The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 26, 1897, Image 1

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    TijV "
jmin ma xnmouiiKMJiuiuiwijiiwmij n
ebmshn Advertiser.
ft i LlttL.
M- V S K I
Boat CourU Syrup. Tostea Good.
In tlmo. Fold by drtiRRlRtK.
Neh.uia City, Nebraka.
Odlce first door south of Park hotel.
NemahalCity, JTeb.
H. A. ihompson, Prop.
Bhnvlntr, miampoonliiet ,
Uulr Dressing, Razor llonelnjf,
Spaclnl nttentlon pnld to LnHe mid Children.
Aycntor Nebraska City Steam Laundry,
Kerker & Hoover,
Dealer in
Hkliost prices pulil. for hitloH, lurd, tallow
game, etc
Slmbert, Nebraska.
Does a general practice. All callB
promptly answered, day or night. 7-17
J. L. Jlelvin, ?I.T). J?h. .
C l'KOIA. iKS: DlHonsenor tho SlcJn, DIk
Outset ci YV'oninu mid Children WH1
prontnti tuifcwtir all cmIIh, olitier day or
nlijlit. otllco "i re.sliiL'uof.
Nemaha, - - Nebrnslia
. . J. H. SEXD, Prop.
Breeder mid Bliipper of Duroc Jersey
and Poland Clilim Hogs
Best ne, low prices. Farm one mile
south of Nemaha.
Surgeon Speoialist,
.Stella, - Nebraska
Operations for Cataract and all opera
tions on the eye, Varicocele, Hernia,
Heraerrhoids, etc., performed with
out chloroform and painless. Pa
tients from abroad can obtain board
nnd hospital facilities at prices less
than in a city, considering skill and
sanitary surroundings Parties
seeking relief through surgical
means will do well to confer with
Dr. Andrews.
So be in time. You will al
ways bo in time if you lot us
furnish your time piece. They
are not only oxc'dlant' time
keepeis but supeib parlor ori
naments as well.
Wanted-ftn Idea SS
Proteot your Meant tlier mny brlun.yoil wealth.
Write JOHN WKDIinilHURN & CO.. Patent Attor
iiovb. Washington, D. C, for tlinlr 81.HM pr m otter
tud lit of two liuudrod luveutlou wanted.
Local News.
Additional local on last page.
R. V. Mulr was down from Brown
vllle Thursday.
Mrs. Frank Hawxby is very sick
with lung fever.
The deepost snow of the season fell
Thursday morning.
R. D. Waterman is arranging to
move to town tho first of next mouth.
I.N. Cooper expects to movo back
to his Nemaha residence in a few days.
Heihert Weatherlleld has moved on
one of W. IJ. Moluineh's farm, in Lon
don precinct.
Mrs, Nellie Pal meter, of llavelock,
Neb., visited J. W. Wenber and family
from Friday until Tuesday.
Another cold put in an appearance
Friday morning, cm using the mercury
to fail tieveral degrees bolow zero.
District court convenes again next
Monday. 'The case of Will Argabright
will be tried, unless some chauge is
W. W. Sanders is agent for It. V.
Muir's town lots in Nemaha. If you
want to lease or buy one apply ut This
Advertiser efiiee.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jay returned
last Saturday from Grand island, where
they had been visiting Mrs. Jay's sif
ter, Mrs Win, Murr.-
Geo. B. Kinney, who moved to Iowa
about a year ago, 4vas in town a.fott
days ago. and says he expects to muvt
back here this spring. '
Lester Poabody recently bought the
forty acre farm .'astof'Fred Hoover's,
iu Aspinwnll piecinct. Erneot Argu
blight has it rented lor this year.
Mm. Chas. M Welton is visiting .he
brother, L. II. Barnes, for a few tlays
while Charley gets things in running
order at the farm east of Johnson.
We are glad to learn William
Ilawxby is going to return to his farm
northwest of town this spring. lie
greatly prefers farm life to living in
J. W, Webber, who has been ver)
sick with tlie grip, does not improve a?
rapidly as his friends would like to nee
but we liopo he will soon beadle to get
out again.
Mis. J. Marlatt, who had very piio'r
health during her residence in Lincoln
has greatly improved since her leturn
to Auburn and is able to be out again
Grangt r.
Stephen Cooper has taken orders foi
baling abeut a thousand tons of ha)
and is rustling for more orders. He
will move on the farm as soon as the
roads improve a little
J M. Burns has contracted to build
a 20x20 foot addition to John Quinn's
farm house, near Howe, and will begin
work as soon as the weathor is suit
able for outdoor work.
Tim infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Noah Colerick died Sunday, aged about
three months. Tho funeral services
were held Monday at the Methodist
church, ltev, J. W. Taylor preached
(he sermon.
Hev. L.F. Britt, D. D., will be at
Johnson from March i)il to 10th, assist
ing Rev. Calvert iu a protracted meet-,
ing, and during that time will treat
magnetically all sufferers who apply at
the Commercial hotel, Dr. Britt iias
performed some marvelous cures in
Nemaha county iu the past, but found
that it was taking up too much of his
time to treat those who came to him.
For over a year Dr. Britt lias been
sick and unable to do any work, but is
now able to get around again, and will
devote much of his time to healing tho
Tho Maple Grove school district
Dist. 37 is troubled, but tho trouble
differs from that which afllicts most
of our districts After paying tho ex
penses of this term of school they will
have at least $000 on hand. Wlint
bothers tho members of the school
board is how to dispose of this money.
If they could only turn it over to the
Nemaha district we could soon dispose
of it.
Olive Camp No. 14, Woodmen of tho
World, will givo a dance, oyster sup
per and entertainment Wednesday
night, March 17th. The dance will be
given in Hoover's opera house, the
oyster supper in the lower west room
of tho opera house, and tho entertain
ment iu the Miuick hall. Admission
todanco, CO cents; supper and enter
tainmont, 25 cents Everybody is in
Miss Emma Crim, assisted by the
best singers of Nemaha and vicinity,
will givo the charming and romanth
operetta, "Genevieve," at Hoover's
opera houso Saturday night, March 0th.
The music of this operetta is excellent
and the Binders have been carefully
trained. We feel sure every one will
be pleased. Miss Crim should have a
crowded house. Admission, 15 cents;
children, 10 cents; reserved Beats, 21)
cents. Tickets on sale at Tayior's drug
Report of School District No. 58, for
the quarter ending January 20, 1807:
. Main PemnloTotul
Total Enrollment 27 20 41
Tottil iliipH pupils ut lended..,447 1130 827
D.illy iivoriiKo iiltondnnce 10 10 3fi
No. days actually tatiKlit 40
No. cases of tardiness 8 ft 14
No. canes corporal punltdmi't 2 0 2
No. vUlts inomliniHOf board ' 3
No, vIhUk of other persons... 20
No. o pupllH neither absent nor tardy 4
Nuiiipm Flod TlubrlN, Dave Armstrong.
Charlie ArniHtioiiK, Ella ArniHlroug.
E. Delia Kemi'thoknk,
' v Teacher.
Benjamin Savel died at tiis hume
near the London church Weduesda
afternoon, February 17, from the of
tects of grip. The funeial took place
from Bethel chuich this morning at 10
o'clock, and the remains were I nt fired
in the London cemetery. Grandpa
Savel waS one of the early settlers in
Nemaha county, locating hear Brown
ville about forty years ago. For a limi
ne made'his Lonm in this city, hut ol
late years has resided near London
He was within nine days of 85 year
old at the time of his death Granger
Kerker & louver are agents for the
celebrated Haas Hog Hemody, which
has gained such a reputation as a rem
edy for hog cholera and kindred dis
eases. So confident are 'the manufac
turers of the merits kof this remedy that
they offer for a small amount per head
to insure hogs against the cholera pro
vided the remedy is used according to
directions. It is said that by the use
of this ' medicine hogs thrive so well
that the cost of the remedy is saved in
feed or gained in weight. Go to Ker
ker & Hoover and get full particulars
Tuesday afternoon we had tho pleas
ure of v'siting C. Shuck's "Nemaha
Valley Berkshire Farm," four miles
northwest of Nemaha. Mr. Shuck
has been raising thoroughbred Berk
shire hogs for a number of years, and
keeps no other kind of hogs. He ho
lieves the BcrkHhiro is the finest and
best hog on earth, and can convince al
most any one that such is the fact by
showing thorn Ids stock. Mr. Shuck
has sold nearly everything he lias for
sale, but will soon be ready for custo
mers. He has about thirty hogs left,
and tiie majority of them are as pretty
as pictures. Wo were so forcibly im
pressed with the merits of the .Berk
shire and with the slock raised by Mr.
Shuck that we made a bargain for a
sow before we left.
Mr. Shuck has a hog medicine that
he prepares himself that is said to be a
euro preventive of hog cholera, and
will euro the Hick hogs if they are not
too far gone. Many of tho neighbors
are using this remedy, which is com
paratlvoly cheap. J
IDr. J. Hi. Melvin.
Olllco at residence, south of Miuick
storo building.
F. M. Chrisman, an old resident of
Auburn, waa found dead Wednesday
morning in his room in tho loft of the
livery stablo fermorly owned by him
He had been a hard drinker for years,
and this undoubtedly caused his death.
Henry Wallace is generally rncogs
nlzed us the best posted man on agric
ulture, stock brooding and feeding and
grass growing in the western country,
We will send ids weekly agricultural
and the Advkktiser both for one
year for 81.00. Drop card to Wallaces'
Farmer, Des Moines, Iowa, and ask
for a sample copy which will be fur
nished free.
We havo made arrangements where
by wo can send The Advertiser and
the Inter Ocean both one year for only
$1 00 cash in advance.
Take tho wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy, riding
Quick time. All trains met. John
McElhaney, proprietor.
Wo will send The Advertiser, the
New York Tribune, the Toledo Blade
and the Chicago Inter Ocean, all four
papers one year for 'only $2 10.
iilpana Tabulea.
Who wants to buy good
Anderson's New Cash Store.
New stock of Shoes just received fine line.
We have a flue line of
Overcoats for Boys, now being sold At Cost
We ar.o also selling
as Anderson has just got in a good stock. Tho dry goods, notions, hats and
caps, bouts and shoes and other departments have njso been stocked up with
good seasonable goods, which he is selling at bed rock prices, Try him.
. Anderson's Cash Store
JT. VT. Oranmer fe Co.
have decided to Close Out
their entire line of,
Clothing, Furnishing Goods,
niVuiilss; aiidL Valines,
JN ow get to the front, "The Blue Front,"
and dress yourself and boys up with the
best and cheapest suits ever purchased
for the money. We mean just what we
say, as we are determined to Close Out
this stock as soon as possible. 80 rush
in and procure some of these unparal
le ed bargains before all are gone.
Don't Xela,y. Time is IWConey
Remember the vlacfh
J. W. Cranmer
FOB SALE. A span of good mules
nine years, perfectly gentlo. Apply at
this otllco.
Mies Harris, "the milliner," South
' Wo wish all our delinquent aubscrii
bers who can furnish us wood or cor
would bring tho eamo in at onco, as we
need it.
W.W. Sanders. Notary Public. Pen
sions papers of all kinds made out acs
curatoly. Legal documents drawn up.
All business given prompt and careful
Get our clubbing rates on any paper
you want to aubscribo for. We can
save you money.
We waut one good man (having
horse), as permanent superintendent
for Nomaha County, on salary. Must
send aliing with application, Btrong
letters of recomendalion as to honesty,
energy, and ability, First class man
only. State occtibatlon. Address P.
O.liox 10:12, Phil,, Pa.
The beBt salvo in rhe world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns and, all skin eruptions, and posh
lively ernes piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect hhIIb
factlon or money lel'nnded. Prico 25
cents per box. For sale bv Taylor.
goods at low figures to all at
& Co., Aubur