The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 27, 1896, Image 1

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    ''I ?'"'
wuM.MUMiwim.iimu ww faji it.niwiwimmi.uuinmimniiui
ebmsfa MtlvertiMer.
Boct OouhIi Syrup. Tastes Good. Uso
in iinio. hold ny amettistn.
jyil. W. W. KEELING,
OlHce door south of Park hotel.
Notary :-. Public
Nemaha City, Nob.
Jlulr Dressing,
Razor ilonolng,
Special attention paid to Ladles and Children.
Agentor Nebraska City Steam Laundry.
Kerker & Hoover,
Dealer In
Hlnhost prices pald;for hides, lnrd, tnilow
game, etc
Slrabert, Nebraska.
Does u general practice All calls
promptly answered, day or night. 7-17
J. L.JIelvln, JT.D., JPh. G.
SPEOIAHICS: Diseases of tlo Skin, DIs
. e.iMet o Women and Children Will
proinntt answer all oils, either day or
nl- hi' m Keynoto Drugstore
- Nebraska
Sux'geon Specialist,
Stella, - Kobraska
Operations for Cataract and all opera
tions on the eye, Verieocele, Hernia,
Hemorrhoids, etc., performed with
out chloroform and painless. Pa
tients from abroad can obtain boaid
and hospital facilities at prices less
than in a city, considering skill and
sanitary surroundings. Parties
seeking relief through surgical
means will do well to confer with
Dr. Andrews.
Chris Soiilauoer
) Cooper
. tho rustling
t of Nemaha.
Leave your orders
for a learn, hnclc or
drny, and
Wis oo the Rest.
Our Uncle moots all
- ,. .
to sail Cnnndn grown Fruit
nnil Ornamental Trees,
Hhmlw. Roses. Hulhs and
Bulhous Plants. Grape Vines, Small fruits,
Heuil Potrtoes. et, We catalogue only tho
hardiest and most popular varieties that suc
ceed In tho coldest climates. New season
now cotnmeiiolnp; complete outtlt free, sala
ry and expenses paid from sta.t for full time
or liberal commission for part time
Apply now, addressing nearest olilco, and
got choice of terrltorj'.
International Nurseries,
Chicago, Illinois, or Mou (real, Quebec
Rlpans Tabules euro indigestion.
Ohamberlaln's Eyo and Skin Ointment
Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt.
Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipple?, Chapped
Bands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Rites,
Chronic Soro Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids.
For sal by druggists at 25 cents per box.
For putting a horse in a fine healthy con
dition try Dr. Cody's Condition Powders,
They tono up the system, aid digestion, euro
loso of appetite, relieve constipation, correct
kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving
new life to an old or ovor-worked horse. 25
cents per package. For salo by druggists.
RIpanB Tabules: for eour stomach.
Local News.
Winter weather.
Additional locat on last pago.
Only four weeks till Christmas.
A cold wnvo of extonsivo propor
tions struck Nemaha Thursday.
Mr. Kinney, the photographer, has
moved into the old Advertiser head
quarters. Chas. T, Minick has boen appointed
agent at Bracken. He assumed his
duties Tuesday.
The Methodist and Christian Sunday
schools are making arrangements for
Christmas trees. -
Robort S. Bilker has bought a small
tract of land near Barada. and has
moved on it with his parents.
Mrs. A. L. Jarvis and children went
to Wabash, Neb., Tuesday, to Hpeiid
Thanksgiving with Mrs. Jarvis' par
ents. Geo. E. Dye him moved to Auburn
in order that his children mty have the
advantage of the excellent schools of
that burg
The depot has been decorated with a
now roat of paint inside and out, which
wonderfully improves tho appearance
of the building.
Mrs M. A. Woodward returned
home Friday night of last week from
Kansas City, where she had been visit
ing friends foi three weeks.
Charley Minick came over from Ta
ble Rock Monday and visited friend?
until tho next day, when he went to
Bracken to take charge of that station.
The contestoverthowill of Everett
Larimore is in a fair way of being set
tled without a lawsuit. The friends of
both parties are very desirous that this
be done.
Mrs.L.L. Ilulburd, who has been
visiting hor parents, Mr. and Mth G.
W. Fairbrother, of Brownvillo, forsov.
oral weens, started for her home at
Waco, Texas, Monday.
Hannibal Bennett-) of Nemaha, and
Miss Belle Slagle, of Shubert, were
married last week. The happy couple
have tho best wishes of The Adver
tiser for a long life of happiness to
gether. Two or three efforts wero made this
week to burn out part of the bus'ness
portion of Auburn, on the north side,
but the blaze was discovered each time
and oxtinquished before much damage
was done.
A "special" passed over tills portion
of tho B. & M. last Saturday forenoon.
C. E. Perkins, president of the C, B. &
Q., and other prominent officials were
on board. They wero bound for Den
ver and Cheyenne.
Miss Veva Clark returned homo
Wednesday, after an absence of tnree
months in Pennsylvania, visiting her
uncle, J. P. S. Clark, and other reins
tives. Miss Veva is one of our most
popular young ladies, and everybody is
glad 10 see her again.
Rev. Geo. M. Gates, of Peru, visited
tho great Yellowstone Park in July,
spending about two weeks in this woih
derland. Ho has prepared a lecture
giving a description of the beauties
and grandeur of this groat park, and is
delivering the lecture at a number of
places. It Is Bald to bo very line.
Some people foolishly Imagine, or
seem to, that because they tell a news
paper editor not to put their names in
the paper, that he must necessarily re
frain from so doing. If this wero so
hardly a criminal in the United States
would be given a notice, as each one
would notify tho newspapers not to
mention his or her name. As far as
we are concerned, we expect to treat
all alike, regardless of such 'notices"
as we occasionally receive.
Removal of theAdvertiser
The Advertiser otllco has beou
moved into the building recently pur
chased from S, II. Avoy, just north of
tho hardware store, Call in and Bee us
in our new location, pay a year's sub
scription In advance, and thus assist us
in paying for the building.
Tho Methodist Sunday school will
give a dime sociable at tho Minick hall
Friday night of next week, for the
purpose of taising money to buy pres
ents for the children on Christmas.
Everybody is invited.
Miss May Swan, who is attonding
tho Normal school at Peru, came homo
for Thanksgiving.
Miss Kate Frost camo down from
Peru Wednesday evening, to bo at
home Thanksgiving.
Harry McCain! less has bought a
"three wheeler," and now makes quick
trips from the Siding to tho Nemaha
Miss Lulu and John Buchenau, who
are attending the Normal bcIiooI at
Peru, came down to Nemaha Wedness
day, to spend Thanksgiving.
Mrs. John R. Maddox and children,
of Auburn, were the guests of Mr, and
Mrs, John E. Crothei from Wednesdaj
afternoon until Friday forenoon.
The telephone line from the Nemaha
depot to the McCandless Siding is now
in operation, and Harry feels that he is
in communication with the world, It
is a gjeat convenience and will save
him many trips.
Mrs. Quirking, mother of James W.
Volfe.undLia;?J.'.TiiSHtyl died at the
residence of tho latter guntltMuan, at
Hillsdale, Thursday of this week. The
funeral services were hold Friday.
Further particulars will be given next
Sam Anderson thinks tho members
of his famly have had more than their
share of sickness this fall. His wife
and children have been Kick with fever
for weeks. They would get better and
then 8 tiff or a relapse, but Sam is in
hopes they are on the road to permui
nent recovery. i
S. Gilbert was tnken with terrible
pains in his bowels Wednesday night,
and suffered excruciatinO pnin for
many hourB, although everything pos
sible was done for his relief by the
physicians. At tho time of going to
press he is resting comparatively easy.
Mr. Gilbert has had these attacks be
fore but this is the worst one ho has
ever experienced.
Rov. Goo. Mi Gates, pastor of the M.
E. church at Peru, has recently started
a religious monthly called the Evans
geliBt. Tho first number was very ins
teresting as well as instructive, Bro.
Gates was a newspaper man boforo he
entered the ministry, having published
tho Tribune at Stella for some time.
Ho is also a lawyer, having been ad
mitted to the bar and practicing law
for awhile at Stella.
Wo wish all our delinquent subscri
bers who can furnish us wood or corn
would bring the same in at once, hb wo
need it. Either old or new corn will
be taken.
FOR RENT. A houteoMve room
in one of the most desirable locations
in Nemaha. House is in good lepalr.
A good barn on property. Apply at
this office.
Take tho wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
McElhaney, proprietor.
Miss Harris, "the milliner," South
Rlpans Tabules euro nausea.
IDr. J. Xi. Melviii.
Otllco nt resldecno, south of Minick
stole building.
John Simpson, of this city, has boen
appointed to tho responsible position
of bond clerk in tho stato auditor's
olilco bAuditor-eleot John Cornell, or
Richardson county. Mr. Simpson In
well qualified for the position Mnd his
appointment Is a well deserving ono.
C. 0. Pool, of Verdon, will no Mr. Cor
nell's deputy. Herald.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Berger and Miss
Nellio Sanders went to Brownville
Wednesday afternoon and spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Rossell. The remainder of the edito
rial family expected to drive upThurs
duy morning and help eat Thanksgiv
ing turkey, but on account of tho
storm were disappointed.
Tho postnftlce tight is raging at Au
burn, Brownvillo and Peru. At Au
tuuii W. P. Freeman and Dr. McGrew
are the chief aspirrats for the north
side olllce, but a half doen other fel
lows would like to have it. G. W
Fairbrother, sr., and II. T. Sanders are
botii after the olllce at Brownville, and
the present ofllcial, Miss Alice Mooney,
is circulating a petition fur reappoint
ment. At Peru there are several as
pirants.' At Nemaha all is quiet, as
the patrons generally are weil pleated
willi tho present cllicieut postmistress,
Miss Maud Miuick, and no change ts
The Johnson County Journal nomin
ales Hon, J. H. Duiidas far president
of the state senate; since the pops
have control of the whole business
more than unanimously, it Is probably
not our put in, but we heartily second
the nomination because we know there
is not a better pop elected to the legist
I at u re. John is honeftt and wants to
do something good for tho people and
there is no position in the senate where
he "will have a better chance. Storling
The Advertiser endorses 'the
above, and hopes John will be success.
fill. He represents the best element
of the opposition in this county, and
as such is opposed by a number of
would-be leaders in his own party G.
W. Cornell, Bill Dally, ot ah but to
their surprise as well as liisown, probs
ably, lie was elected, and now wo hope
he will get the best there is to be had
in the senate. '
Only a few cases wero disposed of
in district court this week. Tho court
convened Monday but aa there were
no jury cnues ready an adjournment
was taken to Tuesday morning. When
court convened Tuesday morning and
there wore still no jury cases ready,
Judge Stull excused tho jury until
Monday morning.
Several motions wore then argued
and a little legal skirmishing in several
ceses Indulged in by lawyers.
Mrs. Mattio L. Smith, of tills city,
was praHted a divorce and custody of
her minor children from her truant
husband, Thomas J. Smith.
In the case of II. J. Ilaams vs. F.
II. Freytag, J. II. Kuhlmann and John
Frerichs, petition on prorrinuory note,
jury was waived and trial was had to
tho court. After hearing the evidence
in the caso the judge decided in favor
of plaintiff, Harms, and against do
fendants Freytag and Kuhlmann, in
tne sum of $1,020. He also found in
favor of defondant Frerichs, law of
limitation having exyired.
The caso of same plaintiff against F.
II. Freytag, D. Oestmann and Fred
Schlange, upon another note, then
went to trial and was concluded Tues
day evening. Judge Stull took it un
der advisoment and will render a do"
clsion before the court adjourns,
Kemp Colerick, for shooting Rabe
Elliott at Nemaha City several months
ago, was arraigned Tuesday morning
and plead not guilty . Ho was held to
the court for trial.
Court adjourned Wednesday morn-,
ing until Monday next, when it is un
dorstood Judgo Lotton will be hero
and will preside until tho end of tho
present term, Herald,
I havo for salo fine thoroughbred
Poland China and Duroo Jersey male
pigs for salo My hogs are choice and
well bred, from tho finest prlzo win
nlng stock in tho world Choice of
pigs, 310 each. Call and inspect stock .
J. II. Skid.
Tho farm of I. J. Redllold near
Brownville, hotter known as tho Fur
nas farm was sold recently to a Mr.
Morrison, brother-in-law of Rev.
Strong. Tho consideration was $1u
000. Mr. Redfleld took In part pays
ment some Kansas land Herald.
Fathor Fitzgerald left Monday last
for Dubuque, Iowa, where arguments
are heard this week bofore the Metro
po litanC'uria of Dubuque in tho celes
brated caso of Bishop Bonacnm vs.
Fathers Fitzgerald and Murphy. It is
expected that a (Incision will ho
leached the latter part of tho week.
Fattier Fitzgerald received a transcript
of the case last week. The same takes
up lttl pages of closely typewritten
pages. A decision Is eagerly looked
for on both sides and it is hoped tho
present trial will end the case, and
that peace in Catholic circles will
again bo restored. Herald.
C. Shuck, proprietor of the Nemaha
Valley Berkshire farm, won tho fol
lowing premiums on tils hogs at tho
Aubuin and&nlem fairs:
At Auburn lie got Hrst premium on
boar, sweepstakes over everything on
boar, and sweepstakes over everything
on sow and pigs.
At Salem Mr. Shuek got first Pre
mium on boar.sweepHtukHH overeverv-.
tiling on sow and pigs. Hrst premium
on yearling sow, second premium on
sow, HrBt premium on hour, Hrst pre
mium on pig Keven months old, second
premium on pit? five months old, and
second premium on boar pig.
As Mr. Shuck had but few hogs on
exhibition the showing Is a remarkably
good ono.
House and two lots in Nemalm.
Apply to Kemp Coleriok.
W.W. Sanders. Notary Public. Pen
sions papers of all klndB made out acs
curately. Legal documents drawn up
All business given prompt and careful
R. E. Morse, traveling salesman,
Galveston, Texas., says: Ballard's
Smnv Liniment cured mo of Rheuma.
tism of three months standing after
use of two bottles. J. S. Doan. Dan
ville, Ilia., says 1 havo used Ballard's
Snow Liniment for years and would
not be without it. J. K. Grooh, Rio,
Ills., says Rallard's Snow Liniment
cured terrible pains in back of head
and nock when nothing else would.
Every bottle guaranteed. Price 50
cents. Sold by Taylor tho druggist.
Sinco 1878 there have been nine epU
demies of dysentery In different parts
of tho country In which Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
was used with perfect sucoiss. Dysen
tery, when epidemic, is ulmost aa se
vere and dantfornuB as Asiatic cholera.
Heretofore the best efforts of tho most
skilled physicians have failed to check
Its ravages, this remedy, however, lias
cured the most malignant cases, both
of children and adults, and under tho
most trying conditions, which proves
it to tie tho best mebiclne in the world
for bowel complaints. For sale by
Taylor' tho druggibt.
from falling out or turning gray. This
is a positive fact, and we guarantee
Beggs' Hair Renewor to do It. It
cleanses thescalp.leavingthe hair glos
uy and luxuriant. Sold by Taylor
RIpanB Tabules: at druggists.
Rlpans Tahulos euro headache
Rlpans Tahules cure dizziness.
Rlpans Tabules: gentle catliartlc.
Rlpans Tabules: ono gives relief.