The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 21, 1896, Image 1

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1-11111 f ii in uwn
,ji .-jty r
1 , , t
M -
Uost Cough Syrup. Tuntcs Good. Uso
In tlmo. Sold by drugglflta.
TYR. W. W. KEELING, Oitv, Neruaka.
Ofllce flrat door south of Park hotel.
llomalia City, Neb.
13., A. Tlioinpson, Pro.
IU e Dressing,
Shuniiinonliic. .
Razor Hoiiclng.
Special nttontlon pnld to Ladles nnd Children.
Aucntfor Kvbratka City Steam Laundry.
.lEiss Emma Crim.
Tendier of
Instrumental : Music,
My system Is tho latest, whereby tho best
of results are guaranteed. I respectfully iisr
fr a sharo of your putroungo. 1 3-tf
Kerker & Hoover,
Dealer In
illKliost prices palil.for hliloi, lard, tailow
g.une, etc
Slrubert, Nebrhsku.
Does a general practice All calls
promptly answered, day or night. 7-17
J. L.JIelvln, M.I)., Ph. G.
SPECIALTIES: Diner icsof the Kklu, 1)Ih.
puses o' Von 3ii and O'Mre i Will
pn.mpilv i. ish all cilN, pithor day ir
nffeht Office at Key nolo Drug Store
Nemaha. - - Nebraska
Chris Schlauoer
t Liveryman
Leave your orders
for a team, hack or
We do tiie Rest .
O ir Hack moots all
Surgeon Specialist,
Stella, - Nebraska
Operations for Cataract and all opera
tions on the eye, Vericocote, Hernia,
Hemorrhoids, etc., performed withs
out chloroform and painless. Pa
tients .om abroad can obta'zi board
and facilities at prices less
than in a city, coiiBiuenng skhi aim
sanitary surroundings. Parties
seeking relief through surgical
means will do well to confer with
Dr. Andrews.
Notice to Delinquent Tax Payers.
All real oslato tax for tuo year 1895 not paid
by Out. 1,1890, will bo advertised, and It not
paid bv Nov. lbt, 1890, will bo sold at public
imetlon according to law. And nil who are
dollnquen tfor peisonal property tax for the
your lt04 awl prior years will recolvo notlco
tueieuf In the near futuio, and any who do
not pay said delinquent taxes within 30 days
of date of notice, or come to this olllco and
fix home date when they will pay within a
leusoiiable time, may expect 'o pay slienll s
fees for collection. Respectfully,
A. M. KNGLEa, County Trea..ueror.
Rlpans Tahules cure nausea,
Ripans Tahules: at druggists.
Rlpnns Tabulos euro headache.
Rlpans Tahules cure dizziness.
Rlpans Tahules cure dyspepsia.
Rlpans Tahules: gentle cathartic.
Rlpans Tabules: one gives relief.
Rlpans Tabules cure torpid liver.
Rlpans Tahules cure biliousness.
Ripans Tabules euro constipation.
Xjocal 3STews.
Lota of ruin.
Now for tho picnic.
Frank Woodwnrd is quite Bick.
Old Bottlers' picnic August 22nd.
Old papers for sale at this ofllce,
Hon. John H. Pohlman was in town
Mrs. S. A. Huntington visited Au
burn friends Tuesday.
Clarence Peabody went to Beatrice
Monday, to visit his sister.
Mrs. M. II. Taylor and Miss Gladys
went to Auburn Wednesday,
Will Uacker is now Stevo Cooper's
assistant in tho livery stable.
There will bo lots of peaches this
year, and they are selling low.
John Moore camo in from Auburn
last Saturday, returning Monday.
Oscar Bcovill has again taken the
agency for the Singer sowing machine.
Mrs. Fiiiiuie Fairbank and Master
Bert came in from Auburn Wednes
Mrs. S. Yates went to Shubert last
Saturday, to visit her brother for a few
Geo. Smith, of Crab Orchard, visited
Nomaha friends several daya tho first
of this week.
Mr.'awd Mra. Hinea, of Richardson
county, visited their daughter, Mra. S.
Cooper, Wednesday.
Mra. John R. Maddox came in from
Auburn Thursday, and will visit Ne
maha Iriends for a few days.
John and Wm. G. Maxwell wont to
Harlan, Iowa, Tuesday, to see the for
mer's brother, who is very sick.
Mrs. Sara Scott and family, who have
been living in Illinois for some time,
returned to Nemaha last week.
The newa has boon received of the
birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. Maxwell, of South Auburn.
Fred Seabury and his wife are both
quite sick, and Trixy is suffering se
verely with asthma. They are having
a hard seige of it.
MiB3 Eleanor Galcraith started for
Denver Tuesday ,on a visit to her sleter
who is living in that city. She expects
to be gone about a month.
Joe Stillwell and Ben Baldwin a few
days ago caught a cat fish weighing 88
pounds. It was drsasod and retailed
in Nemaha in a few hours.
Mrs. W. W. Sanders and her Sunday
school clais had a picnic in the woods
northeast of town last Saturday, They
report having had a grand time.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Thorp drove to
Glen Rock last Saturday, to attend the
meeting conducted there by Jas. Willis,
Geo Backus and Mr. and Mra, A. A.
Col.IIuaton ia at Nemaha with his
merry-go-round, ready for the picnic.
Tho colonel la very popular with the
young people and a good many of tho
older ones.
Ivan Iladlock, son of John S. Ilads
lock, fell out of a tree Thursday after
noon and broke one of his arma above
the wrist. Dr. Keeling sot tho frac
tured bones.
Goo. Ho8kina, of Maryaville, Mo.,was
in town Thursday. Ho camo over to
attend the picnic, and at the samo time
visit his daughter, Mra. J. C, Miller, of
About 200 busliels good seed rye for
sale. Inquire at this oilico,
Judge J. H. Broady,
Democratic-Populist candidate forCou
greaa, Hon, J. E. Harris,
Populist candidate for LioutenautGovH
T.J.MajorsChurch Howe
Have ail four signified their intontion
of being at tho Old Settlers' picnic and
making addrcasoa. Tho other speakera
advortiBed wero compellod to cancel
their engagomouts. Tho committee
had the promise that each speaker ad
vertised would be preaent boforo the
announcements wore made, but later
events compelled a number of changoa
to bo mado.
Dodo Burgeas, who has been work
ing in Missouri for several months, ar
rived in Nemaha last Saturday, having
been telegraphed for on account of tho
dangerous sickness of his father.
Mr. and Mra. W. T. Banks camo in
from North Platte Thursday, to visit
relatives and friend and attend the
old settlors' picnic. Tom and his wife
have a boat of friends in Nemaha who
are always glad to see them.
Hon. V. P. Peabody and 0. II. Kin
di(4 made political speeches at Stella
last Friday night, to an enthusiastic
meeting. They made good spooches, as
they aro well posted on tho iluaucial
aud other questions of the day.
Rev. E. S. Chamberlain for
publication an answer to the challenge
of Geo. Backus in last week's Advkr
tiseu, but owing to irs length aud the
fact that we afa already Into with the
paper, we aro compelled to postpone
its publication until next week.
Laat Sunday afternoon Rov. 0. H
Gilmoro baptized Walter Iladlock, Tu
dio Scovill and Besaie Frost in the
Missouri rivor opposite Nemaha, aud
that night he took fourteen persona in
to full membership in the Methodist
church, and two were taken in on pro
Tom Crummel was in from Auburn
Wedneaduy, looking after tho Nemaha
county exhibit at the state fair, aud ins
.Mentally talking politics a littlo. Tom
would not try very hard to escape if lie
should find that the ofllco of represen
tative was seeking a man about his
i.e this fall.
Spurzy Clark, an undo of Mrs. Cora
Crothor and Miss Veva Clark, arrived
in Nemaha Wednesday evening, on a
visit to relatives. Mr. Clark lives at
Meadvillo, Pa., and says everybody is
for McKinlcy in that section. He saya
the first Bryan man ho found in his
trip out hore waa at Brownville.
The populists held their county con
vention last Saturday and nominated
John C. Shull, principal of the Nema
ha schools, and David N. Jones, of
Glen Rock, as candidates for represent
tatives, Ed Ferneau for county attor-
neyand Louis Bastian, the preaent in
cumbent, for county commissioner
from tho Third district. At the float
convention held Tuesday John II. Dun
das was nominated for state senator.
Tho ticket is a good ono to be de
positively has no equal in diarrhea,
dysentery nnd inflammation of the
bowels. It relieved quickly, and being
purely vegetable, no bud results follow.
You cannot afford to be without it at
this season of tho year. Sold by Taylor,
This wonderful Liniment is known
from the Atlantic to tho Pacific and
peom tho Lakes to tho Gulf. It is the
trnetrating Liniment in the W6rld.
It will cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Cuts, Spraina. Bruises, Wounds, Old
SoreB,Burn9, Sciatica, Soro Throat.Sore
cheat aad all inflammation after nil oth
ers have failed, It will cure Barbed
Wire Cuts, and heal all wounds where
proud flesh has set in, It is equally
ofllcient for apimala. Try it and you
will not be without It. Price 50 couts,
Sold by Taylor, the druggiat.
A.W. FiddOJ. B. Strode
Will apeak at NEMAHA SATUR
DAY NIGHT, AUGUST 22nd, in the
Park, unless it should rain, when tho
meeting will bo hold in tho hall.
Ror. Jamo3 Siatt returned from
Tuurman, Iowa, this wook, where he
lias boon attending tho annual camp
meeting of tho Holiness church. Ho
started Friday morning for Blgolow,
Mo., where ho will begin a protracted
meeting.' Ho says thoy had a grand
goed time at tho camp meeting.
Laat Sunday A. L. Lawrence's little
boy was fooling witli tho cider mill
and ono hand waa caught In tho mill
and threo fingers woro badly lacorated,
tho nail and llcali almost to tho first
joint being taken off of tho second An
ger. The flrat and third fingers wore
badly crushed. Tho little fellow boro
the pain vory bravoly.
Mr, and Mra. J, II. Veedor, Mra.
Jennie Mooro nnd Mias Nina Mooro
left this week for Odell, Nebr., where
Mr. and Mra. Veoder will tanoli in tho
public schools during the coming year.
Mr. Veodor has boon a resident of Ne
maha for tho past five years, four years
of that timo being principal of our
public schools. Mrs, Mooro aud fain-.
ily have lived hero for about fourteen
yeara. They have a largo nuaibor of
very warm friends, who greatly regret
to have them leave Nemaha. May
happiness aud prosperity attend them
wherever they may locate.
The log cabin erected as headquars
ters for tho old settlers' association has
been built, and while not exactly "n
tiling of beauty," it will show to the
younger generation the kind of a house
many of tho older peoplo lived in. Last
Saturday Robt. Frost, I. N. Cooper, J.
F. Drain, Soymour Howe.Frank Wood
ward, Charley Roberts and a number
of others built up the wall, and Tuea
day the clapboard roof was put on, tho
doorway cut out, tho door hung, and
tho house chinked. It has not yet been
daubed, a floor laid nor a chimney
built, but this will bo done later. Tho
logs were furnished by tho older set
tlers, and so many wero brought that
tho committee found it necessary to
limit each family to ono log. After
tho cabin was completed there re-,
mained on tho ground thirty logainoro
than could be used in the houso,
House and two lots hi Nemaha.
Apply to Kemp Coleeicic.
ISemalia, ISTel.
Canned Goods
Rico cc i
Prunea Oc
Peaches 00
Package Coffee 20
Mocha and Java RoaBt Coffee :$0
Japan Tea ??
Lilly Starch 00
Horse Shoe Tobacco 37
Battlo Axo Tobacco 2i)
Toddy 2!J Boys' Suits from 85 cents to SI .00
Kirkendalli Co. Shoes: The best on the market.
Everything at BedRook Prices
Everything that ia kept in a general atore can be found here, Vitk
priceB to suit tho times. Call nnd see mo and get prices.
N. it. Andersons Gash Store,
A lot of the pops hnvo been doing a
wholo lot of whining around because
thoy imagined there wero going to bo
moro republican speakers at tho okl
Bottlers' picnic than there wero popo
crata. To avoid nny appearance of fas
Yoritism a republican, a populist and
prohibitionist wero put on tho commit'
teo to got speakers for the pionio. The
latter declined to act. Tho populist
member was given full authority to
got whatever Bpcakers ho wanted. He
failed to get any, aud tho latter part of
last woek the republican member of
the commlttco wrote to Judge Broady,
tho popocrat nomineo for congroaa.and
to J. E, Harris, tho populist nominee
for lieutenant governor, and got their
promise to bo hero. Then Judge Hay
ward was compelled to cancol his en
gagement hero, and A. J. Weaver also
wroto that ho could not bo hero, so
Judgo Field and Congressman Strodo
wero put on in thoir place, but a letter
rocoived Thursday says those last gent
tlemon, owing to a misunderstanding,
could not bo hore until Saturday-night,
when they will speuk on tho political
questions of tho day. Judgo Broady
waB written to in regard to tho meet.,
ing at night, and an offer mado to di
vide tho timo with him, but no reply
has yet been received . It is probablo
that the main speakers at the picnic
will be populiats, and yet tho whinors
will continue to whine.
Lateu. Judgo Broady, who drove
over from Stella tills (Friday) morning,
informs us that owing to an engago
meut previously mado to speak at Stel
la Saturday night, he will be unable to
accept tho invitation to speak here. ,Ho
would have been pleased to accept the
invitation if it had been possible.
The republican county conveation
has been called to meet at Auburn
September 5th. The primtries will bo
hold September 4th. Tho precincts aro
entitled to tho same number of delo .
gatoB aa at tho spring convention. On
account of the failure of tho secretary
to aond ua a copy of tho call, and tho
mislaying of our copy of tho Poat, wo
are unable to publiah tho call, but it
will bo published next week.
Money to trade for cowa and holfera.
A.L. P. Thompson.
We would suggest to our delinquent
subscribers that a littlo money would
comu vory handy these days.
Wo have mado arrangements where
by we can send The Advertiser and
ho Inter Ocean both ono year for only
81.00 cash in advance.
Canned Corn 0
Canned String Beans 03
Canned Tomatoes So
Canned Lima Beans 8c
Sugar Drip Molasses, line 40
Oat Meal 08
All shades in Henriettas 22)jC pr yard
Good Prints at 05c
JAj Muslin at 05o
24 inch Turkey Red Handkerchiefs 05c
21 inch Turkey Red Ilandkercliiofa OUc
A new line of Hats from 15c to $2.00
McKinley Iliris are beauties.