The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 25, 1896, Image 1

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gjyMWuHiWOTyianwaMi,J..Mii J-i'mmMiiti i-i.iriT.iirWM'BniiaLJ'Hik,.J
r.lllltS WMtltt ALL HSK FAILS.
IlostCouRh Synip. Tastes Oowl. Uso
in timo. wiia ny uniKgmtn.
Local ISTews.
J Merry Christmas.
Nbycauv Oirr, Neuuaka.
Olllco llrat door south of Purk hotel.
m i
Nemaha City, Nob.
H. A. Thompson, Prop.
Bliuvliitf, Hliiunpooiilnc,
Hair DresnliiKi lturor Jluiiolne,
flpcclitl iittoiiltoii pikEit to I.iullei and Children.
Agent for H'ebraika Oily titeam Laundry,
Kerker & Hoover,
Donlor In
lllichost prices pald;for hlilon, lnnl, tallow
game, etc-
Slmbert, Nebraska.
Does a general practice. All calls
promptly answered, day or night. 7-17
J. L. Melultii M.D., Ph. O.
O 1'KOIA.t-j.xKS: DlNonBUHnf tlio ISItln, DIr.
O enset o Women unit Children Will
rtromnlH answer nil c.ills, either day or
uliht. Otllco i residence.
Nomaiia, - - Nebraska
The days now begin to grow longer.
Auotliorcold wave struck us Wednesday.
Miss Harris, "the milliner," South
Ben Baldwin's baby is quito sick
with pneumonia.
Corn is now worth only 12 cents in
tlio Nemaha market.
Sam Houk, of St. Doroiu, moved to
Iowa a few diijs ago.
Harry Linn went to Lincoln Thur.
day, to t-pend tbe holidays.
Mrs. S. A. Huntington went to Au
burn Saturday, to visit relatives for a
few days.
Ab Mutz and Tom Toare, of Au
burn, were in town last Saturday, on
Born, to William Leahamer and
wife, on December ll)th, 1S90, line
J. C. Dort, the State Journal repres
sentative, was in town Friday and
I That all our patrons and readers may
have a merry Christmas is the wish of
The Advektiseu.
Surgeon Specialist,
Stella, - Nebraska
Operations for Cataract and all opera
tions on the eye, Veiieooele, Hernia,
Hemorrhoids, etc., performed with
out chloroform and painless. Pa
tients from abroad can obtain board
nnd hospital facilities at prices less
than in a city, considering skill and
sanitary surroundings. Parties
seeking relief through surgical
means will do well to confer with
Dr. Andrews.
tho rustling
of Nemaha.
Leave ynnr orders
for it team, lmclc or
dray, nnd
We do the Rest.
Our Hnck meetit nil
tOHnll Canada grown Fruit
nil urnamemai Trees.
" '"' Hhrnhs. Hoses. Hulhs and
lliiUiniiUl)l,nii.. r iri.. u. 11
.iiiijwitn i ituiin, uiuiiu v iijun, oilliill r liilin,
Seed I'otrtoes, etc. Wo catalogue only the
hardiest and liiont popular viirlotles that huo
ceed In the coldest cllmaton. New season
now commencing; complete outfit freo. sala
ry and exponas paid from sta.l for fill i lime
or liberal commission for part time
Apply now, addressing uenresl otllco, and
Bet choice of territory.
International Nurseries,
Chicago, Illinois, or Montreal, Quebec
A. B. Kinton, of Shubeit, was in
Nemaha last Friday, and gave The
Advertiser a call.
Mrs. M. II. Crother visited her
daughter. Mrs. J. L. Melviu, Sunday,
Monday and Tueslay.
' i: .
Mr. Holmes, agent for Stark Bros,
illusory, was down from Brownviile
Saturday of last weok.
J. W. Scovill directs us to cbange the
address of his paper from Telluride,
Colorado, to Delta. Colo.
E. F. Fassett, editor of the Western
Swine Breeder at Lincoln, was tt Ne
maha visitor last Saturday.
If you want to see something good
attend the wax works entertainment at
the IV. R. C. hall Friday night of this
The new postoflice building is a great
improvement ou the old one, not only
for the postmistress but for the patrons
of the ofllce.
S. Gilbert has commenced work on
the room for the bank, ou the north
of the store building. Liu is building
a room 14x20.
Tetter, Sult-Khcuiu and lfczcinn,
TJio intense itching and smarting inci
dent to these diseases is instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have been permanently cured by it. It
is equally efficient for itching piles and
a favorite remedy for sore nipples;
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic soro eyes. 25 cts. per box.
Dr. Cadj's Condition Powders, aro
just what a horse needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifugo. They aro not food but
medicine and tho best in use to put a
horso in primo condition. Price 25
cents per package
Illpana Tabules euro flatulence
Rlpans Tabules: for sour Btomach.
James Wolfe moved in from Crab
Orchard last weok, and is now a reals
dent of Nemaha, living with his father-in-law,
Ken Smith.
Mrs.S. Gilbert and Mrs. A. It. Mc
Candless returned homo last Friday
night from Omaha, where they have
been for several weeks.
T. C, Hacker, of Red Cloud, Nebr ,
visited old friends at Nemaha and
Brownviile the latter part of last week
and the llrat of this week.
Rev. Peter black, pastor of tho
Fourth street Christian church at
Brownviile, was in town Saturday and
gave this ofllce a pleasant call.
Doc Clark, whose house in the north
part of Brownviile precinct was burned
aoveral weeks ago, has rebuilt, and
moved in his new house last weok.
Editor J. L. Dalbey, of the Shubert
Citizen, was in town Monday after
noon, talking insurance. Ho was ac
companied by J. M. Raper, also of
Phil and Jako Shuck have taken tho
contract of clearing tho timber (mostly
willow and dogwood) off of a tract of
land on tho bottom between Nemaha
and Brownviile.
50,000 bushels Ear
Corn wanted at mar
ket price.
At Titus & Wil- TT p . ,?F
liams sloio room. x vauoij,
3Dr. J L. Melviiii
Olllco at residence, south of Minick
storo building.
V. P. Peabedy has been appointed
administrator of the Everett Larimore
estate. Tho law suit has been with
drawn, the interested parties having
agreed on a compromise.
The relatives of (. W. Carter aBk
us to return thanks to tho frlendu who
were bo faithful in attendance and
caring for tho deceased during his
sickness and at his death.
F. D. Muir, who la agent for an irri
gation company that owns a largo body
of land In the north central part of tho
state, was down from Brownviile
Monday, in tho interest of the company
tie represent.
All persons indebted to the under
signed are requested to call at once
mid settle by cash or noto, as all ac
counts must bo settled by January lBt.
Andrew Aynes.
Messrs. Win, Workman and O. M.
Raper, of Shubert. wero in town Moni
day. While here Mr. Raper closed a
deal by which he becomes an agent foi
tho Titus nurseiies for part of Rich
ardson county.
J. II. Marts, who has been living on
Seymour Howe's faun northeast of
town (tho old Hagadorn farm), started
with his family for Iowa Tuesday.
He is moving on,a farm where he will
go into stock raising quite extensively.
Mr. McNinch, living on S: Gilbert's
farm, northeast of town, has bought
the old postoflice building and moved
it. on some lots he has bought in the
west part of town. He will build an
addition to it and use it for a dwell
ing. According to the dispatch published
in another column, T. J. Majors has
struck it rich sure enough, as ho owns
a one-fourth interest in the gold mine
Hpoken of. Pay ore has been taken
out of this mine from the surface. One
year ago the owners were offered $200
000 for the mine, but refused it.
Married, at the home of tho bride's
parents, near Shubert, on Monday,
December 21st, 1800, Mr. Morgan
Willmmn and Miss Anna Uones. Mr.
and Mn. Williams took the train at
Nemaha Tuesday afternoon for No
braskn City. They will visit friends
at that place, Omaha and Lincoln be
fore going to housekeeping.
G. W. Carter died at 4 o'clock Tues
day morning at the residonce of A. V.
Farson, sr. Mr. Carter has been eon
fined to the house m oat of the time for
two or three months, suffering from
old age and a complication of diseases.
Tho deceased was a brother of Mtb.
Farson. Funeral services were held
at Hillsdale Wednesday, conducted by
Elder Chas. Goodwin.
Rev. E. S. Chamberlain will preach
his farewell sermon at the Christian
church next Sunday. Ho has been en
gaged to preach half tho time at Lon
don during the ensuing year, and will
continue to preach at Nehawka tho
remainder of tho time. During tlio
throe and one-half years Mr. Chamber
lain has been pastor of the church at
Nemaha one hundred members have
been added, the membership now being
one hundred and eighty. Mr. Cham
berlain's retirement as pastor will be
greatly regretted by the majority of
tho members and those who attend
this church.
Wo invito everybody who wants to buy Christmas presents to call at
Andersons New Gash Store.
What ifl a better prosont for tho boy than one of thoso
Overcoats for Boys, now being sold At Cost
Wo are also soiling
Boys' Suit j.t Oot.
For the girls you can find a wholo lot of nice presonts dolls, doll trunks,
small flat Irons, kitchen sots, etQ , etc., etc., but tho best of all in tho opinion of
the girls is tho Toy Iron Hook Stovo in which a llro can be built, and which has
a reservoir, iron kettles, tea kottlo, etc. Anderson also mis a
For your Christmas dinner you can buy
as Anderson has just got in a good stock. The dry goods, notions, hats and
caps, boots and shoes and other departments have nso bonn stocked up with
good seasonable goods, which ho is selling at bod rock prices. Try him.
N. B. Anderson's Gash Store
Nemaha, Nebraska.
Special to Omal'iA World Herald.
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 21. Nebraska
republican politicians are considerably
interested in a piece of news which
comes from Colorado. The Plateau
Mining, Milling and Development com
pany, an organization which has for
Its directors IT. N. Bradshaw, T. J.Mii
jors, C. E. Adams and E. Bossetman,
has struck a vein in its mine at Black
hawk, at the depth of 250 fent, which
is two feot thick and assays $000 to tho
Tho list of directors contains the
numea of two men wlione ambition to
be rebublican governors of Nebraska
were disappointed. The other repub
licans who wero rocently turned down
are happy to see this evidence that re
publicans can become rich if thoy can
no longer become governors and state
officers in Nebraska.
Take the wagonette when In Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. Jolm
McElhaney, proprietor.
I have for sale fine thoroughbred
Poland China and Duroo Jersey male
pigs for sale My hgs art ohoice and
well bred, from the finest prize win
ning stock in the world Choice of
pigs, 10 each. Call and inspect stock .
J. II. Seid.
Wo wish all aur delinquent subscrh
hers who can furnish us wood or corn
would bring tho same In at once, as we
need it. Either old or new corn will
bo taken. ,
W.W. Sanders, Notary Public. Pen
sions papers of all kinds made out acs
curatoly. Legal documents drawn up
All business given prompt nnd careful
Wo will send The Adveutiseii, the
New York Tribune, tho Toledo Blade
and tho Chicago Tutor Ocean, all four
papeia one year for only $2.10.
At the Blue Front
Listen. . .
Clothing and furnishing goods at
actual cost for 30 days, justjto make
things lively and hurry up prosper
ity. You worr't need confidence if
you have the moneyj So come and
trade at THE BLUE FROJN T and
save 50 per cent. We mean just
what we say and say just what we
Remejrbbej' the placet
J. W. Granmer & Co., Auburn