. ,.. mf .,-" ,nwrW4pt!m ?" ' 'J V&v.." K ' 1 M I AGRICULTURAL HINTS REFORM BADLY NEEDED. IiKlliinu'fl Oovnrnor DIkouhho.i tho i:n- forcuuimtt of ltoud J.iiwm. Good roads aru essential to our high est development socially, Intellectually and financially. Many counties In otir tatc, actuated by a commendable spirit o progress, are rapidly improving the highways. In tlic near. future some of our counties will have a coniplott! sys icm of free gravel roads. Tho main thoroughfares hi these counties, hav ing been graveled and received by the county commissioners, are kept in re pair at the county's expense. The supervisor, being thus relieved from care of the innin thoroughfares, is en bled lo concentrate the labor and tax nt his disposal upon the lateral roads; hence all will soon be improved. The economy In road Improvement will soon OOV. MOUNT, OP INDIANA. he demonstrated by the fact that the counties having the best roads 'will maintain them at less cost than the in ml roads, with all their inconveniences, arc maintained in their wretched condi tion. The work required by law of able-bodied men, together with the road tax, gives to the road supervisors of our state the expenditure, in money and labor, of a vast sum. Much of this is wasted by reason of Incompetent management. The railroad tax for highway improvement, in some road districts of our state, is so manipulated by the road supervisor that the money inures more to his benefit than the im provement of thn thorough fares. In Kome instances in our state, a broker ago business Is carried on, and money is made out of tralllcing in this road tax. While some of our road lnws need re forming, the manner of their execution necdB revolution. When competence is made the test in selecting supervisors, nnd tax-payers see that they discharge "their duties, we will find some Improve ment in our highways without addi tional tax. Prom the Inaugural Ad dress of Gov. Mount, of Indiana. ORCHARD PRUNING. JDou't Go t It ur Though You Wore Cut tint; Cor, I Wood. Don't get a crazy fit and go into your -orchard with an ax and cut and slash the branches oil' and think you arc pruning, toyB II. 13. Van Dcman. JSvery stroke -with a tool on a tree is a stroke at its life, unless very wisely made. There need be no elaborate or stylish method o( pruning adopted. Common sense is n good guide, but if a person judges his knowledge of pruning by the amount of briwh he makes, he Is sadly lacking in common sense, and should never be al lowed to prune. All dead or sick branches should come oil', nil that cross or chafe each other should be relieved by the removal of the one which can best be spnred. Do not cut great open spaces in the tree tops nnd so let in too much hot sun shine and in jura the limbs that have been used to being shaded. It is dan gerous to prune cherry trees at nil; tln-'y nre rarely benefited by so doing, but nre often injured. Train old or chard trees to have low, broad heads, which will shade the trunks, lessen the purchase of the winds, and make more convenient the gathering of the fruit. DAIRY SUGGESTIONS. All rcasonablo care should be taken to prevent the cows lrom drinking stag nant water. The traveling dairy schools of Can ada have done splendid work in rais ing the grade of butter in thr.t coun try. Brino salting 'of butter is wasteful nnd inuecuratu. The most satisfactory way iB to Bait on the butter worker, weighing both salt and butter. Tho power to consume, digest and ui- Fdmilate nutritious food is what is de uired of the cow at maturity; and to receive this the calf must bo well fed. An old lesson, not yet well learned, id to have good ventilation in the milk loom, clean floors and walls, and to luii'bor nothing which will produce bud odors. Tho best product from dairying comes from the manufacture of e.!lt edged butter for private customers, 2d tike this your aim, and then do nol be too indifferent to hunt for the cus tomers. No other matter about tho farm will no poorly stand beliig made a thing ol secondary interest as the dairy. A very little neglect will go n long way toward destroying the profit. Neglect In sure to ntond that whh-h 1h not of Urst consideration. KutuI World. PROPAGATING TANK. One Can JSo MiiiIk lit Jlonm lit it Ilcitlly 'J'rlllliiK ICiiioiiHO. Most farmers, particularly those rais ing early vegetables, sometimes wish they had a good propagating tank for starting cuttings. Many an odd dollar can be picked up in the spring witJi a few hundred (lowering plants or early tomato and lettuce plants. A little sand table, with a gentle heat, would bo very handy in the house. A hotbed may be inconvenient or Moublesome and a small greenhouse out of the question. Such a propagating tank suitable, for a window can be easily made by any tin Binith or gas fitter. Have the gas man join up with "elbows" three pieces of common inch gas pipe; two pieces, a a, three Inches long and one piece, b, five feet long. Joined up, they would look like Fig. 1. Have a zinc box made five feet long, two feet wide and six Inches deep and mode water-tight. At one end, in the middle, cut two holes, so Unit the piece of gas pipu can be laid in the box, resting on the bottom and projecting two inches beyond the box. Fig. 2 shows how the pipe Is placed on the box. The openings whore the pipe filters the box are to be soldered up water-tight. The box is then placed on a table with the pipe end of the box pro jecting beyond the table as seen in Fig. 3. The box Is then filled with water, covering the top of the pipe as shown by the dotted line, c. Place in the water pieces of brick and on the brick lay pieces of roofing slate to form a loose slate top two inches from the top of the box and half an inch above the top oi the water, as shown at d. Leave u small hole in one corner of the slate to supply water to the tanks. Fill the whole top of the box over the slate with sand, e. In tlda sand cuttings can be raised, as the tank, when in operation, will be full of warm water, giving a gentle bottom heat for the cuttings. For heat use a small kerosene lamp, f, placed directly under that'part of the pipe which projects beyond the box, The engraving shows the position of the box on the table and the lamp, The heat of the lamp will warm the wu- rtc r bfe&MfeJS5 m.3 fiax. PROPAGATING TANK. 1, Heating Plpo; 2, End View; 3, Tank Com plete tcr in the pipe and set up a constant cir culation through the whole box under the Bhitc. All the wutcr in the tank will in turn puss through the pipe and while the lamp burns the water circulation will keep in motion. Even after the lamp is put out the water will remain warm for several hours. On snowy days, in a warm room, the lamp can be put out during the day and started up nt night, and on cloudy, cold days. Such a propagating tank would hold about GOO ordinary plant cuttings and should give their crop between January 1 and May 1. A few days' trial would soon show how much the lamp would hpvo to be used to maintain a regular heat in the sand. Charles Barnard, in Orange Judd Farmer. ABOUT BITTER MILK. Cloimlliiens Will lCeniiiTo Most of the Cuubo Which rroduuu It. Bitter milk has three cuuses some thing eaten by the cow, advanced period of gestation and pure eusseducss. It is not a pleasant thing to contemplate, but there is a great deal of horse ma nure eaten by cows. The best way after regulating the ration is to fence oil1 n part of the yard, and put the horse manure in it, or else fence oil' tho cows. 1 have read that rag weed would causo bitter milk, but as my cows would never cat il I cannot say anything from my own experience on that score. For the second cause there Is uo cure that 1 am aware of, and the third is al most us hard to prevent. Briefly stated in its natural state milk after u cer tain time gets sour because of the action of a certain kind of bacteria whose busi ness it is to make milk sour. But if these bacteria are preivutcd from get ting in their work owing to cold weath er (they work only in warm weather or in a warm temperature) then nature. which abhorseven a vacuum of bacteria, Immediately sets another gang of bac teria to work whose job It is to make milk bitter. And if politicians attended to their job as well as bitter bacteria 1o theirs we would be much better off, for it tukc3 much work to persuade them to quit work. Tho remedy is first to wash with boiling water every vessel with which the milk or cream conies in con tact, or, better still, put the vessels in boiling water on the stove for 10 or 15 minutes. This kills off nil the bitter bacteria. Then to got the sour buctorin to work for a few days keep all tho milk at a temperature of 70 degrees and put a little sour buttermik in the cream. This will give the sour bacteria a chance to ot firmly established. Then do not let the mik get too cold or it will all have to bo done over again. As two sets of bacteria cannot got along at the same time the bitter buotoriu give up the job. National Stockman. 1 f in i i Poultry manure mixed with dry oartji is u good top dressing for the lawn. THE FARMING WORLD. DAIRY COW RATION. Boiihi Viiltiuhlo Hint" J'urulshod hy l'rof. "W. A. Henry. A correspondent of Breeders' Gazette asks some one to formulate a rutlon for his dniry cow. lie uuys: For rough ness 1 have enough shredded corn-fodder to give one feed a day and alfalfa and sorghum buy for the other feed. For grain, old-process oil meal at $20 per ton, wheat bran atseven dollars and corn at 13 cents per bushel. 1 prefer to feed corn with the husks on, depend ing on hogs to clean up the waste, us I allow them to work over the manure before- hnuliiiir to the field, lam mak ing butter at 20 eeuts per pound nnJ want the most economical production. To which Prof. W. A. Henry replies as follows: Our correspondent can present n most excellent bill of fare to his cows, and with the feeds at the prices named can still make u good living in selling butter nt 20 cents per pound, pro vided everything is well managed and hu has good cows. Do not think of us ing oil meal at tho price named, for it is much the dearest food on the list. The alfalfa hay furnishes a good deal of protein, making the necessity for bran not quite so great as if no alfalfa were fed; on the other hand, bran is chenp nt seven dollars per ton. The eastern farmer would consider It al most u gift at such figures, und when corn is 13 cents or less per bushel, or Jess than five dollars per ton, all com parisons are of little avail. Give the cows all they will cat of the roughage just as proposed; then feed theequnlof ten pounds of shell corn per thousand pounds of animal, and give four pounds of wheat bran additional. On this ra tion you should get about a pound of butter per cow daily with part of the herd fresh in spring and fresh pnrt in fall. Do very onreful to make the best vse of the skim milk, for no small part of the real profit comes from this. Aim to feed not over three pounds of skim milk to one pound of corn to the pig. More milk thnn this means a waste of n most valuable by-product. With corn at 13 cents per bushel and pork at three cents per pound, the skim milk should be worth 25 cents per 100 pounds. In its efTect on young pigs in building bone nnd muscle it is most val uable. It is a necessity in the west, where bone and inusele-bulldlng feeds nre of the highest importance, because corn is npt to be overfed. FEEDING THE CALVES. A Choup mid Iliimly Dovlco Designed for Thin l'urpoHo. It is claimed that young calves when fed on skim-milk in the usual way, from a bucket or a trough, gulp it down too rapidly for best results. A cheap and handy device is made by using u piece of light wood board, cut round, so us to fit loosely inside of a common pail. CALF-FEEDINQ DEVICE. Insert in the center of this float a spile (A) of size and shape of the cow's teat. Cover this spile (or teat) with bomu suitable material a piece of old gum boot top will answer. This may bo tacked securely to tho float. The hole in the spile should be small, so that the flow of milk through it when in use shall correspond with the natural flow from the cow's udder. A3 the milk in the pail is used, the float follows down ward, enabling the calf to got all the milk in the pull. To prevent the calf from throwing the float, out of the pall two cleats arc tacked on inside of same, at B B. These cleats arc so arranged that the float may be readily removed by the operator. G. W. Waters, in Ohio Farmer. Kxorolso for Dairy Cow, The moderate exercise of cows has n favorable influence on the quantity nnd quality of milk. Heavy and fatigu ing oNoreiso or work diminishes the quantity of milk, but the effect on its quality is not so clear or uniform. This is tho conclusion arrived at by Henkel In Germany, after many ex periments and an exhaustive study of tho literature of the subject.- It con firms the judgment of our best Ameri can dairymen. The health of the cow and best results in milk and butter re quire moderate exercise outdoors dur ing winter, instead of being kept con stantly tied up in close barns, ns is the practice with many dairymen. Orange. Judd Farmer. In the winter when the ground is frozen linrd is the best time to trans plant large trees. BRACING FRUIT TREES. An Kxpluiintloii of the Tripoli Method nnd its Adviintitgcfl. In the necompnnying sketch, which represents a newly plnntcd tree, ten feet in height, there is shown one of the most cll'ective braces that can bo provided for a subject of this size. It consists of three light oak or other ulakes, about five feet in length, 'driven into the soil, trlpod-likc, each two feet away from the tree, nnd with the right slnnt to just meet the trunk with the end, ns at a in the engraving. Hero n piece of matting is wound around tho HOW TO STAKE TKEE. trunk to protect it from tho ends of the several stakes, which ure then se cured to the trunk, and to one another by menus of tnrred cord or by wire. Such n tree is held perfectly secure. Surely it is giving the subject the ra tional care which is its due in the crisis of transplanting. To mako this lesson of the tree's security the more impressive, I show a side sketch nt b which indicates the bad predicament into -which newly planted trees not rarely get. When I say that I have seen unstnked fall planted trees literally blown from the ground beforo spring, this present sketch seed not bo looked upon ns fanciful. It represents, in fact, quite a common state. Not ouly does tho injury come from a general loosening up of the roots and their displacement, but an opening is made around the trunk which will till with water, which may cause damage in one of two ways; first, water that follows readily down the root hastens the softening process of tho soil, und further nids the loosen ing of tho roots; second, to have water stand next to the bark, which in case of u sudden freeze up is turned to ice, may work serious harm to the bark throughout. The advantages of this tripod method of staking trees over the single stake plan are several; first, the tree is held more firmly in place than is possible to bo done with the use of but one stake; secondly, these stakes nre not driven into fresh earth, but into that just outside of the hole that was ex cavated and filled in during the plant ing process. This method of staking is suited to trees in almost any situation. In the street, for instance, by having two of the stakes enter the soil at the curb, and these sprcud a little further apart than the distance to the other stake, the tree may be brought within a foot and a half of the curb (and it should never be closer). It is at once apparent how easily tho tripod may be made to serve as a tree-guard against horses and dogs by running wire, held in plnco by staples, horizontally from stake to stake around the tree. The first wire may be a foot above the ground to ad mit of the lawn mower passing under neath; above this they might be three or four inches apart. The plan here illustrated is best suit ed to trees ranging from six to twelve feet in height. In tho case of trans planting larger trees (except in tho street) the same plan mny bo modified by substituting the use of wire for tho stakes. In that event the stays may be attached higher up in the tree thnn when stakes arc used; even among the branches, say at two-thirds tho height of the tree, provision being of course made for attaching the wires both in the tree and at the ground. In the tree two iron half-bands fitted with L ends nnd short bolts should be made to tightly encircle the truiiK at tno proper height. To this completed band the wire stays are attached, extending to tho ground. Here they nre made fast to three stout stakes driven into the ground at equal distance npart und some feet away from the tree. Ordi nary fence wire will answer very well for the purpose. If tho trees are quite large the wire moy bo doubled. Some one may say thot the stnkes, wires nnd tho work involve expense. T'nis is true, but the outlay is a mere trifle as compared to the cost and value of the tree. Elius A. Long, in American Gardening. Uso Ouly fruHh Mixtures. The time for spraying fruit trees is rapidly approaching. The efficacy of spraying as a remedy for fungous dis eases and insects, is now generally rec ognized. Prof. Lodemnn, who has been experimenting with old and new Bor deaux mixtures, says that only fresh made is safe for use, because it is diffi cult to keep the old mixture agitated sufficiently to accomplish Its work prop erly in the case of fungous discuses. A THE 'MAKING OF CONSOMME. Dnllclourt und Nourishing Clear Boupi of Vurlotis Kind. Tills is one of the most, If not tho most, elegant of the clear soups. Fur cl use one shin of beef and one knuckle of veal; wipe botli with a damp cloth. Cut ths meat from the bones. Put tho kettle over a hot fire and sprinkle over the bottom one tenspoonful of sugar; brown, and allow it to smoke for'a mo ment, then add quickly a quarter of n cupful.of'choppcd onlon-nnd the same quantity of wntcr. Cook five minutes, then place the bones first in the kettle, then the meat, cover with five qunrts of cold wnter und bring to a boil. Skim carefully nnd plnce the kettle over a moderate fire to simmer for four hours. At the end of the third hour add tho flavoring ns in the directions given for stock, and finish in the same way. By adding to or taking from the re ceipts given a skilled cook may make great varieties of soups. There is, how ever, a short list of exceptional soups, each with a distinctive, individual char acter, which should be alluded to in this article. There are the bisque soups, nnd the soups maigre, which frequently contain much more nourishment than those made from meat, in consequence of which they nre cspccinlly ndnpted for the noondny luncheon or for fast days. There are also the fish broths, which may form the foundation for all bisques nnd fish sauces. These fisli soups nre mnde very much us consomme; by browning n little sugar, then putting in the fish nnd vegetables. By careful cooking tho most of the nourishment is drawn from tho fish into the broth. Another group of soups is the soup made from vege tables alone, nfter tho fashion of tlio Turks. Put into the soup kettle about two tablcspoonfuls of olive oil. After preparing nnd cutting into fine pieces a grcnt vnricty of vegetnbles they nre carefully fried brown in the olive oil, then covered with cold water nnd cooked continually for severnl hours. The broth is then strained and seasoned. These soups nro renlly delicious, nnd form admirable dinner soups, ns they nre perfectly clenr. Iliec or barley may be added, which would give them n greater food value. After these come the various crenm soups, which mny bo mnde entirely without meats, and nre still more nutritious thnn the first re ceipts given. Lndies' Home Journal. HE DIDN'T "SKEER." One Xfilng Could Ho Truthfully .Said of Illin. When the bucolic gentleman with goatesque whiskers and a hat of the accordion pattern stepped briskly into the elevator nnd announced a desire just to make a couple of trips while he was taking a "noonin'," the youthful conductor of the lift was tickled to the soles of his feet. The people of the building were out for lunch and he had a clear field for sport. "Are you all ready?" shouted the boy, as though the slightest neglect in being ready meant serious disaster. "Let 'er go, sonny," responded tho man from the country, while he chewed slippery-elm bark with the same indus try that a rabbit chews cabbage. That "sonny" touched Young Amer ica in a sensitive spot nnd they went to the roof with a whiff thnt sent dust nnd papers whirling through the corri dors. The boy turned to see his pas senger with one leg hanging loosely jver the other, his jaws working without a change in time and his nppearance as cnlm ns though he were sitting on n stnkc-nnd-irider fence watching things grow. Down they went with a bang nnd the old mnn only asked if there wasn't somo way in which "tli' mersheen could be mnde to hump nlong n Jcetle fnster." Then the desperate lad pulled the throt tie wide open und before he could check the terrific speed the upper end of the course was reached, the cnblessnnpped, the car dropped like n bullet to the nir cushions below, bounded half a story nnd finnlly settled, with the boy; scream ing from fright. "Can't we make another trip or two?" nsked the unmoved granger. "Thar's suthin' stirrin' in that kind er motion. And, sonny, you kin jest tell your peo ple thnr was one farmer in here that th' newspapers can't make no fun of. He don't sheer worth n durn." Detroit Free Press. A Favorite Color. Petunin continues to be a very popu lar color, the pinkish rather than the purple tones of the flower being fa vored. A cloth gown of this color has the skirt ornnmented with rows of stitching in saddler's silk of tho same shade, the front of the bodice formed of plaited corded silk, dotted with gold. There is n collnr and pointed girdle of dark green velvet, nnd the slashed puf fings on the close Queen Anno sleeves ire of the velvet with glimpses of the dotted silk showing between. A styl ish skating costume of petunin cloth has a chamois-lined bolero jacket of the jloth with high collar und edgings of black Persian lamb fur. The sleeves nnd skirt border are likewise of tho fur. St. Louis Republic. CtiHturd rill l ii),-. Hero is a good custard filling used in jukes: Put a half pint of milk in a iloublo boiler; stir into it two table spoonsful of moistened cornstarch. Stir constantly until thick and smooth: then add the yolks of two eggs and piarter cup of sugar. Take from the J re, add the flavoring. When cold it is ready to use. Albany Journal, i il Y