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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1897)
Xti -n 7 MI.iWLU4JMUMlWIJMaJMJLMB5aggnWHiUlMlJllUllliUitllJP,JILJIWIITe gtngMH rmwvnn IIIIIIIIIJJWBWIWaMilJIMJjJUiMMIWIJllW'WIilUiaMMMHiywawwMw, ebmshi Mdvertim, f VOLUME XLL NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JAN. 22, 1897. NUMBER 30 IWW ffe l V Hi R 't ,x v , CUHtS WHERt ALL ELSE FAILS. Baat Cough Byrop. TantciQood. Cm in tuna, foia &r druggistR. T)R. W. W. KEELING, NEMAHA. OlTT, NeURAKA. Office flrat door south of Park hotel. W. W. SANDERS, Notary :-: Public Nemaha. City, Neb. NEM&HAzB&RBERzSHOP H. A. hompson, Prop. BUbvIiik, SUampoonlnc. . IIulrDrt'MlnK, lluzorllonelDKi peclnl attention paid to Ladle and Children. Agent for Nebraska City, Steam Laundry. Kerker & Hoover, Dealer In "I Local News. Additional local on Inst page. Another Rnow btorm Wednesday. District court meets next Monday. Miss Nellie Morton wont to Lincoln Monday. 8. K. Anderson wont te Nebraska City Wednesday. Mrs, J. B. Borjjer visited Brownville friends Tuesday and Wednesday. Highest prtcos jiuid. for hides, lard, tailow game, etc NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA, I.C. SUTTON. M. D.. Shubort, Nebraska. Does a general practice. All calli promptly answered, day or night. 7-17 J, L. itlcluin, J7.Z)., JPh. O. PHYSICUHANDSURGEDH SPEOIAi. -KS: DI'suiwh of the Skin, Dlfi. . easei c Women itnrt Children Will proniTM ptiawer nil calls, either day or nleht. uilloe i renldenot. Andy Jarvis has put some ice in his ico hotiBe this week. It is about six inches thick, W. H. Lorance, of Auburn, was in town Tuesday, and gave this offlco n pleasant call. Miss Loto Thompson Ib very sick spinal trotiblo. Sho is at the home of hor brother Will. Dr. J. Xj. JVI olvin. Office at residence, south of Miulck store building. Mrs. J. W. Webber received u tole gratn Tuesday that her nephew, Ghas Allen, luxl been killed in an accident In a mine where ho was working in Colorado. The bony was shipped to Emporia, Kansas, where his paronts live. Mr, aud Mrs. Webber started for Emporia Tuesday night to attend the fuueral. J. FT. Seid attended two PolandChina hoe sales in Otoe county last week and bought two tine hogs for his herd. Miss A. Brlle Clark, of Buffalo. N. T., arrived in Nemaha last week, on a visit te her ueice, Mrs. Cera Crot her Miss Lillie Wheeler returned to Lin coln Tuesday after a visit of a few weeks wiiti relatives and friends in Nemaha. The editor got a fine bred Poland China sow from J. II. Seid'a "Nemaha Stock Karm" on Wednesday, and we expect to he right at tlio front in the fine hog business in the near future. The sow Mr. Sold brought us is a splen did specimen of the Poland Chinas, but that is tho only kind Henry sells as ho will not let any go out unless tboy are lirst class animals, Nam a i: a, - Nebraska B.BeilAndrews.WI.D.Ph.D, Surgeon Specialist, Itella, - Nebraika Operations for Cataract and all opera tions on the eye, VoilwcHe, Hernia, llnmerrhoids, etc., performed with out chloroform an-1 painless. Pa tients from abroad can obtain boaid and hospital facilities at prices less than in a city, considering skill and sanitary surroundings. Parties seeking relief through Biirgical means will do well to confer with Dr. Andrews. e ' ' --- i Cuius Sohlaugkr Representing Mrs. S. A. Scovill is vice president of the Methodist ladies' aid seciety, and not Mrs Ollie Scovill, as was published last week. Casner Barnes was in Nemaha and viciuity several days last week, on bus iness connected with the settling up ol hie father's estate. The Duff Grain Ce. have scales and scale house in at the depot, and J II . Littrell, their buyer here, is transact ing business therein. Cooper the rustling ;r Liveryman ; , or Nemaha. -i -, ' Loiivo your orders ' V . L 'or a team, hack or ;'j ; ' ' dray, and v ! ' Wedo tiie Rest. Our Hack meeta all talni NOTICE. At a meeting of the bourd of couuty com mlHBlonors January 13th, 1897, the followlns estimate was made of the county oxpouHos for tho year 1897: County Superintendent S 1200 Poor Farm 1W10 Institute 100 Rents, lights and fjel 600 County physlalan 5ii0 Court expenses, Jury fees, etc ftM) Jail expenses 2WHJ County commissioners' iiilrvy lt'OO Advertising IfiW Attorney In criminal ciircs 3m) Surveyor (i"u Klootlon expenses 10KI Supplies other than stationary 3n0 Insuranco on county buildings l&i Services of clerk aud olerk of board 750 Iusunlty fund iftoo Improvements 2000 Books and stationary 300 Couuty roads 12000 Soldiers relief 700 Expenses on suits pondlnc 600 County attorney 800 Janitor's salary 300 Agricultural '. rm Assessors ujoo London and Brownvlllo preoluot rail road bond fund H0OO Incidental 2000 County coroner, witnesses and Jury 200 II. E. PEERY. W. M. DAMS. Olerk. Chairman. Mr aud Mrs. Frank Fiack are re joicing over the birth of a great big huudsome teu pound boy, who. arrived Wednesday afternoon. ROAD NOTICE. The commissioner appointed to view and report upon the practlonblllty of lociitlnt,' ti public road commencing and running be tween sec. 21 and sec. 28, be' ween Bee. 28 and sec. 27, betweou seo. 23 and see. 20, thence en at to the Noraahn river, township 6, range 13, east, all In Nemaha county. Neb,, has report ed In favor of establishing said road, aud all objections to and claims for damtigcs must bo Hied In tho clerk's olliceou or bofote noon Tuesday, March 2nd, 1897, or such road will boestaollshed without reference thereto. 11. E. PJ3EKY, Couuty Clerk. A postoflice has been established at Bracken, aud Chas. T, Minick has been appointed postmaster. He will have the postotlice iu tho depot. The young people have been enjoying themselves skating this week. Several nights they have gone out to tnu lake near Bracken, which afford.- maguitls cent skating. Notice. Will reopen the Nemaha Photograph room again next haturdaj, and will make Cahiuet Photos for 80 cents per dozen from Saturday to the Tuesday following. The young people of Nemaha had a masked party at the Minick hall last Sat ui day night. The costumes were elegant, we are informed, and a splen did time was enjoyed by those present Geo. Densmoro, of Brownville, and Mrs, Roaetta Petieo, of Ctilbertson, were 'married Thursday evening of lust week, by Rev O. H, Gllmore, at the Methodist parsonage at Biown-ville. Marie Tourtelot, Optician, of Lin coln, will be at the home of Grandma Skcon Thursday, Jan. 28th. Should any one wish to consult her in regard to their eyes she will be pleased to have them call Henry Cecil diod at bis residence in Auburn Friday night of last week. Mr, Cecil wss an old citizen of Nemaha county, having lived for many years in Brownville. He was the father-in-law of Judge John S. Stall. On uccotint of bad roads and for oth er reasons Rev. O. H. Gilmore last Sunday night concluded to postbone tho beginning of tho protracted meet ing for at least one woek. It is proba bio tho meetings will begin next Sun day night. Rov. M. Demotle, of Talmage, D, D. G. M.. installed the officers of Victory lodge No. 105, I. O. O, F., Thursday night. Tho following are the offirers: N G-M H Taylor. V G F L Woodward. S-Wm G Maxwell. P S J E Crother. Treas H K McCundless. W E J Maxwell. 0- David Carroll. G-O P Barker. R S N G J I Dressier. L S N GRobt Frost. It 8 V G-R I Smith. L S V G-Jerry Colerlck. Annual teport of the ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church of Nemaha from January i, 1S0U, to Jan. l, 1807: Amouut taken in during the year, 3121 00. Amount paid out, $121.08. Of the amouut. paid out during the year $58. 35 was paid on Rev. C. II. (Jilni ore's ealaty. The balance wus paid on debts and expenses of the :hurch. The society iu increasing In membership and interest. We now have twenty members. We have quilted (luting the year twelve quilts. The society wishes to thank the many friends who have been so kind and helped them during the past year. M. A. Woodward, Secretary. James A, Titus, president of the Ne maha Cemetery association, and who has had the oversight of the cemetery, makes the following report of contri butions and expenditures for tho year 1800: Received in cash from William Bam $100 Mrs S O Cummingfl fJo Jerry Colerink 50 John Maxwell 1 00 J B Hoover CO John Argabright GO John- E Crother no 8 Gilbert 50 William Maxwell 50 C Shuck 50 Ed Morrison 50 Marshall Pryor 50 Herbert Weathorfiold... 60 J A TittiB 1 00 Seymour Howe 1 00 J P Hoover 1 00 TBSkeen 50 Mart May fio R I Smith 50 John Dorram 25 Walter Hadlock 25 T O Hacker 1 00 D A Morton 50 Titus & Williams (cem-. etery money) 2 00 A aeries of surprises was Inaugurate ed iu the Webber neighborhood Tues day First, John Webber and Misa Abbie Druory surprised their friends, or tried to surprise them, by slipping off to Auburn and getting married, tho county judge performing the ceremony. Mrs. Webber had arranged a surprise for John and his bride, and whon they got home they found twenty or twenty fivo of their friends present, and all were invited to partake of a magniftV cent supper that had boon prepared b Mrs. Webber. Tho bys arranged to "chlvaree" tho young couple, but Will Russell changed teams with John and drvo over to the house whore John hud baon staying, and where tho boys expected him te stop, whilo the latter went to Mrs. Dreury's and stayed that night. The boys raised a big racket at the placo where Will Russell wus stop ping, Will "enjoyed" tho music for quite awhile aud then asked the boys what they wanted, and informed them that John and his bride were not there, and the bays were surprised. Mr. and Mrs, Webber have the best wishes of Tub Advertiser for happi ness and auccess in married life. MIhb Harris, "the milliner," South Auburn. The Odull correspondent of the Beat rice Express has tho following items of intoroat to Nomaha pceplo: Wo aro proud of our excellent school in all its departments. Rev. Mr. Whltmer of Wymoro is conducting a series of meetings in Odoll with crowded houses. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Voedor are both teachers in tho Odell school. Mr. Whltmer was formerly pustor of the Methodist church at Auburn and preached sevoral times iu Nomaha. J. M. Fowler, formerly sheriff ef Nemaha county, when he was a repub lican, but whe has fallen Into evil ways of lato years and gon over to tho pop ulists, has been appointed superintend ent of the soldiers homo at Mllford, by Governor Holcomh. The literary society at Hillsdale line been reorganized for the winter, hold" ing meetings every Friday night, bo ginning at 7 o'clock, Evrrbody is in vitod to attend and take part. WOOD AND CORN. Wo wish all eur delinquent subscrli bern who can furnish ui wood or cora would brintf the same ia afc once, aa we need it. Either old or new corn will be taken. Tetal $1G 00 Paid to G W Burgess for mowing cemetery $8 00 Paid to Burns and Mather for mowing csraetery. 8 00 Total Ste 00 Tho cemetery is now in first class condition, and reflects great credit on those having the ground in charge. T. 0. Hacker, of Red Cloud, who was here recently, was so well pleased with the looks of the cemetery that he gave $5 to help in tho good work. One dollar of tills amount was expended last yoar, leaviag 84 to his credit in the improve ment fund. We havo madearrangomonts where by we can send The Advertiser and tho Inter Ocean both one year for only 81.00 cash iu advance. We Invite Everybody Who wants to buy good goods at low figures to call at Anderson's New Cash Store. New stock of Shoes just received fine line. Wo have a tine line of Overcoats for Boys, now being sofd At Cost We are also selling J3oys $iiit& JL.t Cost. GOOD FRESH GROCERIES AT LOW PRICES. as Anderson lias just got in a good stock. The dry goodB, notions, hats ana! cape, boots and Hhoes and othor departments have afso been stocked up with good seasonable goods, which he is selling at bed rock prices. Try him, N. B. Anderson's Gash Store Nemaha, Nebraska. At the Sluo Front PROSPERITY! gxtjios: Listen. . . Clothing and furnishing goods at actual cost for 30 days, just to make things lively and hurry up prosper ity. You won't need confidence if you have the moneyj So come and trade at THE BLUE FRONT and save 50 per cent. We mean just what we sav and say just what we mean Remember the place 1HE BLVE FRONT J. W. Cranmer & Co.. Auburn