The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 23, 1896, Image 2

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W. W HANDKIW, 1'tiblliilicr.
" i
i - -
Summary of tho Daily Nowo.
Titniti" wiih a fulling oir In postal ro
coiptH for tho quarter ended Septem
ber 30. of S1,fi00,0()0, as compared with
tho quarter ended .Juno, and SM.OOO as
compared with tho quarter ended Sep
tember 30 of last year.
A HTATKMKNT prepared by tho bureau
of mints hIiowh that during September
there was coined from bullion pur
chased under tho act of July II, 181)0,
$12,700,100 standard silver dollars, con
taining U,0S3,:ir8 ouncci of puro silver,
tho cost of which was $1,802,071, giviuit
it seigniorage or prollt of $837,41)8,
which lias boon deposited in tho treas
ury. Tirr. annual report of tho third as
hlstant postmaster-general for tho past
Hicul year shows tho total expenditure
for tho year was il)0,(W(,liilfi, and re
ceipts, SS2.11)'J,203, leaving a deficiency
of 58,127,088. Tliu number of po.stafc
stamps, stamped envelopes and postal
cards issued was 'l,10r,G05,r23, iu in
crease of soven per cent, over the is
sues of tho previous year. The total
number of pieces of mall matter regis
tered was ir,10(i,!l3iS.
A Wahiiinoton dispatch on tho Mth
stated that tliero was high authority
for savlnif that Secretary Carlisle i
likely to succeed Senator Hlaokhurii in
tho senate, and that a deal to that ef
fect had' been arranged between the
sound money democrats of Kentucky
and the republican leaders.
Tin: October fruit report of tho ag
ricultural dopartmont at Washington
Hhowcd it heavy apple crop and an
especially lino quality in tho northern
tior of states, but prices wore extremely
Tun 11th annual encampment of tho
National Union Veterans' legion wan
called to order by Commander Georgo
C James at Washington, with about
1,000 delegates and as many moro mem
bers present as visitors. They had a,
parade through tho streets which was
viewed by President Cleveland. John
O. Douiihoc, of Wilmington, Del., was
elected national commander and Co
lumbus, ()., chosen for tho next moot
ing. Ruoai.rcs has mado his
nnnual report to tho secretary of war.
Ho stated that tliero wore 8, -108 enlist
ments in tho army during tho past
year and l,!I7.rj dofcortions.
Assistant Skciiktakv Wim.iam 13.
Cinms, of the treasury dopartmont at
Washington, has written a letter to
Assistant, Secretary Dabncy, of tho de
partment of agriculture, in which ho
defends tho Now York bankers from
the allegations often made that they
arc interested in tho withdrawals of
gold from tho treasury.
A oioANTioswindling scheme carried
on in America for tho last live years is
said to luivo been laid baro by thu
Chicago police. Seven mon huvo been
arrested in connection with thochurgcH
of fraud. The namo under which tho
allied manipulators of tho .scheme and
tliolr agents aro said to have boon
operating is the Koyal Spanish Lottery
Co. of Amoriea, which the police say
lias no connection whatovor with tho
foreign concern.
Tiik I'ortugueso baric Venus, which
sailed from Cardiff, Eng., for Lisbon,
Toundored in a galo off Skermcr island
and 20 persons were drowned.
Cakmxai. Satoi.m, sailed from New
York for Italy on tho 17th.
A iikad-knI) collision occurred at tho
trestle across Littlo Cypress bayou, f
miles north of Orange, Tex., on tho
Southern Pacific, by which John
Clancy, from Unlonville, la., was killed
and the engineer, A. T. Toler, of Hous
ton, who wus running the westbound
train, sustained a fracture of both
thigh bones and a dislocation of tho
right shoulder. Fivo horses and some
other farm stock in tho car witti Clancy
woro killed.
Tiihkk masked highwaymen hold up
tho stage between Hock Springs, Wyo.,
and Hopkins on tho 17th, but got noth
ing for their trouble.
Twkntv-fivk frolght cars, with con
tents, wero destroyed in a wreck on
tho Uig Four railroad, near Welling
ton, O. Tho loss will reach 5100,000.
Dun's review of trade glvosthe num
ber of failures for tho week ended tho
10th in tho United States as 2128, against
203 Inst year, and 40 in Canada, against
4(5 last year.
Tiik Tramway elovator at Jullotta,
Ida., was destroyed by lire, together
with 33,000 bushels of wheat and two
freight cars. Tho flro was tho work of
Skvkxtki:x women woro recently ar
rested in a pool room at Chicago.
John Island, a Crook counselor, was
shot and instantly killed at Oaktaha,
bv Huss Hawkins. Island had driven
off 27 head of cattlo owned by Haw
kins and was preparing to ship thorn
whon Hawkins found thorn. Some
words ensued and Hawkins pulled out
his pibtol and killed Iroland. Both
men aro prominent Creek citizens, and
tho killing has created great excite
ment J. D. Kknxkdv, a banker of Man
chester, la., hanged himself. Had in
vestments said to be the cause.
Tin: town of Carney, 10 miles east of
Outhrlo, Ok., was held up on tho night
of tho 17th by six masked bandits and
the store of Trader Fonts was ran
sacked and S800 in money taken. Fonts
and Ills son were taken a mllo from
town and bound to a tree. Three
posses started in pursuit of tho rob
bers. Tin: Joint Traffic association at Chi
cago lias declared a boycott against tho
Clover Leaf because tho line cut rates
and gave sleeping car and chair car
privileges to holder. of second-class
Tiik big steamer Australasia was
burned on Lake Michigan and now
lies at the bottom of Wliiteilsh bay. It
was valued at 500,000 and was loaded
with a cargo of 2,000 tons of coal for
Milwaukee. Tho vessel and cargo aro
counted it total loss. Tho crew wero
Ovi'.lt 10,000 railway employes parad
ed in Cincinnati on tho 17th, with pres
idents, vice presidents, general mana
gers and other general officers in
line. The demonstration was in favor
of "sound money."
A I'liu: broke out In tho large ware
house of the ohomjeal and fertilizing
works at Alexandria, Va., on tho 18th.
Tho total loss was estimated at 5100,
000. Fifteen small buildings near the
wharves wore destroyed.
A TiiHKii-YKAK-oi.D child of John
Morse, residing near Ilopkinsvilic, Ky.,
fell into an open fire-place while left
alono and was burned to death. Other
children wero playing near, but wore
too badly frightened to call help.
Si'KAKKit Thomas II. Hkkd, of Maine,
spoko at Fort Wayne, Ind., on tho
Ifth, but was unablo to resume his
speaking tour tho next morning on ac
count of his voice giving out
Tin: Army Correspondents' and Art
lists' memorial was dedicated on South
mountain on tho 10th with military
and civic ceremonies. Gov. Lowndes,
Lion. Iloynton, George Alfred Town
send and others made speeches. On
tho monument aro tho names of 100
war correspondents, 11 southern corre
spondents and 30 sketch artists. It is
fit) feet high and 40 feet wide, and
through Its opsn arches it affords e.x
tonslvo views of tho battlefield country
toward Washington and of Antietam
and Harper's Ferry.
Thomas 13. Watson on tho 10th for
warded papers to Kaunas from Thom
son, Oil, notifying tlio secretary oi
state to take his name ns nominee for
vice president from tho head of tho
Itrcidcnthal populist ticket. Mr. Wat
son's name will appear only once on tho
ofllcial ballot in Kansas, and that will
bo at tho head of ,the middle-of-the-road
populist ticket.
Tim tug Niagara was run down in
tho North river at Now York on the
Kith by tho steamboat Magenta. The
tug sank tlireo minutes after tho colli
sion. Tho crew jumped into tho river
and two woro drowned.
Scott Hi:xhox, commercial agent of
tho Illinois Central Railroad Co., lias
sent in his report as to tho ravages of
hog cholera along tho Central linos in
Iowa, llo reports a loss of 40 per cent
of hogs from Jcssup to Fort Dodge.
Tho disease provails at Aldcn, Iowa
Falls, Williams, hlairsburg and other
points. Farmers are alurmod and are
shipping unfattened hogs to market
Tiiitin: firemen wero killed and six
badly injured at a fire at the chemical
warehouse of Gilmour & Co., at Mon
treal, Can. Tho financial loss is 5100,
000. A pitchki) battlo occurcd at Hunts
ville, Tex., between bix negroes over
family matters and two on each side
were killed.
Tin: International Typographical
union, in session at Colorado Springs,
Col., re-elected W. U. Prcscott, of To
ronto, Out., president and clioso John
W. Hramwood, of Denver, Col., for scc-rotary-treasuror.
A law for it nine-
hour work-day was ordered to bo voted
on by subordinate unions and 52,500
was voted to prosecuto a boycott against
a printing llrm of Kansas City, Mo.
Syracuse, N. Y -was chosen as tho
next meeting place.
Two men held up tho saloon of Chris
Hauer at Galena, III., and killed tho
bartender and rilled tho cash drawer.
Tho sheriff and it posso started in pur
suit of them.
Thomas W. Fkiiiiy, ex-United States
senator, died suddenly at Grand Haven,
Mich., on tho 14th, aged 00.
Tiiiiouoii a misunderstanding of an
order to tho north and southbound
trains on tho Florida Central & Penin
sula railroad they hud it head-cud col
lision near Swansea, S. C, on the 14th.
The engines of both trains wero de
molished and the tender of tho bouth
bound engine telescoped into the com
bination mail, baggage and express
car. Express Messenger W. 1). Lines
and Mail Agent L. A. Thomas wero
pinioned in tho wreck, which caught
flro from tho coal oil lamps, and tho
two mon wero roasted to death. Flag
man Ulmer was supposed to have been
burned to death also.
Cor- Hknuy, of Now York
city, a wealthy merchant and clubman,
was hold up by two women just us he
was leaving tho Union Leuguo club at
Chicago at 8:30 o'clock In tho evening
and robbed of his gold watch and 520
in cash. Tho assault was mado at it
timo whon many persons wero passing.
Two women were afterwards arrested
for tho crime.
Somk boys blackened their facos
and wont to tho lioiiso of Miss Katie
Yaglo, near Decatur, Ind., who hap
pened to bo alone, and she was so
badly frightened that she ran out of
tho houso and was found afterwards
ucad in a ditch.
A mot was caused at Portsmouth, O.,
on tho 18th by the Sunday Obscrvauco
Icaguo attempting to break up a ball
game. Constables who fried to servo
warrants wero chased off tho grounds
by a howling mob of spectators and
narrowly escaped alive. Tho polico
finally dispersed tho crowd. Over 150
arrests will bo mado on tho charge of
Dit. Ai.i'iiki) Holt, of Hayes, Miss.,
shot and Instantly killed Dr. P. S.
Ilhett, of Jonosvillc, La., In the ro
tunda of a hotel at Natchez, Miss., on
tho 18th, Tho killing was tiic result of
an old grudge.
Tiik largest firo that lias occurred in
Los Antclos, Cul., In years started in
tho Fowler paper box factory, and be
fore it wan subdued over 5100.000 worth
of property had been consumed. Sev
eral of tho firemen wero painfully in
jured by falling timbers. The causo
of tho firo was not known.
Nki.hon Moiiius, of Chicago; John
and Harringor Brown, of Crown Point,
Ind., and several other largo stool:
raisers along tho Kankakee river have
suffered henvv losses recently by valu
able horses dying with an unknown
disease. As soon us the disease attacks
them their blood turns to water and
they soon die.
IIknicy 13. Aiiiiky, the well-known
theatrical manager, died rather sud
denly at Now York on the 37th, aged 50
years. His death was duo tc r.tomaeh
A xi:auo dance near Scullyville.Ark.,
on tho 17th broke up in a row. Two ne
gro men wero killed.
Tiik hardwaro store of George 11.
Churchill it Co., at Gnlesburg, 111., was
recently broken into and revolvers,
razors, cartridges and other articles
btolcn. Fivo boys, whoso ages ranged
from 11 to 10 years, wero arrested and
eon fosse I and all tho stolon property
was recovered.
Tin: lJlooin'iolcl academy, the largest
institution of learning in tho Chicka
saw nation, was destroyed bj fire. It
was devoted exclusively to tho educa
tion of girls and was the most success
ful school in tho Indian territory.
A si'KCi.vr. to tho New York Herald
on tho 15th stated that if Spain does
not put down the insurrection in Cuba
by tho beginning of next March it, is
the intention of tho Snanish govern
ment to give up the struggle and let
tho island go.
Jamks Wilson, a stockman, was.get-
ting shaved at Shawnee, Ok., when
Dr. Mahren, it physician, entered the
shop mid began talking politics. Wil
son said that McKinley was a plutocrat
and this so onrnged Mahren that ho
dashed a bottle of vitriol in Wilson's
face. Wilson died in gi eat agony and
Mahren was chased out of town by a
A special from Gloucester, O., or the
14th stated that 2,000 miners wcra on a
strike in the Hocking valley.
Fokkst fires huvo broken out afresh
in Millard and Negro canyons, near
Pasadena, Oil., and tho Alpine tavern,
a noted summer resort, was reported
to bo in danger. More than 50 souavii
miles of valuable timber hafo been de
II. J. Soiiillino, it wholesale food
merchant of Kansas' City, arrived at
Tacomn, Wash., on tho 18th, complet
ing a journey of 2,000 miles from Kan
sas C'ty on a wheel. Ho started on
June :;o.
Tun steamer Livingstone collided
with and sunk the propeller Grand
Travcrso below the Ccjuhestor light on
Lake Erie on tho 10th. Tho sunken
vessel was valued at 525,000 and was
well insured.
C. 11. Smith, at San Jose, Oil., took
51 2-5 beconds olf tho world's live-mile
bicycle road record, setting the new
mark at 10:20.
lliciiAHi) Hayks and his sister, who
resided on a farm near St. Mary's,
Out., wero instantly killed by a train
while driving over a crossing near their
Mamon Ki'XXAKD, of Wise county,
W. Viu, went homo drunk after his
family had retired. He awakened his
wife, quarreled with her and then al
most severed her head from her body
with a corn knife. Ho afterwards
killed his boy and tried to kill his
daughter, but she escaped. After
sleeping off his drunken fit he told his
neighbors that a tramp had murdered
his wifo and child.
L. W. Ykomanh' drug storo at Uolle
vllle, Ont, was burned on the ll)th and
tho proprietor perished in tho flames.
Ciiikk Jubtici: William A. ltioiiAun
80N, of tho United States court of
claims,dicd at Washington on tho 10th,
a god 75 years, llo was formerly secre
tary of tho treasury.
In a fight between two colored mon
named William Leach and Jacob
Holmes at Waco, Tex., tho latter
struck tho former on tho head and
killed him.
Tiik National Oil Co.'s mill at Corsl
cana, Tex., was recently destroyed by
fire, together with a large quantity of
cotton seed.
Chaiiiman Jonks, of tho democratic
national committee, has issued an ap
peal that on Saturday, October 31, tho
national colors be displayed by all citi
zens at their places of business and
their homes.
Fivi: men called Lord R. T. Urooko
to Ills door at his rancli near Tonka wa,
Ok., at three o'clock on tho morning
of tho IDlh and ordered him to hold up
his hands, and ho began firing at tho
band, killing two and wounding two
others. A posso started afterwards on
the trail of tho gang. Robbery was
tho motive as the gang thought thero
'rniliorlPH the Kitrty Downfall oj
tho Mrltlxh Kmplris.
Nkw Yohk, Oct 17. A special from
Boulogne-sur-Mcr says: P. J. Tynan is
a free man. His relcaso was uncondi
tional. Ho will go to Paris at once and
will sail for 2iow York by tho next
steamer. In an interview ho said:
"Whatever tho nature of my mission
to Europe was it has been moro than
successful. 1 look for tho establishment
in the near future of an independent
Irish republic. Tho object of my visit
was not as attributed to it by the press.
Thero never was an idea of a plot
against tho czar, and there never was
any idea of doing nny injury to tho
queen of Great Uritain, poor old lady.
Wo Irishmen have nothing to do with
tilings of that kind. I believe in dyna
mite us it weapon of war with Great
Uritain. The Irish people in America
proved their union in Chicago last Oc
tober, when I was a dolegato
to the convention there, by es
tablishing an Irish national al
liance, it public organization for
the establishment of an Irish republic.
The object of the alliance Is plainly
stated, and it means to attain that ob
ject, it is equally plainly stated, by
force. I include dynamite and every
other method of warfni'o in force, just
us tho United States government in
cludes the Zalinski gun."
Typo.rnplilrnl Union Assumes Jurisdiction
Ovor Kcpulrri uX Linotypes.
Coloiiado SritiNas, Col., Oct. 17. Py
yesterday's action tho International
Typographical union, now in conven
tion in this city, assumed the enliro
control .over the linotype machines,
and said in substance that no one shall
be employed on these machines, either
as operator or machinist, unless ho is it
monitor of tho typographical union.
Tho work of repairing and taking cure
of type-sotting machines will now bo
dono by tho printers who aro members
of tho typographical union. Thou
sands of printers wero thrown out of
employment by the introduction of tho
typo-setting machines several years
ago, and the action taken by the inter
national union is aimed to create a
field of work for as many of theso as
possible. A number of minor amend
ments to tho constitution wero made.
Gun. KuckIos Comment Hon tlio 1'ii'Istmciits
niitl l'uvnrit Underground Wlre.s.
Washington, Oct. 17. Adjt.-Gen.
Rugglcs in his annual report to tho
secretary of war states that the num
ber of enlistments and ro-onlistments
during the past year was 8,40S; S2Jj
per cent, being natives and the remain
der naturalized citizens. Thouptitudo
and interest of tho students under mil
itary instruction at military colleges
was generally satisfactory.
Attention is called to tho fact that
the great storm of September 20 last
isolated the capital from the country
at lavje, and it i pointed out that in
times of great excitement the scat of
government might be thus cut off by
evil-minded persons, wherefore tlio
y of laying wires under ground is
Tim Kxcetw of IHereliundUn K.vports Over
Import Iiihtires Hotter ltuslneiiH in tliu
Nonr I'ulurn.
Ni:w York, Oct. 17. R. G. Dun &
Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade says:
The ono commercial clmnjjo which moro
thiui nny other Insure hotter busluo-s in tho
near future is the excess of morchandlso ex
ports ovor Imports Continued shipments of
Bold from 1'uropo not including M, (U.'iiO from
Australia, now amounts to M'.- 0, d0 since- tho
movement bcKuu. of uhlch $'i.",a0.0JJ has
nlroadv arrived and huvo not been arrested by
mcisuros taken by tho vcrcat Kuropean banUa.
Tho heavy movement of -;raln is tho corner
stone. Aflcr an inurenso of i.9J3,0".i in ox
ports of bieuditufN in boptcmher, thero huvo
boon shipped tho past veole from Atluntio
ports alono 2,131,77-1 bushels, Hour IncluJod, and
4,303,8i In two woelts of October, against 3,610.
271 busholB liibt year. A moro Important fact
is that all avallublo Rr.iin freights have been
engaged for months ahead hero and on the Pa
elllo coast.
Failures for tho week havo boon 3:8 In tha
United State, afalnst 303 laht year, and 10 iu
Canada, against 40 last year.
I'rrn'clcnt Cleveland I'ully Appreciates tho
Gruvlty of tlio Sltuutlon.
Nkw ioiuc, Oct 17. A lieraiu spe
cial from Washington says: High offi
cials of the administration agree that
if tho Spanish government docs not
succeed in crushing the Cuban insur
rection by tho first of tho year it will
bo tho duty of tho United States, inde
pendently or in conjunction with tho
other powers, to intervene and stop
tho war. A member of tho cabinet
said yesterday that tho president fully
appreciated the gravity of the situa
tion in Cuba and tlio responsibility im
posed on tho United States, on which
would devolvo tho power of deciding
whether tho war should bo stopped in
the interests of humanltv.
Novel but I'lTectlvo. Method of I'urtly Hnv
Injr ii' Great Storo House.
Santa 11oha,Cu1., Oct. 17. Wednes
day night tiro broke out in tho second
Btory of Korbcl's great winory at Kor
bol's station and soon worked into tho
third story, causing tlio toof to fall in.
Ono of tho large presses was destroyed
and about 150,000 gallons of new wine
wero turned loose. Water being scarce,
pumps were applied to tlio wine casks
and tho wine was thrown on tho flames
with good effect. Tho cellar, in which
were 100,000 gallons of old wine stored
was saved. The fire raged for three
Old Subject DImcuhociI I'roin :i New I'otnfc,
of Vlnw.
It is a singulnr fact that the discus
sion of matrimony In all its aspects is
always made relative to the woman. It
is us if she was the most interested of
tlio two persons in tho case, and had
looked upon marriage in the light of
an achievement, upon whoso laurels
she could rest for the remainder of her
life. The age at which she should
achieve matrimony is gravely dis
cussed; also her qualifications for that
picture-quo institution of society.'
Yet marriage is not a one-sided nfl'air.
There is a man in tho case. What of
At what age should a man marry?
This experiment of home-making con
tains us many complex elements, some
hidden, some apparent, for him us for the
woman. Much of its success depends
upon the way he lias approached it,
and tho way in which ho has approached
it depends upon his age. A man tit .11
will see differently and act differently
from his manner of seeing and acting
at 24, that is, if he has developed in
mind and character during tho inter
vening ten years. J'roadly speaking,
the marriageable- age of men should
not bo placed under 2; not alone be
cause men under that age are not, ns a
rule, in a financial position to mnrry;
chiefly because they have notsutlloient
maturity of character to judge wisely.
Judgment is, indeed, out of tlio ques
tion in those tender years between 19
and 25. Tho man is it boy whom the
world has not yet taken into its confi
dence; and in spite of its absence of
idealism tho wisdom of tho world is a
necessary wisdom. Goethe (although
not by any means an example to be
held" up to young men) was wise
when he did not allow his youthful
love for Frederika llremcr, the coun
try parson's daughter, to load him into
marriage with her. He realized, per-
Illips, WlLll IIIU 1IIII1ILIU1I Ul m-llllio,
that love can never make up for tlio
absence of intellectual sympathy be
tween a man and a woman. Men who
are not Gocthcs marry at 21 or 22 the
object of boyish love, only to find, as
they mature, that the wife, by her lim
itations, can be a housekeeper, but
never a friend.
This does not imply that men do not
marry rashly after :i'), but that they aro
less likely to marry f-olely because
they happen to bo "in love," a sopho
moriu experience which has never
known to occur more than onco to tho
same person. N. Y. Commercial Ad
vertiser. To Clcnnso tho System
Effectually yet gently, when costivo or bil
ious, or when tho blood is impure or Blug
glish, to permanently overcome habitual
constipation, to awaken tlio kidneys and
liver to a healthy activity, without irrita
ting or weakening them, to dispel head
aches, colds, or lovers, use Syrup of Figs.
A Gkiiman paper contains tho following
unique adverii&cincni: "Any person who
can provo that my tapioca contains any
thing injurious to health will nave three
boxes of it sent to him Irco of charge."
Christian Register.
II nit hat was largo, but joyous truth I
1'ovctigo was waiting thoie;
BoToro her sat a football youth
With a head of flaunting hair.
Washington Star.
IIauky," asked the teacher, "what is an
outline?" "W ell,'1 replied Harry, who was
taking his first lesson in drawing, "at our
houso the only outlino is tho clothesline."
Caro of your physical health. Build up your
system, tone your stomash, enrich your blood,
prevent cold3, pneumonia unit favors by taking
Tho Rest in fact tho Ono Truo Blood Piirlflcr
hrrt c Dillc aro U'0 only pills to tnko
nCOCl S lIlSwithllood'sSarsaparllla,
Send your name for a Souvenir
of the Works of Uugene Field,
the Cufjcnt Tick) monument Souvenir
The most beautiful Art Production of the
century. "A smnll bunch of tbe mot fragrant
of tilojuonii gnthertd from the brood ocrci of
Eugene Field's Farm of Love." Contains n se
lection of the most beautiful of the poems of
Eocene Picld. Handsomely Illustrated by
thirty-five of the world's greatest artists a
their contribution to the Monument Fund.
Hut for the noble contributions of the great nrtlt
this VooU could not bnve bee n manufactured for
J7.00. For s.ile at bookstores, or sent prepaid
on receipt of J1.10. The love offerhuc to the
Child's l'oet Laureate, published by the Com
mittee tocreate a fund to build the Monument
and to care for the family of the beloved poet.
Eugene Field Monument Souvenir Fund,
180 Monroe Street, Chicago, HI.
wnntuiun ovtirywliuro to Sl'I.I
syMein. 6TAK1C llHOTHKI'S,
To Introduce Ono Xtiwlnsr
Untile Nipple unci IVelh
IiiuI'iiiI. JiMtft'eriiM'rNtcii.
bund mlilrodsiiiiil ". stunm
for pciatiivo to
SI TO. CO., Akron, O.
nil'IKi: NUJiSKJSY CO.. fit. I.oiiln, Mn,
"jfiT"- .liinrii ii.tiLfit 111 LIPL kill? D
I ljunta nnr.iic kli. cite k.ilq. i
Ilcst CoukIi fayrup. Tastes tlood. Veo
VfX . 1. . '" h oyarufyifia.
ff ffifr-tt-re gyg ftresrisa- wmm
nr a rf
jwab a large bum in the house.