, S. Soper, C. Hose, mid
nil otiiers hiitoln concerned:
You are horehy notified that tho nndor
Himiod did on thoCth day of November, A. I).
ISU5, purchsisa at nilvato sale of the county
tieiisurer of Neinalin county, Nebraska lot
one (1), block fortj-fourt4), In Nemaha City,
Nebraska, for tho years 1887 to 1893 Inclusive;
that said property was previously ottered
lor suluat public sale and not sold lor want
of bidders; that the purchaser has paid tho
Hub.spquo.H taxes on said lot; that said lotlor
each of said years was assessed In tho names
of E. S. Bums. Israol Holmes, Jno. Arua
brlKht, J. A. Titus. H. Soper and C. Hose; that
tho Hmo ol redemption of said lot irnm said
tax sale will expire on tho nth day of Novem
ber, A. I). 1807; that oh tlio Oth dav of Novem -her,
A. D. 1807. or soon thereafter, tho nndor
signed will apply to the treasurer or said Ne
maha county lor a tax deed on said lot, un
less redemption will havo boen made prior
to tho last date herein monlloned.
W. W. Ki:i:mNq, President.
tlio rustling
of Nemaha.
Leave your orders
for a team, hack or
dray, and
Our Hnck meo'sall
Surgeon Specialist,
Stella, - Nebraska
Operations for Cataract and all opera
tions on the eye, Verlcocele, ITerniA,
Ilomerrhoids, etc., performed with
out chloroform and painless. Pa
tients from abroad can obtain board
and hospital facilities at prices less
than in a citjv considering skill and
sanitary surroundings. Paities
seeking relief through surgical
means will do woll to confer with
Dr. Andrews.
Proprietor ol the
Berkshire : Farm.
Breeder of Thoroughbred Berkshire hogs,
Prize winning stock. No better raised. My
prices are In accordance with the times. .See
stock and get prices. Farm -I miles north
west ot Nemaha.
Tetter, Salt-lUicum ana Eczema,
Tho intonso itching and smarting inci
dent to these diseases is instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eye nnd
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
havo been permanently cured by it. It
is equally efficient for itching piles and
a favorite remedy for sore nipples:
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic sore oyes. 25 cts. per box.
Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, aro
just what a horse needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier ahd
vermifuge. They are not food but
medicine and the best in use to put a
horse in prime condition. Price 25
cents per package .
Every Thursday afternoon a tourist
bleeping car for Salt Lake, San Fran
cisco and Los Angeles leaves Omaha
and Lincoln via tho Hurliugton route.
It Is carpeted, upholstered in rattan,
has spring seats and backs and Ib pro
vided with curtains, bedding, towels,
soap, etc. An experienced excursion
conductor and a uniformed Pullman
porter accompany it through to tlio
Pacific coast. While neither so ex
pensively furnished nor so flue to look
at ih a palace slot per, it is Justus good
to rido in. Second class tickets aro
accepted for passage and tho price of a
berth wide enough and big enough for
two Is only $,' For folder giving full
particulars, call at nearest Burlington
ticket ofllco or write to J. Francis, G. .
P. A llurlington route, Oinahii. Neb.l
Mr. 11. Ii. G reeve, merchant, of Chll
howio. Virginia, cert Hies that ho had
consumption, was given up to die.
sought all medical treatment that
money could procure, tried all cough
remedies that ho could hear of, but got
no relief; spent many nights sitting
up in a chair; was induced to try Dr.
King's New Discovery and was cured
by the use of two botths. For past
throe years has boen attending to bus
iness, and says Dr. King's New Dis
covery is tlio grandest remedy over
msde, as it has done so much for him
and also for others in his community.
Dr. King's Now Discovery is guaran
teed for coughs, colds and consump
tion. It don't fail. Trial bottles free
at Taylor's drug Btoro.
Who can think
of eon.e simple
iuiuk iu imieuw
Wanted-An Idea
Protect your Ufu; thpy mar lirlutf you wealth.
ney. Washington, D. U., fov tholr fti.Buu tirlio o7w
nd list ot two hundred Uxeutloun warned.
tt,..ijji3' &
We pay the freight
Rlpans TabuleB.'nt druggists.
RIpans Tabulea euro biliousness.
Itlpans Tabulos: gontle cathartic.
Rlpans Tannics cure torpid liver.
llpans Tabulea: one gives roller.
111 Nebraslta and Wester njnwn.
You Get $195 Organ for $88.
down and $5.00 por month.
Fully Guaranteed for 5 years.
Now write us for Description and Cataloguo. Wo will toll you all
about It. Wo havo boon tolling our friends about this now 23 years.
- j