The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 18, 1896, Image 1

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Aiu.,iCTmTiAVwNiCCTg'Mrtfttiimwj KiiyiJBmiutLi;i;vi,vt.7t-i.,iiWTrwATTrtjji.ij'iiiiii!iiiij,ji M,
xmeiumwxvtA rmsx'ty
Uost Cough Syrup. Tnstos Ujkxl. Uso
in iirno. Hold by uruirKlstn.
J)tt. W. W. KEELING,
Nijkmia. Ornr, Nisiiiia.ka..
Olllco first door south of Park hotel.
Notary :-: Public
Nemaha City, Neb.
Hulr Dressing,
llnzor Honelnc.
flpcclnl nttcntlon paid to Ladles and Children.
Agent for Nebraska City titeum Laundry.
Kerker & Hoover,
Denier In
Hlirhost prices patd;for hides, lard, tnilow
lme, etc
1.C SUTTON. M. D..
Shubert, Nebraska.
Does a general practice. All calls
promptly answered, day or nfght. 7-17
J. L. Alclolti) M.D., Ph. n.
SPECIALISES: Diseases of the Sltln, l)ls
onset o Women mid Children Will
prninnii' nnswer nil calls, either day or
nli(ht. Ollloo i resldenoe.
Nemalia. - - Nebraska
Surgeon Specialist,
Stella, - Nebraska
Operations for Cataract and all opera
tions on the eye, Varicocele, Hornia,
Hemorrhoids, etc., performed with
out chloroform and painless. Pa
tients from abroad can obtain board
and hospital facilities at prices less
than in a city, considering skill and
sanitary surroundings. Parties
seeking relief through surgical
means will do well to confer with
Dr. Andrews.
Cuius Soiilauoku
the rustling
or Nemaha,
Leave your ordors
for n team, hack or
dray, nnd
We do TriE Rest.
Our Hack meets nil
to sell Canndn grown Fruit
nnd Ornamental Trees,
nmuous Plants, Qrnpo Vines, 8mall fruits,
Hood Potrtoos, etc. We catalogue only the
hardiest nnd most popular varieties that sue
seed In llio coldost climates. New season
now commencing; completo outfit free, sala
ry and expenses paid from stait for full time
or liberal commission for parb time.
Apply now, addressing nearest olllco, and
eet choice of territory.
Xuteruatlnual Nurseries,
Chicago, Illinois, or Montroal, Quebec.
niliuun, ivusuu, iiuiun ctuu
Tetter, Salt-Iiheum and Eczema,
Tho intense itching and smarting inci
dent to these diseuses is instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have been permanently cured by it. It
is equally efficient for itching piles and
a favorito remedy for sore nipples;
chapped hands, chilblain's, frost bites
and chronic Horo eyes. 25 ots. per box.
Dr. Cntly's Condition Powders, aro
just what a horse needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food but
medicine nnd the best in use to put a
horse in primo condition. Price 25
cents per package.
aywyf ' IfiMi
fails. m
Local ISTews.
X)i J. Xj. jvreviiii
Olllco at residocne, south of Minick
store building.
Magnificent roads.
Gall in and subscribe.
Next Friday ii Ghriatmaa.
Green Burgess has lieen on the sick
list this week.
Prank Woodward visited Lincoln
last Friday and Saturday.
TheTitua Nursery is making arrange
ments for a big trade next spring.
Harve Thompson is now manipulate
ing the "rnzzer" at his carber shop.
A cold wave, accompanied by snow
and wind, reached Nemaha Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Lester liusacll went to
Omaha the firt of the week, to do
some trading.
Horn, on Monday, December 14,
1800, to Mr. and Mrs. Scott Argabrigbt,
a' Que daughter.
Mr. aud Mrs. Henry E. Williams, of
Shubert, visited Nemaha friends Sun
day and Monday.
Sam Anderson is stocking up his
store considerably recently. He car-
fries a good stock.
Ariangementa have been raado for a
big turkey shooting match at Geo.
KitteU's tomorrow.
Rev. E. S. Chamborlain wav in town
Monday. We are glad te learn that ho
is improving in health.
A number ofShubert folks attended
services at the Methodist church in
Nemaha last Sunday night.
It is rumored that an agent is in
town endeavoring to get a number of
recruits for tho Cuban army.
Chicken thieves are numerous in
Nemaha and vicinity, and make disas
trous raids on' chicken coops.
The ice cream sociable given by the
Methodists last Saturday was quite
successful financially and otherwise.
Mrs. Delia Kempthorne and Miss
Lue Lambert atteuded the teachers'
association at Auburn last Saturday.
Oscar F. Scovill received the glad
tidings a few days ago that he had been
granted a pension at the rate of $8 per
Mr. and Mrs. George Yackly at
tended the Mi E. sociable at Rev. C.
H. Gilmore's, at Brownville, Wednes
day night.
Mrs. A. L. Jarvis and children re
turned home last Friday night, after a
visit of three weeks with relatives at
Wabash, Neb.
Albert Titus went to Shubert Tnurs
day evening, to clerk for Henry E.
Williams whilo the latter serves his
country on the petit jury.
Mr.and Mrs.G.W. Moore.of Fremont
Nob., who have been visiting M. II.
Taylor and family, went to Missouri
Monday to visit relatives.
W. P. Russell called in Wednesday
and paid for The Advertiser until
Jan. 1, 1808. He also subscribed for
the State Journal and Inter Ocean for
Luther II. Barnes has recently ses
cured a patent on a valuable invention
an improvement on a wrench. He
will probably make arrangements to
have tho same manufactured,
Contrary to the usual custom in Nes
maha, and greatly to the dissatisfaction
of a majority of the pupils, school will
not adjourn for tho holiday vacation
until Thursday of next week tho day
bofore Christmas.
50,000 bushels Ear
Corn wanted at mar
ket price.
At Titus & Wil
liams Btoro room.
H. Cause.
Jerry Marlatt has moved from Auh
burn to Lincoln. His grandson, Clyde
King, is attending the university, and
will board with his grandparents,
Rattling tho bones is now tho fnvem
its amusement of the boys of Nemaha,
and the sound thereof can be hoard
from early dawn till late at night.
Robert Ross went over in Missouri
the first of tho week, where ho expects
to lease n barber shop iu a small town,
the name of which wo did not learn.
Geo. n. Sutton, of Howo, drova over
to Nemaha Tuesday, remaining over
night and assisting in giving the Morn
ing degree to members of the Nemaha
camp, Woodmen of the World.
Chicken thieved who call themselves
"coon hunters" aro getting too numer
ous for some dietanco around Nemaha.
These few words ure dropped as a
warning. A Sufferer.
A petition is being circulated request
ing the appointment of Dr. John B.
Jack, of Brownville, as a member of
tho peusion examining board of pliysii
chins for Nemaha county. Wo hope he
will be successful.
R. H. Hamilton, of Brownville pre
cinct, subscribes for the New York
Tribune, Chicago Inter Ocean and To
ledo Blade, in connection witli The
Adveiitibek, Retting all four papers
one year for 82. 10.
Through a mistake the avoirdupois
oupper to be given by the Christian
Ladies' Aid Society was last week ad
vertised for Friday night of this week.
It will be held Saturdaj night. Please
remember the correct night.
A surprise party was given Bessie
Leslie Wednesday afternoon, that day
being her eleventh birthday. A good
number of her school mates were pres
ent. Refreshments were served at 5
o'clock. All had a very pleasant timr.
Robert Frost, jr., was eighteen years
old Tuesday, and a party was given by
his parents in his honor. A house
ful of young people thoroughly enjoyed
the evening, as Mr. and Mrs. Frost and
the young folks always make it pleas,
ant for guests.
G. W. Culp Post and the Woman's
Relief Corpi of Nemaha will give a
Christmas supper at the Minick hall on
Friday evening, Dec. 25th. Price of
supper, 25c. Mrs. Jarley will exhibit
her famous wax works In the W.R.C.
hall, Admiseion, 10c,
The postoffice is now in the new
building on the south of Gilbert's store.
It was moved Thursday afternoon. If
cold weather does not interfere Mr.
Gilbert will have the old postoffice
building moved out and will build a
bank building in the space it now oc
cupies. Dr. Smith, tho Omaha Painless Den
tist, will be at Nemaha Friday and
Saturday, December 25th and 20th, II
fills or extracts teeth positively with
out pain. Does everything in the den"
tal lino, and warrants all work, No
charge for extracting when new teeth
are ordered. Remember tho dates and
come early.
The Christian Ladies' Aid Society
will givo an avoirdupois suppor at the
Minick hall Saturday night of this week
Dec. 10th for tho purpose of raising
raonoy to buy presonts for the Sunday
school children on Christmas. Tho
charge for suppor will bo one-fourth
of a cent a pound that each person
weighs. Everybody is invited.
Mies IlarriB, "the milliner," South
Wo invito everybody who wants to buy Christmas presents to call at
Anderson's New Gash Store.
What is a better present for tho boy than one of those
Overcoats for Boys, now being sold At Cost
We aro also selling
Boys9 Suits Jkjt Cost.
For tho girls you can find a whole lot of nice presonts dolls, doll trunks,
small Hat Irons, kitchen Bete, etc., etc., etc., but the best of all In tho opiaion of
the girle is tho Toy Iron Cook Stovo In which a fire can be built, and which has
a roservoir, iron kottlos, tea kettlo, etc. Andnrson also nns a
ciooD doxistde op "x-ersrs
For your Christmas dinner you can buy
as Anderson has just got in a good stock. The dry goods, notions, hats and
caps, boots and shoes and othor departments have aso boon stocked up with
good seasonable goods, which he is selling at bod rock prices. Try him.
N. B. Anderson's Gash Store
Nemaha, Nebraska.
The Methodist Sunday school will
havo a Christmas tree at the -church
next Thursday evening Christmas
eve. The cantata of "Santa Clans and
Mother Goose" will be riven before
the distribution of tho presents, The
Christian Sunday school will also have
their Christmas tree Christmas eve.
The Advertiser office this week
printed invitations for the golden wed
ding reception of Mr.and Mrs. John
Maxwell, which will be held January
1st, at 2 o'clock p. m. Mr. and Mrs.
Maxwell were married January 1st,
1847, at Bothwell, Scotland. During
the many years they have lived in this
vicinity they have made a host of
friends, who aro numbered only by
their acquuintatnship. Wo hope they
will live many years longer.
We wish all our delinquent subscrN
bera who can furnish us wood or corn
would bring the same in at onco, as we
need it. Either old or new corn will
be taken.
At the Bluo Front
Listen. . .
Clothing and furnishing goods at
actual cost for 30 days, justjto make
things lively and hurry up prosper
ity. You won't need confidence if
you have the money! So come and
trade at THE BLUE FRONT and
save 50 per cent. We mean just
what we say and say just what we
Remember the place
J. W. Cranmer & Co., Auburn
Oscar and Wilber Marts, sohb of J.
H. Marts, living on the old Hagadoru
farm, northeast of Nemaha, shucked
and cribbed 208 bushels of corn one
day this week. Considering the age of
the boys this is good work, na Wilber
will not be 10 until next Sunday, and
bis brother is only eighteen months
older. The older boy shucked 105
buahels, and the younger 101. Who
can beat it?
We have received numbers one and
two, volume one, of tho Carroll Quill,
published by Chas, II. Robinson, form
erly an employe of this office. The
Quill is a neat six column, four page
paper, republican in politics, published
at Carroll, Wayne county, Neb. Suc
ceed to the Quill.
We will send The Advertiser, the
New York Tribuoe, tho Toledo Blade
and the Chisago Inter Ocean, all four
papers ono year for only $2,10.
THnana Thnlnar for tour itMnieh.
' Rlpans Tabules euro flatulence.