The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 06, 1896, Image 2

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VT. XV. HANDKU9, l'ubllilier.
. . ,
; San. Mon. Tuo. Wod. Thur. Frl. Sal. ,;
: Illllllilili-Z
: 8 9 10 U 12 13 u :
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ':
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Summary of tho Dally Nowb.
A .mkdai, of lionor hns been awarded
"by tho government to MllWm L. Ilnney,
lute chaplain of tho Fifty-Fifth Illinois
volunteers for bravery at tho battle of
Atlanta In July 2!, 18(51. A modal bus
also just been presented to Frederick:
W. Font, lato sergeant Fifteenth Indi
ana light artillery for bravery at Har
ler's Ferry, Vn., on .September 15, 1802.
At tho eabinet meeting at Washing
ton on the 110th Scerotaries Carlisle,
Herbert and Francis were absent. Sec
retary Olney wuh closeted with tlio
president for an hour regarding some
minor matters in his department.
Tun coinage executed at tho mints
of tho United States during October
was as follows: Gold, 8ri,527,600; silver,
$2,84'l,0()i); minor coin, $110,000. Of tho
silver coined 82,350,000 wuro standard
silver dollars, on whicn tho seignior
age realized was about 8700,000. Tho
outstanding national bank circulation
on November 1 war, S2IM, 837,057, an In
crease during tho month of 1,315,027.
Tho circulation based on bonds wus
Tins annual report of Second Assist
ant Postmaster-General Charles Gllson
shows the annual rate of expenditure
for all mail transportation at the close
of tho fiscal year to have been $40,5211,
032, of which $47,003,007 was for inland
mail and the remainder for foreign
norvice. Tho annual travel in star
Borvico alono was over 122,000,000 miles.
Ciiikf Jubtick Fur.i.Kit has given
notice thnt tho United States Buprotno
court would talco a recess November 10
until December 1.
CirAitr.KH Hohton, a wealthy and aged,
resident of Middletown, N. Y., wont
to the polls and voted on tho 8d and
then fell dead on his return home.
Nkws has been received from Sucre,
Holt via. that tho commissioner of for
eign affairs of tho sonata has presented
a motion in that body for tho recogni
tion by Bolivia of tho Cuban insur
gents as belligerents.
Tom: Stan ms v, a inina superintend
ent, was shot and fatally wounded on
tho way to tho polls at Ashland, Ky.,
by IUo Harbor, who put throo bullets
in ills victim's abdomen. Family
troubles were at tho bottom of tho
Ma.nv women woro in lino at tho
various polling places at Denver, Col.,
on tho 3d, eager to vote in their first
presidential election.
At an early hour on tho 1st fire broko
Out at tho Franklin house at Manistee,
Mich., and cut off all communication
with tho street. Fifteen guests were
compelled to jump from tho second
story in their night clothes and several
were severely burned. The fl ro depart
ment soon put out tho fire.
At Fartningdulo, 111., tho Hoggs olo
vator, Good's grocery storo and Tripp's
lumber yard were destroyed by tiro
which started in tho elevator and was
supposed to have been causud by n
spark from a passing train.
Tin: Lutheran League of America is
called to meet at Chicago November 17.
At Uollaire, O., on tho 2d Scott Lin
ton shot and fatally wounded William
Metzlor and licllo Gray and then killed
himself at Georgetown.
Two men were killed and one fatally
injured by a premature explosion '" a
tunnel of tho Wyoming Coal Co. at
Wllkesbarre, I 'a.
Tub 31st wns generally observed as
Hag duy in all tho principal cities of
tho country by botli of tlio big parties
and in many places political parados
wero hold.
Mks. J. llYHNics, of Now York, be
came suddenly insane and, declaring
thnt her friends had hatched a plot to
kill her two infant children, piabbed
them from their bed, and, running'
wildly down tho street, threw them in
front of an electric car, and had it not
been for tho prompt aid of passers-by
they would have been crushed under
the wlicela
In Now York city on tho 31st thero
was a monster republican parade, 125.
000 mon being in line. It took tho pro
cession seven hours to pass n given
A I.KADINO millor of Montreal, Can.,
has received a letter from a Liverpool
grain Arm respecting tlio riso in wheat
by tho cessation of shipments from
Russia, India and Wo do la Plata, and
saying: "Wo are now particularly de
pendent on America for our supplies
for tho next six months. What tho
price will be will be fixed by America."
I'bti: Hanson brained bin wife with
tin nx at Hloomiug Grove, Tex., and
then committed suicide. Three small
children were loft orphans. Tlio mur
derer believed his wifo unfaithful.
Tin: returns about tlio elections wero
very slow in coming in, but indications
pointed to tho election of McKinloy
and Ilobart for president and vice
Lion IIayks killed J. A. Colbath at
Victoria, Tex., in a quarrel over tho
merits of tho candidates for FiherifT.
Two colored mon quarreled over tlio
possession of an old weapon on tho
farm of Dr. Carrick near Lexington,
Ky., and ono killed the other with a
Wnir.K Jeff Jackson, John Adams,
William Taylor and Hobort Allison,
negro laborers, were working at a su
gar enne mill near Wild Fork, Monroe
county, Ala., they were fired upon by
unknown persons, and all but Taylor
instantly killed. Ho will die. It was
supposed to havo been done by a gang
of whitecap.s.
CiiAiitMAN Hahcocic, of tho repub
lican congressional committee, claims
100 majority against silver in tho next
PitiiCiNCT A of tho Fifth ward of Lin
coln, Nob., Hryan's precinct, gavo
Hryan 102 votes to 10!) for McKlnley.
Ouvnit Couiitnkv was killed at Wil
mington, Del., on tho 3d while driving
tho engine of tho IMicunlx volunteer
firemen to a firo on tho edgo of tho
town. The horses ran into a deep
ditcli near tlio roadside, and the engine
falling in pinioned Courtney under it.
Ho was 38 years old.
Ma,i. MoKini.kv carried his ward in
Canton, O., by tho following precinct
pluralities: A, 111); H, 51; C, 115; D, 15;
total, 201. This ward gavo Cleveland
At Williamsport, Pa., after midnight
of tho 31st, tho streets were packed
full of republicans and democrats who
had participated in tlio big political
demonstrations and for hours after
there was a perfect riot. Tlio police
arretted men till tho cells wero full in
a vain attempt to disperse the crowd.
Tlio chief of police was obliged to re
tire, followed by tlio imprecations of
tho mob. Tho mayor finally sent out
a llro engine. Tho ruse worked, tho
crowd breaking up and following it.
Tiihkic masked men hold up tho
southbound "ICaty" passenger train
near Alvarado, Tex., on tho night of
tho 2d. They ordered tho express mes
senger to hand out tho money, but ho
turned off the light and fastened tlio
door. Tho robbers, who were evident
ly novices, woro disconcerted and tho
engineer, realizing tlio situation, im
mediately pulled out and tho robbers
failed to secure anything.
Tint locomotive of the train on which
John P. Irish was following William
J. Hryan through Nebraska and mak
ing speeches in opposition to tho presi
dential aspirant, collided with a
freight on tlio 2d and John M. Tipling,
of Lincoln, a commercial traveler, was
Gen. Joseph T. Toihiknck died on tho
31st at Chicago, aged 53. Ho had been
ill for a long time with Hright's dis
ease. He leaves an estate worth sev
eral millions.
In tho football game between Prince
ton and Cornell at New York on tho
31st tho former boat tho latter bj' a
scoro of 30 to 0.
Tin: football game at West Point, N.
Y., between tho cadets and Yale uni
versity resulted in the following score:
Yale, 10; West Point, 2.
A nkw cotton gin on the farm of N.
A. Sturgis, southeast of Guthrie, Ok.,
was destroyed by (ire on tho night of
tho 31st Five thousand dollars' worth
of cotton belonging to fanners in tho
neighborhood was also lost,
Tiik residence of a farmer named
Hobiusnn, living near Wood vllle, Mich.,
was destroyed by lire early on the 30th
and Mrs. Robinson and a child wero
burned to death and Mr. Robinson
probably fatally burned.
Wiiu.k A. E. Willston was speaking
at Prestonsburg, Ky., some porsons at
tempted to howl him down. An effort
was being mado to restoro quiet when
a young man named Marr pulled a
knife and plunged tlio blade into tho
back of a man named Perry, killing
him almost instantly. A lynching was
narrowly averted.
A iiki'o::t from Denver, Col., said that
thero was likely to be a severe loss
among tho range cattle in Kansas, Ne
braska and eastern Colorado, owing to
a blizzard that was blowing on the 30th.
"Uncus Him.y" Fr.oni:Y, who was
tortured at his hermit homo near De
catur, 111., a year ago by robbers, has
died, aged 74 yours. Ho was attaclcod
in tho night by four mon, who burned
his foot and hands, and held him on a
red-hot cook stove until ho was forced
to reveal tho hiding place of 551,200 in
cash which tlio villains secured. Gun
greno and otlior ailments followed tho
sovero treatment, and death enmo to
bis relief. Tho parties who assaulted
him havo never been found.
A 15-YKAU-oi.D boy named Harris fell
beneath tho wheels while trying to
steal a rido on a S:inta Fc train at
Mulhnll, Olc, and had both arms and
legs cut off.
Jay Kto.v, of Elizabeth, N. J., low
ered tho mile paced indoor iceord of
1:50 2-5, held by Tom Cooper, of De
troit, making tlio distance in 1:58 2fl,
at Memphis, Tenn., on tho 30th. Ho
was paced by u tandem.
An oil stove in the house of William
Altonbach at Milwaukee exploded and
scattered tlio burning fluid ovar the
family in tho kitchen. Altonbaoh, his
wife and u babe in arms wore fatally
burne .
Dtt. Jambs A. Nohto.v, silver candi
date for congress, had a hand-to-hand
encounter at the polls in Tiffin, O.,
with Jacob Ycagcr, republican. Nor
ton was badly punished and Yeager'n
arm wns broken. The trouble was
caused by Yeagcr assailing tlio doctor's
Grand Army record.
A I'liBinitT train, carrying 20 harvest
hands who were going homo with their
wages in tlieir pockets, was boarded at
Anoka, Minn., by three men who,
when tlio train had got under way,
proceeded to hold up the liarvest men
with revolvers and as fast as they
robbed each man ho was compelled to
jump off tho car or was pushed off.
Mns. Annus i-ciMiticnint, aged 28, and
her nephew, a lad of 11, elopod from
their homes in Chicago on the 2d and
the next day Mr. Sohricbcr received
word that his wife was in tho hospital
at Elgin, 111., at tho point of death and
the boy had been found dead on tlio
sidewalk. The shooting was dono with
a revolver purchased by the boy.
A dispatch from Madrid on tlio 3d
said that tlio town of Huelva had been
swept by a tidal wave from tho At
lantic ocean and that tho loss of life
wns awful. No details wero given.
Tlio steamer Cartagcnn, too, was said
to have been overwhelmed by tho
great wave and most of tho persons
on board drowned.
Right Rbv. F. R. Wi.vni:, Protestant
bishop of Killnloc, Ireland, dropped
(lend at Dublin on tho 3d and tho bish
op's wife was found dead in her bed an
hour after.
An exploded stove set lire to three
houses in Oak Cliff, Tex., and they
were destroyed and Hessie Edwards
burned to death. There wero 10 per
sons in the houses burned and they all
had narrow escapes in tlieir niglit'gar
ments. Hm.A Hiiikman and Anna Vandcr
wall, aged nine and seven years re
spectively, voro killed by a ear whilo
crossing the Chicago & Alton tracks at
Chicago on the 2d. The girls were on
tlieir way to school.
At Huena Park, Cal., Harvey R.
Moon attempted to lead a bull out to
pasture, but tho animal knocked him
down and soon stamped ills life out
Moon was an old soldier and served in
the One Hundred and Sixteenth Indi
ana infantry.
FUitsT. brother of the imperial chan
cellor of Germany, died at Rome on
tho 30th, aged 73.
A oano of 30 Italian laborers became
panic stricken on an electric car at
Newark, N. J., on the 2d, through the
Hashing of a battery, and they tum
bled out while tho car was under full
headway and ono man was killed, ono
fatally injured and four others seri
ously hurt
Touohs nrmed with rifles, clubs and
canes terrorized the residents and
pedestrians of Ashland boulevard, Chi
cago, on the night of tho 31st. After
throwing lampblack and pepper into
the faces of pedestrians and breaking
hundreds of dollars' worth of window
glass, tho gang wound up in tho
Eighteenth ward, whero there where
three riots before midnight
Cuiian leaders at Jacksonville and
Key West, Fin., recently declared that
the relations between tho United
States and Spain bad reached a crisis
in the matter of the Competitor prison
ers and that Spain was disposed to pro
ceed in a high-handed way in regard
to tlio prisoners without regard to
treaty rights, which would cause either
the United States to inter cue or Spain
to ignominiously lack down.
PniVATK Si;ciu:r.KY Tiiuuiibh stated
on the 4th that President Clevelnnd
had commenced the preparation of his
annual message and would be obliged
to deny himself to the public until it
was completed, the mouth of Novem
ber usually being devoted to the task.
Mns. John- Mai.onby. an aired resi
dent of Itlnoinlngton, 111., was struck
and instantly killed by a Lake Erie
train in that city tho other evening.
Jamks Shahiiktt stabbed James
Shaffer in the neck tlio other night at
Oak Hill, Vn. The men had engaged
in a political dispute and a fight fol
lowed with tho above result
Tin: emperor of China lias substi
tuted the punishment of the loss of a
year's salary, instead of tho depriva
tion of all his olliees. on Li Hung Chang
for presuming to enter the precincts of
tho ruined summer palace whilo visit
ing tlio dowager empress of China.
Rbv. I) it. Ai.oxzo II. Quint, a prom
inent divine and member of the board
of commissioners of foreign missions
and ono of the visitors of Andover
Theologicnl seminary, died suddenly
of heart disease at lioston on the 4th.
Chaw.ks Johnson and Gus Glasgow
beenme involved in a quarrel over pol
itics at Philadelphia which ended by
both drawing revolvers and firing at
each other. Johnson had one linger
shot awny and Glasgow received a bul
let in the groin and was removed to
tho hospital, whero ho was reported
A watkuspout at Poviacao, in tho
A '.ore islands, destroyed most of that
place recently and a great loss of life
was reported.
FiiKDMiucic I. Makcy, ono of tho best
known manufacturing jewelers in this
country, was found dead in his olllce
at Providence, R. I., on tho morning
of tlio 4th. Four gas jots were found
turned on at full force. Huslness de
spondency caused him to commit sui
cide. PllBSIDBNT Cl.KVKI.ANl issilO'.l a
nroelimation on tho 4th appointing
Thnrsiny, 'Novemler 20. to bo ob
I served as Thanksgiving day.
tfnrclnntlon to lie Forced on Mrn In St
I.ouM Factories mul IUkIihsa limine.
St. Louis, Nov. 2. There is trouble
ahead for Dr. Max Stnrkloff and the
city board of health. It will grow oul
of tho board's alleged determination
to raise the city's vaccination percent
age by extending tho compulsory
system to many of the largo factories
and business houses, whero a great
many men are employed, besidos com
tinning it in tho public schools. II
has been announced, unofficially, that
tlio board will press vaccination upon
men regardless of tlieir wishes, undet
tho protenso that it is justified by the
city ordinances. If such an nttempt
is mado it will meet with determined
resistance, and tlio matter will bo car
ried into the courts and fought to o
Hho Throw Iter Two Siimlt Children It
Front of mi KIcctrlo Car.
Nbw Yokk, Nov. 2. Mrs. J. Ryrncs
bocamc suddenly insane Saturday, and
declaring that her friends had hatchet?
a plot to kill her two children, ono at
infant of eight months and the othc:
10 months older, grabbed them from
their bed and. running wildly down tc
Columbus avenue, threw them in front
of an electric car. Tho infants were
helpless to move, and had it not becu
for the prompt aid rondered by passers
by they would havo been crushed un
der tho wheels of tho fast-moving car.
As it was, both children narrowly es
caped with tlieir lives. She suddenly
became religious two weeks ago, and
taught her oldest child passages from
tlio IHblc several hours at a time.
A Cuiiir of TourIih Commit Depreciation!
la an Aristocratic District.
Ciiicaoo, Nov. 2. Toughs armed
witli rifles, clubs, canes and carrying
cobblestones, bricks and bags contain
ing pepper and iampblack, terrorized
residents and pedestrians of aristo
cratic Ashland boulevard from Adams
to Congress streets Saturday night
After throwing pepper and lampblack
into tho faces of half n dozen pedes
trians and breaking hundreds of dol
lars' worth of window glass, tho gang
of disturbers wound up in tho Eight
eenth ward, where thero wore three
riots before midnight
ranlcs of Dally Occurrence Classes Look
ing: for Wur.
CoNflTANTINOI'LB, Nov. 2. It is ru
morcd that the Armenians havo decid
ed to poison the water supply, and
tho authorities are taking rigid pre
cautions. Patiics arc of daily occur
rence. The masses regard the increase
in the price of bread ns a sign of the
approach of war. The bitterest strife
exists among the ministers at Yildla
Kiosk. There are rumors of tho arrests
of ministers and officials.
I'roposcd Oklahoma llranrh.
Siiawnbk, Ok., Nov. 2. Tho Choc
taw, Oklahoma & Gulf Railway Co. is
contemplating the construction of a
branch north to a junction with the
'Frisco at Sapulpa, and a party of en
gineers is now outrunninga line. For
many miles this 1 ranch will run
through rich coal fields as well aa for
ests of the finest timber and the com
pany, beinrtlie first to reach them,
can easily obtnin control of tho entire
output of lumber and fuel.
A Labor AsM-mlily DUhandcd.
Ciiicaoo, Nov. 2. Tlio Chicago
Trades and Labor assembly, which
has since 1SS0 been ono of the strong
est factors in trades unionism in this
city, was formally disbanded Sunday
afternoon in pursuance of a resolution
passed a mouth ago. Tho action was
duo to friction among the members.
A meeting will be held Wednesday
looking to reorganization under the
auspices of the Fe iorntion of Labor.
CharccH Against llanna.
Dallas, Tex., Nov. 2. The Dnllas
county grand jury, in session here
Saturday, found an indictment against
Mark Hanna for corruption and
bribery. It is charged thnt ho tele
graphed an offer of SiO.OOO here for the
electoral vote of Texas. 'Ihe grand
jury is endeavoring to get the Western
Union Telegraph Co. toirivo up certain
telegrams in order that it may prose
cute others on similar charges.
Indiana Town llurm-d.
Rusiivili.i:, Ind., Nov. 2. The
greater part of the business portion
of the town of Manilla. 12 miles south
east of this city, was wiped out Sun
day by fire. Two blocks of frame
business houses wore consumed. The
town has no firo department, and
Rnshvillo was called on for aid. The
total loss will bo over 540,000, on which
there was but S2.20O insurance.
Sldo Light on tho Klsi) In Wheat.
Montiibal, Can., Nov. 2. A leading
miller has received a letter from a
Liverpool grain firm respecting tho
riso in wheat occasioned by the cessa
sation of shipments from Russia,
India and Rio de la Plata, and say ng'
"Wo aro now practically dependent on
America for our supplies for tho next
six months. What tho price will bo
will be fixed by America."
KiikIIhIi Wheels Not Wanted.
Washington, Nov. 2. According to
reports from Unltod States Consul Par
ker at Hirmiinrhara tho trade of that
place with thi United States in bicycle,
materials is steadily declining and
promises to terminate altogether in a
bliort time. As for tlio complete bicy
cles, the trade with tlio United States
has completely stopped. Not one was
chipped this via.-.
Immcuso Quantities of Provisions De
voured tit tho Collfcgc.
A New York Mail and Express report
er has discovered a down-town house
that rejoices in the lionor of supplying
tho swoct Vnssar girls with what they
cat. It is quite a serious affair, tho
educated appetites of these young la
dies. They have increased steadily the
past fivo years, nnd tho merchant whe
furnishes "a few figures" says that if
the increase goes on it will be neces
sary to include the daily food purchase
of the college in the market reports
to sec what effect they may have on
prices. This merchant would not give
his own personal figures, but ho ex
hibited an unnual statement of tho
collego thnt bus just been issued.
What will Hoston culture and other
things esthetic sny to an army of young
women wlio will so far forget all con
ventionalism as to eat 125,000 buckwheat
cakes in one year? Nothing surrep
titious about this cither. All dono
openly and nbove the table board. Look
ing along the list it will be found that
the young Indies consumed 250 barrels
of flour, 10,000 oranges nnd lemons,.
14,000 bnnnnns, 105,000 quarts of milk
1,200 bushels of potatoes, 97,000 pounds,
of fresh meats, 10,000 pounds of smoked
meats, G.000 pounds of chickens, 5,000
pounds of turkeys, 5,000 pounds of fish,.
40,000 clams, 105,000 gallons of oysters,.
18,000 pounds of butter, und Insi, but
not lenst, by any means, in a Vnssar
girl's composition, S2.000 pounds of
In tho obovo no allowance is runde,.
it will be noticed, for the "stolen fruits,"
such as forbidden luncheons and candy
smacks after retiring, nor is any atten
tion paid to tho tea, coffee, vegetables
nnd sweetmeats. Surely these young
ladies have educated appetites. '
Tlio Jeweled Serpent's Ilenddrena.
In Italy tlio peasantry talk of the
"jeweled Eerpont" and tlio wonderful
crown or chnplet which he wears. This
Gcrpcnt, which the naturalists claim is
as mythical as tho legendary hoop
snake, is held in great reverence by
the ignorant Italians, and many curi
ous stories aro told about his crown.
The crown is believed to bo separate
from tho snake's head, and to be com
posed of natural jewels of great occult
power. Occasionally a jeweled scrpont
lays his crown asido whilo foraging,
and if it is found nnd picked up by
some person at this time it will work
weal or woe, according to tho time of
day. Insanity, tho Italians claim, is
caused by people discovering and pick
ing up serpent crowns in tlio early
morning, before the dew is off the?
grass! St Louis Republic.
He Never Could.
Two clergymen were walking to
gether recently, when ono of them had
the misfortune to fall over some orange
peel. "Ua! Hal" exclaimed his brother
of the cloth, "the wicked always stand
on slippery ground." "o it soemn,"
said the falling one, "but I never
could." Pittsburg Dispatch.
"We think Piso's Curo for Consumption is
the only mcdiclno for Coughs. Jr.xxiB
1'jNCKAiti), Springfield, Ills., Oct. 1, 1S04.
HnAUTirur. heiress (after tlio ball)
"Mary, go bacic to tlio hall and seo if per
haps thero aro any more lieutenants kneel
ing about." Fliegcndo Blactter.
Casc.iiu.ts stimulate liver, kidneys and.
bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe.
Maul "Too bad, old fellow, the hanging
cotmnittco slcicd your canvas." D'Auber
My boy, with tho hanging committee the
urt is to conceal tho art" London Figaro,
When bilious or costive, eat a Cascarct,
candy cathartic, cure guaranteed, 10c, 2.V;.
Vour blood at this season by taking Hoou'c
Sarsnparilln und you will not need to Icar
pneumonia, fevers or tho trip. Kcmembcr
Is the Hcst In fact tho OnoTmo Wood Purifier,
WrH'c D!ll- not harmoniously with
Mkuut.i j a mu Hood's Siirsanarlua. '
A Decided NiK-ci-aa."
Pn nays 51r, V'm. I.anyun, of I'ltUlmrtr, Knas
Mr. I.miyon Is Idcntlllod with mm of tlm largest zinc
Hiicltlhi.' plimtH lu l Me. t'nlteil Slnten. Hit h:u Irlt-iO
Ur.ivett' I)ynic-pln Curo mill freely ndinltH Hint It U
tliu most wonderful medicine, of tliu w:o for alt
BtomiiL-h truulili'H. Address Urines Miimifuclurlnrr
Co , 1'IuslmrK, Knn for fiue. sample p.ickiiKti.
want mon everywhere
mm UWIIIIX I III.LU lirnven "UllHt-
y iiiuijv D05t." Mini
'A nyxtoin. 8TAIIK llllOTHKilS,
Vi Louisiana, Mo., nocicrouT.lll.
taWWW umui.uhii-13 iinniuu
KMPIKI? XtKSKUY CO.. St. J.oiils. Mo.
Ecst CouKh Syrup. Tomcs Good. Ueo I
C HIS W ALL t'hfc l-ALS.
in timn. com uy uniKzists.
y ljl j Ihw