The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 11, 1896, Image 1

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W i-htwbmi w 1,11 nvBtamwcBCTMta JnKHUTi9mKrTL'itLrrvi!Ls:t.-tviivjKVx'U)! um wr.jrijji.'Hrruir'U'wvmiCT',
! fi-.'j'iu.mifjAi.'j.fni iji''Miiitj'jintwwgjraiiWKCUjiiwFju!i i smjjw Mj!H.Li."'iu.j'ati'iiiiaiuiitwj;j .
vk ml I m Si Mr
jaj Host CuuRlt By nip. Tastes Uoixl. tJso F,
Ejj In tlnio. Sold by druggists, pfr
Nbmvua. City, Neiuia.ka..
Olllce flrat door south of Park hotel.
Notary : -: Public
Nemaha City, Nob.
llitlr Dressing,
Ilii7ur lloiiclnc.
Hpoclul attention pnltl to 1. miles mid Children.
Agent for Xebrmka City Steam Laundry.
Kerker & Hoover,
Denier In
Hlhest prices pnld.for hides, lnrd, tiulow
gAine, etc
Tc. SUTTON. M. D..
SImbert, Nebraska..
Does ii general practice. All mils
promptly answered, day or night. 717
,. rj.ALulnin,, M.D. Ph. .
QI'EOIA.. -KS: DIsonscHof Ihu SUIn, l)ls
O u.!sc (. Women and Children Will
prn.n ' tirtwer nil jmIIh, ulUier dixy or
ulglil. Otllco loslduncc.
Honiara, - - Nebraska
Surgeon Specialist,
Stella, - Uobraska
Operations for Cataract and all opera
tions on the eye, Varicocele, Heroin,
Hemorrhoids, etc , performed with
out chloroform and painless. Pa
tients from abroad can obtain boaid
and hospital facilities at prices less
than in a city, considering skill and
sanitary surroundings. Paities
seeking relief through surgical
means will do well to confer with
Dr. Andrews.
tho rustling
Lcuvo your orders
fur a tram, haclc or
dray, and
Our Hack moo's nil
AHT A TiT. IobbH Cnnidn (jrown Fruit
JVLilLN d Ornnmoiitnl Trees,
'"""" Shrubs, Hoses. Itultis and
Bulbous lMnntH. Qrapo Vine. Small i rultH,
Sued Poti toes, otc. Wb ciiuilngiio only I ho
hiirdlPNtiind inoHt popular varloilt'S tliatHtic
ceod In tho coldest olUmitos. Now mmihom
now ooin 1110110111"; complete, outllt. free, s.ilu
ry mid tixpoimeM pild from stu.t for full tlnio
or liberal commission lor part tlnio
Apply now, mlilrPHHlns; nearest otllco, and
cet choliiA of territory.
lu tor national Nurseries,
Chicago, Illinois, or Monlroal, Quebec.
Tetter, Sult-Khciim anil Eczema.
Tho intense-itching and smarting inci
dontto theso diseases is instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eyo and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have been permanently cured by it. It
is equally efficient for itching piles and
a favorite remedy for eore nippies;
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic sore oyes. 25 ots. per box.
T)r. Caily's Condition Fowlers, aro
just what a horse needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vormifugo. Thoy aro not food but
medicine and tho best in use to put a
horse in prima condition. Price 25
cents per package
Local News,
Call iu and subscribe.
4 1
Lots of corn coming to town.
Who would tiak for llnur weatlior?
P. B. Hucli, of Shubert, waa in town
Miss Marie Tourtelot, of Lincoln,
waa in town Tuesday.
Patronize your homo merchants and
your home newspaper.
A great many of our farmers are
through gathering corn.
Mrs. M, II. Taylor went to Peru
Thursday to visit relatives.
Good prniriu hay is soiling at Trom
82.JS0 to Sii.OO per ton in this vicinity.
Attorney Chas. F, Neal was in from
Auburn laat Friday, oh legal business.
James A. Stephenson adds his name
to the subscription list of this family
Mrs. John Kempthome and Mrs.
John Lambert visited the McCandless
; school hist "riduy.
Editor C F. Fordyce, of the Peru
Times, took in the sights in Nemaha
between trains last Saturday.
j Robt. Sampson, who has been stop
. ping in Minnesota a:d Iowa for several
I months, returned to Nemaha Wednes
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Gilmore
drove down fiom Brownvillo Tuesday
and visited Nemaha friends for a few
John Sanders went to Shubert Mor.
day night, to assist on the Citizen for a
couple of days, returning Wednesday
Miss Lue Lambert and Mrs. Kemp
thome attended church at Hillsdale
last Sunday to hear Hev. Newland, a
missionary from Japan.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Moore, of Fro
moot, Neb., arrived in Nemaha Tues
day night, on a visit to Mr. Moore's
sister, Mis. M. II. Taydor.
We will send 1'he Advkutiseii. the
New York Tribune, tho Toledo Blade
and the Chicago Inter Ocean, all four
papers one year for only $2.10.
Mrs. Fannie Yac'dv subscribes for
another copy of The Advkutiseii,
which she has sent to her mother, Mrs.
S. M. Kliso. of Garnett, Kansas.
Harvey Thompson,, who has been,
rusticating in Missouri for some time,
lotumed to Nemaha. Monday. He will
take possession of The barber shop
ii"xt Monday.
T. A. Clark goes to Hebron today,
to assist in the B. & M. oflico for
thirty days. The Advkutisku will
follow him to keep him posted on
Nemaha affairs.
Dr. I. C. Sutton, of Shubert, was in
town a few hours Wednesday evening.
The doctor is building up a good pr.ic
lice in Shubert and has established a
reputation as a skillful physician.
Hev. J, W. Taylor celebrated the
81st anniversary of ids birth Sunday.
lie is hale and hearty, and able to
preach a good sermon yet, and gets
around livelier than many men of halt
his age.
The Methodist Sunday school will
give an ice cream sociable at the Min-.
ick hall Saturday night of this week.
Coffee and cake will bo served to those
who do ijot care for ice cream, Pro
ceeds are for tho Christmas tree.
Wo have rocently learned of the
marriage of our friend, Aaron W.
Conaway, which occurred at Mound
City, Mo., Oct. 4th. They.will make
their home near St, Doroiu, on a
small farm owned by Mr. Conaway.
50,000 bushels Jb-ar
Corn wanted at mar
ket price.
At Titus & WiU TT p vlo1?
Hams stoio room. XA vAivojj.
Nemaha now has three grain buyers
S. Gilbert & vSon, Heuiy (J arse and
J. 11. Littroll. The latter is buying
for the Duff Grain Co.
Tho Christian Ladies' Aid Society
will give an avoirdupois supper at the
Minick hall Friday night of next week
Doc. 18th for the purpose of raising
money to buy presents fm theSund.iy
school children on Christinas. The
charge for supper will bo one-fourth
of a cent a pound that each person
weighs. Everybody is invited.
Win. Argabright, who was sent to
the penitentiary for ton years in Feta
ruary. S)j, for killing Win. Sinelser,
has been granted a new trial by the
supremo court on account of the in
stnutious of the judge to tiio jury in
tho tirst tiial. Ho is now in the
county jail at Auburn, having been
brought back there Thursday of last
Considerable excitement was caused
early Thursday inotning by the burn
ing out of the huge chimney on Birl
Hoover's residene-'. Tho chimney is
thirty feet high an i is a very largo one
having been built, probably, for an
old style lire place, and was well tilled
with soot. Tho h azo went up seem,
ingly for twenty-live feet, and the roar
could be heard for a considerable dis
tance. No damage was done.
G. W. Brat ton, an old citizen of
Urownvillo and a former county treas
urer, had a stroke of paralysis a week
or two ago. His miwd has been t-o
badly affected that it is probable he
will have to be taken to the asylum.
So far as his bodilj health is concerned
he has about recovoied from the effect
of the stroke of paralysis, but his mind
has given way. This great affliction is
a teirible one to tho wife and family,
who have the sympathy of every one
Latkk. Mr. Bratton was taken to
the asylum at Lincoln Monday.
J. B. Berrer received a small box
from Galveston, Texas, a few days ago,
containing ten lino oranges. fhey
were gathered by his daughter, Mrni T.
A. Lorance, f'oai the upstair-, window
of their residence, off of a large tree in
the yard that was full of tho golden
fruit. Some of tho oranges were on
tho twifj where they grew, and a few
of the orange leaves were yet on the
twig. Wo had tho pleasure of eating
some of these Texas oranges, and they
wore line.
S. Gilbert has tho loom enclosed that
he is having built on tho south of the
store. Ho has metal roofing and metal
siding, and will also havo metal ceil
ing, so it will be fire pi oof. It will be
used by Miss Maud Minick for a posts
office as soon as completed, as Mr. Gil
bert will pull out the old building
where the postollice now is, and will
build a fire pi oof room for tho bank,
if tho weather continues good this will
ho done this winter, but if it should
turn too cold or stormy it will be done
early in the spring.
The highest class in the primary de
partment of our echools are evidently
well pleased with their teacher. A
short time ago it was proposed to pro
mote this class into Prof. Crichton's
room, but the class by a unanimous
vote requested that they bo allowed to
lemain in the primary loom for tho io
mainder of the year. Tills is quite a
compliment to the teacher, Miss May
Brooks, who is now teaching in this
department for tho fifth consecutive
year, having taught many of the pupils
in this class from the time thoy first
euteied school.
Tako tho wagonette when in Auburn
for any pint of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
McElhanev, proprietor.
Itlpana Tabulea: ror sour stomach.
Dr. J . Xj. JV1 eLviii.
Otllco at residecno, south of Minick
store building.
Henry Williams' trade has Increased
so wonderfully of lato that ho has been
forced to call in help to attend to it,
and has secured for. this winter, at
least, the service of his brother, Mor
gau, in addition to those of Miss
Elliott. Shubert Citizen.
Chas. Shaw and Frank Johnson, of
Auburn, aro building a bain for D. D.
Davis, of Aspinwall precinct, -to fuot
8q mire, 1H feet high. The first of this
week they wont hunting ami came
back in about three hours loaded down
with iiO rabbits and 21 quails. Pretty
good hunting.
Died, December d, ISM), infant
babo of Mr. and Mrs. Fiank Bacon,
.it;ed 4 months.
"Ere sin could harm, or hoi row fade,
Death came with friendly care;
The opening bud to heaven conveyed
Ami bade it blossom there.
This lovely bud, bo young, so fair,
Called hence hy early doom,
Just came to show how swent a llowor
In paradise would bloom."
A FuncNl).
.Tno Christmas oiler of Mr. Pickles,
the South Auhurn photographor, of an
extra picture handsomely framed in an
8x10 inch gilt frame with each dozen
cabinet photos made from now till the
first of January is most liberal and tips
propriate. Just think of 12 cabinet
photos of tho quality he makes and one
extra oik handsomely framed all for
52f0. Bemomber that a like amount
expended in any other way would not
gi'o as much satisfaction to your
ft lends.
Alex. Maxwell, of South Auburn, le
going into the dairy business quite ex
tensively. While in Auburn recently
wo visited his place and found him
full of business. Ho lias ten cows and
will soon add more, as his tiade is inp
Idly Increasing. His barn is fitted up
in good shape for his cows, he lias a
covered milk wagon with which he
makes morning and evening rounds,
and furnishes his customeis with milk.
Ho expects shortly to make additions
and improvements that will add con
siderably not only to tho convenience
of Lis woik but also to his income. secures one dozen full form
cabinet photos and one extra one
framed in nice 8x10 ftatno from now
till first of January. Havo your sitting
at once if you want your pictures for
Christmas. J. W. Pickles,
South Auburn.
saa-Jb-Ca fctfo i&c? .&
lUadaLfoa) CWXia
Clothing and furnishing'' goods at
actual cost for 30 days, just to make
things lively and hurry up prosper
ity. You won't need confidence if
you have the money So come and
trade at THE BLUE FROJNTand
save 50 per cent. We mean just
what Ave say and say just what we
mean. . .
jRememhcr the jylacct
Cranmer & Co
December Gih, 1881, at 8 o'clock p.
in,, at the residence of tho bride's pars
outs, In Brownvllle, W, W. Sanders
and Miss Allio It Borger wero united
in marriage. Last Saturday was tno
fifteenth anniversary of that event,
ami the two Sunday school classen
taught by Mr. and Mrs, Sanders, coin,
posed of young ladies and gentlemen,
were Invited to spend tho evening at
tho editorial residence. About thirty
of tho young people Wero present, and
a very enjoyable opening was passed.
Greatly to tho surprise of Mr. and
Mtb. Sanders, they wero presented
with a number of handsome prosents.
Mr. Sanders' class gave a sat of lino
goblctB, Mrs. Sandcis' class gavo a
haiidseme glass fruit dish, six mem
bers of the ladles' nid society Mes-.
dames Watson, Taylor, Woodward,
Yackly, Maxwell and Keeling gave a
:lass tea set, Mrs. Com Grottier gavo
an opal glass tea set, May Kerker gavo
a glass preserve dish, Bosio Soabury
gave a glass vlnegarotto, Holllo Sanders
gavo a glass cake plate, Mrs. J. M.
Sanders gavo two plctuio frames and
Mrs. J. 11. Berger gavo a glass pitcher.
Wo attended the first annual quarter
ly conference of tho Brownvllle and
Nemaha circuit of tho M. E. church
on Monday. The conference was held
at Bethel church, in London precinct.
Presiding Elder Peter "VanFleet was
present. It was voted to Increase Bov .
0. II. Gilmoie's salary to $7G0 for this
year, and he is also provided with a
good brick parsonage at Brownvillo.
lu company with our better half wo
went homo with Mr. and Mis. John
Batli for dinner, and feasted on roast
beef, chicken, genuine English plum
pudding, and a whole lotol good things
lit for a piesident or a bishop to eat.
Mr. Bath has one of tho finest farms in
tho county, as well as one of the larg-.
est, having over 000 acres in one body,
lie is a breeder of fine thoroughbred
short horn cattle, and also feeds cattlo
and hogs quite extensively.
if you want ihoso Christmas photos
in time you will be wise to have your
sitting now or you may bo disappoints
ed lu getting thorn finished.'
J. W. Pioklics,
South Auburn, Nob.
Wo wish all our delinquent nubscrls
hers who can furnish us wood or corn
would bring tho samo in at once, as wo
need it. Either old or now corn will
he taken.
Mips Harris, "tho milliner," South
&&&? 3a A WfcJ.