The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 15, 1897, Image 1

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3 tWfltTfWW5fBWJWfW(
ebmsh Mdvertiser.
IlMt Cough Byrop. Tastes Good.
I In time. Sold by druKRlsU.
Office drat door aouth of Park hotel.
Notary :-: Public
Nemalia City, Ifeb.
IH. A. Thompson, Prop.
Shaving, Bhnmpoonlnc. ,
, Hair Dressing, Jluzqr llonolnr,
Special attention paid to Ladles una Children.
Agentor Nebratka City bleam Laundry.
Kerker & Hoover,
Dealer In
HlKlu'Ht prices pnld;for hides, lard, tallow
fame, etc
Shubert, Nebraska.
Does a general practice. All calls
y romptly answered, day or night. 7-17
J. L. Jllvin, M.D., Ph. .
SI.UCGIAiwi-i.EH: DlHoasesor the Stein, I)ln
ortHet o Women ami Children Will
romrttlv answer all culls, either day or
nlkjht. offlco 1 residence.
Nemaha, - - Nebraska
Surgeon Specialist,
Itella, - Nebraska
Operations for Cataract and all opera
tions ou the eye, Voricocole, Ilernirt,
Hemorrhoids, etc., performed with
out chloroform and painless. Pa
tients from abroad can obtain boaul
and hospital facilities at prices less
than in a city, considering skill and
sanitary surroundings. Parties
seeking relief through surgical
means will do well to confer with
Dr. Andrews.
Cuius Soiilauoer
the rustling
or Nemaha,
Leave your order
for n team, hack or
dray, aud
We do tiik Rest.
Oar Hack meeti all
I saw in your paper that a 13-year-old
bey made $1.25 tha flrst hour he
worked selling the Pertection Metal
Tip lampwick. I ordered a sample and
went to work and tha Irst week I
cleared $10, the second week I cleared
15. I expect to run up to $25 a week
in the near future, as the Perfection
Metal Tip lampwick makes such a
beautiful white light and does away
with smoky chimneys and bad odor
and saves oil, it is easy to sell. If you
wiBh to try it send 13 twolcent stamps
to Miss A. M. Fritz, Station A, St.
Louis, Mo. , and she will send you sam
ple outQt. This is a good way to
make money around home,
Miss Tina W.
i i i i
The progrosBlve ladies of WoBtfleld,
Ind., Issued a "Woman's Edition" of
the Westfield News, bearing date of
April i, 180(1 Tho paper is filled with
matter of interest to women, and we
notice the following from a corres .
pandent, which the editers printed, res
alizlng that it treats upoa a matter of
vital importance to their sex: "The
best remedy for croup, colds and bront.
chltls that I have been able to find is
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For
ramily use It has no equal. I gladly
recommend it." 25 an 50 cent bottles
far sals by Taylor tho diugglst.
Local News.
The roads are very rough.
T. B. Skeen was in from Auburn last
Editor Dalby was up from Shubert
Thompson Paxton andJos.Flack vis
ited Auburn Monday.
Lloyd RoyBe hai been appointed
postmaster at Hrownvilto."
Another bdow visited us Tuesday,
but it is fast disappearing.
Carl Sanders has boon assisting in
The Adveutiskk oKce this week.
W. B. Harmon, of Auburn, was
talking insurance in Nemaha Friday.
G. W. Cornall was in frum Auburn
Wednesday, on business, staying over
Miss Trixie Seabury went to Brown-
ville Wednesday, to visit Mrs. Nannie
Hon. John H. Shook, of ilichardson
couuty. was in town a few hours las-t
Marion Tidrow is now bossing the
barber shop, while Harva Thompson
does the work.
Mrs. Robt. Frost and Mrs. S. A.
Scevill paid this ofllce a pleasant visit
a few days ago.
G. N. Titus went lo Lincoln Mon
day, to attena the annual meeting ot
the State Horticultural Society.
John Lesley's baby died Saturdm
night, and was buried Sunday. W
pid not learn what causad its death.
A full report of the stcratary and
irassurer of the Nemaha Compter)
association will be published next
week .
William H. Hoover cama in from
Lineoln Wednesday, to look after his
real estate and business interests in
We hear that Edward Atmore, who
for so many years worked with Robert
Frost, is dead. We could not learn
any particulars.
J. W. Webber has about 10 bush
els of good, Binooth Early Ohio pota
toes that he would like to aell at 25
ceats per bushel.
S, Gilbert and Waller Iladleck want
to Shubert Thnrsday of last week, and
installed the officers af the G. A. R.
post at that place.
Mr. and Mrs Jack Jones, of Aspin
wall precinct, are mourning ever the
death of trelr little one, who died the
latter part of last week.
The sale of the Everett Larimore
things on Wednesday waa well attend
ed considering the weather, and every
thing brought a goad price.
John E. Crother Is bow a full
Hedged justice of the peace, and qual
ified to officiate at marriages, try cases,
ttdminister oaths, etc. It seems nat
ural to say Squire Crother again.
After living in Nemaha county for
forty years, Mr. and Mrs. JerryMarlatt
da not feel at heme in any other piate.
A few weeks ago they moved to Lin-,
colii, but have move baok to Auburn
Mr. and Mra. Jas. A. Stephenson
aro rejoicing over the birth of a One
boy, who arrived last Saturday. May
he live ta be a comfort to the parents,
and an honorable and useful member
of society.
Mrs. Allle Sanders has been appoint
ed superintendent of the Junior
League of the M. E. church by the
pastor, Rev. C. II. Gilraoro. Miss
Mabel Brogan was appointed assistant
Mr. Frank Argabright, of Neraana,
ind MIbs Mary Chamberlain, ot
l3rownvllle, were married Sunday, Jan
lOth, 1807, at the bride's home, by Prof.
J. A. Baatty, principal of tho Peru
Normal School.
At 2 o'clock p. m. the wedding
march was played by Miss Minnie Ma)
and tha young couple marched to the
parlor, standing under an arch which
wao decorated with evergreens, orange
blossoms and leaves.
After the ceramony and congratula
tions tho newly married couble and
guests prowodod to tho dining room,
where tho tables ware loaded with
goad things.
The brida was dressed in sea groan
brocade Batln, with crown of orange
blossoms, which wore sent to her from
The groom was dressad in the cus
tomary black.
The wedding was very quiet, onl)
tha relatives and a few very intimate
friends being present.
Mauy valuable presents wre re
On Monday a dinner was given the
young couple at the residence of the
groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
II Argabright.
The Advertiser unites with th
host of friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Argabright in wishing them a long,
happy and prosperous married life.
The following officers have been
elected by the Junior League for the
ensuing term:
President- Cyrus Minick.
Vice presidentsFirst, Willie Smile
second, Nelson Hadlock; third, Tudi
icovill; fourth, Trixie Seabury.
Secretary May Kerker
Assistaut'secrptary Resia Sauburj
Treasurer Verne Taylor.
Organist Veva Clark.
Assistant Lillie Minick.
Mra Fannie Falrbank has decided
to open a millinery establishment i
Nemaha. She has rented tho corne
storeroom Bouthof the hardware store
vacated this week by S. K. Andersm .
and will begin business as soon as sin
can make tha necessary arrangement
She came in from Auburn Thursday
and is now having the building fitted
up We are glad to have Mrs. Fair
hank locate in Nemaha again.
Twe man were caught bieaking into
the Gilbert bank last Monday morn
mg, getting through a window, bin
very little excitement was creatod, a
it wan soon discovered that the "rob
hers" were Earlo Gilbert and Jim
Burns. A spring had broke in the
lock and it could not be unlocked, no
Earle had to get in through the win
dnw. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Palmer cele
brated tho fifteenth anniversary of
their wedding last Monday night, at
their residence iu Beatrice, by giving a
crokinole party. We received an in'
vltation, but were unable to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer were former res
ideatB of Brownvillo, where they were
married, and have many friouds there.
Wo are informed on good authority
that applo orchards in Nemaha coun
ty for several years have paid $10 per
acre, from the time the orchard was
set out, and then for tho first eight or
ton years the owner could get at leant
a half crop on an average from the
land. There is nothing pays better
than a good orchard, in this country.
N. R. AaderBon's Cash Store hua
beau moved into the Titus & Williams
store building. This gives them room
to display the stock of goods as it
should be, and It presents a good ap
pearance. Mr. Anderson has enlarged
his stock, and will put In new uoodB
as rapidly as possible. He carries a
fresh stock of seasonable goods.
The literary society at Hillsdale haB
been reorganized for the winter, hold
ing meetings every Friday night, be
ginning at 7 o'clock. Everbody is in
vited to attend and take part.
Mrs. Laura Harris, eldest daughter
)f Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Peabodv dlod
it hnr residence in Beatrice last Sat
urday, January 0th, 1107, from typhoid
favor, aged 27 years, 1 month and 2
'lays. Mrs. Harris had nursed her
little boy through u long seigo of ty
phoid fever, and was taken with tho
lever boforo tho little ono was out of
danger, and on account ef her great
prostration could not withstand tha
ravages af tha diseaso. She leaves a
husband and two little boys, throe and
one years old, to mourn tho loio of
wife and mother, The oldest boy is
not able to ait up yet from the fever.
The body ef the deceanud was brought
to Nemaha for burial Monday, and was
followed to the Nemaha cemotery by a
largo number of friends. Services
were held at thacometory by Rev. E.
S.Chamberlain.of the Christian church,
to which Mrs. Harris belonged.
The bereavod ones have our sympa
thy in tbelr great affliction.
Rev. C. n. Gllmore will begin a pro-
traoted meeting at the Methodist
church in Nemaha next Sunday night
Jan. 17th.
We Invite Everybody
Who wants te buy good goods at low figures to call at
Anderson's New Cash Store.
New stock of Shoes just received fine line.
We havo a
Overcoats for Boys, now being sold At Cost
We are also selling
Boys' Suits .A.t Cost.
is Anderson has jiwt got in a good stock. The dry goods, notions, hats an
caps, boots and shoes and other departments have aao been stocked up with
ood seasonable goodB, which he is selling at bed rock prices. Try him.
N. B. Anderson's Gash Store
Nemaha, Nebraska.
At the Slue Front
Listen. . .
Clothing and furnishing goods at
actual cost for 30 days, just to make
things lively and hurry up prosper
ity. You won't need confidence if
you have the money So come and
trade at THE BLUE FRONT and
save 50 per cent. We mean just
what we say and say just what we
Remember the place
J. W. Cranmer
Dr. J. Xi. JVf elvin,
Offico at residonce, south of Minick
store building.
Rev. Potar 81ack, of Brownvillo,
preached at the Christian ohnrohThura
day night, nnd lectured Friday night.
The M. E. ladies aid society hava
olected the following officers:
President Mrs. Fannie Yackley.
Vice Presidont Mrs. Ollle Scovill.
Secretary Mrs. Dr. Keeling.
Treasurer Mrs. O. Galbraith.
The G. A. R. and W, It. O. had pub
lic lastallatlon of officers at the Minick
hall Saturday sight. Frank Hunt, of
St. Doroin, and Heary Sanders, of
Brownvillo, acted aB installing officers.
After tho installation ceremonies an
oyster supper wna served to tho mom
bard of tho post and corps and to the
invited guests who were prweat. -A
very enjoyable ovening was Bpent.
We wish all aur delinquent subacrit
hers who can f uraish us wood or corn
would bring the same in at once, as wo
need it. Either old or new corn will
be taken.
fine line of
& Co Auburn