The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 07, 1897, Image 1

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miuwimjijn limit
Local !N"ews.
"Warmer weatlior.
Fut up tlio loose stack.
Call and see us for job work.
Mrs. Fan-bank for fine millinery.
Clyde King was in from Auburn last
Wes Clark was down from Auburn
last Sunday.
Jerry Marlatt, of Aubuin, was in
town Tuesday.
H. V. Muir was down from Brown
villo Monday.
Miss Lydia Barnes came down from
Peru Thursday.
Hank Wntermuu and tlio mumps
aro having a tussel this week.
Mrs. Fred Seabury has been sick
with neuralgia for several days.
Lulu Cooper has about recovered
from her severe attack of fever.
Mrs. W. W. Sanders visited Brown-
villo friends tin- lirst of tliis week.
County Superintendent Carman visit
ed the Nemaha schools Wednesday.
There was some frost hero a night or
two last week, but little damage was
S. Gilbert has had a number of shade
trees set out on the lot south of the
The Titus Nursery is setting out a
good sized apple orchard on the farm
this spring.
FOU KENT Three rooms upstairs
in Tun Auvkutisek building. Inquire
at this ollice.
Stephen Huntington was on the sick
list for several days, but is able to be
around again.
Miss Maud Minick received a fine
piano last Saturday, from S. II. Avey
& Co., of Auburn.
Somo of our singers were out sere
nading Friday night, and of course did
not forget the editor.
Mrs. Minnie Parker has moved In
Mrs. M. H. Crother's house, south of
the editorial residence.
Wm. Kossell, of Brownville, moved
to Beatrice this week. He will make
his home with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lo
rauce. John Clark came in from Smith
county, Kansas, the latter part of last
week, on a visit to his father, Ilonry
In advance, wo will send The Advek
tiseh one year.
II. W. Masters, formerly of Auburn
but now of Lincoln, lias been talking
piano to some of our citizens the past
two or three weeks.
Mrs, T. A. Loranco came down from
Brownville Wednesday and will visit
parents and sisters for a few days bo
fore going to Beatrice.
Itev. J. W. Taylor is able to get out
again, with the aid of crutches. He
hud a close call and it will be some
time before he entirely recovers.
Calvin S. Gillespie is quite sick. He
has boon in poor health for several
months, and waa taken much worse
Thursday. He is suffering severely.
Charloy Woodward went to Tecum
seh Thursday, whore he has a position
as stenographer and typewriter in the
office of Attorney J. Hall Hitchcock.
ou easy payments. Inquire at this of
flee for particulars.
2Dr. X. Xj. JVTerviii.
Office at residence, south of Minick
store building.
Claronco Aynes, Al and Joe Morton
and two or three others f the Nemaha
boys went to Tecumseh a few days ago
and aro working on the B. & M. gravel
Frank Titus wont to Tecumseh a
few days ago to work for the B. & M ,
but tho attractions at Nemaha were
too great, and ho could only stay away
two or three days.
The young people celebrated the
coming ef May in the usual fashion, by
distributing May baskets of (lowers to
their friends. The Advehtisek house
hold received several of theso beautiful
C Shuck shipped a line Berkshire
pig to Caspar, Wyoming, April 20th.
As he did not have one on hand to 111 1
the order, he had to buy itofS. C.
Shuck, bath keeping the same kind of
hogs, Sam having gut his hogs origin
ully fioin his father.
The editor of this family journal has
been almost dick for the past three or
four weeks and consequently has not
devoted as much time to the paper as
it needed, but an assistant has been
engaged and the paper will be itn
proved considerably in the future, be
ginning with tho coming issue.
Some of the stock that has been run
ning at large has broken off the tops of
several ot the sma.l trees that have
been set out around the Methodist
church yard. It is a shame that these
who work hard to improve the condi
tion of the town should see the fruits
of their labor destroyed in this way.
Hosie Seabury had an experience
with a baru wire ieuce on Wednesday
that she will roint luuci lor a long lime
She was climbing the fenue when she
slipped and fell, and one barb caught
in one limb and tore a three cornered
gash nearly two inches across at the
widest place. It is a painful wound
LECTURE. H. A. Pallister will
deliver his Hue lecture on "Mai tin
Luther" at the M. E. church in Noma,
ha on Tuesday night, May 18th. Tick
ets admitting two, 25 cents; single ad
mission, 15 cunts; children, 10 oouts.
This lecture will also bo delivered at
Brownville Monday night, May 17th.
Dr. Keeling has been having consid
erable work done at his residence this
spring, and has therefore been spending
much of his time at homo overseeing
the work. Ho has had several rooms
kalsomined, repapered and otherwise
renovated, and will propably have tho
house repainted. He rucently had u
good sidewalk laid in front of his lots-
The articles on weeds published In
Wallaces' Farmer in 1806 wore very
valuable to tho readers of that paper.
Large pictures were published of the
worst weeds the western fanner has to
light and the best means of killing
them were very fully given. Each one
of theso weed articles was worth several
times the price of a year's subscription
to the paper. Wallaces' Farmer is a
general agricultural paper published
weekly at Dos Moines, Iowa, at 81 per
year. You can get a sample copy free
by writing fcr it.
Wo will send Wallaces' Farmer
and The Advektiser. both one year
for S1.00.
Look Here!
Best Garden Seeds.
Fresh bulk seeds just received at
Kerker & Hoover's. Cheaper than
ever. None better. Give them a
all and see for yourself.
Nemaha has a Bakery, Candy Facto
ry, Lunch Counter, etc., where you can
get a hot lunch, a square meal , fresh
bread, cakes, pies, etc. I am prepared
to make hot candy for parties on short
notice, 11, L. Nohfleet.
Tho Methodist Sunday school and
the Junior Longuo hold their May day
picnic last Saturday In "Bolo valley,"
uartheastof town. They met at tho
Methodist church and marched through
town to tho grove. When thoy arrived
thero the May pole, crowned with a
wreathe of flowers, was put up, and
then tho king and queen, princo and
princess wore crowned with appropri
ate ceremonies. Thero were several
songs and a recitation, and altogether
the program was very Interesting.
Cyrus Minick was king, May Kerker
queen, Verne Taylor princo, Nellie
Sanders princess, and Besslo Frost,
Uosie Seabury, Hazel Parker, Belle
Galbralth and Flossie Waterman maids
of honor.
At noon table cloths wore spread en
tho grass and a picnic dinner enjoyed.
About seventy-live persons were pres
ent. Thero were no accidents, and all
present, biy and little, old and young,
seemed to have a good time.
All interested in the building of the
log cabin in Nemaha and also those
interested in the old sottlors meotlngs
aro requested touneel at The Adveh
TiSKit office Saturday, May 8th, at
2 o'clock-p. in. The members of the
executive committee are especially re
quested to be present.
Kansas Champion will mako tho sea
son of 1807 at my furm. one milo south
of Nemaha. Terms, S7.0U to insure a
colt to stand and suck.
For sale at 50 cents per sotting. .Puiev
choice stock.
Geo. N. Sandeus, Bro.wnville.
For salo 4.000 pounds of cane seed
at 80 cents per 100. 2i miles south
west of Nemaha. Newton Jauvi.
We will send I he A nvrcuTlsicit, Hi
New York Tribune, the Toledo Blad
and the Chicago Inter Ocean, all few
papers ono year for only $1.85.
We have made arrangements where
by wo can Bond The Auveutiseh aim
tho Inter Ocean both one year for onl)
Si. 40 cash in advance.
W.W. Sanders. Notary Public. Pen
sions papers of all kinds made out nc
cwrately. Legal documents drawn up
All business given prompt and careful
Get our clubbing rates on any paper
you want to subscribe for. Wo can
save you money.
We wish all our delinquent subscri
bers who can furnish us wood or corn
would bring the same in at once, as we
need it.
FLIES. FLIES. Got that old wall
paper tore off and put on new, before
tho illes come. Neat workdono by
J. S. Hadlock.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps moro gen
erally needed when the languid, ex
hausted feeling prevails, when the
liver is torpid and sluggish and the
need of a tonic and alterutivo is felt.
A prompt use of this medicine has
often averted long and perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. No medicine will et
more surely in counteracting and froo
ing tho system from the malarial poi-..
son. Headache, indigestion constipa
tion, dizziness yield to Electric Bitters
Fifty cents and $1 per bottle at Tay
lor'fl drug- store.
I can furnish pasturage for about
fifty head of young cattle this summer
at following prices: Calves and year
lings 50 cents a month per head; two
yeariolds and grown cattle 75 cts. No
horses wanted. Pasture three miles
south of Nemaha.
E. S. McCandless, Auburn.
WANTED. 25 buggies to paint at
tho very lowest prices. If you aro go
ing to paint call seo me.
J. 8. Hadlook-
Rlpans Tubules: one gives roliof.
Her new stock of Millinery
She intends to enluro her store building and make other changes soon.and
In order to dispose of present stock immediately will sell goods at and below cost.
New Goods. Latest Styles. Call and see.
Nulue Sandeuh, ,, ,,,
Nelson Hadlook. J lM,Itora
Willie Yntes is on tho siok list.
Annio Burns re-entered school Mon
day. Eddlo Yackly has been absent this
Mrs.Buoll visited our school Wednes
day forenoon.
Fishing now eeems more attraetivo
to somo of the larger boys than coming
to school.
Mr. Carman, the county superinten
dent, vinited our room Wednesday fore
noon, and expressed himself woll
ploased with the work being done.
One of the fifth grade pupils worked
four days on ono dilllcult problem, and
finally got It without assistance. As a
result he is about the proudest boy in
STIIAYED. From my stock field
about March 15ih a two-yetw-old bay
horsocolt; white spot in forehead and
some white ou hind feet.
- -- ' Haitii.
DON'T WASH your wood work and
doors, but have them neatly grained
ind varnished. ,)ust as cheap a to
paint them. Fiist class work dnnebjt
J. S. Hadlooic.
W. W. Sanders is agent for H. V
Muir's town lots in Nemaha. If yoi
want to lease or buy Ono apply at Tin
Auveutiseh olllou.
Aug J. Bogel. the loading druggist
of Shrevoport, La., says: "Dr. Klng'b
New Discovery is the only tiling thai
cures my cough, and it is the best seIN
nr I have ' ,) . F. Campbell, merchant
of Safford, Ariz,, writes: "Dr. King's
New Discovery is all that is claimed
for it; it no-'er fails, and is a ur cure
foreensumption, coughs and colds. I
cannot say enough for itB merits." Dr.
King's New Discovery for conaumps
tion, coughs and colds is not an tfxpor
iment. It has been tried for a quurter
of a century and today stands at the
head. It never disappoints. Free
trial bottle at Taylor's drug stare.
Rlpans Tabulos.
Rlpans Tabules euro flatulonco.
Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative.
Full Line Latest Styles" Prints
Novelties, Etc., just received, at
erson's liew Gash Store.
We carry a good line of
and invite your inspection
as Anderson has jiiHt got in a pood stock. Tho dry poods, notions, lints nnh
caps, boots and shoos and other departments have ajso boon stocked up witd
good seasonable goods, which he is selling at bod rock prices. Try him.
Package Coffeo in
First class bulk Coffeo 20
Canned Peas io
Canned Lima Henna to
Canned Tomatoes 8
Cauned Corn 8
N. B. Anderson's Cash Store
Ordinance No. 40.
An Ordinance to prohibit Btoelc. Mich as
Horses, iMulcH, Cattle, Hhocp, Hwlno nnil
Uoutn from runnlnu at luru" within tho
corporate llmltH of tin) vllliwr of Nomahn
City. Nebraska, ond topiohlhlt tho lariat,
lug or any such Hloclc upon thost reels mid
alleys or public highway or mild villus,
utnl to provlilo n pounlty lor tlio violation
of tlio mime.
Ho It ordained hy tho Chnlrmnn and hoard
or TruitiKN or tliu village of Nemaha City,
Suction 1. It nhull bo unlawful for any
stock. Mich as horses, milieu, cattle, Hlieop,
bwIiio or floats, to run at Ini'Koon any or tho
RtreotH, alloys or public hli;li ways of tlio oalrt
vll Indoor Nemaha (Jlty, Nebraska, or upon
any ptibllottroundH or vneant or unplatted
territory within tlio limits ottnuld
Hko. 2. It shall bo unlawful for any person
to lariat any animals or Htoclc mentioned In
section ono of thin ordinance upon any of tho
streets, alleys or public hlKtiways of said vll
Iniioof Noiimliii Olty.
HKC.II. liHlmll bo lhe duly of tho vlltno
marshal or other nitleer therounlo author
ized, upon bet ok notified that an v of tho pro
vIhIoiih of thlH ordlnaneo aro boli'iK violated,
to takoHiioli Htock and impo.ind them, and
tho owner thereof Hlnill bo held liable for all
roHtH for tlio tnlchiK anil hooping of thosatno.
Tho marshal or other otllcer shall have a llmi
on wild Hloclc for such costs, provided, how
ever, that tho forN and costs tor talciiig and
keeping satd stock shall not exceed tho sum
oi twonty.llvo cents per head for tho first
tlftv head and tlvo cent por bend for each
additional animal for tlio Impounding, and
lllty eentH por day tier head for tho keeping
ofsald stool; provided further that Wheuov
or such officer shall havo Impounded any of
iheanlmalN mentioned In Kectlon ono of this
ordinance ho shall within threo days from
the taking up of wild stock notify tho owner
In writing that he has Impounded the same,
giving their description and tho amount of
iheceslsand fees then due; hut In enso tho
owner Is unknown to the olllcor ho shall post
written notices In tlvo of the most consplou
nii places In the village nl Neiniiha Clty.nnd
In fifteen days ufler giving notice by either
method ho snail proceed to sell the hdiiio to
the highest bidder for cash. Tho proceeds of
said sale shnll bo applied In tlio tint
tho payment of tho of keeping, Im
pounding, advertising find soiling the same.
I'he remalndo. shall bo paid to the owner of
such stock If ho Is known; If not. thon at
tho expiration of one year from tlio datoof
(ho sale thereof tho same shall bo paid Into
the treasury and b come a part of tho gen
eral fund of the vllliige of Nemaha Olty.
Hko. I. Any person found guilty of violat
ing any of tho provisions of nectlon two of
Oils ordlnaneo shall upon conviction there
of ho fined In any sum not exooedl'ig 610 and
costs of suit, and stand committed to Jail
until Hiuno is paid.
ThlKordlnauoototako effect and bo In forcn
from and after Its pussngo, approval and
Passed nnd approvod May 1st, 1807.
Attest 1). A. MOU'i'ON, Uhulrman.
W. W. SAN DIUIB, Clerk.
Published in tho AdvorttsorMay7t!, 1897.1
The greatest danger from La Grippo
is of ite resulting In pheumenia. If
caro In used, however, and Chamhnr-.
Iain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger
will be avoided, Amang the tens of
thousands who have used this remedy
for la grippo, wo have yet to learn of
a single case having resulted in phou
tnonia, which shows conclusively that
thin remedy Is a certain preventive of
that d.irud diseaae. It will effect n
permanent cure in less time than any
other treatment. The 25 and CO cent
sizes for sale by Taylor, the druggist.
Ripans Tabules euro bad breath.
Choice Mixed Candy 10
Horseshoe Tobacco 38
Toddy Tobacco 23
Capt Kldd 20
0 for 10 20
Corn Cake 16