The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 29, 1897, Image 1
tiMtes,' i nrammmnfiinmi II UWI, JJIHL'JUIJII WW &4 7 Avtrtim. J- zzsic YOLUME XLI NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JAN. 29, 1897. NUMBER 31 A P Mebmsfa 5&j y . " ft lit CURLS WHtHt ALL ELSE FAILS. Beet-Cough Syrun. Tastes Good. Use I in time, boia or druggists. Tlt. W. W. KEELING, Nbk.uiv Orrr, Meukaka.. O 111 co 11 rat door south of Park hotel. W. W. SANDERS, Notary :-: Public Nemaha City, Neb. NEMIHAsB&BBERzSHOP H. A. hompson, Prop. Bliavlnif, Bhumpoonlnc. , lUIr DrftsliiK, Razor Jlonolnc, Special nttentlou inld to Liulloa and Children. Agent for A'cbrcuka City Steam Laundry. Kerker & Hoover, Dealer lu MEATS Highest prlciM paid. for hides, lurd, tallow f Aino, etc NEMAHA CITY, NE BRASKA. t. G.SUTTON. M. D.. iiubort, Nebraska. 1) ) rt a -mra! practice. All culU prompt h answered, day or night. 7-17 SPISOlAt KS: UlsftMh.-Hot tlio .skin, DlH o.ttei o Women nuil Children Will jMoinnl niiiwor nil cills, either day or nlnlil. utile" residence. Iosna; a, - - Nebraska B.BeliAndrews.Sfl.D.Ph.D, Surgeon Specialist, Stella, - Nebraska Operations lor Cataract and all opera tions on the eye, Veiicocele, fleruirt, Hemorrhoids, etc , performed with out chloroform and painless. Pa tients from abroad can obtain boaid nnd hospital facilities at prices less than in a city, considering skill and sanitary sovrouudings. Patties socking relief through surgical means will do well to confer with Dr. Andrews. ClIKIS SCHLAUGEIt Representing Cooper B f"5r '-.. tho rustling V." .- T. v ' IiiTeryman ' l of Nemaha. j.- Leave your orders for n team, hack or dray, aud We do the Rest. Our Hack meets all nliin NOTICE At a meeting of tho board of county cotn mlsslouorH January 13lh. 1897, ttio following estimate was made of ttio couuty oxponsoH for tho your 1897: Countv .Superintendent $ 120(1 I'oor Farm UGO Institute 100 ltonts, lights and fuel fiOO Cmi n ty pnyuliilan fiM Court expenses, Jury loes, eto 8000 Jail expent-es 2o00 County commlHHlonors' salary 1800 Advertising llioo Attorney lu criminal cunes Hik) Surveyor W0 Election expetiHOH 10(l HuppHeH other than Htatlonary 3"0 Insurance- on couuty ImlldliiRH 16') Services of olerk and clerk of board 750 Iiiwmltv fund , 1000 Improvements 20(H) Hooks and Htntlouary 300 County roads 12'KK) Hildas , 130MO BoUlloi'H relief '00 Expenses on Hitlts pending NK) County attorney S'K) Jnnltor's snlnry., 300 Agricultural f.00 Assessors 1600 London and Hrownvlllo precinct rail road bond fund 14000 Incidental 2000 County coroner, witnesses nnd Jury 20U II. E. PEKUY. W. M. DAAIS, Clerk. Ctialrman. ROAD NOTICE. The commissioner appointed to view nnd report upon tho practloablllty of locating a public road commencing and running be tween hco.21 and sec 28, between sec 23 and boo. 27, between pec. 23 and nee. 20, HionoacAHt to tho Nemaha river, township 6, rangq 13 fast, nil in Nemaha county. Neb., has renorM ed 5a favor of ostabhHlitpir.Biild.Tqadtmjiijnl, objections to niir$mtrjforaanneaFt bo tiled In tho'clerkta nflioennor,hWfTjjnn Tuoiday, Mnrch 2nu,li97, nriiuol1rouil will bo estaollshed wlth'ou t reference therVto. II. E. PEEHY, County Clerk. Local News. Cold weather this week. Steve Cooper is on tho sick list. The ice man are busy this week. Jerry Colerick is sick with the grip Mrs. Georgo Yackly is another grip patient. Andy Jarvis is filling his ice house with good ice. Be careful of your flres this cold windy weather. Kerker & Hoover havo six or eight teams hauling ice. Mrs. Sain Anderson has been on the sick list tliis week. Who said there would be no cold weather this winter? Kemp Colerick has been "courting" at Auburn part of tho week. Robert Frost is attending district court in the capacity of a juror. The cold wave struck us hard Sun day, and is staving right with us. Alva Leedy has bean assisting Steve Cooper in the livery stable this week. Mrs. T. U.Skeeti, of Auburn, is viss iting her daughter, Mrs. Fannie Fair bank. John Dorram has been confined te the house the most of this week, with the grip. Mrs. J. IJ. Littrell, who has been visiting In Missouri, returned home Thursday night. Tho ice that ia heinc put up by our ice men is ton inches thick' awl ol splendid qirtlitv. "Wra. Aynes came in from western Kansas Friday of last week, to seo how a good ti untry looked. Tom Claik, who has been at Hebron, in the H. & M. ollice, for several weeks, returned home Friday of last week. There will be no services at the Methodist church Saturday night. Services will be held Sunday night and the retna'nder of next week. S. Gilbert has moved into the new bank building. The building is not yet finished inside but is near enough com plot Ion so it can be used The Miudoun river got on a boom Wednesday and the water raised about six feet in a few hours. The raise was caused by a gorge near Aspinwall. The editor rode the through the forests of woodcraft Tuesday night, aud is now a member of Olive camp Mo. 14 Woodmen ol the World. Mrs. E. A. Minick, Mrs. Walter Jlad lock, Mrs. Dr. Keeling, Miss Veva Clark, M1.-0 Flo Minick and a number of others have been sick this week with the grip. A greut many people are mourning over the loss of vegetables that havo been frozen during the coll spell. To their suirow they lound that their caves and cellars were not frost proof. The school house at Hillsdale burned Thursduy forenoon, The lire caught from the chimuey, while bcheol was in seaaiou. Tliu boekii wore saved but we understand everything else was burned. v Rev. Pickier, of Missouri, has been visiting in Nemaha lor a week, and is so well pleased with the town and the people that ho talks of moving here. He is aii old friend of Mart May, and au uncle of Alifraylor. HiotiH;pHperrof Jill kinds made out acs ;cltralely. Legal documents drawn up All business given prompt and careful attention. X)r. J". Xj, Melvin. Ofllco at residence, south of Minick store building. District court adjourned Wodnesday until next Monday, after heating ono caso. The will caso of Leller Stull is et for trial at that time. We under stand that Judge Ramsey of the Otoe and Cass county district will hear this C.lbO. While skating Tuesday Jay Duff foil backward, striking on the back of his head. He said nothing t his parents about it, but during tho night Jay h d ppnsms, and on being questioned told about the fall he bad received He has been quite sick from the effects of the shock, but is getting better. J II. LUtrell, who is1 charged with breaking the peace, and who has been under bo.ds to keep the peace for sev eral months, appeared at d strict court Tuesday aud asked through his counsel, Geo. W. Cornell, that he be continued under the samu bond, as he did not cat e to go to tnal. Ills xequest was granted Rev. C. II. Gil more commonced a series of meetings at the Methodist church Sunday night. Owing to the cold weather atid rough toads the nt tendance has not been very large, but thoe attending have been treated to some jspleiidld sermons. Player meet ings are held tit 8 o'clock every alter noon . Tho Cliiidti.m church at Brownville burned Thursday morning. It is not known how the tire originated, as we understand no beivice.- had been helu in the church rwcenti The church was to have been sold at atiei Ill's sale next Monday tosatisty a mortgage held by Mrs. Cobb for money loaned the church a great many years ago. Count Suiveyoi Hacker this week surveyed the, I bar northeast of town, where the Gillespie.s and Flockb have been farming this year. Enoch Ilaneline, B. F. Lesley and Judge J. 11 Broady, ol Lincoln, who own tho laud adjoining this sutid bar claim this land also, while VV. II. Stockton claims that he bought it of ShermTitusand otheis There will piobably be a lawsuit over tho question ot ownership. Mr, nniJ Mis. George F. Saulcy, who live on the old Piernnu farm, thieo and one-half miles east of Auburn, cele brated the 12th anniversary of their wedding Thursday of las' wok. About fifty guests were present, Rev.s. John Gallagher, of Auburn, and C H Gil" more, of Urownville, were among those present. A bountiful dinner was served. A number of useful and beau tiful presents were received, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Webber returned Tuesday from Ktnporia, Kansa-i, where they went last week to attend the fun oral of their nephew, Charley Allen, a son of N. N. Allen, formerly of Ne maha. The young man was at work in a mina at Victor. Colorado, when a heavy piece of timber foil on him and injured him so badly that he lived only about two hours after the accident oc-( curred. He was sensible until his death. Tho county commissioners havo re cently had the county clork get a new warrant book to be used exclusively for those who havo accounts against the county and who owe taxes. When such persons present their accounts tho commissioners have the warrant drawn in favor of tho treasurer and it is applied on taxes. The commission ers do not believe in paying out the money of those who do pay their taxes to those who do not. WOOD AND CORN. We wish all our delinquent subscris hers who can furnish us wood or corn would bring tho eame in at oneo, as we need it. Either old or new corn will be taken. Mies Harris, "tho milliner," South Au burn. Robert Sampson and MissKato Frobt surprised their friends by going to No braska City Friday afternoon of last week and netting married that evening Countv Judge Eaton petlormed the marrlngo ceremony. The Adverti ser extends best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Sampson fr a long, happy and prosperous married life. The happy couple returned to Noma ha Saturday. Mrs. Sampson went back to Peru Sunday, where she is working, while Bob lemains in No maha. Olive camp No, M. Woodmen or the World, had a supper at the Minick hall lust Saturday night. Although it wan storming badly a poed numbor of the Woodmen and frlonda were present aud all had an enjoyable time. The only thing that marred the enjoyment of the occasion was the fear of aomo of the members that Sam Anderson, Joe Haith and Lew Mather would make tlieniBblvos hick by trying to eat up all the grub, but after their table had been lepleuished for the third time and they were told that hardly a beginning had been made in the bountiful supply of eatables, thv gave up in despair, and after that all was harmony. WMHii Who wants to buy good goods at low figures to call at Anderson's Mew Cash Store. New stock of Shoes just received fine line. We havo a fine line of Overcoats for Boys, now being sold At Cost Wo aro aho'seillng Boys' uits A.t Cost. MOD -FRESH GROCERIES AT LOW PRICES. as Anderson lias just got in a good stock. Tho dry goods, notions, hats and caps, boots and -shoes and other departments have ngso been stocked up with good seasonable goods, which he is selling at bed rock prices. Try him, I. B. Anderson's Gash Store Nemaha, Nebraska. At the Blue Front PROSPERITY! Listen. Clothing and furnishing goods at actual cost for 30 days, just to make things lively and hurry up prosper ity. You won't need confidence if you have the money So come and trade at THE BLUE FRONT and save 50 per cent. We mean just what we say and say just what we mean Remember the place , TEE BLVE FBONT J. W. Cranmer & Co., Auburn Peru has another rare treat In store, Dr. O. M. Shepherd, of Lincoln, is to give his renowned locturo, "Tho Story of War aud Weapon," in the Normal chapol Wednesday evening, Feb. 3rd, 1807, under tho auspices of tho W. R. O. He will exhibit hie peerless collec tion of Imploinonts of battle used by tho different nationalities, during the ecture. In order that all may Jmvo tho privilege of attending this interest ing lecture the admission will only be 15 cents for adults and 10 conts for hlldren. Hon. Thns, J. Majors has been urged is a suitable person for the position of secretary of agriculture in Presldout McKtnley's cabinet, nnd was Btrongly endorsed for that position by Senator Thurston. If Nebraska should be for tutiate enough to get a cabinet position (which is not at all probable, consider ing the way tho voto stood lait fall), Mr, Majors would receivo the appoint ment, and would make an able official, do wtiB ono of tho original MoKinley men in this state, fought the Manders son "favorite son" boom tnat was orig inated to keop Nebraska out of the Mc Kinley column, and did effective work in tho western part of the state during the campaign. Everybody Vic,