giym&JfWf jw m .urewwuawflmr wtwtff w wmjurwwrw wwniwiiMiiiiruiigWiuii&ufiww.!jJAiiMgmw JiMiiimiN iiiiininjTmu.uMiiiLiujujiijM..iLg.;rrTrCT!L.j.iMii' .. nm m,. imi-Tn1l1T TirmTTTTrrmrTmi u. Some lor ten. Home tor twenty and somo for thirty years Imvo snfforcd from piles anil thou have been quickly ami iiormationtly cured b using J)'e "Witt's Witoli Uazol Salve, the great romedv for pilesaml all forms of akin diseases. M. II. Taylor. Less than, half rales to San. Frauoisco. Jan a 20 to Thi Nebraska Advertiser If. U N.IJS'lUiltH) i'ultUilttr. SriJROHIl'TIOK, - S I .SO 1'Klt YKAK FRIDAY, J UN 12 IS, 1M)7. COUNTY NEWS. 0 loaned from our excliuiiKcs. Tho county commlartioneiH aio now in session aH a hoard of equalization. Tho village trustees of Johnson are talking of building a town hall, 28x40 feet in size. Tho Auburn city council has on closed a lot and will place therein a rock pile for the benefit of vagrants. Dr. John Gallagher, pastor of tho Methodist cliurch at Auburn, has been engaged to lecture nt tho Glarlnda, la., chaulauqua. Hon. W. F.Gurley, of Omaha, will orate at Auburn July :Jd, and tell how tho heroes of '70 took tho kinks out of the Britidh lion's tail. Messrs. Burgess and Cook, of Julian, recently made a shipmont of horses to .Trance, and think thoy will maku exs peuses and a profit en their invest ment. l.M. Tlupard, formerly with E. II. Dort, at Auburn, but now in the drug Dii3ino38 ui biiuuert, was married on Juno 7 to Miss Nellie Spceco, also of Shubert. Itev. J. II. Dirks, who has boon pastor of tho Gorman Lutheran church near Toblng for many years, and is an old resident of tho county, 1ms resigned his pastorate and will move to Kansas. At tho district Odd Fellows mooting at Auburn last week it was docided to have an annual picnic, and tho ilrst one will bo held in that city on the last Thursday in August, under the aus pices of Mayilowor lodge No. (JO. The new board of pension examiners met in Auburn last week and organ ized by electing Dr. C. F. Stewart chairman, Dr. John B. Jack secretary and Dr. W. T. Neal treasurer. The regular day for examination will be on Wednesday of each week. Jas. O. Connell has again boon lured as teacher of tho Howe school. Profs, Osterhout and ltoyso are retained at Brownvillo, with Miss Eflle Abbott as primary teacher in place of Miss Agnes Jack, who goes to Auburn. Brock and Johnson retain tho same corps of teachers they had last year. During tho month of May thete were tiled in tho otlice of llio county clerk, ten farm mortgages for $19, S35.00, nine town and city mortgages for 84,000.00, and forty-seven chattel mortgages for 8,012.5-2 a total of $!53,078.42. During tho same month there wore reloasod thirteen farm mortgages for $ll),050.22- eight towu and city mortgagos for $4,405.00, and twenty-three chattel mortgages for S0.720.C0 a total or $31,075.78 satiss lied. Amount tiled over aaiouut satis fied, S2.002.04. Auburn Herald: B. F. Mclninch, county commissioner; II. E. Teery, county clerk; Ed Ferneau, county at torney, and Dr. McGrew went to Oma ha Tuesday morning last on business in connection with the Frank dolicien oy judgment of $5,000 against London and Brownvillo precincts. This judg ment was supposed by our county otll cials to le included in tho compromise settlement made with tho lioldois of the old Brownvillo and Ft. Kearney railroad bonds, hut it appears such was not the case, and alter thedeattiof Mr. Frank tho judgment was revived in tho name of the heir of Mr. Frank. Since that time several efforts weio luado to Imvo thn itirlirmnnh att nulli t'v. - """ ' ' -l but by reason of the law of limitation OH in such cases tho time lias passed for yt, mo county to lurther appeal the easo anu ne judgment will have to be paid. Such was the opinion of the judge ben fore whom the ease wi3 heard at Oma ha Tuesday morning. STRAY OBSEUVATJONS. Senator J II. Dundas gives Govern or IIolcmb somo very good advico in last week's Granger In regard to his appointments, and informs the gov ernor that a capable, temperate repub lican Is hotter qualified to till any posi tion of trust than a diunken populist. If Senator Dnndas were not ho modest lie might also have told tho governor that in the person of the editor of the Grangor ho could find at least one pop ulist who would serve the state faith fully and honestly in most any good payinir position without yielding to any of those manifold temptations prone to beset those in oillcial posi tions. In fact, if tho governor tried real hard he could probably find a number of good populism in Nemaha county who would consent to (ill with credit hoiiio of the ofllces undur his control. "Wo believe the school board did tho right thing by engaging graduates of our school to teach the intet mediate and primary departments for the en suing year. For several years tho Auh burn board of education has hired graduate of tho high school of that place to teach in some of the depart ments, and from the fact that those graduates aro generally re-engaged from year to year, and that new grad uates aro frequently added to tho corps of teachers, tho polic is evidently a good one. Any way, it is patronizing home industry, and 1b worth trying. Strangers visiting our town aro al ways enthusiastic admirers sf our pretty little park. No town in the state the size of Nemaha has a finer park in which to hold picnics and other public gatherings, and those en terprising citizens who contributed the irees and attended to sotting them out sixteen years ago, and those who have taken prid in caring for them since, deserve great credit for their efforts. Why do not the gi uiuates of tho Nemaha nigh school organize an alum ni society It would servo to keep up school friendships, cause greater inter., est to bo taken in the school, and bo of benellt in many ways. STANDS AT THE HEAD. Aug. J. Bogul, tho leading druggist of Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only thing that cures my cough, and it is the best selN er I have " J . F. Campbell, merchant or S.ifford, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it: it no 'er tails, and is a sine cure for consumption, coughs and colds. I cannot say onougli for its merits." Dr. King's New Discovery for coiHiimps tion, coughs and colds is not an exper iment. It has been tried for a quarter of a century and today stands at th head. It novor disappoints. Free trial bottle at Taylor's drug stare. NEWS SERVICE EXTENDED. Tho St. Louis Republic recently made arrangements with the cable com panies, whereby direct news from all sections of Lite civilized world are rece ived. It now prints more autheotic foieign news than any other paper and eontinueo to keep up its recul for publishing all tho home news. The out look for tho year is one of big news events, fast succeeding each other and they will-be highly interesting to every one. The price of the Republic dailv ia SO.Ol) a year, or 81.50 for three months. Tho Twico-a-Weok Republic will remain tho uame ono dollar a year, by mail, twice a-week. A SOUND LIVER MAKES A. WELL MAN Are you bilious, constipated or trou bled with jaundice, sick headache, bad tiito in mouth, foul breath, coated tongue, dyspepsia, indigestion, hot dry skin.pain in back and between should ers, chills and fever, etc. If yon have any of these symptoms vuur liver is out. of order and your blood is slowly being poisoned because vour liver does iot act promptly. Herbmio will cure any disorder of tho liver, stomach or bowels. It has no equal as a liver mod eine. L'rieo 75 cents. Freo trial bot tles at laylor's drug storo. r 22 ly "For three yearo we Imvo never been without Chainbei Iain's Colic, Uiolora ami Diarrluea Remedy in the house, sii) a A. II. Fatter, with E. C Atkins ifc Co., Indianapolis. Iud., "and my wife would as soon think of going without hour a;, a bottle or this lemedy " tho siimnuM- season. Wo have used it witli all 1 lit pi of our children and it has never failed to cure-not simply stop pain, but euro absolutely. It is all right, and anyono who tiies it will Hod it so." For sale by Taylor, tho druggist. paid Thus. (Texas) En. Jalii 8, via the BarUitfloa LVm'v, 1!is01,8, ,,ho Wm.t.O Rnnnm.vnot- K .V U 4 P Us for hfok IMUhU'lm , V, ,-. Zr . "t."f.' jj. v .-n.or tho stomach ami liver nit. it. liccet. a,t?enf. jm r- "Tney am dandies," Howors, of tho Crockett toi prise, wniio tvruinu about Dm Witt 'a famous little and disoiderH M. II 'P.. lor. jsgBSgfl The NewYork Weekly Tribune J)U. W. W. KEELING, Mkmaiia City;, Nijhiiaka, Ofllco first door south of Park hotel. W. W. SANDERS, Notary :-; Public Nemaha City, Neb. L. II. MERRITZ, Contractor and Builder. All kinds of Carpenter work done on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. NEMAHA, - NEBRASKA. J.L.JIclvin, M.D., lh. (7. PHYSIGI&NANDSUBGEOH SlHCIAL.iiKH: DlnenneHof tho Slcln, DIh CHNet o Wotnon ami Children Will promntU' imnwor all culls, either day or illicit. Otllco "i residence, Nemaha, - - Nebraska Brownville Cornet Band Is now prepared to furnish good music for entertainments, picnics, memorial services, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges reasonable. E. E. Mumfokd, Pres. G. N. Sandehs, Sec'y. Kerker & Hoover, IMI Dealer lu 1 Illichest prlceH pald;for htdeH, lard, tnilow dine, etc NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. NEMAHA STOCK FA11M J. H. SEID, Prop NEMAHA, NEBRASKA. Breeder mid Shipper of Dnroc Jersey and Poland Clilnu Hogs Best ne, low prices. Farm ono mile south of Nemaha. Do YouWant Employment At home or traveling with GOOD PAY? If so, write o.a for particulars, giving ngu and occupatioi. You can work i llor part time, and tk work is LIGHT AND EASY. Address 7 30 THE HAWKS NDIIEKY O0Mj?AAY, M1LWAUCKB, -WISCONSIN. J. S. HADLOCE, General House Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging. New process of Graining at ono-lialf price. Neat work and satisfaction guaranteed. C. SHUCK, Proprietor of the NEMAHA VaLLEY Berkshire : Farm. Hrnedorof Thoroughbred Uorlcshlro hosjH, Prize winning Mtouk, No bettor raised. My prices 1110 In uccordunoc with tho tlmcN. See Htock and gut prices. Kuriu i in Huh north utht ot Nemulm. N ISM All A, - NEBRASKA. B.BeiiAnclrews.fO.Ph.D, Surgeon Specialist, Stella, - Nebraska Operations for Cataract and all opera tions on the eye, "Wricocole, Hernia, Hemorrhoids, etc., performed with out chloroform and painless. Pa tients fiom abroad can obtain board and hospital facilities at prices less than in a city, considering skill and sanitary surroundings. Parties Hi'civing relief through surgical ieans will do well to confer with Dr. Andrews. Konri'Hontlng Cooper tho rustling Liveryman of Nkmaiia. l.puvn your orders for ti'uiu, buck or dr.iy, mid Wk do Tin: Hr.sT. f'"' Mack iijuo'h nil ratlin Itlpona Tabules: Rontlo cathartic. Itipans TahuloH cure torpid :iver. lllpups Tabules: ono gives relief. Ulpaus Tabules: pleasant laxative. EVJ3UY member of KVEIIY family on EVERYr farm in EVERY village in EVERY State or Territory. FOR Education FOR Noble Manhood VOll True Womanhood. IT GIVES IT GIVES IT GIVES IT GIVES IT GIVES IT GIVES IT GIVES IT GIVES IT GIVES IT GIVES IT GIVES all imporant news of the Nation all important news of tho world the most reliable market reports brilliant and instructive editorials fascinating short stories an unexcelled agricultural department scientific and mechanical information illustrated fashion articles humorous illustrations entertainment to young and old satisfaction everywhere to everybody We furnish Tiik Advkktiser and New York Weekly Tribune, both papers, ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.25, Cash in Advance. Address all orders to THE ADVERTISER, Nomana, tfefc. Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best. Room 2 Tribune Ruilding, New York City, and sample copy of The New York Weekly Tribune will bo mailed to you. W Picmctj L We will send all three to you fr one year for $2 or 0 months for $1 . The roRulnr subKcrlptlon price of " BEMORESTS MAGAZINE, JUDGE'S LIBRARY, and f FUNNY PICTURES fo 83.30. j one year tor UKJiuuiihT 8 JWAOA.JNH ramllv lnugnzlne published; thero Is none o pur monthlies In which the benutlfnl nnd tho iiHoful. pleasure nml protlt, fashion and literature are so fully presented us lu Dumorcst's. Thero Is, In fact, no publication pretending to a similar scopo and purpose which can compare with It. Every number contains u free pattern coupon. JUDGE'S LlltllARV Is a monthly niHgnzlneof fun, tilled with Illustrations In caricature and replete with wit and humor. Us contributors lire 1 lie best of Amerlcnn wits nnd Illustrators. FUNNY PigtuKKS Is another humorous monthly; thero is a laugh In overyllnoof It. All three of thes magazines aro handsomely gotten up. You should not miss tkl chunco to secure them. Cut hero and return Coupon properly tilled out. Demorost Publishing Co., 110 Filth Ave., Nw York. For thoonclosed $2.00 please send Demorest's Knmlly Mngnzlne, Judge's Library a magazine of fun), and Funny Pictures for one year ns per your otfor.. Itumc, Tojtqfflce., Date, State., Will pay for this Paper for Ono Year, and a Year's Subscrip tion to The Wester Kmm. CHICAGO, ILL. The Old Reliable Farm and Family Journal, $1.00 a year. A Farm Paper that is always in the front rank, printing each week from 32 to 40 pages of such matter as will inform the mind and swell the pocket-book, as well as delight the hearSs of the Farmers Household, To this combination of the two leaders of their class Too Best H oma raiiv mo Karm mv wKHBuissie ami will be added, provided advantage is taken of this offer at once hoth one year, postpaid, at the extremely low price of $ in advance, and will give to each subscriber to this combination offer who pays teu cents additional for postage and packing, TWENTY PACKETS OF SEEDS fpfK These seeds are the best in the mar- vf?535Pr-w 'HVgfiwti kct- They cosist of h'arrn, Vegetable jfaffimffiBp J&wfe? -;$$ od Fwer Seeds of your own selec- M$Mft$g& fe'feSK t'0" from a list of 200 varieties. The SjScjSSSS Vmi$J$wWyM packets are as large as seedmen's mail f5&WS Wi &ftM''$$V&m$M Tho aofjdB alono at rotall prices WMWf MWW?8 aro wort," SI Gall and soe us tSj raW lW;kuKW,r;;frV'i about this Kroat offor at onco. or SvVVVVJ oond remittances to this office. Jgl&y A tfa F IS! TPi W A S8 T F H 1 .T?k ."? LP" r Known i o ovory m m pi M v mr w w W HUI lrr I man and woman In the County. li TK and Standard Seed ami l'lant Catalogue. Contains all that's Now and fJood. Always Kcllablo. E GUIDE "I 0no pacl;ct clthcr Wo'''f''l nrniiclilna ANtor, Now d -. PTo unnr Phninr. I J,,,,,l, nlolll,UBr (5,or or auuy Cl.olco mlxoil, for I U V ' 9 ' yUUI UIIUILU J 0 packcts !."5c., threo packets UOc. Full retail j.rlco 15cts. iU VIch'H Illustrated Monthly Mujmzlno which tells how to Brow rinnta. Flowcra and VeKetbles, nml is up to dato on theso subjects, for 3 months, tho (Juldoaud Ouo imclict of Seeds (uamed above) for'JS ccutH. . iVlien onlerltiB Btato whero you inHnriiiiniri.... I aa4 JAMES VICK'S SONS, ROCHESTER, N. Y.! iaMMIMiMlllBMiIMMll 1 m