i4 Tho 'Wheel of Love. He Dearest girl, the tire of my heart litis been punctured by the tucks of your chnrnis. lie mine, and let ua ride tan dem through life. She How sweet and strange! You have scorched your way Into my af fections and I cannot back pedal against your attractions. I surrender tho handle-bar of my lifo to your hands nnd am sure you will steer our united lhea wisely. -Philadelphia Review. TH13 UI.VFKKEJiCK. Siten Doze Say, pard, wot's do dif ference between free silver and free lunch? Wauken Sleep Lots. One's sixteen to one, and do other's eleven to two. N. Y. journal. A Furniture mystery. Mrs. Wiggsy That family who have moved in next door must be either very rich or very poor. Wiggsy Why so? Mrs. Wiggsy Their furniture was nil dono up carefully in sheets and blankets, and I don't know whether it was dono to hide its shnbbincss or to protect its bcuuty. N. Y. Tribune. n. Uuod Gucs. Jinks (at a party) You never met my wife, did you? Blinks Wife? I didn't know you were married. Is she in the room? "Yes." "Well, then, it must be that beautiful creature over there." "By Gcorgel You hit it the first time. She's the most beautiful woman in tho room, isn't she?" "Yes; that's why I guessed sho was your wife. You are the homeliest man in the room, and people alwuya marry that way." N. Y. Weekly. It Might. "Oh, nenry," exclaimed his little wifo, as she threw her arms rapturously around his neck, "1 do love you sol Don't forget to leave me $20 when you go in town this morning, will you, dear?" "And this," muttered Henry, softly disengaging himself from her fond cm brace, "this is what you might call be ing hard pressed for money." Soincr vllle Journal. Tho AVrltcr'n Misfortune. "There," said tho tired author, with a sigh, "you'll have to economize. We can't expect any returns from my last book now." "Why," exclaimed his wife, "what ha happened?" "The critics have all pronounced it n good, elenn, wholesome story, and, oi course, after thut, nobody'll buy it." Cleveland Leader. Ho Secured tho Job. Lord Bareacres You have called re garding the situation of footman? Applicant Yes, my lord. Lord Bareacres Was there not some one in the nnte-room as you came in ? Applicant There was, my lord. Ther was a man with n writ for your lord ship, but I threw him out. Applicant engaged ou the spot. Tit Bits. a r. ZZn-ZUffi--i21s57 Ghloifro Trlbuna MAJ.M'KINLEY DISCOVERS THAT A NUMBER OF FEltSONS ARE W1LL- . ING TO HOLD OFFICE. Very Amusing. The Heiress Yes, when I don't wish to accept cortuin men's attentions, and they ask me where I live, I say, in the suburbs. Mr. Selfsure Hal ha! An excellent plun. (After a pause) But where do you live, Miss Brownlow? The Heiress In the suburbs. Tit Bits. Not u Closo Imitation. "What sort of stun! is this?" inquired tho young husband. "That is mock turtlo soup," said the bride. "I made it myself. Don't don't you like it?" "Well, I dunno," said he. "But you can be sure that you will never be ac cused of plagiarism." N. Y. World. What Thoy AVoro. "Pillbody Iuihu good many revolution ary ideas in his head." "Those are not ideas revolving in Bill body's head. They are wheels." In dianapolis Journal. A General ContliiRrntlnn. Ho saw her, und his youthful breast Was fired with love's sweet llame; Alas! her father tired tho rest OI Ills poor, fragllo frame. -Springfield (HI.) Monitor. ' A Dellcutu Hubjoct. ' Miss Goldstein Why do you love me? Young llukemofl! I wish you wouldn't ask me that;' I can't bear to talk about money matters. Town Top ics. Undoubtedly. Mother Hero's n wedding present 'from some one who didn't pay the ex press charges. Prospective Bride It must be from a relative. Brooklyn Life. Not ICuiilly Frightened. ' ne Do you believe there are microbes lin kisses? She I never believe anything with out invfstigutlon. Town Topical. Cheated the Old Gentleman. "Is it true that Goldy's sou eloped with the old gentleman's typewriter?" "Yes; they skipped out two week ago." "I presume Goldy is just pa;ying the air." "Nnturally. ne was engaged to the girl himself." Detroit Free Press. Tom's Sud Fate. " Tom, Tom, tho piper's son, Stolo a bike and away he spun. Tho wheel broko down, Tom cracked his crown, And now he's hobbling round tho town. N. Y. Truth. ONE MOKE UNFOItTDNATE ' ( Z &! Mnimna (a widow) I want to tell you something, Tommy. You saw that gentleman talking to grandmammu in tho other room? He is going to be your new papa. Mamma is going to marry him. Tommy (who has' a memory) Does he know it yet, mamma? N. 1'. Trib une. Then There "Was a Coldness. Marie Just think of the nerve of the frtlow to propose to me. Mertic Nerve? Why it was oVso lute recklessness. N. i. Truth. How's This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Roward for any enso of Catarrh that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. 1 J. Chenet & Co., Props., Toledo, O. Wo, tho undersigned, havo known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and boliovo him perfectly honorablo in all business transactions and financially ablo to carry out auy obligations niado by their Arm. West & Tuuax, Wholesalo Druggists, To ledo, O. Wauiino, Kinnan & Mativin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken internally, acting directly upoa tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Prlco 76c. por bot tle. Bold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall'B Family PHIb aro tho best, Wnr.N lovo gives, it enrichos itsolf, but what covotousncBB keeps it takes from itself. Ram's Horn. Borno Down with Infirmities, Ago finds Its surest solaro in tho benignant tonlo aid afforded by Hostottar'g Stomach Bitters, which counteracts rhoumntlo and malarial tendencies, relievos growing inac tivity of tho kidneys, and Is tho finest romedy extant for disorders of tho stomach, liver and bowels. Nervousness, too, with which old pcoplo nro very opt to bo afillctod, is promptly roliovcd by it. i NoTAxswKnnn Ybt. Tommy "0, paw I" Mr. FIgg-"Wclll" "How can a solid fact teak outf" Indianapolis Journal. Tho Modern Mother Has found thathor littlo ones aro improved moro by thoplcasimtSyrup of Figs, when in need of tliohtxativo effect of n geutlo rom edy than by any otlior, and that it is moro acceptably to them. Children enjoy it nnd It benefits them. Tho truo remedy, Syrup of Figs, is manufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Company only. i As boon ns thought finds a body, it bo- 51ns trying to niovo tho world. Rum's orn. . FcDtu.n nerves Bcvcro weather neural gia. Soothing curo St. Jacobs Oil. p SnowiNO our beat sido to othors will causo them to show their best sido to us. Rani's Horn. Cmicic Colds nnd Bronchitis with Halo's Honey of Horohound nnd Tar. Plko'BToothacho Drops Curo inotiominuto. m Tun wiso form right Judgment of tho present from tho past. Time counts, health gains. A quick, sure curo St. Jacobs Oil for sprains. Lawlues aro thoy that make their wills their law. William Shakespeare Blacker the spot, surer tho curo. Uso St Jacobs Oil for bruises. THE GENERAL MARKET. Kanbah City-, : CATTLE Dost beeves t StocUors Native oo ws. HOGS Cnoico to heavy. SHEEP WHEAT-Ho. 'i red. No. 2 hard CORN No. 2 mixed. . OATS No. S mlxod. UYE-No. 2 FLOUTt Patent, per saclc . Fancy. HAY Cholco timothy. Fancy pralrlo MIAN (Sacked! HUTTEK Cholco creamery.... CHEESE Full cream. ECGS-Cholco POTATOES ST. LOUIS. CATTLE Natlvo and shipping Toxans ; HOGS Heavy SHEEP Fair to obotco FLOUK-Ctiolco WHEAT No. 2 red. CORN No. 2 mixed. OATS-No. 2 mlxod. RYE-No. 2 HUTTER Creamery . . . LARD Western mess. PORK CHICAGO. CATTLE Common to prltno... HOGS Packing and shipping. SHEEP Fair to cholco. FLOUR Winter wheat. WHEAT No. 2 rod. CORN-No. 2 OATS No. 2 RYE UU'ITER-Crcamory. LARD PORK NEW YORK. CATTLE Native Steers. HOGS Good to Cholco. FLOUR-Good to Cholco. WHEAT No. 2 red. CORN No 2 OATS No. 2 BUTTER Creamery . PORK Mess , I ffiMMMMHMtffi 1 Suffering Don't Tobacco Hplt und Bmolco Your Lifo A way. If you want to quit tobacco using easily nnd forovor. ho in ado well, strong, magnetic1, full of now ilfo and vigor, take No-To-Bac, tho wondor-workcr llmt makes weak moa strong, Many gain ton pounds In ten days. Ovor 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac from your own druggist, who will gmirantco n curo. Booklet ami sample mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. Do what you can do well, nnd you will roou bo ablo to do much hotter. Ram's Horn. i Fits stopped frco nnd permanently cured. No fits after first day's uso of Dr. Kllno's Croat Nervo Restorer. Frco W trial hottlo & treatise. Du. Ku.nk, IU3 Arch BU.rhila., Pa. O.Nn thing a woman can't do Is to drive a howo and uso a muff at tho sunfo tlmo. Washington (la.) Democrat. Don't snap In two. Limber up. St. Ja cobs Oil will curo lumbago sure. Evr.ttYON'K has a fair turn to bo as great as ho pleases. Jeremy Collier. Suddkn weather changes bring rheuma tism. St. Jucobs OU uiultcs prompt cure. Sknsu shines with u doublo lustor when sot in humility. l'enu. I csn PIbo'b Curo for Consumption both in my family and practice. Dit. O. W. Pat-TEKSON-, Iukstcr, Mich., Nov. 5, 1891. Kixdnhss is wisdom; thoro is nono in lifo hut needs it, and may learn. Bulloy. Put a pain to Bleep 1 St. Jacob's Oil docs this with Bcinllea, Torment curo. Why have more ESTEY Organs been sold thanfc any other kind? Because, although higher in price, the Estey gives far better value than any other. Write for Illustrated Catalogue with prices, to Estey Orcan Company, Urattlcboro, VU OPIUMS-DRUNKENNESS BIiCur-1li10toBOloT. No far till Cured. DR. J.L.STEPHENS, M'Ji AN ON, timet YMINfl MRU LKAIIN T l(rrphy nd lUtlroM IUUI1U mtn AKnU' Iluilnou her, and ecur tood iltuaUons. Wrttt J. D. 11HOWN, Sed&Ua, Mo yU6flTnN. KINO OF GUMS. CURES WHIHf AIL USE FAILS. Boat Cough Byrup. TMtca Good. Ubo I in tlmo. tioltl tiy nrutraiet. A. N. K.-D. 1635 wiiex vrmxiNo to aiivkktihrrs pleuac atiito Ihnt you itw (he advertise me nt In till uauor. ths mi Mo.. Doo. 15. ASN 3 4) 4 40 WW 3 15 a 3 8j asx CM 2 75 ((((Sg))) 3 03 3 40 Naff 2 to OS 70 pS o n.i Ms)n . 70 It . rsv, V xs, ?. . i. -- -Br -- iuvv'viimvV-Hmiw-yiii1 uwjj' mwjjit ui m ism c'vjvv' 32 33M o Aft e o Kf , iu u " a a 1 9 9 9 $ 9 9 1 I M 9 9 t I 8 9 ... 8 50 o oo ,i BrroSS 1r rtt."'-jay!f-5wyv Tf 18 20 ePioEoBl o An n A in rmtBvWWmH . LKJOrnnLVil 3 to 3 oo (MXL4x&JmEm3i 3 oo 3 37 ' ; fffltwivTavSl 2 ao 3 85 MaKtl'yr- htJKAipSa 3 03 3 10 u ffaPyP F'WWSfJ oo oi n 3BHf', mzE2&w si 21H ' skSSi VwEVffvRf 20 21ft ;; HE.'iTI . XWiilWVar7 18 25H " MfA N. JffllftlSl 3 0380 wWtkvltoTffiMmm 7 io 7 40 fifiSsBmWi Wff 3 70 4 70 JmkiW V i illrMk 3 03 3 40 ' WMZ i I Iw 4 00 4 Oi itWg 8 i-ImI sour it oMi M SXr9tWWWW 8JHJ& 23' ;; ,3PPvTO' 17iC0 IB n JW E0H 40 " an ' 13 23 Mini 3 80 3 8JH 0 87Ji 0 00 lmtAxn 4 10 4 so 9wwmmBm 3 40 3 85 , AWmEmr w 3 73 0 4 15 WwXW& fifeT? 20 20H WBmmK&w ue 13 23 mw&mm& mi 8 23 873. wiJiJfflWrjmxrSBSttdmiiiixh msmoL ff (V5S'A rs,:i mn mm I BBC rHLBBlC mi d m - - - .--. mm, um barsaparma. That's Aver'n. Tho narao old sarsapnrllla ns it wns matlo and sold CO years ago. In tho laboratory it is different. Thcro modern appllancos lend sneed to skill nnd exporionco. But tho aarsaparilla is tno samo old sarsnpnrilla that mado tho record 60 yearn of cures, "Why don't wo better it? Well, woYro much in tho condition of tho Disbop nnd tho raspberry: "Doubt less," ho said, " God might havo motto a better berry. But doubtless, also. Ho nover did." Why don't wo better tho sarsaparilla ? Wo can't. Wo nro usinp tio same old ylant that cured tho Indians nnd tno Spaniards. It Jms not been bottered. And sinco wo mako sarsaparilla compound out of sarsaparffla plant, tvo sco no way of improvement. Of course, if wo woro making somo secret chemical compound, wo might.... But wo'ro not. Wo'ro making tho samo old sarsaparilla to curo tho samo old diseases. You can tell it's tho same old sarsaparilla becauso it works tho samo old cares. It's tho sovereign blood puriiler, nnd it's Aycr's, TVyAS it your own babv or voor ncichbor's A that drove sweet sleep away? It's all tm- Z iicuury vascarcis vanoy vatnariiCy sweet to the taste, mild but effective, stop sour stomach and colic in babies, and make papa's liver lively, tone his intestines and purify his blood. 5 CASCARETS ?jTY They perfume the breath and make tilings all right all ' around. At your druggist's J0c 25c, 50c, or mailed 1 ! for price. Address QTCRLINQ 11CMCDY COMPANY, OltlOAQO on NEW YORK. TANDY SJkkfcOW CATHARTIC TMOIUAJUL. CURB CONSTIPATION. Women. I Alas ! women do ' sutler, why. we .. often cannot tcu,but :: we know there is ; one great cause, and ; ; that is weakness, :' The headaches, the : '. depressed feelings, the pains, the ;; discouragements, indeed, almost ;; all the misery has a common cause weakness. At such times '. '. a woman always needs a friend : : that can be relied upon, and such : ; a friend, for more than twenty ;; years, lias- been that greatest of all t remedies, ;; By its purity and its power it ;; furnishes a prompt relief for women in their hours of need, '.' and if the grateful expressions : ; which come up from the homes : of the land about what SAFE ; CURE has done were printed, ; they would fill volumes. If you, reaacr, arc a suucjcj, urn yuu not take hope from this sug gestion? Large bottle, or new ttylt, miller one, at your unigtfiiu. tf'V4-MMMMm-H'K Madame Lihian Nordica, who has written n prnctloal article, "How to Train tho Volae," for Tho Companion for IU07. tiny Tub Companion offers ils readers many exceptionally brilliant features. The two hemispheres' have been explored in search of attractive matter. Tkeuths (ompanion In addition to the 25 slaff writers Tub Companion Contributors number fully 200 of the most famous men and women of both continents, including the most popular writers of fiction and some of the most eminent statesmen, scientists, travellers and musicians. $? I for the QXbole family Tub Companion also announces for 1897, Four Absorbing Serials, Adventure Stories on Land and Sea, Stories for Boys, Stories for Girls, Reporters' Stories, Doctors' Stories, Lawyers' Stories, Stories for Every bodynil profusely illustrated by popular artists. Six Double Holiday Numbers. More than two thousand Articles of Miscellany Anecdote, Humor, Travel. Timely Editorials, "Current Events," "Current Topics" and "Nature and Science" Departments every week, etc. One of the most beautiful CALENDARS issued this year will be given to each New Subscriber to The Companion. It Is inn ilc up of Pour Chariulnp rlctures In color, 1enutlfully executed. It size i 10 by 24 Inches. The subjects arc delightfully attractive. This Calendar Is published exclusively by This Youth's Comi-anion ami could not be sold in Art Stores (or less than Ono Dollar. Subscription Price of The Companion $1.75 a Year. 12-Color Calendar FREE. Mw Batiicrltxri who will cut ont this slip and find It tt ones with mmt nnd fccldrou and $1.70 will rvcilre: raEE Tli Yo'ith'i Ccnpknlon vry week tram the tine oabierlptlon U rtcelved till Jinnix? 1, 1897; TREE Chrlitran, Hw Ytir'i and Enur DocbU Numbtri; TB.Zt Tb Companion', 4-pe Calmdir for 1AD7, a beiuti. folly eolcred lourenlr, Tea inoit cottly lrt of 1U kind Th Companion hu Tr oRtrsd is AadTnt Coispulon FUt.two WmIi, fall year, to Jaa. 1.153S. The Youth's Companion, 20 J Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass.