The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 09, 1896, Image 9

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A Consignment of 150 for tho Sal
vation Army on tho Ocean.
It Opou Its Scfutonnt TMcdo, O. ArnwiEO-
mcntn Miiriu fur l'lnylng lliinctmll with
Austnillitns UuckcycH Dom-
unstrnto for Culm.
Nnw Yoitic, Oct. 0. A cablegram 1ms
been received at tho .Salvation army
headquarters from Gen. Uooth, stating
that u contingent of 150 Armenians,
who havo escaped tho recent massa
cres in Constantinople, nro now on
their way to New Yorlc, under the aus
pices of Miss Frances Willard. In
structions were contained in the cable
gram to Commandor Uooth-Tucker to
meet them on thoir arrival and to do
what is posbiblo to provide for their
temporary necessities. Commander
Hooth-Tuclccr said it is intended, im
mediately after their reception, to dis
tribute them as far as possible in small
numbers among friends in different
parts of tho country. Arrangements
are also being made to settle a number
of them on a Salvation army farm col
Tolkdo, 0., Oct. 0. Uetween 500 and
GOO delegates will attend tho American
board of commissioners for foreign
missions, which opens its sessions hero
today. Tho board was established at
Bradford, Mass., in June, 1810. Orig
inally it was supported by Congrega
tionalists, Presbyterians and the Re
formed church, but about 20 years ago
an arrangement was mado whereby
the Prosbyterians and Congregational
ists divided expenses between them.
It is now a purely Congregational body
and its annual incotno over 8700,000.
Dr. Edward N. Packard, of Syracuse,
N. Y., will pronoh the annual sermon.
Philadelphia, Oct. 0. At a confer
ence in this city between Manager Mur
grove, of tho Australian criclcot team,
and Messrs. Spauldinj, Reach and
Rogers, owners of tho Philadelphia
baseball club, it was definitely ar
ranged that tho former would bring to
this country next spring a baseball
team made up of native Australians,
many of whom havo become quite ef
ficient in our national game. A sched
ule comprising botweon 40 and 60
games was partly outlined.
Cincinnati, Oct. 0. A week of car
nival for tho benefit of tho cau?e of
tho Cuban patriots bogan at Music hall
last night. Twenty-five hundred
pcoplo attended, and for more than
two hours listened to patriotic speeches.
Gen. Andrew J. Hickenloopcr presided
and mado the opening speech. Just
before the speaking began a squad of
boys in tho United States army uni
form marched in, tho leader waving
tho Cuban ling. This gave tho first
test to tho unbounded enthusiasm at
the house.
Groat Crowds Greet tho Nominee of Thrco
1'olltlriil Purtlcn for tho Presidency.
Nashvillk, Tenn., Oct. 0. The
greatest crowd that ever turned out tu
a political meeting in this city crowd
ed about tho streets hero last nicrht
and npplauded and 'listened with
marked attention to the triple nomi
nee for preside'nt. Tho train bearing
tho party was due at 8:35, but was ten
minutes late, and it was nearly 0:15
o'clock when Mr. Uryan addressed his
first audience at tho Ilaymarket. At
that meeting tho five acres of ground
in tho enclosure wns fully half
filled with peoplo, who cheered
tho candidate wildly on his ap
pearance. A glee club of !50 malo
voices opened the meeting with "Ilomu,
Sweet Ilome," tho old-fashioned mel
ody which the nominee lias declared to
bo his campaign song. Mr. IJryan was
then introduced by Senator Hate as
thencxt president of the United States.
He was cheered and applauded through
out his speech, and many times was
stopped by tho enthusiasm of his
Had Ills Toiiruo Cut Out.
Fishkill Laniuno, N. Y., Oct. 5.
Antonio Surjine, an Italian laborer,
lies at tho Highland hospital with his
tongue severed at tho root Yesterday
morning ho was attacked in a lonely
spot by a fellow countryman, said to
live in Brooklyn. The police are una
ble to find out just how the deed was
done, as Surjine is unable to talk and
cannot write English. It is believed,
however, that an Italian who hud a
grudgo against Surjino throw him
down, chokod him and then cut out
his tongue with a stiletto. A woman
is said to be mixed up in tho affair.
A Colored l'reauher In Trouble.
Toi'KKA, Kan. , Oct. 0. Sheriff Kcp
loy left for Salt Lake City to got Rev.
Richard Qimrles, a colored preacher,
who is wanted here to answer tho
charge of criminal assault preferred by
Lizzio Robinson. Mr. Quarlos was
formerly pastor of a church in this
city, ami his arrest has caused a deop
sensation in colored religious circles.
Treacherous juiuluuiiiil Uedo.
GuTiimi:, Ok., Oct. 0. A. Ron?., of
Johnsonvillo. and two sons wore
drowned in the South Canadian yester
day while attempting to ford tho
stream. The river contains quicksand
unci is very treacherous.
Tho Presidential Candidate Declares llli
Acceptance of tho Populist Nomination.
St. Louis, Oct. 5. William J. Uryan
has given out for publication tho fol
lowing letter of acceptance of tho pop
ulist nomination for president:
Hon. William V. Allon, Chairman, and Others,
Members ot tho Notification Commlttco ol
tho Pcoplo'B Party:
aentlomon: Tho nomination of tho people's
party for tho presidency of tho United States
has boon tendered mo In such a Roncrous spirit
and upon such honorablo terms that I am nhlo
to acoep tho same without departing from the
platform ndoptod by tho democratic national
convention At Chicago.
I fully npprscluto tho broadth of patriotism
'which has actuatod the members of tho peo
ple's party, who. In ordor to consolidate tho
Bontlmont In faw of bimetallism, have boon
wllllnp to go outsldd of party linos and support
as their candidate 040 nlroady nominated by
the demooratlo party, and nlso by tho silver
In a time lllco this, when n great political
party is attempting to surrondor tho right to
legislate for ourselves upon tho financial ques
tion, and Is seeking to bind tho American pco
plo to n Yorolgn monotary systom,
It behooves us, as lovors ot our coun
try and friends ot American Institu
tions, to loy asldo for the present such dif
ferences as may oxist among us on minor ques
tions, In ordbr that our strength may bo united
In a supromo effort to wrest tho government
from tho hands of thoso who Imnglno that tho
nation's finances nro only hecuro when con
trolled by a fow Unanclers, and that national
honor can only bo maintained by servllo ac
quiescence In any policy, howevor destructive
to tho interests ot tho pcoplo of tho United
Statos, which foreign creditors, present or
prospective, may deslro to force upon us.
Whllo difficulties nlwuys arlso hi tho set
tlement of tho details of any plan of
co-oporatfon between distinct polltloal or
ganizations, I am sure that tho advocates ot
bimetallism itrn so intensely in earnest that
they will bo nbla to dovlso somo means by
which tho silver voto may bo concentrated
upon ono electoral ticket in each state. To
seouro this result, charity toward tho opin
ions of others nnd liberality on tho part ot
all is necessary, but honest and slncero
friends who nro working toward a common
result ulwnys find It possible to ngrco upon
just and cqultablo terms. The Amorlcnn peo
plo havo provon equal to every omorgency
which lias arisen in tho past, and I am con
fident that In tho prosont omorgonoy thcro will
bo no nntngonlstn botweon tho various regi
ments of tho ono great army which Is marching
to repel an Invasion inoro dangorous to our
wolfaro than an army with banners.
Acknowledging with gratltudo your expres
sions of conildenco and good will, I am, very
truly yours, W, J. Buyan.
They Hold Throo Sessions Mr. Uryan
Speaks at Night.
St. Louis, Oct. 5. The second quad
rennial convention of tho National As
sociation of Democratic clubs took
place here on Saturday, three sessions
being held. At least 2,000 delegates
and alternates from 1,000 regularly en
rolled clubs of the national association
were present when Chauncoy F. lilack,
tho president, called for order. Mis
souri made a creditablo showing, over
300 clubs from the state being repre
sented. Altogether 33 states and terri
tories wero represented. Senator
Money, of Mississippi, and Vice Presi
dent Stevenson mado speeches appro
priate to the occasion.
The committee on permanent officers
reported tho following: C. F. Rlaok,
of Pennsylvania, president; Lawrence
Gardiner, of the District of Columbia,
secretary; W. A. Clark, of Montana,
treasurer. Tho report was adopted.
In its report the committee on resolu
tions indorsed tho Chicago platform
and ticket throughout. Monopolies
and trusts and the single gold standard
wero denounced. The action of many
of tho great corporations and railways
in coercing theimemployes to bupport
any particular candidate wa3 con
demned, and tho attention of the gov
ernment officers was called to tho
abuse. The report was unanimously
adopted. At night Mr. Uryan made a
speech to a largo and enthusiastic au
Commissioner I.amoreatix Makes Known
tho Work of tho Department During the
Washington, Oct. 6. Commissioner
Lamoreuux, of the general land office,
has made his annual report to the sec
retary of the interior for tho past
fiscal year. Tho total land selections
during tho year wero 13,209,003 acres,
of which 4,830,015 wero homestead en
tries and 0,769,55)1 railroad selections.
The increase in selections over tho
previous year was 4,802.073 acres. The
cash receipts wore 552,10(5,301,' an in
crease of $72,907. Lands patuntcd to
railroads in satisfaction of grants, 15,
527,844 acres, an increase of 7,343,508
acres over last year; agricultural pat
ents 5,470.300, an increase of 2.028,480
acres. Tho total number of acres
patented was 22,009,939. Tho total va
cant public land in the United States
is 000,010,071 acres, of which 310,051,801
are surveyed and 283.388,810 urisur
veyed. The amount of land surveyed
during tho year was 8,908,803 acres.
Wonderful Results from Pink Pills.
Secretary of tho Treasury Answers an In
quiry in Kegard to Colimgo.
LouiHViLLi:, Ky., Oct. 5. In reply to
a lotler from the Courier-Journal to
Secretary Carlisle asking for informa
tion concerning tho coinage of silver,
Secretary Carlisle replies in part as fol
lows: From January 1. 180-5, to September M. 1890,
standard sllvor dollars have boon coined at tho
mints of tho UnlVud ritutos to the amount of
Jl.f,f-0.M0i Since May I. 1893, tho dato of tho
repeal of tho purchasing olauso of tho so
called Sherman act, standard sllvor dollars
havo been coined In tho United btutcs to tho
amount of $17U,8'm,l3I, or more than twice as
much as was cnlpcd during Iho wholo period of
our history prior to XSJS,
Tho colnugo of sllvor dollars Is going on
every day at our mints, and during tho last
month It amountod to J-.'.TiW.UOO. About tho
same amount will bo coined tho present month.
Thu solgnlorngo which has boon H'ldod to tho
circulation on acununt of tho coinage since No
vember 1, INM, Is about V)0,00 . anil the
fculgnlorago, or gain, In tho coinage of last
month was uboul iOJJ.O.U
Mri, John Tooler llclntca n Itomarkahlo
FVom the Democrat, Uliartevotx, Mich.
Tho Democrat has hnd its attention called
to a remarknblo cure, duo to tho uso of Dr.
Williams' Pink rills, and tho following
statement, mado to a reporter of this pnper,
will bo rend with interest by all similarly
afflicted. Mrs. John ooloy, of D wight, In
this county, is tho Indy bencfltod by tho
tncdicino named, and sbo makes tho follow
ing statement:
Statu 01? Michigan, I
Countt op Cuaiu.gvoix. f
"In tho year 1891 1 was a grcnt sufferer
from oxtromo nervousness, which lluully
developed into an aggravated nttnek of St.
Vitus' daucc. My health wns vory poor and
I sufforod terribly for six months, constant
ly growing worso. Finally I lort homo and
went to my relatives in Cnnntla for a visit,
and my pooplc never expected I would ro
turn allvo. In Canada I was induced to try
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, nnd tho rosultwns
truly marvellous. When I began taking
thorn I woighed but ninety-six pounds, and
In nino weeks' timo, during which I took
four boxes of tho medicine, I pained so that
I weighed 125 pounds, and tho St. Vitus'
danco and nil nervousness disappeared. I
returned homo in nine weeks, completely
cured nnd in tho best of health, and havo
continued so to this day. Provious to tak
ing tho Pink Pills 1 had been attended by
several physicians, but with no good re
sults. I owo my llfo to Pink Pills, uud havo
earnestly recommended them to all my
friends, and my mother und thrco brothers
havo taken tfiom with good results, my
mother for heart trouble. I will bo glad to
answer any and nil enquiries as to what
Pink Pills havo dono for me."
(Signed.) Mrs. John Tooloy.
Sworn to and subscribed before mo this
2nd day of July, 18U0.
Mrs. Tooloy is now tho picturo of health,
and tho Democrat reporter could hardly
rcallzo that Bho was at ono timo bo near to
death. But her testimony is unassuilablo,
and sho Is vory earnest in her deslro to
spread tho good news to other sufferers.
Dr. Williams' rink Pills contain, in a
condensed form, all thoolomonts necessary
to glvo now llfo and richness to tho blood
and rostoro shattered nerves. They arc
also a specific for troubles peculiar to
fomalcs, such as suppressions, irregularities
and all forms of weakness. Thoy build up
the blood, and rostoro the glow of health to
paloaud sallow cheeks. Inmon.thcyciToct
a radical euro in all cases arising from
meutul worry, overwork or excesses of
whatevor nature. Pink Pills nro sold in
boxes nnd may bo had of nil druggists, or
direct by mall from Dr. Williams' ilediciuc
Company, Schoncotody, N. Y.
Mns. jAimr.u (to Mr. Jabber) "A ro you
awaro thnt you'tulk in your sleep?" Young
Jabber (who bus just been silenced)
"What other chancodoeslio got?" Tit-Bits.
Don't Tobacco Ispit and Smolco Tour JAte
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, bo mauo well, strong, magnetic,
full of now life and vigor, take No-To-Bac,
tho wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bnc from
your own druggist, who will guarantco a
cure. Booklet and saniplo mailed free. Ad.
Sterling llcmcdy Co., Chicago or Now York.
"Ir I should dlo, you would never get
another wifo who would look after vou as I
havo done." "No, not if I could help it."
Chicago ltecord.
No Timo Should Bo Lost
By those troubled withconstlpntlon in Book
ing relief from Hostcttor's Stomach Bit
ters. Tho discaso is easily rclioved iu its
earlier stage, and as it is utterly subversive
of the general health, postponement of tho
romedy is unwiso. 'Iho samo holds good of
delay iu cases of fovor and ppuo, lddnoy
complaints, nervousness, debility und rheu
matism, nilmoiits to which tho Bitters is
particularly adapted.
"Don't you think thoro should bo music
in every homo?" "By all menus; what I
object to is music next door." Chicago
Foutify Feeble Lungs Against Winter
with Halo's Honey of Horchound and Tnr.
Fiko'sToothnche Drops Cure iu one minute.
A man's idea of a good woman is ono who
thinks her husband doesn't need praying
for. Atch.sou Globe.
It is tho telcscopo that distanco Ions en
chantment to tho view. Texas Sifter.
Just trv a 10c box of Cascarcts, tho finest
liver and bowol regulator over made.
Noah wns an oxnert with tho gloves. Ho
boxed everything in tho ark. Texas Sifter.
Kansas Citt
CATTLE-Hcst beeves..
Native cows
HOGS Choice to heavy.
WHKAT-No. tired
No. 1! hard
CORN No. 'J mixed
OATS No. 2 mixed.
liYK No. 2
KLOUU l'atont, per hack
HAY Choice timothy
Fancy prairlu
I JUTTKK-Choico creamery. .. .
CIIKKSU Full cream
CATTLK Native- and shipping
SHKUI' Fair to choice
WHI3AT No. 2 red
COKN No. 2 mixed
OATS-No. 2 mixed
KYE No.2
HUTTKK Creamery
LAUD Western mess
CATTLE Common to prime...
HOGS Packing and shipping.
SHEEP-Kalr to cholco
TLOUU Winter wheat
WH EAT-No. 2 red
COKN-No. 2
OATS No. 2
CATTLE Native Steers
HOGS-Good toCholce
KLOUU-Good to, Cholco
WHEAT No. 2 red
OATS-No. 2
i'ORK Mess
, Mo., Oct.
3 B0 4
3 15
2 25
2 85
Ct, 2
a a
m &
1 7J (ii 1
1 r
7 hU
4 0)
(A 1
at 8
GO 6
3 00
2 f0
3 10
2 0'J
3 tO
ft 4
46 3
46 3
(8, 6
20 K lift
3 80 f. 3
0 3i 0
3 3'i
2 O)
1 75
3 3)
(ft 4
46 3
?& 3
fa 10
l 40
3 01 UXi
0 :u 0
3 M 46 -I
3 1) J 46 4
3 75 46 1
21 Wt
11 a
7 75 bit 8
A Household Necessity,
Cascarcts Candy Cathartic, tho most won
dorful medical discovery of tho age, picas
ant and refreshing to tho taste, acts gently
nnd positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing tho cutiro system, dispols colda,
cures headncho, fovor, habitual constipa
tion and biliousness. Ploaso buy and try a
box of C. O. C. to-day; 10, ST., M cents. Hold
and guaranteed to euro by nil druggists.
"Jamie," called out his niothor, sharply,
"you'vo boon loalhig all day. Batan ill
ways finds somo work for idlo hands to do.
1 ako this basket und bring In somo kind
A Child Kujoya
Tho pleasant flavor, gontlo action, nnd sooth
lug offoct of Syrup of Figs, when iu need of
a laxativo, and if tho father or mother bo
costivo or bilious, tho most gratifying re
suits follow its ubo; so that it is iho best
family romedy known and every family
should havo a bottlo.
''What Is this mental polso that women
talk so much about nowadays?" "It in be
ing ablo to look 11X caterpillars without feel
ing them crawling all over you."
Hull's Ciiturrh Cure
Is a Constitutional Cure. Price 7Ga
' 11 1 1 p
Mant a man who woro shoulder straps
during tho war has been strapped over
CABOAnr.TS stimulate liver, kidneys and
bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe.
T11r.HK Is too much said nbout lovo in this
world, and not enough about tho necessity
of a marringo Hcoubo. Atchison Globe.
- in
No ONu can muko rheumatism or bilious
ness Interesting. Therefore if you are sick,
do not tell about it. '
I ,can rcconunoud PIbo'b Curo for Con
sumption to sufforors from Asthma. 13. U.
Townskni), Ft. Howard, Wis., May -1, 'ttl
This favorlto string instrument of a Bos
touian Btriug beans. Texas Hiftor.
Whek bilious or costivo, oat a Cascarot,
candy cathartic, curo guaranteed, 10c, 25c.
1 V If 11 I
vnn I
Get Rid of It l
It Is a sign that you have Rid-'
ncy Discaso; Kidney Disease,
If not checked, leads to Bright'
and Blight's
mm. Disease
Kills !
'ucvauseqr the Kidneys break
down 'and. pasa away with
tho urine. .. s.. .. ..
Heed the Danger Signal
and begin to cure your Kidneys
.to-day by taking
Largo bottlo or now stylo smallor one
ut your druggist's.
A. N. K. D.
ulciiao slitto tliut you auw the udvertls
mctit In thin uoper.
The Pill that Will.
"Tho pill that will," implios tho pills that
won't. Thoir name is logion. Tho name of "tho
pill that will" is Ayor's Cathartic Pill. It is a
pill to rely on. Properly used it will euro con
stipation, biliousness, sick headaoho, and tho
other ills that result from torpid livor. Ayor's
pills aro not designed to spur tho livor into a
momentary activity, leaving it in yet moro
incapable condition after tho immodiato offoot
is. past. They aro compounded with tho pur
pose of toning up tho entire systom, removing
tho obstructing conditions, and putting tho
liver into proper rolations with tho rest of tho
organs for natural co-oporation. Tho record of
Ayer's Pills during tho half century thoy havo
been in public uso establishes thoir groat and
permanent value in all liver affections.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
"The Old Soldier's Favorite' w
A little bit of pension goes a long
way if you chew "Battle Ax'
The biggest piece of really high
grade tobacco ever sold for 5 cents;
almost twice as large as the other
fellow's inferior brand