The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 20, 1896, Image 2

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    'lam'Dt'mvi.ijuti umjmiuwjitjujtuiuijiijiiummmmn,
iijiih auiimii miiwiiiiiiuiuiiiiiii ii
ebmslm Mdvertwer.
PUww mTWCttWT?CTTgWlWl VWHB&ntJtft
Wm m
UUHtb Yintttt ALL tLSt fA LK.
Dost Coub Syrup. Tastes Good. Uso
in limn. Kola br urniulotn.
-Jkt.mi un-k,l
NtS-HAtt A ClTV, NuimAICA.
Otlloe first door south of Park hotel.
m I
Nomalia City, Neb.
Ilrtlr Ori'HiliiB,
Ku.or Honelug,
.Special attention puld to I.iultci and Ctittdrcn.
Auentor Xcbraika City Steam Laundry.
Kerker & Hoover,
Doalor In
KiifliflHt prices pald'for hides, lard, tnilow
tf.nno. etc
I. C. SUTTON. M. D..
Slmbert, Nebraska.
Does a general practice. Ali culls
promptly answered, day or night. 7 17
J. L. Jlelvin, M.D., Ph.:.
C IM50IAi-iES: Diseases of the Skin. I)ls
O oiset o Wumun and Children Will
iinswer nil c.iIIh, either tiny
I.. i Keynote Drtii: Store
- Nebraska
Surgeon Specialist,
Stella, - Nebraska
Operations for Cataract and all opera
tions on the eye, Vericocele, Hernia,
Hemorrhoids, etc , performed with
out chloroform atul painless. Pa
tients from abroad can obtain boaid
and hospital facilities at prices less
than in a city, considering skill and
sanitary surroundings. Parties
seeking relief through surgical
means will do woll to confer with
Dr. Andrews.
: Representing
tho rustling
of Nemaha,
Leave, your orders
for n team, hack or
dray, and
We do the Rest.
Our Had: moo's all
AHiT A "NT. tonU Cnnadn Krown Emit
lYLiilN. ,ud Orniuneiitol Trees.
i. .. Z Shrubs. Hoses. Bulbs and
"ulbotis Plants. Grano Vines. Small fruits,
Heed Poti toes, etc. Wo catalogue only tho
hardiest and most popular varieties that suc
ceed In tho coldest climates. Now season
now commencing complete ontllt free, sala
ry and expenses paid from sta.t for Mil time
or liberal commission for part tlmo
Apply now, addressing neaiesl olllco, and
get cholort of territory.
International Nurseries,
Chicago, Illinois, or Montreal, Quebec.
Rlpans Tabules euro Indigestion.
Chamberlain's Eyo and Skin Ointment
Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt.
Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped
Hands, Itching Piles, Rums, Frost Rites,
Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids.
For silo by druggists at 25 cents per box.
to horseTowners.
For putting a horse in a fine healthy con
clitlon try Dr. Cndy's Condition Powders,
i. hey tone up the system, aid digestion, euro
ooa of appotitc, relieve constipation, correct
Kidney disorders and destroy worms, giying
new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25
cents per package. For salo by druggists.
Local News.
Thursday is Thanksgiving
Mies Harris, "the milliner," South
District court convones again next
Deputy Sheriff Hill
Wednesday night.
was in town
I Dr. A.S. Hollnday lias taken up hie
I winter residence in Brownvillo.
Edith G Minora came down from
Brownvillo last Saturday and visited
hor Nemaha friends until Sunday
Rev. C. II. Gilmore drove through
town Tuesday on his way to Shubert
to assist Rev. 13. E. Jacobs in a revival
at that place.
Tho first quarterly meeting of the
M. E. church for the Brownvillo and
Nemaha circuit will be hold at Rethol
church Sunday, Dec. Oil).
Miss May Brooks is enjoying a vinit
from bormothor, who arrived in Ne
maha Wednesday. Mrs. Brooks re
sides in Oklahoma, we believe.
Rev. Peter Van Fleet, of Nobrasksi
City, presiding elder of tho Nebraska
City district of the M. E. church , gave
us a pleasant call Friday forenoon.
MisB Maleona J. Smith, daughter ol
Lorenzo D. Smith, went to Crab Or
chard Tuesday and was there united
in marriage to James Wolto of that
Harry McCandless is having a tele
phone line run from the depot to Mc
Candless Siding. It will save him
many trips to Nemaha and be a great
Mrs. Sarah Arnold, of Sterling, Colo
rado, arrived in Nemaha Tuesday on a
visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Frost, and her many friends in
Nemaha and vicinity.
Jerry Marlatt has rented a house at
Auburn aud moved his household goods
out thero Wednesday. Ho probablj
found after selling here tbit thero wjis
no place like Nemaha county.
II. A. Kyle started for Oneil Tues
day morning. Doc formerly lived at
Oneil and will probably make arrange
ments to move back there while he is
away. He will probably bo gona sev
eral weeks.
We are informed that the tramp or
ator who spoko hero during the cam
paign will give a lecturo in Nemaha
soon. He is a good talker and will
interest you. Tho dato will be an
nounced later.
Mrs. J, W. Webber says her new
grandson has been named Wallace
Bryan White, and they are just as
proud of him as if Bryan hud been
elected president. She says he ought
U bo a good man, as ho is named after
two good man.
Tho trouble botwoen Llttroll and
Dede Burness was settled Thursday
morning by Dtue withdrawing tho
suit he had begun for tho possession of
the horse he had traded for. and pay
ing all costs, taking back the horse lie
traded. Peace once more reigns with
in our borders.
Mrs. J. II. Llttrell called at Tun
A dveutiseh ofilce Saturday and com
plained that wo had mado u grelvous
mistake in saying that Ed Llttroll had
traded horaoi with Dede Burgesa, as it
was Art that had done the trading.
She Bald Eddlo had enough to boar
anyway, and sho did not want any
thing laid to him that ho hud not done.
ftemoval of theAchrertiser
This auveutisek otllco has been
noved into the building recently pur
chased from S, II. Avoy, just north ot
'.he hardwaro store. Call In and see tu
in our now location,, pay u year's sub
scription in advance, and thus assist us
in paying for the building.
fho Ladies' Aid Society of the
Christian church will given supper in
tho lower room of tho opera house on
Thanksgiving night next Thursday.
Supper will bo ready at 5 o'clock. Ev
er) body is invited, Prioo of supper,
20 cents.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sliere. of As-
pin wall precinct, wero made hapjiy
Thursday of Inst weok by tho birtli of
twin boys, but one of tho little ones
only lived a short timo. It was buried
in the Nemaha comotery Saturday.
Chas. F. Neal, tho handsomo young
attorney of Auburn, was in town Mon
day. Charley informs us that the No
maha county fair will come out about
even this year with tho appropriation
made by the county commissioners.
Bello Galbraith was ten years old
last Saturday, and gave her playmates
i party to fitly commemorate that im
portant event, The littlo folks heartily
pnjoyod the evening, and hopn
the little hostess will havt
many returns of the day.
J. G. Sanders, who has been stop
ping at Ward, Colorado, for the past
eight months, returned to Nemaha las
Saturday. John was in tho midst ol
the mining region and wandered awav
after the falso god of free silver, but
we hope by proper association will be
firought to seo the error of his ways
loon .
The semi-annual convention of tin
Nemaha county W. C. T. U. was hold
in Brwwnville in tho Christian church.
Thursday, Nov. 12. A number from
Peru, Auburn, Nemaha and Brown
ville assembled at the church at 10 a.
m and the meeting opwned witli de
votional exerotaes, led by Sister Gates,
of Peru, after which a business meet,
iug was held. Reports of the work
and plans ior the future wero discussed
and meeting adjourned till 2 p. an.
In the afternoon Bro Jacobs led de
votional meotlng, followed by mother
meeting, conducted by Sister Miller.
Papers were read and the subject.
"How Mothers Should Havo Theii
Eyes Open to tho Rest Interests ol
Their Children," was discussed. Man
good thoughts were advanced and we
pray many good impressions wero made
on tho minds of mothers and father-.
An effort was made to organize a W
C. T. U. at Brownville but failed.
In tho evening Prof. Ilosic gave a
short talk on "The Good Work of the
W. C. T. U.," and among other thiugB
said they wore not afraid to agitato.
Prof. Clark lectured on "The Spirit ol
the Times," which was greatly en
joyed. Bro. Gates then spoko of
the good work the W. C. T. U. was
doing in prisons and other dark places
God bless the W. C. T. U. and may its
intluenco reacli every heart in every
Wo wish all our delinquent subscrN
hers who can furnish us wood or corn
would bring the same in at once, as wo
need it. Either old or new corn will
be taken.
FOR RE NT. A houeo of five room
in one of the most desirable locations
in Nemaha. House is in good lepair.
A good barn on property. Apply at
this office.
Take the wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
McElhanoy, proprietor.
Rlpans Tabules cure nausea.
JOx J. Xj. JVTelviii.
Olllco at residecno, south of Minick
store building.
With this number of tho "Standard"
Designer begins a new volume of this
practical and thorough jour,
mil of fashion for women, misses and
children. Good bocinnincs are sninn-
timos supposed to mako bad endings,
but if past achievements may bo ro
gnrded at Indicative tho end of tho
present volume will bo quito as good,
if indeed not better, than tho com
mencement. Nothing seems to have
been left untouched in this issue that
is of Interest to womankind. From
the boudoir to the kitchen each sepa
rate department is fully and charming
ly illustrated and discussed. Thero is
a Thanksgiving Ilavor givon to the
number by two short stories on tho
anujcui, mm muimroiis recipes ior sea
sonable culinary dulwtlos. Women all
over tho United States, no matter on
which side their sympathies are onlisU
ed, cannot fail to bo interested in the
short biography of "Tho Wife of Our
Future President." RioTclinc. fancv
work, millinery and llorlculturciire
wtitten about in a bright and onter-
tainlngmanuor, and it is only neces.
sary to Pay that tho fashions are up to
their usual standard to Have it under
stood that they aro stylish, refined and
effective as it is possible for the de
signers' skill and the artists' pencils to
mako them.
kj. oiiuck, proprietor or mo iNemaiia
Valley Berkshire farm won tho fol
lowing premiums on his hogs at the
Auburn aud bulem fairs:
At Auburn he got first premium on
.t ri ..i !a it ., .
boar, sweepstakes over everything on
boar, and sweepstakes over everything
on sov and pigs.
At Salem Mr. Shuck got first pre
in i ti in on boar.sweepBtakcs over every
thing on sow and pigs, first premium
on yearling sow, second premium on
sow, first premium on boar, first pre
mium on pig seven mouths old, second
premium on pig live months old, and
tecond premium on boar pig
As Mr. Shuck had but few hogs on
exhibition the showing is a remarkably
good ono.
Though the'Twico-a-Woek Republic
)f St. Louis excelled all other westoni
weekly papers in publishing the news
of the campaign, it now announces
that it lias extended its news service,
and hereafter will give its readers the
best paper in the country. This means
much, because the next twelve months
will bo crowded with news of big
events, Witli all the improvements to
its service the yearly subscription will
bo the same ono dollar a year, by
mail, twice a week.
Nemaha, Pfclb.
Canned Goods
Rico fie
Prunes Gc
Peaches 00
Package Coffee 20
Mocha and Java Roast Coffee SO
J Upilll i- till Ol)
Lilly Starch 0(1
Horse Shoe Tobacco 37
BattloAxo Tobacco 28
Toddy 23
Kirkendall g Co. Shoes: The best on the market.
Everything at BedRook Prices
Everything that is kept in a general store can be found here, with
prices to suit tho times. Call aud sou m and gut prices.
N. R, Anderson's Gash
1 havo for salo fuio thoroughbred
Poland China and Duroo Jersey male
pigs for snlo My hogs aro choice and
woll bred, from tho ilnost prlzo win
ning stock in tho world Cholco of
pigs, 810 each. Call and Inspect stock .
J. II . Skid.
House aud two lota in Nemaha.
Apply to Kemp Coi.euiok.
W.W. Sanders. Notary Public. Pen
sions papers of all kinds mado out acs
curately. Legal documents drawn up
All business given prompt and careful
Wo havo mado arrangements where
by wo can sond The Advkutiseii and
the Inter Ocean both ono year for only
81. 00 cash In advance.
R. Vj. Morse, traveling salesman,
Galveston, Texas., Bays: BallardH
Snow Liniment cured me of Rheumii
tism of three months standing alter
uso of two bottles. J. S. Doan, Dan
ville, Ills., says I havo used Ballard's
Snow Liniment for years aud would
not be without it. J. It. Grnuh, Rio,
Ills., says Ballard's Snow Liniment
cured terrible pains in back of head
and neck when nothing else would.
Every bottlo guaranteed. ' Price 00
cents. Sold by Taylor tho druggist.
Since 1878 there have been nino epU
demies of dysentery in different parts
of tho country in which Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
was used with perfect auccass. Dysen
tery, when epidemic, i almost as se
vere and dangerous as Asiatic nhiflora.
Heretofore the best efforts of the most
skilled physicians have failed to check
its ravages, this remedy, howover, baa
cured the most malignant cases, both
of children and adults, and under the
most trying conditions, which proves
it to bo the best mebicine in the world
for bowel complaints. For sale !y
Taylor' tho druggist.
from falling out or turning gray. This
is a positive fact, and we guarantee
Beggs' Hair Rwnewer to do It. It
cleanses the scalp, leaving the hair glos
sy and luxuriant. Sold by Taylor
- B
Rlpans Tabules: at druggists.
Rlpans Tabuloe euro hoadacho.
Rlpans Tabules cure dizziness.
Rlpans Tabules euro dyspepsia.
Rlpans Tabules: gentle cathartic.
Rlpans Tnbulcs: ono gives relief.
Canned Corn flo
Canned String Beans 03
Canned Tomatoes 8c
Canned Lima Beans 8c
Sugar Drip Molasses, lino 40
Oat Meal 08
All shades in Henriettas 22c lr yrd
Good Prints at 05c
Lij Muslin at 0.1c
24 inch Turkoy Red Handkerchiefs one
21 Inch Turkey Red Handkerchiefs Oilc
A new line of Hats from 15c to 82 00
McKinloy Hats aro beauties.
Boys' Suits from 85 cents to 84.00