The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 23, 1896, Image 1

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f- - l V
ehmskn Mdvertim.
Boat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Ubo
In tlmo. Bold by tlruenlsts.
Ofllce first door south of Park hotel.
Notary :-: Public
Nomaha City, Neb.
Ilulr Dressing,.
Ituror Jloneliig.
Special ntteutluti iuld to Ladles and Children.
Aientor Nebraska City Steam Laundry.
Kerker & Hoover,
Dealer lu
Highest prices pnltllfor hides, inrd, tiulow
game, etc
Slmbcrt, Nebraska.
Does a general practice. All calls
promptly answered, day or night. 7-17
J. L. Jlelvhi, M.D., Ih. (U
SPEOIAiliES: DlHenscsor the Skin, l)ls
eiiset c Women and Children Will
prompt! i' umur nil cullH, cither day or
nl In' i Keynote Drugstore
- Nebraska
Surgeon Specialist,
Operations for Cataract and all opera
tions on the eye, Verieocele, Ilernii,
Hemorrhoids, etc., performed with
out chloroform and painless. Pa
tients from abroad can ohtain boaid
and hospital facilities at prices less
than in a city, considering skill and
sanitary surroundings. Parties
seeking relief through aurgical
means will do well to conlor with
Dr. Andrews.
Cuius Schlauger
the rustling
of Nemaha.
Lenvo your orders
for ti team, hack: or
dray, and
We do tfie Rest.
Our Hack meets all
to sell Canada grown Fruit
and Ornamental Tree,
Hiiriilin. Rohps. Hulus and
nulhous Plants, Grapo Vines. Small 1-rultH,
Seed l'oti loes, etc. We catalogue only the
hardiest and most popular varieties that suc
ceed In the coldest climates. New season
now commonolup; complete outfit free, sala
ry nd exponses paid from sta. t for full time
nr llhnrnl nnimiilHHton fnr nnrt time
Apply now, auuressing nearest omcu, uuu
mine or territory.
international Nursnrlos.
Chicago, Illluols, or Montreal, Quebec.
Rlpans Tabules euro Indigestion.
Rlpans TaDules cure liver troubles.
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment
Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped
Hands, Itching Piles, Hums, Frost Bites.
Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids.
For sale by druggists at 26 cents per box.
For putting a horse in a fine healthy con
dition try Dr. Cody's Condition Powders.
Thoy tone up the system, aid digestion, cure
loss of appetite, rehoYC conbtipation, correct
kidney disorders and destroy worms, giting
now hfo to an old or over-worked horse. 25
cents per package. For salo by druggist
Local News.
Judge Davidson noxt Monday night.
Robert Frost wont to Lincoln Tuos
Moro politics than anything olso
these days.
Republican rally at Nomulm Friday
night of next week.
S. Gilbert & Son have just received
two car loads of lumber.
Big republican rally at Nemaha Fri
day night of next week,
Vote tho republican straight, from
president to road overseer.
Apple buyers are paying only twenty
cents a bushel for winter apples.
E. Rosewater, editor of the Omaha
Bee, spoke at Auburn Tuepday night.
Congressman Strode had a splendid
meeting at Brownvillo Tuesday night.
Tudie Scovill visited friends at
Brownville from Saturday until Mon
day. Fred Seabury has bought the Henry
Williams house. He moved in Tuos
day. Mrs. J. M. Sanders, of London pre
cinct, is visiting the editor and family
this week,
John Culpcamodown from Lincoln
last Saturday and is visiting old friends
this week.
Mrs. John Maxwell started for Har
lan, Iowa, Tuesday, to visit relatives
for a few days.
T. II. Auo bus moved to Nemaha,
lie occupies Mrs. Thompson's House,
west of Rabe Elliott's.
Mrs. Maud Lemon and her two boys,
of Falls City, tire visiting her mother,
Mrs. S. Yates, this week.
Mrs. S Gilbert and Mrs. A. It Mc
Candless went to Omaha last Saturday,
to visit relatives and friends for a few
Vote for A. .1 . Burnham for county
attorney. He has been tried, and his
record as a public official is a good one.
Vote for him.
Stephen Scarlett, who has been vis
iting friends at White Cloud, Kansas,
for several weeks, returned to Nemaha
Thutsduy night of last week.
The Advertiser man has bought
the Avey building, just north of Aynes
hardware store. The ollico will be
moved therein in a week or two.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rossell, of
Brownville, were in town a few hours
Tuesday, on their way to Falls City to
visit friends for a couple of days.
Call at The Advertiser ofilco for
republican literature. We have nu
merous kinds of pamphlets for free
distribution. Call in and got some.
Hon. Church Howe, we aro informed
on good authority, will run ahead of
any man on tho ticket in Johnson
county. He will get an immense ma
jority in that county.
The ladies of the M. E. aid society
desire to roturn their thanks to the
men that laid the sidewalk in front of
the church.
Mrs. 0. L, Scovill, Pres't.
Ti(0 republicans held a meeting at
the Minick seheol house in London
precint Thursday night. Hon. II. M.
Bushnell, of Lincoln, and Hon. A. J.
Burnham were the principal speakers.
Everybody is invited to attond the
McKiuley club meeting next Monday
night. Judge S. P. Davidson, of Te
cumsoh, will address the mooting. He
is a good talker, and will entertain the
audience and give them some solid
facts to think over.
Tho M. E. ladies' aid society will
givo an oyster supper in the lower west
room of the opora house noxt Friday
niOht, October 30th. Everybody is ins
vitod to take supper.
Walter Iladlock has sold his forty
aero farm north of town to August
Quiller, and has bought Jerry Marlatt'a
residence in Nomaha. Wo understand
Mr. Marlatt will move to Liberty In a
short time after election.
By a tecent trado Thos. B. Skoen be
comes tho owner of the 120 farm of
Wm! Rolf, west of the B & M. and M.
P. crossing, and Mr. Relf gets tho 80
acre farm fous miles southwest of No
maha, whero Geo. B. Hkeen in now
O. A. Corbin made one of tho best
speeches of tho campaign Monday night
at tho Nemaha MoKinloy club room.
Tho large room was full antl the patris
otic speecn of Mr.Corbiu was frequent"
ly and ontlnuiasti'.Mlly applauded. The
speech was a good one in every res
Mr. and Mrs. Ed E, Sandeis and two
children, of 'Whiting, Kansas, arrived
in Nemaha Saturday evening, and vis
ited with Mr. Sanders' brother, the ed
itor of The Adveutiskr, and with his
mother, Mrs. J. M. Sanders, and his
brothers, Geo. N. and Carl Sanders, of
Loudon precinct, until Thursday morn
ing. They drove through.
Miss Matio Tourteiott, the optician,
made a visit to Nemaha Friday of this
week. She informs us that she had a
good business, and has made arrange
ments to return in about six weeks, no
tice of which will ho given later. Miss
Tourteiott is n thoiough optician, nod
has given gootLJfttisfaction to all who
have bought glasses of her.
I desire to return thanks to the neigh
bora and friends at Brownville and
Nemaha who were so kind and atten
tive during the lon sickness and death
and burial of my wifo. Their kindness
and sympathy will ever bo gratefully
W. II. Brookover.
Tho Methodist church at Nemaha is
making impiovements right along.
The latest is stained glass windows
or rather imitation of stained glass,
made by putting on a patent paper
made for this purpose. It adds veiy
much to tho beauty of the church, and
yet is comparatively inexpensive. The
Junior League pays for this improve
ment. Every ueighbor of Seymour Howe
gives him credit for being a good citi
zen, an honest man, intelligent, upright,
and qualified in all respects to make a
good member of the legislature. He
will bo careful while in tho legislature
to at all times work and vote for the
best interests of his const ituehts. He
will not be swerved from doing what
lie judges to bo the right course to per
sue. Voto for him.
a bad accident occurred Thursday
night. Mrs. Emanual Zegufuse and
her mother, Mrs. Ames, woio driving
across the Nemaha bridgo west of Geo.
Kottoll't), when the horses became
frightened at somo timbers lying near
the end of the bridge, and backed off
side of tho bridge whore there was a
broken railing, falling ten or twelve
fet. Mrs Zegaf use was not seriously
hurt, but her mother was badly ins
jured how bad it is hard to toll, aa she
is injured internally.
We wish all our delinquent subscris
bers who can furnish us wood or corn
would bring the eame in at onco, as wo
need it, Either old or new corn will
be taken.
Take tho wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
McElhaney, proprietor,
Remember the
Rally at Nema
ha nextFriday
night, Oct. 30.
Big parade and
music by Band
and Glee Club.
Geo. W. Cornell and John Simpson
camo to Nemaha last Saturday night
to instruct our pi ople how to voto. Mr.
Simpson's ?peech was greoted with ro
spectful attention, and so was the first
part of Mr. Cornell's talk, but whon he
called by namo republican members of
his audience and asked what they
thought of the assertions ho had mado
the talk soon developed into a running
debato, and as each sido would make a
point the sympathizers of that side
would cheer, and then each side scorned
to try to see which could yell the loud
est and longest. As tho McKiuley
boys evidently had the best lungs, they
appeared to make the most noise and
to hold out tho longest, which "riled'
many of our populist friends, and thoy
threaten vengeance.
Republican Meetings.
The candidates on the republican
county ticket will hold meetings at tho
following places and times:
Peru, Monday night, Oct. 20th.
Benton, Tuesday, Oct 27th.
Howe, Wednesday, Oct. 28th.
Walnut Grovo school house, Peru
precinct, Thursday, October 20th.
NEMAHA. Friday, Oct 30th.
Auburn, Monday, Nov. 2nd.
These meetings will begin at 7:30 p.
in. Local committeemen aro request"
ed to take charge and seo that every
thing is in readii.oss.
B. H. Bailey, Chairman.
W. P. Freeman, secretary.
House and two lots in Nemaha.
Apply to Kemp Colerick.
Rlpans Tabules: ono gives rollof.
INTemalia., ISel.
Canned Goods
Prunes Oc
Peaches 00
Package Coffee 20
Mocha and Java Roast Coffee 30
Japan Tea 35
Lilly Starch Ofl
Horse Shoe Tobacco 37
Battle Axo Tobacco 23
Toddy i 23
Kirkendall Co. Shoes: The best on the market.
Everything at BedRook Prices
Everything that is kept in a general store can bo found here, with
prices to suit the times. Call and see mo and get prices.
N.R.Anderson's Gash Store,
G. W. Cornell's speech Saturday oven
ing was a fair sample of tho democrat
ic speeches of this campaign. It was
mado up of wild assertions but no con
vincing uruuments. Ho called England
a pauper country, mado b by tho gold
standard. England is tho wealthiest
country on tho faco of the globe, and
statistics prove that in no country of
Europe is tho wealth moro ovenly dls
tributtd than it is in England, The
democratic party has such a grudge
against every one that loans money
that thoy oveu hate England bocause it
loaned tho United StatoB monoy to car
ry on tho war against tho rebellion.
Mr. Cornell tried to toll a true story
about two mon that live in this pre .
cluct. He told what he learned from
one of tho parties that went to him for
logal advice, or in othor words to find
out how to avoid paying it noto given
for borrowed money. Mr. Cornell ev
idently wanted to prove by this pioco
of a story that if a man borrowed
money of his neighbor, ho (tho borrow
er) should compol tho loanur to tuko
corn in tho field for his pay, as the corn
was so cheap that tho borrower could
not afford to gather it.
Mr. Cornell's great hobby appeared
to be, "Pay tho bonda and all indebted'
ness, both public and privato, with
cheaper money." Yet he had tho gall
to stand up before an intelligent No
meha audieuco and say that ho was not
utopudiator; that ho believed in pac
ing honest debts. Listener.
O. (Shuck, proprietor of tho Nomaha
Valley Berkshire farm, won tho fol
lowing premiums on his hogs at tho
Auburn and Verdon fairs:
At Auburn he got first premium on
hour, sweepstakes over everything; on
boar, and sweepstakes over everything
on sow and pigs.
At Verdon Mr. Shuek got first pre
mium on boar,Hweepstukes over every-,
thing on sow and pigs, first premium
on yearling sow, second premium on
sow, first premium on boar, first pre
mium on pig seven months old, second
premium on pig live months old, and
second premium on boar pig.
As Mr. Shuck had but few hogs on
exhibition the showing is a remarkably
good one.
Since 1878 there havo been nine epli
demies of dysentery in different partp
of tho country in which Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
was used with perfect success. Dyeen
tery, when epidemic, is almost as se
vere and dangerous as Asiatic cholera.
Heretofore the best efforts of the most
skilled physicians have failed to check
its ravages, this remedy, however, has
cured the most malignant cases, both
of children and adults, and under tho
most trying conditions, which proves
it to be the best mebicine In the world
for bowel complaints. For sale by
Taylor the druggist.
Canned Corn Oo
Canned String Beand Oo
Canned Tomatoes 8c
Canned Lima Beans 8c
I Sugar Drip Molasses, One 40
Oat Meal 08
All shades in Henriettas 22c pr yard
Good Prints at 05o
Llj Muslin at 05c
24 inch Turkey Red Handkerchiefs 05o
21 Inch Turkoy Red Handkerchiefs 03c
A new line of Hats from 15c to $2.00
McKinley Hats are beauties.
Boys' Suits from 85 cents to 84.00