tmtiAJifj A i 4P i 31 if 1 1 I y ) m r- ft m Could VTo lint Know. Could wo but know tho things our best friends sny, When we'ro away, And how wo serve Tor targets for attack, We'd not como back. Could wo but know tho things they never say, When wo'ro away, About our conscious dignity and fame, We'd quit tho game. Chicago Evening News. In No Dniigor. Resident Colonel, let mo caution you to dritili no water while in town unless it is spring water or has been thoroughly boiled. Visitor I drink nothing, Bah, but what has been thoroughly distilled, sail. Chicago Tribune. Giving tho FuotK. "Scribbs, I have ueeepted a position in an insurance olllce." "Yes; they told me that you begged for it, and were glad to get it." Chica go Itccord. A Case la I'olut. Miss Trion (quoting) Wise men make proerbs, and fools repeat them. Miss Smnrt (musingly) Yes; I won der what wise man made the one you jubt repeated. Tit-Hits. A LOVE A maiden, liuviug fallen in love with failed to warm his frozen heart, begs (Copyright, HOT, by Mitchell Mtller.l Moral: Never call In a third person in UlUUd'H OOWIIH. "Whllo Maud la a schoolgirl, ns you see, Short at the bottom her trocka must bo; When she Is a debutante, they drop Long at tho bottom und short at the top. Chicago ltucord. Jlud Uio for One. Soaker What kind of u woman do you think 1 ought to marry? loker A suuko charmer. N. Y. Journal. The wolf Is from two and a half to Ihrce fest in length, and stuuds about 13 Inches high. WS0$h 2ggs tz:zfsBS 1 1 I Iff IIS 1 I' T miiWk iiyffar"' llciluclng It to n Certainty, "Hello, Clipplngcrl 1 haven't seen you for n long time. Ilow " "I am not quite sure 1 know you." 'You're not? Why, I'm Glupplna, that lent you 75 cents about ten years ago." "Then 1 nm quite sure I don't know you. Good morning!" Chicago Tribune. An Explanation. Miss Prude (while out walking with her younger sister thinks she Is rudely treated) Were you staring at me, sir? Strange Gentleman Moss you, no, madam, I was admiring your littlo granddaughter. N. Y. Weekly. Invited to Call. He I suppose that sap-headed dudo iws proposed to you a dozen times. She No; once was enough. Como and see us when we get settled. De troit Free Press. Not PlnglnriHUi. Spats Hnckley is being accused of plalgiirism in his last book. Socratoots I would not say that. Ho was merely collecting his thoughts. Pittsburgh News. STORY. a snow man, finding that tender words nn old friend, the sun, to assist her. u love affair. or Sufllclent Strength. Landludy tohull i pass the cheese? Boarder No, leave it ulone. It will walk over here in a minute N. Y. Journal. Leaving Convenience. "Mrs. Dlgby's death was lamentable, wasn't it'" "Yes; they have just had a new fur nace put in." Chicago Uecord. Bicycle factories In Great Britain, according to an estimate, can now pro duce 750,000 wheels annually. Extraordinary Nervousness, IJllnil folded, Could Count Kvorjr Seam When Walking Across n Carpet. From the Capital, Stilalla, Mo. Thcro Is probably no ono better known In Sodalla, especially among tho members of tho FlrstBaptlst Church, thau Mrs. Mollto E. lloo, tlio wlfo of Mr. Hoc, tho nursery man, and nothing 1b bettor known among the lady's acquaintances, thau that for the past four years sho has been a physical wreck from locomotor ataxia, in Its severest form. That sho has recently recovered her health, strength and normal locomotion has been made apparent by her being seen f ro fluently on tlio streets and in church, aud tills fact induced a representative of tho Capital to call on Mrs. ltoo to lnqulro into tho circumstances of her remarkablo recov ery. Mrs. lloo was seen at her house at tho cornor of Ohio Avenuo and Twenty-fourth Street, and seemed only too glad to give tho following history of hor case for publica tion: "Four years ago," she said, "I was at tacked with a disoaBO which tho physicians dtngnosed as locomotor ataxia, and 1 was speedily reduced to a niero wreck. I had no control of my muscles, and could not lift tho Itast thing. My flesh dlsanpoared, until my bones almost pierced my skin. Tho sense of touch bocamo bo exquisitely scnsltivo, Mmk bellovo I could by walking over tho soft Gst carpet blind folded, have counted ovorv scam, so it may bo imagined how I felt when tryiug to movo my uncontrollable limns. "Tho most eminent physicians wcro con sulted, but thoy gavo mo no relief, and 1 was without hope, and would have prayed for death but for tho thought of leaving my littlo children. All thought of recovery had gone, and it was only looked upon as a question of thno by my husband and my frlouds when my troubles would cud la tho grave. "Ono day whllo in this condition, I ro eclved a nowspaper from some friends In Denver, with a news item marked, and whllo reading it my eyes fell upon an nc cotmtof a remarkable euro of locomotor ataxia, by tho uso of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People, and tho case us de scribed was exactly similar to my own. I at onco mado up my mind to try tho remedy, and began according to directions to tako tho pills. The first box had not gone when 1 experienced a marked improvement, and as 1 continued I grow hotter and better, un til I was totally cured. I took about four boxes In all, and after two years of the most bitter suffering was as well as I ovor was. Not only my feelings but my npnear anco underwent a chiingo. 1 gained llcsh, nnd though uow, forty-thrco years old, I feel liko a young girl. You can say that Mrs. Hoo owes hor recovery to Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills, and that sho knows thcro is nothing in tho world like them. (Signed) E. Ron." Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this 24th day of August. 1590. Gkoiioe Ii. Dxnt, Xotarji Puhllc. (seal.) Pett.s Co., Mo. , Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, In a condensed form, all tho olemcuts necessary to givo now Hfo and richness to tho blood and restoro shattered nerves. Tnoy aro also a specillo for troubles peculiar to females, such aB suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. They build up tho blood, and restoro tho glow of health to palo and sallow cheeks. In men thoy effect n radical euro In all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of whatever naturo. Pink Pills arc sold in boxes (never in looso bulk) at fiO cents a box or six boxes for S2.r0, and may bo had of all druggists, or direct by mall from Dr. Williams' Mcdlelno Company, Schenectady, N. Y. "This," said lie, as lie inhaled the balmy October air, "is Indian summer." "J always maintained," she replied, "that the Indians were capable of good work if given the chance." Chicngo News. i m . --. Fits stopped free and permanently cured. No fits niter first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Free $2 trial bottle & ticatisc. Dr. Kline, 033 Arch st., Pliila., Pa. Don't imagine that wall flowers at a dance have no amusement: thoy make fun of the dancers. Atchison Globe. Piso's Cure for Consumption lins no equal ns a Cough medicine. F. M. Abbott. 383 Seneca St., Buffalo, N. Y., May 0, 1891. A promising mine will ns surely ruin a man m time as a promising horbc. Uchifcon Globe. The more winter the more ihetwiatism. Plenty of St. Jacobs Oil to cure it. If good advice were gold, every p would be full of money. Ham's Horn. pocket A woman knows as little about a man ns Bhe knows about a horse. Atchison Globe. THE GENERAL MARKETS. Kansas Citv. Mo., Fob. U3. CATTLT: Ilcst bco es. $ II 'X G 00 Stockcw ro GMiiri Native cows Si 70 U : -5 HOGS Choice to heavy 3 00 & !l 50 SHKBP -GO &:"y WHEAT No. 2 red W l I No. 2 hard Til CORN No. 2 mixed ItlJi ) 17 17 :;i r.o :i1 OATS Xo. 2 mixed 10 & ItYK No. 2 0 FLOUU Patent, per saclc 2 10 Fnncy - ' IIAY-C'holco timothy 8 50 Fancy pratrio 5 MJ UKAN (sacked) -17 UUTTEIt Choice creamery.... 17 WW 11 WW 20 CHEESE Full crcuin EGGS Choice POTATOES ST. LOUIS. CATTL-n-Nntlvo und shipping Tcxans HOGS-Heuvy SHEEP Fulr to choice KLOUK-Cholco 11 28 (ft a no 3 20 3 20 3 00 3 10 5 00 a io (ft 8 fij (ft l 50 3 25 WHEAT No. 2 red fcSK COnN No. 2 mixed 20 KO J4 OATS No. 2 mixed 10 17 llYK-No. 2 ' 'M'M 83 UUTTHK Creamery 15 22 LAUD -Western mess 3 87tf illtiK: POHK 7 75 8 25 CHICAGO. CATTLE Common to prlmo. .. 4 HOGS Packing and shipping. . 3 SHEEP Fair to eholco 2 FLOUK Whiter wheat -1 WHEAT No. '.'red CO UN-No. S OATS-No.2 HYE HU'ITEU Creamery 10 20 5 35 3 57', ID (l0 25 81 22K 15M 3:K 15 I 25 1 00 M 22M 10 33 20 LAUD 3 03 POHK 7 DO 3 WT 7 W NEW YOUIC CATTLE Native Steers 4 50 5 20 10 81 20 HOGS Good to Choice 3 70 4 WHEAT No. 2 red SOUN-No. 2 OATS-No. 2 H3 87i 21 ?4' IIUTTEU-Creuniery 12 0 I'OHIC-Mcss 8M) 0 00 Tion't Give AVny to DoNpnlr, Although you have sufTorcd for a long time from malaria, dyspepsia, kidney trouble, nervousness or biliousness. Know that llos tetter's Stomach Bitters lias cured worse cases than yours, and is potent to help you as it has helped hosts of others. But al ways remember thnt trite saying, "Delays are dnngerous." Mole hills grow to no mountains in consequence of disregarding it. Check discaso at the outset with this in comparable defensive medicine - I ' ! I II "Ispp'lie observed, musingly, "that a yel low whitewash has just been invented." The editorof the NcwJournnlism leaped excited ly from his chair. "Great Scott!" he ex claimed, "who did it? We must secure him nt any price as an artist for our colored sup plement I" N. Y. Preps. Florldn, Cttttn nnd .Tnmnlcn. A handsome book, CI paces, beautifully il lustrated, descriptive of the land beyond tnc irost nne, win no sent upon receipt oi four cents in stamps by L. A. Bell, Western Passenger Agent Plant System, 312 Mar quette Building, Chicngo, Bio. The Plant System of Bnilwayu and Steamship Lines, reach the finest winter resorts in the world. Priscilla 'Jack is the oddest fellow. lie took me driving yesterday, and when wo were seven miles from homo he said if I wouldn't promise to marry him he'd make me get out aud walk back." Penelope "Did you walk back?" Priccilla "No, in deed, but the horse did." Truth. . No-To-llne for Kitty Centn. Over lOO.OOOcured. Why notlctNo-To-Bac regulate or remove your desire lor tobacco? Saves money, makes health nnd manhood. Cure guaranteed, COc and $1.00, all druggists, Trying to look like n sheep has never yet produced any wool on the back of a goat. It's never too cold to cure neuralgia with St. Jacobs Oil. Sure cure. The first question a woman asks a fortune teller is if her husband in line to her. Just try a 10c box of Cascarctn candy ea thartie,finest livcrantl bowel regulator made. If good resolutions were horses every body would ride. Bain's J lorn. A Rovero cold means soreness, r.tiffness. Uso St. Jacobs Oil mcanB a prompt cure. I.. I.,., - , .., Hypocrisy is a certificate of good charac ter vice gives to virtue. Barn's Horn. nkSiBi f ft BEk ?s jBc Hlwib H For the last 20 years we have kept Piso's Cure for Con sumption in stock, and would sooner think a groccryman could get along without sugar in his store than we could without Piso's Cure. It is a sure seller. RAVEN & CO., Druggists, Ceresco, Michigan, September 2, J 896. FOR WSC WvTvfw FOR Tho regular subscription prico of Dcinorcst's Magazine," Judge's Library," niul Funny Pictures" Is $3.30. "DEMOREST'S MAGAZINE" Is by fnr tho bout family mnenrlno nubllclind; tlioro Is nona nt mirniout iltfn In wlileli fin Uimatlfiiliiiat tlHMiMiIid.plonMiroiiml i.rollt.fiwldoa and llluriiti ro lirosofiin 'i'lutio In. In publication nrolumlliiK ton tilmllur "eiipo nilu iHirpiwo will" h chii compare with It. Kvury nuinbur contttlim a free pattern coupon. "JUDGE'S LIBRARY" Inn monthly mnjiarlnonf fun.illlril with lllustriitlonitlncarlcaturo and loplulowimwiumilliumor. ItcontrlbutorMuro tbo botof Amorlean wltsuiKlllluiUatura. "FUMMY PICTURES" Is another Ininiornni monthly: tliero Isiilauphln ovcryllnoof It. All tliroo of thuto iiiHRiulncs are liuridsomoly cotton up. Vou should not miss this clianco to Bucuro tliom. Cut hero anil roturn Demorest Publishing Co., 1 10 Fifth Avenue, New York. For tlio onploH'd SS.OO plnnm sond l)imop'it, rnmlly Miik-Iic, .IihIko' lAhvnr? (a maBazlno ot fun), ami l'uiiiiy IMuturea for ono year us per your oilur. A'ame. Voit-nJUce. Date. r O T O C1 f K k w nn m:ovi:ky j jiIhh I Jf 0U W Xi CJ quit kmllof ami euro went cami". Kond fnrbnok of ti'tininnlnll nnd IO dtiyu truatmeiil l'rfc. Wr.ll. II. OIlfcKVS HO.N8, Allom., (I. EM3tt&mm i C.UfifS WHtHE ALL ELSE I AILS. Best CouKb Syrup. Ttuiieu Good. In tlmo. Bold by druslBts. Use ANDY ATOARTi CU RE COHSTIBfflOM, :: 25 SO SSHJafflyS DRUGGISTS:! S SRvOT TITUT V r.TTJlPXTJfPPPn to cure any rnso of constipation. Cascarrta aro the Iileul l.asn.! QliDOUuUlLlJl UUftniiniliCiU tiro, never crip or $rripc,ut-auso easy natural results. Snm.(, f pie ami booklet frcp. Ad. STKItMNO UKMIMIY CO., Chicago, Montreul, Can., or Nor York. SU.( DISEASE E9GES NOT Stamp Stll. I Every ouo la cither jfrcwlniJ hotter or worso. How ia It with you ? You tiro suffering from KIDNEY, LIVER on URINARY TROUBLES. Have tried doctors nnd modlolno with out avail, nnd havo become disgusted. DON'T GIVE UP! ft2i-? ateiure WILL CURE YOU. Thousands now well, hut onco llko you, nay 60. Give an honest mcdlelno an hon est olinnce. Tju'go bottle or now stylo smaller ono at your druggist'. Write for f reo treat ment blank to-day. Waruor'u Sato Curo Co., Rochester, N. Y. EMXZXXEl SMOKE YOUR MEAT WITH KRAlJSf ?S LmiJlD EXTRACT? GlRCUlAR.E.KRAUSEn&BRO.IYIIl FinlU.v LTQN.PA. nfi.Darro UltKlratdlCntnloRH d0"rdD Kit ME. HltoUT UAND.I YI't-.WIIITINO Anil HOOK' Kr.KtMMi. jwriitvip boanl nnJ tiiitlnn. GOOD Hll'UATIONH, AiUlrcu I). I.. JUI,sSl.l,lUN- llualnoM Culloeo, QUINOT, JLf- Wc will send all three to you for one year for $2.00, or 6 mo. for $1. Coupon proporly tilled out. .State. OPIUM; HAEITnmillLCUNECC AMI UIIUIBrtB.i1BIL.00 'Ourrit In 10t. .UO l.iv. Mnl'urtlll Cured. DR. J.L. STEPHENS, MCriANON.OllIO. yU6ftTflN. KING OF GUMS. A. N. K.-I) 1648 IVIIKN WJtlTI.NO TO AllVBItTIHUIlS 1'I.BAHK iiitu tliut you tutv the Advertisement lu till liujicr. I rh J ,u MMiiwww ETnEE I'rcnlilont Uvm City