The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 01, 1897, Image 1

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ClINtX WMlUt 111 (ICC (1IIQ
Bert Cough Byrup. TmtcGooi.
in nine. Hold br dniRiruts.
J)U. W. W. KEELING, City, Neiiuaka.
Ofilco first door south of Park hotel.
Notary :: Public
Nemaha City, Neb.
iH. A. Thompson, Prop.
tiliavliiR, BliRtnpoonlnc,
Hair Dressing, Knxor Honelng,
Special attention piild to Lndlcn and Children.
Agentor tfcbraika City Xleam Laundry.
Kerker & Hoover,
Dealer in
HUtiost prices patd;for hides, lard, tallow
jAine, elc
I, C. SUTTON. M. D.,
Shubert, Nebraska.
Docs a general practice. All calls
promptly answered, day or night. 7-17
J. L. Jlelvin, M.D., Bit. G.
O 1'KOIAl.i iKS: Diseases of tho Skin, DIs
O eiiHPt' o Women and Children Will
prnmntH' niiHwer nil calls, either day or
niuht. unico I resldouoe.
Nemaiia, - - Nebraska
Surgeon Specialist,
Stella, - Nebraska
Operations for Cataract and all opera
Iioim on the eye, Varicocele, HerniA,
IT(t M hoids, etc., performed with
out lorofnrni and painless. Pa
tients fiom abroad can obtain board
and hospital facilities at prices less
than in a city, considering skill and
sanitary surroundings. Parties
seeking relief through surgical
means will do weli to confer with
Dr. Andrews.
Cuius SoiiLAuaEit
the rustling
Tenve your orders
for n learn, hack or
dray, and
We do the Rest.
Our Hack meets all
to soil Canada grows Fruit
and Ornamental Trees,
Hliruus. Hoses. Hulhs and
Bulbous Plants, drape Vines, Small Ktuits,
Seed I'otr Mies, etc. Vo catalouo only the
hardiest and most popular varieties that suc
ceod in tho coldest climates. New season
now cointnenoln; complete outfit freo. sala
ry and expenses paid from sta.t for full time
or liberal commission for part tlmo.
Apply now, addiessltiK nearest olllco, and
Cet choice of territory.
International Nurseries,
Chicago, Illinois, or Montreal, Quebec.
Tetter, Salt-Itlioum and Eczema.
Tho intense itching and smarting inci
dent to those diseasoB is inBtantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have been permanently cured by it. It
is equally efficient for itching piles and
a favorite remedy for eoro nipples;
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box.
I)r. Cady's Condition Fowders, are
Just what a horse needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food but
medicino and the best in use to put a
horse in primo condition. Price 25
cents per package.
ItlpanB Tabules: gentle cathartic.
Hlpans Tabules euro flatulence
ItlpanB Tabules: pleasant laxative.
ItlpanB Tabules: for eour stomach.
ubo pjj
Local 3STews.
Happy New Year.
Warm winter weather.
School begins next Monday.
F. L. Woodward went to St. Joo
Wo weie visited by n rain storm
Mrs. Fnnnis Fairbank drove in from
Auburn last Saturday.
Green Burgess has recovered from
his attack of sickness.
The boys rang the old year out and
the new year in Thursday night.
Mas. Alex. Maxwell, of South Au
burn, visited Nemaha friends Wednes
day and Thursday.
Mrs. Hora Crother took her Chrlsts
maa dinner w'th Mr. and Mrs, J. 11,
Maddox, of Auburn.
Jl's. S. A. Scovill and Mrs. Itobt.
F, oat paid The Advertiser otllce a
pleasaut call Wednesday.
W. II. StoweU, editor of the Au
be n Post, loa"ed in Nemaha a few
hours Thursday afternoon of last
Wm. Bridge, of Peru, called at this
ofllce Saturday, in company with his
son, S. F. Bridgo, with whom hehad
spent Christmas.
The ladies' aid society of the M. E.
church have bought a street lamp,
which has been put up on the corner
north of the church.
;S. Gilbert concluded the room he is
having built for the bank was 'too
small, and has had it mads ten feet
longer, the size now being 14x30.
A basket dinner was held at the
school house Thuisday ef last week,
by the pupils, parents, teachers and
fiiends. A pleasant time is reported.
Mrs. Eaihait, of Horton, Kansas,
an'vedin Nemaha Wednesday night
of last week, and will make her home
tb's winter with her daughter, Mrs. It,
J. Duff.
The entertainment that was to have
been given NewYeavsevoby members
f the Christian and Methodist Sunday
schools has bean indefinitely post
poned, Mrs. Owens, of Wymore, is visiting
her brother, T. J. Chambers, her sister
Mrs. Walter Maxwell, and other rela
tives and fiiends in Nemaha and vi
cinity. J. II. Seid, who has been advertising
his fine Durac Jersey and Poland China
male pigs, tells us he has sold all but
two, and orders his ad taken out. He
has two Dutoc Jeisey pigs for sale yet.
Geo. E. Dye, who is now a resident
of Auburn, was in town a few days
ago, and said he got lost, as he could
not find the postofllce or Advi'iitiseu
office either without considerable hunt
ing and inquiry. Do should visit us
of tener. ,
The Brownville Masonic lodge gav
a supper last Saturday night, as is their
custom on St. Jehn's night. We vere
an inuiled guest, but greatly to our re
gret were unable to bo presont. Sunn
day marnlng Rev. C. II. Gilmore
preached a Masonic sermon at tho
Methodist church at Brownville. 5
All persons indebted to thb under
signed are requested U call at once
and settle by cash or note, as all ac
counts must be settled by January 1st.
Andrew Aynes.
We will send The Advertiser, tho
New York Tribuae, the Toledo Blade
and the Chicago Intor Ocean, all four
papers one year for only $2.10,
50,000 bushels Ear
Corn wanted at mar
ket price.
At Titus & Wil- XT rU-uq-p
liams store room. VAivivoxj.
Dr. J. Ij. M elvin,
Office at residence, south of Minick
store building.
Miss Lillian Wheeler, of Lincoln, ar
rived in Nemaha Tuesday tvening, on
a visit to her aunt, Mrs. 0. Galbralth,
and her many friends in Nemaha.
V. P. Peabody. as administrator of
Everett Larimore's estate, will have u
public sale of the stock, farm iraplo
raents, grain, etc., nt the I. N, Cooper
farm, on Wednesday, Jan. ICth.
The body of Mrs Chatfleld, a former
resident af Brownville for many years,
was brought back to that place for
burial Wednesday. Mrs. Chatfleld has
been living in the east for a number of
The Nemaha camp of the Weodmtn
of the World elected officers for the
ensuing year Tuesday night. All the
old officers were reelected with the ex
ception of physician, Dr. J. L. Melvin
being elected to that position,
Charley Woodward returned horns
Wednesday nijht of last week, from
Lincoln, where he has been attending
the Lincoln Business College. Charity
has completed the shorthand couise,
graduating at the head of his class.
Owing to an unfortunate accident
that occuried to Mr. .larley who,
while InuiliugduekB in SoulhJCarollna,
was beset by bumble bees, and nfUr
troao'ng sixteen, times for every sting,
e-pived in great agony Mrs. Jarlry
was compelled to cancel Iter engapes
menb to e.nibit her celebiated wax
wo'sat W. R. C. hall Christmas
We wo-k?d in the office almost all
day Weduosday without any fire and
wth the door open, and Thuisday we
had ve y little fl'e and had the door
open pa t of the time. What is the
use of going south for tho wintar whrn
this kind of weather continues up to
the (list of January? Of course we
will have lots of winter weather yet,
but we will cetalnly not have u very
long w'nte-.
Tho following officers were elected
at the M. E. Sunday school last Sun
day, for the ensuing six months:
Supe;''Heudeut Dr. Keeling.
Assstant Superintendent W. W.
Seci etary Veya Cla- k.
Ass btant Secretary Leslie Wood,
Tvoasurer Mrs. M, H. Taylor.
Oi2nist MiBS Mabel Brogan,
Assistant Organist Miss Lillio
L:b-.arian M'ss May Keiker.
Assistant Librarian Miss Bessie
Chstmas was passed very quietly
in Nemaha. The hard times interfered
seriously with the number and value
of p. events plven, but our merchants
teport a good trade.
At the Christian church a Christmas
tree and the usual Christmas exercises
were given Christmas eve. A realistic
old fashioned chimney through which
Santa Claus made his appearance was
one of the delightful features of the
evening, Santa Claus was a huge suc
cess. At tba Methodist church a Christmas
trea was also the principal feature of
the Christmas eve entertainment. The
exercises consisted mainly of a cantata
entitled "Santa Claus and Mother
Goose," enacted by tho Sunday school
children principally, and the performed
reflected great credit on the training
give them by Mlsa Maud Minick,
We Invite Everybody
Who wants to buy goad goads at low figures to call at
Andersons New Cash Store.
Wo have a fino line of
Overcoats for Boys, now being sold At Cost
Wa are also selling
Boys5 Suits; .A.t Cost. s
as Anderson has just got in a good stock.Tho dry goods, notions, hats and
caps, baots and shoes and other departments have tisu boon stocked up with
good seasonable goods, which he is selling at bed rock prices. Try him.
N. B. Anderson's Cash Store
Nemaha, Nebraska.
It is an admitted fact that every
good farmer should take at least one
farm paper. Tho western farmer
sholnd taka a western farm paper.
Tho mosc practical ono is Wallace's
Fanner, published weakly at Des
Moines, Iowa, at 81 per year. Every
number Is worth the subscription
! J co. You pay in advance and the
piper stops when tho time is out. We
will send Wallace's Farmer and The
ADveuvi8KK both one year for $1.75.
You will get a sample copy free by
wilting far It.
The coming year will he crowded
with big news avents and happenings,
lite details of which evuryono intaiest
ed in national and foreign affairs will
want to read. The best western news
paper published is the semi-weekly
Republic of St. Lonis. It is only $1 a
year, and for that amount it will send
two papers a week to any address for
one year. Tho Republic daily is $8 a
yaar, 3 far six months or $1.50 for
thiee months,
Take the wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the city. EaBy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
McElhaney, proprietor.
At the Blue Front
.Listen. . .
Clothing and furnishing goods at
actual cost for 30 days, just to make
things lively and hurry up prosper
ity. You won't need confidence if
you have the moneyjj So come and
trade at THE BLUE FRONT and
save 50 per cent. We mean just
what we say and say just what we
Bemember the place
J. W. Cranmer
la addition to giving two papers
each week tho Semi-Weekly State
Jaurnal now gives to each person sandn
IngSl, a free premium. You can
have your choice of tho Toledo Blado
or New York Tribune. Or yau can
have any two of those papers free:
Poultry News, Swine Breeder, Farm
News and Womankind. Hundreds of
other freo premiums, such as a splons
did atlas, State Journal almanac, Unit
ed States history, etc. Send postal
card request for premium list. You
should read the Journal during the
legislature, no matter what other pa
pers you read at other times. You
must send your monoy direct to the
State Journal, Lincoln, Nebraska, ta
get any af these freo premiums.!
Mies Harris, "tho milliner," Seutlt
We wish all aur delinquent subscrN
hers who can furnish us wood or corn
would brintf the same in at once, as wo
need it. Either old or new corn will
ba taken.
W.W. Sanders. Notary Public. Pen
sions papers of all kinds made out acs
ourately. Legal documents drawn up
All business given prompt and careful
& Co .v Auburn