The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 12, 1897, Image 1

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ebmshu Mdvertiser,
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Local 1ST ews.
.John Dorrain visitd Auburn Moni
Alva Loedy is working for Ben
llanna Bennett will work I. N.
Cooper's farm this venr.
J. L. Dal by and Col.Joo Harper wert
up from Shubert Monday.
Dr and Mrs. B. Bell Andrews were
over from Stella Thursday.
Mrs. S. M. Rich, an old resident ol
Brownvlllo, died Tuesday.
Miss Minnie May wont to Peru Mon
day, returning the next day.
Mr. and Mrs. John Guff aro rejoicing
oyer the birth of a daughter.
I.N. Cooper and lainily are again
living in their Nemaha home.
J. C. Dort, the State Journal repre
sentative, was in town Friday.
Frank II. Jay is organizing a castle
of "Itoyal Highlanders'' in Nemaha.
1 B. Skeen drove in from Auburn
last Sunday, i ('turning the next day.
Phe wife of L)r II L. Matthews, ol
"-"'VXondon precinct, died last Saturday
Mirts May Swan, who has been at
f tending the Normal school at Peru,
iJ"came home Thuisday.
Mr. Sunn-, aIm has been living in
too Finch pro,iMrv for several months,
- moved tti . in Monday.
James W Wolfe and two children
relifrnVd lust Saturday from Hamburg,
Iuwa, wln-irt th"y were visiting rela
tiv?.i for a iew dnvB.
.vtr-t. John G oiivtu, wlio i3 living
with her tiou in law, (Jhus. W. Koberi',
has been duugeiously Rick for some
time, but is getting some better.
A. J. Skeen, ot liakridge, Kansas,
gave us a pleasant rail Wednesday. He
is visiting 'Us mother, Mrs. J. G.Skeen,
and other relatives and finauds in tin
The infant, child of Mr. and Mrs. S.
C. Lawrence died Wednesday, with
membraneous croup. The funeral
services were held at th'e Christian
church Thursday .
J. S. ladlock rxpeuis to move fioin
Browuvilie to Nomaha the ilrot of
next week. He lias the contract to
paint the new school house at Hills
dale when it is built.
Charley Taylor, who has been visit
ing Nemaha friends and working in
the barber shop foi the past ten or
twelve days, went to Mound City, Mo.,
Wednesday, to take charge of Harvey
Thompson's shop.
Opal Seabury was seven yeara old
Thursday, and her parents invited a
number of her young frionds to assist
in properly celebrating that event
The party was a total surprise to Opal.
Cake, apples and pop corn were served
us refreshment!. Of course all had a
delightful time.
E. E. Uumbaugh, of MoundCity, Mo.,
who has traded for HarvoyThompson's
barber shop, moved to Nemaha this
week, and is now in possession of the
shop. He is liying in part of Stove
Cooper's house. Mr. Uumbaugh is a
pleasant gentleman and is said to be a
first class harper.
The operetta "Genevieve," given at
tne opera house Saturday night, under
the direction of Miss Emma Criin, res
fUcted great credit upon Miss Crim and
nil those taking part. The singing was
excellent, the acting good, and every
thing passed off smoothly. The enter,
tainment deserved a much larger audi
enco than was present.
We pay 15 cents a bushel foFeorn
taken on subscription.
Dr. J. Xj. JVTelviiii
Olllce at residenco, south of Minick
store building
Our minstrfl troup is achieving a
wonderful reputation. This week two
Chicago actors, one of whom lias had
years of experience on the stage and
in managing thoatrictil companies, have
applied for a posiMnn, but our "black
imateurs" nre very oxclusive. and re
vised the admission so ardently da
Wa onjoyad a very pleasant call from
Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Shubert Thursday
afternoon. Mr, Shuuort is living on
his farm near Howe one of the best
fruit farms in Nemaha county. He
ships eacli year great quantities of ap
ples from this farm, and (hoy rank
among the very beat apples raised in
the world.
Stephen Coopor failed in making the
trade with Adam Follmer, and has
concluded to stay with us. Ho says
the young ladies of Nomaha will have
to patronize him when they want a
ride, even if he isn't as good looking as
Mr. Follmer. We are vory glad Steve
has decided to stay with us. as he is a
good business man and a good citizen
Olive Camp No 14, Woodmen of the
World, will give a dance in the opera
house, an oyster supper in the lower
west room of the opera house, and an
entertainment in the Minick hall next
Wednesday night, March 17th. Ad
mitsion to danco, 50 cents; supper and
entertainment, 25 cents ; entertainment
alone, 10 cents. Everjbody is invited.
John Jennings, a farmer who has
been renting near Graf, in .Johnson
county, got tired of larming, so he
loaded up his goods and staited out to
search fer a good location. Ho arrived
in Nemaha Saturday forenoon and was
so favorably impressed with the look
of the town that ho decided to
hero. He bought the Finch property
and is now a i evident of Nemaha.
Look ULee!
Best Garden Seeds.
Fiesh bulk seeds just received at
Korker & IIoovr'a Cheaper than
ever. None better Give them a
call and see for yourself.
Wo understand the Auburn Tele
phone company is contemplating qx
tending its lino throughout the county.
It is believed, if possible, the company
will run a line to Johnson, Howe, Ne
maha, Browuvilie and Peru. This
would not only help the company but
would bo beneficial to these different
points to be in direct communication
with the county seat. We understand
that the company is now in a nourish
ing condition, the service rendered is
btyond comparison. They have up
wards of 200 phones in use and appli .
cations aae daily coming in for more.
Auburn Herald.
The "air ship" or "Vvhat is It" was
visible to our citizens last Friday night
between the hours of 0 and 10 o'clock
Itcamefiom the northwest, changed
its lights from red to white and white
to red, shot off to the south for a few
miiiuWS, took a northwesterly course
out of sight Nearly twenty persons
of this city, reliable upon ordinary sup
jects, claim to have seen this "What is
It." and as we hae no saloons, and
most of those who saw the object are
temperance people, we have about de
cided co admit that there is something
about the matter that should be ex
plained. Teeumseh Journal.
FOB SALE. A span of good mules
nine years, perfectly gentle. Apply at
this olllce.
Wo will send The Advisktisisk, the
Now York Tribune, the Toledo Blado
and the Chicago Inter Ocean, all four
papers one year for only $2.10.
JKlpans Tabules.
pintinn TnlmlnA fMirn hnailnaha.
RlDanB Tabules euro indigestion. I
1IATTII6 lUlHGliflS, (lIt0r8
Misses Cora Glllespio and "Flora
Waterman nre again enrolled among
the pupils ol' tlm high school.
The Bookkeeping class aro rather
disgusted with their balance nc
counts, as they cannot find their nils
The ninth, year class is now studying
the philosophy of lenso3 and thole
effects on a ray of light.
Our directors aeem so be getting
rather negligent of our school property
as several of our window panes and
shades are missing, wliilo the plaster-
ing is falling from tiie ceilings of one
room and tho entry.
Friday morning some of our pupils
came to iBchool looking rather sober,
and all on account of being disappoint
ed in their expectations of an inaugural
party tho ovo bef re, which on account
of tho woatlior was postponed until
Tho pupils of the high school aro
very much elated to think that several
of their number are so willing to help
with the "BiacK Amateur Minstrels,"
the proceeds of which go to repair tl e
Both division of the high school wil
combine their efforts to nuke tho liter
ary exercises of March 15th as inter'
eating ati possible, as that will be the
last for thejninth grade.
February 22nd the boys in somo way
gavo the ropo to tho Hag pole tho wrong
pull, which left the pole in a uselens
condition, which should be seen to be
fore the close- of the present term ol
school, as it would he liupo-sible to lit'
our Hag as it ihow stands
The. school iroom is much plosiBunter
since we can i)wu tliewindows open
most of the tune.
Tie pins are ' roininu tim'e popular
among tho scholairf, hut vet they air
very cosily so met lines, as a pm which
belonged to uciit her cost a couple of out
girls 37 cents each one da) last week
A couple of our young men are
gieatly elated, as they expect to be tho
principle objects of a sidetdmw wi h
Prof. Crichton as doorkeeper, Saturdaj
We would advise the editor of Tin;
Advuktishu t;o look well to his die
tionary before correcting I lie spelling
in these items,, as wo aro able to find a
few words in enr dictionary yet if it is
somewhat dilapidated!
The insurance question is an impoi
taut one to farmers. In Iovra the
have solved it by organizing mutual
companies. They are wondoi fully sue
cessful and save their members bun
diedsof thousands of dollars ever
vear. Wallaces' Fanner. J)es Moines,
Iowa, is tho flloial paper of thest
companies It is a geueial agricultura
paper published weekly at $1 00 pet
year. Wo will send Wallaces' Farmer
and the Advkiitihkk both for one year
for $1.00. You can get a copy of Wall
aces' Farmer free by writing for it.
Get our clubbing rates on any paper
you want to subscribo for. We can
save you money.
Tetter, SulL-llhontiL unu Kczcma.
Tho iutonac itching and smarting inci
dent to'theso diseases is instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have been permanently cured by it. It
1b ecpially efficient for itching piles nnd
a favorite remedy for sore nipples;
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic soro eyes. 25 cts. per box.
Dr. Caily's Condition Powders, aro
just what a horso needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood pnrifier and
vermifuge. Thoy aro not food but
medicine and tho best in use to put n
horso in prirao condition. Price 25
cents per package
.afc. -
Itlpans Tabulea euro nausea.
Itlpans Tabules euro bad breath.
Rlpana TabuleB euro flatulence.
Itlpans Tabules: pleasant laxative
Itlpans Tabules: for eour stomach.
Take the wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met, John
McElhaney, pronrielor,
The second trial of John W. Arga
bright cune to an end last Wednesday
merning at one o'clock, when tho jury
roturned a verdict of guilty as charged
in the Indictment of murder in tho first
degroo and fixed tho penalty of imprU
oiunent for life.
The following is tho verdict:
Tho Smto of Nebraska vs. John W
Wo, tho jury in this case, being duly
impsiuoled and sworn do find and say
that wo find the defendant, John W.
Argabright, guilty of murder in tho
llrst degree as charged in the indict
ment and wo further say that the 1on
fondant, John W. Argabright, ahull bo
imprisoned in tho penitentiary of tho
state of Nebraska for life.
The court then adjourned until Frh
day at 0 o'clock p. m , when Judgo
Ramsey will hear motions in tho Stull
will case. The court will thon adjourn
till Monday whon Judgo Lotton will
be hero and liBten to a motion for a
now trial in tho Argabright case.
Auburn Post.
Wo liavo made arrangements whoros
by we can sond This Advkutirisk and
the Inter Ocean both one year for only
$1.00 cash in advance.
W. W. Sanders is agent for R, V.
Mulr's town lots in Nemaha. If you
want to lease or buy ouo apply at Tins
Advkrtiskk ofllee
Itlpans Tabules euro dizziness.
Who wants to buy good goods u low figures to call at
Anderson's' flew
New stock of Shoes just receivedfine line.
We have a flno lino of
Overcoats for Boys, now being sold At Cost
Wo aro also soiling
Hoy9 fe$uitB; jt Cost,
as Anderson has just got in a good stock. Tho dry goods, notions, hats and
caps, boots and shoes and other departments hav.e ajso been stocked up with
good seasonable goods, which he is selling at bod rock prices. Try him.
B. Anderson's U
ax-OsinsTG- otjti
. Oraumer & Co.
have decided to Close
their entire line of
TEVtfinlts and. Valises,
N ow get to the front, "The Blue Front,"
and dress yourself and boys up with the
best and cheapest suits ever purchased
for the money. We mean just what we
say, as we are determined to Close Out
this stock as soon as possible. So rush
in and procure some of these unparal
leled bargains before all are gone.
Xoix?t 13ela,y. Time is IMConey
Remember the pltco
J. W. Crenmer & Co., Auburn
Mi as!
LO ng m
C t b w n
4 1 ! CO 3
2 ! ? SI
9 It CD 8
2 1 fee a oo 5
Mia la? 3 $!
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Wo wish all our delinquent suhuei i)
hers Who can furnish us wood or corn
would bring the game in at once, as we
need it.
sh Store.
sh Store
Furnishing Goods,