The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 18, 1896, Image 8

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trayiijiwui.iAM!nxutT33ui tuicmni wranwuw.igjftVfftwarera
The Nebraska Advertiser !
11. W. S.1J'lJiUN J'uliUihtr.
Subscribers of country newspapers
allow their subscriptions to become dei
linquent through ciirolesHiiosa, ami yt't
fuel insulted if thoir paper is stopped
or a Btatetnout of thoir delinquency Is
sont to them . Tin y do not expect any
courtesy fiom metropolitan papers, but
the country papers aro expected to
come on whether tlioy aro paid for or
not. Tnie is an unjust exaction. Jo.
cause lie is editor of a country news
paper is no roasou why u man should
carry you year after year. Tho income
from subnciiptiou to a newspaper is an
important item. Like snowliakos, they
are individually quito small, but whetn
aggregated they pile up wonderfully.
They should bo coming in every day
in tlio year. They mtiBt cotno if the
publisher pays his bills which fall duo
every month in the year. Ex.
Wo spoke last wedk of tho accident
that occurred on Thanksgiving day, in
winch the thlrteen-yearold sou f W.
II. Ogg was shot in tho leg below tho
knee. Drs. Oloyd and Sutton liavo had
the case in charge, the wound being ol
such a naturo as to necessitate tho en
tire removal of tho knee joint. Accord
ingly on last Sunday Dr. Gloyd, nssUt
td by Drs. Sutton and Hull, performed
the operation of resection of the knee,
and at this writing (Wednesday) tho
little sufferer is doing well and the
wound healing nicely. The operation
promises to be a success in every way
expected, and will plaqe Dr. Cloyd
among the first rank of surgeons in
this section. The operation .does not
Becure a perfect limb, but the results
are far better than if amputation had
been performed. Amputation oould
have been performed with less diffi..
culty and with lass Buffering for tlio
patient, but tlio advantages to be
gained by the other operation rendered
it preferable. Mr. and Mrs. Ogg have
tho sympathy of the entire community
Sliubert Citizen.
i. bjiouhw io i ue je iroin ijiucohi j
says: The supreme court has decided1,
that the payment of State Auditoi
Moore of some $40,000 in warrants for
sugar bounties to the Oxnard company
is illegal. Tho opinion, written by
Commissioner Irvine, was banded
down this afternoon. There was no
dissenting opinion tiled.
The bill, passed by the last session of
the legislature, provided for the pay
ment of llve-eighths cent per pound by
the state as a bounty for all sugar made
by new manvfactories started subset
quently to the pusuago of the law.
This bounty was made contingent upon
tlio manufacturers paying for sugar
beets at tlio rate of. 85 per ton. Tho
bill carried no Appropriation for tbo
payment of tills bounty, nor was any
subsequent appropriation made fo
this purpose. But the manufacturer
went ahead and paid SO a tou for beets
and along in December last applied to
iState Auditor Moore for the accrued
bounty. The auditor issued the war
rants for $40,000. The position of the
auditor was attacked in several quars
tersand Attorney General Churchill
advised State Treasurer Hartley to pay
no money n the warrants when pre
Hinted. This action, of course, dls
credited the warrants, and the com
pany in whose faver they wer drawn
has so far failed to hypotneoatn them.
The incomiug legislature is confidently
xpeoted to remedy this defect in tho
bounty law, as farmers have found it
an excellent thing.
- mt I li
TtiaNew York Ledger, America's
greatest sttry paper, always publishes
the beat and most interesting short
stories, serial storios and special art-
icles that can be procured, regardless
f exponas. The latest fashion notes
and pattern.) can be found every weak
on tho weman's wr!d page. There is
always something in the New York
Ledger that will interest every mem
bur of .the family. Twenty pages
price 5 cents, For sale in this town
by Ed Llttrell, agent, who lias a supply
of free sample copies on hand,
Mrs. N. A. Gould, professional
nurse, corner 0th and McLano street?
Falls City, prepares and sells a romodj
which will positively cure consumption
if takon in time.
J!'l t!:0"!:, !: , !
in Hih United States, ami ia enpouiallj
good for NobrriBlot readers, as its news
sorvlco coviTH not only tlio oast, but
much Apace Is given to (lie occurrences
tliAt ttiku place in tlio westuru stales,
that aro of moiu direct Interest to our
people.. Tlio Globii Democrat in toftied
twice a week, wlii'jh gives the news
frcah. Jt is a rollablu, nowsy, straight
republican paper. Wo will uond the
Olobo Democrat ami The Advkutiskii
botli one year for 12 in advance.
life at Washington.
Tho inauguration of a president, tho
selection of bin cabinet, and tlio Heat
ingot a new congress national events
of tho coming year suggest the ques
tion, What are the powers and duties
of those high olllciiils'r1 During 1807 it
will be aliswered through the Youth'H
Companion, in a remarkable series of
articles by Secretary Herbert, I'ostmas
lor General Wilson, Attorney General
Harmon, Senator hedge and Speaker
The illustrated announcement for
1807 (mailed free on application to tho
Youth's Companion, Hoston) shows
that the ubovo is only one of many
brilliant features by which the Com
panion will signalize its seventy-Unit
Threi novelists who at present fill
the public eyo Ian Maclaren, Uudyard
Kipling and Stephen Crane will coin
tribute some of thoir strongest woik
Practical affoirs and populur interests
will bo treated by Andrew Carnegie,
Hon. Theodore Itoosevelt, Dr. Lyman
Abbott, Madame Lillian Nerdica, Hon.
Carl Schurz, diaries Dudley Warner
Mrs. liurlon Harrison, and a hundred
other famous men and women.
Four fascinating serials, more than
200 short stories, and ten times as
many sketches and anecdotes will be
printed during 1807; and all the do
partments will be maintained at the
high standard which has made the
Companion's name a synonym forim
partial accuracy.
The cost of the Companion is but
81.75 i vwr, and we know of no ins
vestment that will give so great re
t urns for so small an amount of money.
New subscribers will receive the paper
free from the time the subscription is
received until January 1, 1807, and for
a full year to January, 1808. Nnw
subscribers will also receivH the Com
pinion four page calendar, litho
graphed in twelve colors, which in the
moit expensive color production its
publishers have ever offered. Address
Tins Youth's Companion,
205 Columbus Ave., Hoston, Mass.
At tills time of the year a cold is
very easily contracted, and if left to
run its course without the aid of some
reliable couuh medicine is lialiln in in
sult in that dread disease, pneumonia.
w a Know or no Hotter remedy to cure
a cough or cold than Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. We have used it
quite extensively and it lias always
given entire satisfaction. Olagah
(Ind. Ter.) Chief.
This is the only remedy that is
known to be a certain preventive of
pneumonia. Among tlio many thou
sands who have used it for colds and
la grippe, we have never yet heard of
a single case having resulted in pneu
monia. PersoiiB who have weak luniH
or have reason to fear an attack of
pneumonia, should keep the reined v at
hand. The 25 and 50 eent Bizes'for
sale by Taylor, the druggist.
FOR RENT. A house otfive room
in one of tho most desirable, locations
in Nemaha. House is in good repair.
A good barn on property. Apply at
this office.
W.W. Sanders. Notary Public. Pen
sions papers of all kinds made out acs
curately. Legal documents drawn up
All business given prompt und careful
Are you bilious, constipated or trou
bled with jaundice, sick headache, bad
tasto in mouth, foul breath, coated
tonguo, dyspepsia, indigestion, hot dry
skiu,pain in back and between should
ers, chills and fever, etc. If you have
any of these symptoms your liver is
out of order and your blood is slowl
being poisoned because your liver does
not act promptly. Ilorbone will cure
my disorder of tho liver, stomach or
bowels. It has no equal as a liver med
icine. Price 75 cents. Free trial bot
les at Taylor's drug store. 5 22 lj
Tho only liniment on the market tt
lay that has a positive guarantee to d
ill the lable calls for. Its great strong! '
nil wondorful curative powers ai
urticulaaly noticeable in deep sonic
Isensos, such as Rheumatism, Nnuj
la, etc. Taylor keeps it.
s4 p- i i .i .. .
I Ripans Tanulos euro livor troubles.
C. Shuck, proprietor of the Nomalm
Valloy iJetkshire farm, won the fol
lowing premiums on Ills hogs at the
Auburn and Sulem lairs:
At Auburn lie got first premium on
hoar, sweepstakes or oveiy thing on
boar, and sweepstakes over everything
on sow and pigs.
At Salem Mr. Sbuek got first pre
mium on boar.swcepst tikes over every
thing on sow and pics, first premium
on yoiirllng sow, second premium on
sow, lltst pi'iimiuiii on hoar, (hut pre
mium on pig Koveu months old, second
premium on pig live months old, and
Becoml premium on boar pig
As Mr. Shuck hud but few hogs on
exhibition the showing is a remarkably
good one.
Whatever may bo said about the
publications of Rov. Irl K. Hicks by
those who do not fully understand the
facts, there is no denying tho truth
that his paper and almanac have come
to stay. Ilia splendid journal, Word
ami Works, is now entering its tenth
year, largely increased in circulation
and in every way improved, until to
day it deserves the national reputa
tion it lias attained. His 1S07 alumnae
is now ready and is by far tho finest
and most beautiful ho has yet issued.
It contains 108 pages, including cover
artistically printed in colors, and is
tilled from back to back witli just what
is wanted in every shop, oflico and
home in America. One feature of the
almanac for 1807 is a series of 12 orig
inal, beautifully engraved star maps,
with explanatory chapters, which could
not be bought for 85 in any work on
astronomy. As Mr. Hicks has so
correctly and faithfully warned the
public of coming droughts, Hoods, cold
waves, blizzards, tornadoes and cyn
clones, n the years past, aside from
I lie other varied and splendid features
of his paper and almanac, these cons
siderations alone should prompt every
family to subscribe at once for 1807
The almanac is only 25 cents a copy.
Word and Worka is 81 a vear, and a
copy of the fine almanac goea as a pre
mium with every yearly subscription.
Write to Word and Works Publishing
Co., St. Louis, Mo.
We guarantee this to lie the besi
cough syrup manufactured in the
whole wide world. This ia saying n
great deal, but it's true. For con"
sumption, coughs, colds, sore throat,
acre chest, pneumonia, bronchitis, astli
ma, croup, whooping cough and all
diseases of the throat and lungs, we
positively guarantee Ballard's Hore
hound Syrup to be without an equal
on the whole face of the globe. In
uppori of this statement we refer to
every individual who has ever used it,
ami to every druggist who has evei
sold it. .Such evidence is indisputable
Price 25 and 50 coots. Sold by Tayloi
(he druggist.
After hearing some friends continu
ally praising Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Curti
Fleck, of Anaheim, California, pur
chased a bottle of it for his own usi
and is now as enthusiastic over itt.
wonderful work as anyone can be
I'he 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale bj
Taylor, the druggist.
from falling out or turning gray. This
is a positive fact, and we guarantee
Beggs' Hair Renower to do it. It
cleanses the scalp, leaving the hair glos
sy und luxuriant. Sold by Taylor
m m
positively has no equal in diarrhea,
dysentorj and inflammation of the
bowels. It relieved quickly, and being
purely vegetable, no bad results follow
You cannot afford to be without it at
ids season of year. Sold by by Taylor.
Removal of theAdvertiser
The Advkhtiskr office lias been
moved into the building recently pur
chased from S, II. Avey, just north ol
tlio hardware store. Call in and see ut
in our new location, pay a year's sub
scription in advance, and thus assist uf
in paying for the building.
Mrs. Hamilton, Cambridge, III., says
"I had the rheumatism bo bad I couh
not raise my lunula to my head. Hal-
ard's Snow Liniment has entireh
cured me. I take pleasure in inform
nig my neighbors and friends what i1
has done for me." Gluts. Handle)
olerk for Lay & Lyman, Kowanee, III" ,
d vises us that Snow Liniment cur
nlm of rheumatism. Why not try ir
it will surely do you good. It cure
II inflammation, wounds, sores, cut
prniiiH, etc. Price 50 cents. Soldi
ylor thi druggist
.lpans Tabulco.
Riliaus Tabulca curo'naiiBoa.
Every Thursday afternoon a tourist
sleeping car for Salt Lake City, San
Francisco und Los Angeles loaves
Omaha and Lincoln via the.Burhngton
It is carpeted; upholstered in rattan;
has spring seats and backs, and is pros
vlded with curtains, bedding, towels,
soap, etc. An experienced excursion
conductor and a uniformed Pullman
porter accompany It through to the Pa
cific coast.
Wlillit neither as expensively finished
nor as line to look at as a palace sleeper
it is just as good to ride in. Second
class ticKetsare honored and the price
of a berth, wide enough and big enough
for two, is only 85.
For a folder giving full particulars
call at the nearest 11. & M. R. R. ticket
otlico, or write to J. Francis, General
Passenger Agent, Burlington Route,
Omaha, Neb. 4 27 07
are dangerous, and you Bhould not be
without a bottle of Reggs'DiarrheaBal
sum in the house at this season of the
year, as it relieves at once. No bad
results follow Sold by Taylor.
Don't be persuaded into buying lini
ments witiiout ipputation or merit
Chamberlain's Pain Balm cods no
more, and its merits have been proven
by a test of many years. Such letters
as the following, lrom L. G. Bagley,
Ilueneme, Cnlif., are constantly being
received: "The best remedy for pain
I have ever used is Chamberlain's Pain
Halm, and I sty so after having lined
it in my family for many years." It
cures rheumatism, lame back, sprains
and swellings For sale by Taylor, the
and come to stay Taylor your popu
lar druggist, lias just received a new
supuly. They are the only guaranteed
pill on the market. Be sure to get
Ueggs' Little Giants Ask for sample.
We have made arrangements where
by we can send The Auveutisek and
the Inter Ocean both one year for only
61.00 cash in advance.
Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Male
er cures all blood disorders. All erup
tlons of the skin can be removed by the
usi of this wonderful medicine. It
has no equal, ana is purely vegetable,
Taylor keeps it, as well as all other
first class goods.
Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic.
Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxatUre,
STYLE 201 Ia sold by agents as high as $195
You can buy it at tho factory price from us for $83
Height 75 Inches, French Plato Mirror, Patent Fall Board, Mouse Proof, SOLID WALNUT
or OA K Guaranteed for 5 years by manufacturer and by us. We pay t relRht to
any point In Nebraska. Wo furnish stool, book and chart. Write for terms.
ORGANS from $20 and up, :
P. B. Our 2d yoar.
fMontloa this
si.oo the Si.oo;
i Weejo-Y 1i1tei OceaihL i
The Greatest Republican Paper of the West. Z
2 TT is the most stalwart and unswerving Republican Weekly pub-
jisiicu iouay anu can niways ue reueu upon lor lair ana honest re-
ports of all political affairs.
? The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies All of the News J 1-
5 and the Dest of Current Literature. hMC4i 2
It is Morally Clean, and as a Family
Its Literary Columns are equal
to those of the best magazines.
Jts Youth's Department is the
finest of its kind.
It brings to tho family tho Nowj of the Ilntlru World and gives
tho host und ablest discussions of all quostlons of tho day. Tlio
Inter Ocean ulvcs twelve puces of roadlnu matter each wools
and boliiK tuibiuhod In "hlciiro Is bettor udnptotl to tho neoils of
tho pooplo west of tho Alloghnny Mountains ttian any other paper.
Tho Daily and Sunday Edl-
tlons of The Inter Ocean aro
Prlrn of Dfillv
Daily ana
m. IIIH SI III II I T K I 11 . . t i.i.i
V ..v www w mw. tt.MU . . . . iiriUlt'nn
Take tho wagonette when In Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
McElhanev, proprietor
dfflEffi ffipSwffgfrSw firm "wQutTivr
I liavo for sale fine thoroughbred
Poland China and Duroc Jersey male
pigs for sale My hogs are choico and
well bred, from the finest prism win"
ning Btock in the world Choice of
pigs, 810 each. Call and inspect stock.
J. II. Seid,
Notloo h lioroby clveti that l'H will bo re
ceived n tln nfl'ico of llii county clcik of
Nomnlm county, fccbrnsltu, on or bforo
noon of Uccombor lf, 18'JO, to fmnlHli tlio
county In wooil for the onsnlnK.vcnr. IIIiIb
will not be con Hide let I on less tlnin ten nor
tn re tlinn fifty co-ct IoIh.
By order ol tlic county comnilKHloncrs.
II. E. PISliKY. County Clorlc.
Wo want one or two
men In cucli County to
tuku orders for Nursery Stock, and iuo will
lim to pny well Tor kooiI work. We nureo to
KHI'LAUE KHEE any thing Hint dies lrom
natural cuukcm.
Wo nlno have a cbolcn llns of SKKD POTA
Hawks Nursery Company,
Wanted-An Idea
Who can think
of torse Blmplo
thlair to Detent?
Protect your Idea; they mar bring you wealth.
Write JOHN WKUDEHUUUN & CO.. Patent Attor
ooyt. Washington, D. C, for their $l,8uu prfco offer
and lilt of two hundred lnrontlona wanted.
In tho county eouit of Nemnhn county,
NebriiHkn. In the matter of tho estate or
James K. Lniimore, deceased.
Notice is hereby kI ven thut the court lias
made nn order limiting the time for credit
oiH to Mo claims iiRiilnst sntd deceased to pis
months lrom the 8th day or January, 1897,
and that February 25th, 1807, and July iUI),
1807, nt 10 o'clock, n. in. ol each day, at the
'.lllco or the county Jiulgo or Nemaha county,
Nebraska, In Auburn, Nebrusku, has been
fixed by the court as tho times aud plnco
whan nnil whnro nil persons who linvo
clnlms nnd demands against said deceived
cm have Ihusumo examined, adjusted and
allowed nnd all claims not pre rented by the
last mentioned date will bo forever barred,
bv mi order of the court.
Dntcd December loth, 1890.
25 28 II. A. LAMUEUr, County Judge.
Wanted-An Idea
Who can think
of lonio Blmplo
thltiLr tinatent?
ther may wing you wennn.
Write JOHN WKDDEKUUKN & CO., l'atcni Aitpr
ney. Washington, D. C, for their 1.800 pr so offer
and list of two hundred Invention! wanted.
$195 LIST
...FOR $88-
One-Third Cash,
$5.00 per Month.
PIANOS from $40 and up.
Omaha, Neb.
Paper is Without a Peer. S
hv mull S4.0O, ner vear
i Price of Sunday by mall $2.00 per year
aunuay by mall ?u.uu per yearj
miinTvmi.mnnr.AV rl. 1 .... .-,.
111U1.1 IUU UvUJ..t wM.kHh".Q