IfveiE.- , Ako- The Nebraska Advertiser W.W. JJ"BMtH rubUihtr. FRIDAY, FEiMUAKY 20, 1897. Tho following is tho program of ex ercisea given ut tho celebration of Washington's Birthday last Monday.by the Nemaha high bcIiooI: Song, A muricu Hy tho Scliotl Esauy, Progress of 105 Years Viola Burns Essay, Tho Boyhood of Washington Cyrua Minick Uocitation, Washington. .Daisy Fra.ior Essay, Eurly Settlements in America Dirssio Frost Essay, Washington's Perilous Journey in 1753 Lillian Minick Essay, At Ft. Necessity and Braddock'a Defeat Maudo Aue Esauy, Washington on His Farm Lola Seabun Saag, Oolumbia, the Gem of the Ocean Young Ladies Essay, History of Rounoke Islnnd Loren Drumm Easay, Washington at lion ton Luie Kerkr Essay, Washington at Trenton Llzzlo Molvln Essay, Washington at Valley Forge Stella Washburn Essay, Washington at Yorktown Emery Howe Song, Flag of tho Free. .Young Ladle Easily, Gapt. John Smith. .Poarl Hums Declamation, Address of Washington to Ilia Troops Chas. Burns Essay, Generalship of Washington and Napoleon Boot. Frost Esaay, Friendship between LaFayette and Washington .... Flore n e Minick Declamation, Fate of tho North Ainer lean Indians Leslie Woodward Mr. Iladlock and Mr. Frost being present, favored the ichool with patri otic remarks suggested by the day and the great name whose memory it per petuates . The following is the program of the exerciBei held in the primary depart meut of our schools Friday of last, week: TH Song America. Opening AddressDavid Burns. Dlalegue Ten boye. Addreee to Our Flag Verne Taylor Recitation Nora Aynes. fcfong Star Spangled Banner Recitation Ethel Drumm. Recitation Belle Galbralth. , Recitation Pearl Duff. Reoltullon Ohaa. Scott. Recitation Claud Maxwell. DhVlpgue Seven girls. Recitation Bessie Leslie. Song A Thousand Years. Recitation Annie Burns. Recitation-Ralla Morton. Recitation Russie Washburn. Recitation Dick Scott. Recitation Gladys Taylor. Seng Yankee Doodle. Judge E. W Thomas was killed at Falls CityThursday night of laat week, He bad returned from Falls City on the 11:30 freight train, which ran en a ide track und stopped, Judge Thomas and two other gentlemen got off and started fur tho depot. A through freight train wag coming on the ualu track. The two gentlemen who were with Mr. Thomas were a little in thw advance and got across the track safely but he waa struck by tho erigino aud earried some distance. He lived but a few mluutes. He had received a scalp wouud ever the right temple, the right fout was out off above the ankle and the left leg below the knee. The funeral services were held Sun day. The active pallbearers were all young attorneys from Falls City, while Judges Stull and Broady, former law partners of the deceased, acted as hon orary pallbearers. Edward Whltinghum Thomas was born May 30, 1830, on Edlsto Island, off the coast of South Carolina. Ho was educated at Charleston college, the uni versity of Berlin und the university ef Gottiugen, Germany. He located in Brownville In 1850, removing to Falls City In 1877. He married Miss Kate Alism in 1805. His wife aud Ave children Hurvive him. Judge Thomas was one of the ablest attorneys in tho state, a christian gen tleman und au honored citizen. He will be groatly missed. W.W. Sanders. Notary Public. Fen sloiis papers of all kinds made out act curately. Legal documents drawn up. All business given prompt and careful attention. Denvkii, Feb. 10. The special train from Chicago over theChlcago.Burllng ton & Quincy and Burlington & Mis sourl River railroads, chattered by Iionry J. Mayham, a Denver mining investment broker, reached this city at 3:53 a. in., tosday, having run 1,020 miles in eighteen hours find fifty-three f minutes. This journey goes into hisi tnry as the greatest railway feat ever accomplished. The best previous rail load long distance record was nineteen hours and fifty-seven minutes for 1)04 miles over tho New York Central and Lake Shore from New York to Chicago. Mr. Mayham, who loft New York Sunday on tho Pennsylvania Limited, chartered a special train in Chicago in order to reach tho bedside of hiu dying son, William B. Mayham, as quickly as possible Tho Burlington officials guaranteed to take him to Denver In twenty-four hours. They made good their guarauteo und had five hours and seven minutes to spare. From tho moment tho train left Chicago until it rolled itito the Denver depot, no hitch of any kind occurred. It flew acress Illinois, luwa.Nobrusi kn and Colorado like a meteor, fre quently attaining a speed of ubwauis of 70 miles an hour and uveraglug over 00 miles an hour for stretches of a hundred miles ut a time. But in spite of the Burlington's splendid record, Mr. Mayham arrived in Denver too late to see his sou alive The young man died shortly after midnight, Speaking of tills record breaking run, Ueueial Manager Biown, of the O , B.&Q, It. it., said to-dav: "It is uotfjexactly correct lo suppose that the Burlington company m.iy not achieve still better results under more fuvor aple clrcuiustauces. The fuots uro that the company had ouly thirty miu utes',, notice from Mr Mayham and the train started out of Chicago In a blinding snow storm." i THAT WONDERFUL CHURN. I want to add my testimony to tho list of those that have used the Lightning churn. It dues all that is claimed for it; you can churn easily in one minute and get a" large percentage more butter than wltb the common ehdrns I never towk the agency for anything before; but, so many of my nelgnbors wanted churns Xhut I oidercd 30 and they are all gone. I think in a year every farmer will have a Lightning Churn-In fact they cant afford lo do without ono as they make so much more butter and a good little bit of money Jean be made in every towns chip tolling thfse chums. By writing to J. 1 Casey & Co., St. Louis, Mo., you can get circulars and full pai!lc ulrtrsa about the churn. A Reader. A SOUND LIVER MAKES A WEINMAN Are you bilious, constipated or trou bled with jaundice, sick headache, bad taste in mouth, foul breath, coated tongue, dyspepsia, Indigestion, hot dry skin, pain In back and between should ers, chills aud fever, etc. If you have tin v of t,hese symptoms your liver Is out of order und your blood is slowly being poisoned because your liver dues not act promptly. Herbeue will cure any disorder of the liver, stomach or bowels. It has no equal as n liver med icine, I'rlce 75 cents. Frea trial bot tles at Taylor's drug store. fi 22 ly MAKKYTIIISGIUL.SOMEHODY 1 have Doen reading in your paper about several men and women that have born very successful selling Hat Irons, aud I concluded I would see what a girl could do. 1 have worked 12 days and have sold 151 irons and have 213 dollars left after paying all expenses. Everybody is delighted with the iron und I sell one almost every place I show it, as people think they can't afford to be without one as they save so much fuel aud time and don't burn the clothes. I know I can clear five thousand dollars in a year . A Graduate. Splendid, my girl, aplendid; you are true American girl. Anyone can get complete information about the self heating Iron by addressing J, P. Casey ct Go , St . Louis Mo. it seems to pe a winner, iib everybody Belling It writes In its praise. RELIEVED OF TERRIBLE PAINS R. E. Morse, traveling salesman, Galveston, Texas., says: Ballard'B Snow Liniment cured me of Rheuma tlsm of three months standing after use of two bottles. ,1. S. Doan, Dan Villo, Ills., says 1 have used Ballard's Snow Liniment for years and would n it be without It. J. R. Grouh, Rio, tils., says Ballard's Snow Liniment cured terrible pains in back of head and nock when nothing else would. Every bottle guaranteed. Price so cents. Sold by Taylor tho druggist. A DANDY WIND MILL, MAKE IT YOURSELF. I have a neighbor that made one of the People's wiadrnilla, and I have been watching it closely; it is tho best mill 1 liavo over seen and anyone can maKe one lor iess.tlian 810 J am go lug to muko two itnmrd lately and de-i't seo why every farmer cannot have a windmill when ho can make It him self for bo little money. The mill is durable, and rutid easily Anr perenn can get diagrams and complete direct ions by sending 18 two cent stamps to Francis Casey, St. Louis, Mo. and any active man can undoubtedly mako money anywhere pulling these mills up for others, and I sea no use of paying $50 or $00 for a wlruN mill when you can make one just us good for 910 A Brother Faiimcr. Clinton, Missouri. Mr A L Armotrong, an old druggist and a prominent citizen of it "titer prising town, says: "I sell forty oilier ent kinds of cough medicine, but have never in my experience sold so much of any one article as I have of Mallard' Horehuund Syrup.All who use it say It is the most perfect remedy for Cough, Cold, Consumption, und all diseases ol the Throat and Lungs they have ever i lied." It is a specific for Croup and Whooping Cough. It wil' relievo a :nugh In one minute. Contains no opi ates. Price 25 and 50 cents Sold by Taylor, the druggist. Mr Ward L. Smith, of Fredrlcksen, mo, was irouuieu wun enronic diar rhoea for over thirty years. Ho had be come fully satisfied that it was only a question of a short time until he would have to give it up. He had been treat ed by some of the best physicians in Kurope and America but got no per, maueiit relief. One day he picked up a newspaper and chanced to read an advertisement of Champerlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarroohn Remedy. Ho not a bottle of It, the first dose helped him and its continued use cured him. For sale by Tavlnr. the druggist. ELECTRIQ HITTERS. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but peihaps more gen erally needed when the languid, ex hausted feelin prevails, when the liver ie torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long "and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No rredicine will act more surely in counteracting aud free ing the system from the malarial poi son. Headache, indigestion, constipa tion, dizziness yiehVto Electric Bitters. Fifty cents andyfl pei bottle at Tays lor's drug- store - STANDS AT THE HEAD. Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is the" only thing that cures my cough, aud it is the best sells er I have ' J . F. Campbell, merchant of Safford, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery Is all that is claimed for it; it ne'er fails, and is a sine cure for consumption, coughs and colds. I cannot say enough for its merits " Dr. King's New Discovery for connumpi tion, coughs aud colds is not an exper iment. It has been tried for a quarter of a century and today stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bottle at Taylor's drug store. MARRY THIS GIRL QUICK. I saw in your paper that a 13-year-old boy made $1.25 the tirst hour he worked selling the Perfection Metal Tip lampwlck. I ordered a sample and went to work and the first week I cleared f 10, the second week I cleared $15. I expect to run up to 925 a week iu the near future, ns the Perfection Uetal Tip lampwlck makes such a beautiful white light and does away with smoky chimneys and bad odor and saves oil, it is easy to sell . If you wish to try it send 13 two'ctnt stamps to Miss A. M. Fritz, Station A, St. Louis, Mo., and she will send you sam ple outfit. This is a good way to make money around home. Miss Tina W. s MAKE YOUR OWN LANTERN. Youi home is incomplete witiieut it and the price is within reach of all. I ordered one for my own use and it was so haudy and convenient I went to taking oiders for thorn and sold 51 in one day, making over $5 clear. It gives a beautiful white light,chimneys nevei break from heat, it is always clean and ready. Francis Casey, St. Louis, Mo., will send you sample for 13 two cent stnmps; write fos one. I cot my start from him , George B, m i The New Hook Spoon Fvee to All. I read in the Christian Standard that. Miss A. M. Fritz, Station A..St. Louis, Mo, would givo an elegaut plated hook spoon to anyone sending her ten 2 cent stamps. I sent for one aud found it so useful thai I showed it to my friends, and made $13 00 in two hours, taking orders for the spoon. The hook spoon Is a household ueceKslty It cannot slip Into tho or cooking vesul, being held In the place by a hook on the back. Tho spoon is something that house keepers have needed ever since spoons were first Invented Anvone can get a sample spoon by sendinu ten 2 cent stamps to Miss Fritz. Thh is a splen did way to ui'ike monev around home I Vety truly, JeannetteS. GREAT MAGAZINE OFFER! vfcM T.irvUTJ3? vw Ltmxwr FOR 1 Tlio rouulnr subscription prlco of DEMOREST'S MAGAZINE, JUDUE'S LIBRARY, and FUNNY PICTURES in 3.30. DEMORE-a S MAOA.INE Ih by far llio JjchI nunlly mnKii7,iio publlNbod; Hi ero Is nono of purmontlillCHla i which tho beiuitirut nml tho tiHcfui. nlensuro and jirolll, fiiHhloii mill literature .ire ho fully presented na In Duinon-Ht'N. There Ih, In Tula, no publication ;retemllnK to nlmllar Hcope ind purpose which can compare with It. Evorv numbor ootitnliiN a free pulturn coupon. JUDGE'S LiRRARY Is a monthly miiKHzlnonf run, tilled with illustratlotiH In cnrlcnturo nntl rcplcto with wit and humor Us contributor are the beat of American wits aud HIUHtrntorn. FUNNY PICTURES Id another humorous monthly; there Isn Iniigh In overy lino of It, Allthrooof theH" tnagnalneH are ImndRoimMy gotten up. You HlioulU' not mlm this chance to Hocuro thorn. Cut licio und roluiu Coupon piopetly filled out. Demorest Publishing Co., 110 Fifth Ave., Now York. For tho onclosod 82 Oo plonHo raid Demorest's Family MiirizIho, Judge'H Library (amngnzlno of funj.nnd Funuy Pictured fur one ycur ns pur your offer. 2iame Postojjlce. Hate, TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE Only 1.75 VMII pay for this Paper for One Yoar, and a Year's Subscrip tion to The Western Ehral CHICAGO, ILL. .... 4 The Old Reliable Farhi and Family Journal, $i.oo a year. A Farm Paper that is always in the front rank, printing each week from 32 to 40 pages of such matter as will inform the mind and swell the pocket-book, as well as delight the hearSi of the Fanners Household, To this combination of the two leaders of their class . Tlie Best Home Papers Best Farm Paper will be added, provided advantage is taken of this offer at once both one year, postpaid, at 'the extremely low price of $ in ndvance, and will give to each subscriber to this combination offer who pays ten cems auumouai 1 or .postage ana packing, TWENTY PACKETS OF SEEDS .'Vft5'W These seeds are raSffll ket. 'THey'consist of Farm, Vegetable a,hd Flower Seeds of your own selec tion .from; a list of aoo varieties. The pacli'etB are as large as sccdmen's mail packets. ' The seeds alone at retail prions are worth $1,00. Call and. sew us about this Rreat offer at once, or end remluanous to this office A f C SV5 TCS 1A AIMTrnTo make this offer known to evry n l J I W W fl I I ha fc I "Invincible, Unftnrpassable, nithout u JPccr," Writes a regular subscriber, who haa read it for many years, of the Twice-a-weelr. issue of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat T ' o Papers Every Week. Eight Pages eaoh Tuesday and Friday. One Dollar for One Year. Sample Copies Frea. GLOBE FHIWMWJVG CO., T. LOUIS. MO. Bow the Dipper 8avod the farm. Father whs sick and tho mortgage on the farm was coming due. 1 flaw in Christian Advocate where Mitw A M. Fritz of Station A, St. Louis, Mo., would send a sample combination dip per for 18 two cent stamps, and I or dered one. I saw the dipper could be used as a fruit jar tiller; a plain dipppr; a line strainer; a funnol; a strainer funnel ; a sick room warming pun and a pint measure. These eight different uses makes the dipper such a necessary article that I went to work witli it and it sells at very near every houpe. And in four months I paid oft the mortgage. I think I can clear ns much as 8&00 a month. If you need work you can do well by giv ing this a trial. Miss A M Fritz, Sta tion A, St. Louis, Mo , will send you a sample for 18 two cent stamps write at once. John'G N. I liavo given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a fair test aud consider it one of the' very pest remedies for croup I have ever found. Oiih dose has alh ways peon sullliclent, although I use it freolv. Any cold my children contrac' yields very reudSlly to this medicine. I can conscientiously recommend it for croup and colds in children. Geo. E. Wollf, clerk of tho circuit court, Fer nandlna, Flu. Sold py Taylor. We pay 15 cents a bushel for corn taken on subscription. FOR 1 Wo will send all threo to you for one year for $'2 or 0 months for Si. iitate., the best in the mar tJi ga- man and woman In tho County. A GHEAT CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. I want to tell you of my wonderful success. Being a poor girl and need ing money badly, I tried the Dish Was her business and Jhave cleared 8200 ever? month. It is moro meney than 1 aver had before and I can't help tell ing yu about, for I believe any per Hon oan do as well an I have done if they only try . Dish Washers sell on sight; every lady wants one The Monnd City Dish Wathor Co.,St,Luis, Mo., will give you all necessary i istructions, bo you can begin work ut ice. .The Dish WaBher does splendid work; jou can wash and dry the dishes in two or three minutes without put ting yf.ur hands in tho water at' all. Try this business and let ua know how you succeed, Evergreens, all Other Omnmenta. Treex, Hedge Pluntit, Ae We have a laree Htocleaml a ureal variety to clionse from. Prices very low. Also a good mock of ithrubr. Vines. Jlosei, Fruit Ireea and Smalt fruits. He Biiro to nee our price belore ordering. Catalogue free. Evergreen Nursery Co. Suc'cebsora to Geo, Plnuey. Evergreen, Y a. Sw Wbltov.w,va.fr y