The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, July 24, 1896, Image 1

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Qwsaam 4KJZXH
tursrrn i wtiwm rirjgciu t j it1 vm aan iui i;g.g ygwnreijjiaiMu w p i ruwmitwrra wuii, lum w w.m vufMwm.nw a -iium jjujuuuhb j jl
Gr " V
11 i
j? A
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Uso
in uma. bo a nv aruooist.
Office first door south of Park hotel.
Notary :-. Public
Nemaha City, Neb.
Jtliss Minima Crim
Tenohor of
Instrumental : Music,
My system Is tho latest, whereby the best
of rcMiltH nro gunruntcetl. I respectfully nnlc
forauhareof your pntronngo. 1 3-tf
Kerker & Hoover,
Denier lu
Hltiost prices pald.for hides, lard, tatlow
game, etc
H, A. Thompson, Pro.
Hair Dressing,
Jtuzor Jloiielne.
Special attention paid to Ladles and Children.
Agentor Nebraska City Steam Laundry.
Shubert, Nebraska.
Does a general practice. All calls
promptly answered, day or night. 7-17
J, L. Melvin, i!Z.2., JPh. G.
SPECIALTIES: Diseases of the Skin, DIs
eases of Women and Children Will
promptly answer nil culls, either day or
night Office at Keynote Drug Store
Nemaha, - - Nebraska
Chris Soiilauoer
3tf HB
tho rustling
of Nemaha,
Leave your orders
for a team, hack or
drny, and
zs. We do TnE Rest .
Our Hack moots all
Surgeon Specialist,
Stella, - Nebraska
Operations for Cataract and all opera
tions on the eye, Vericocele, Hernia,
Hemorrhoids, etc., performed with
out chloroform and painless. Pa
tients from abroad can obtain board
and hospital facilities at prices less
than in a city, considering skill and
sanitary surroundings, Parties
seeking relief through surgical
means will do woll to confer with
Dr. Andrews.
The : Painter,
lias opened a paint shop in Nemaha,
and is now ready for
House and Sign Painting,
Repainting Carriages,
All orders promptly attended to.
Work guaranteed. Prices to corres"
pond with hard times.
Leave orders at Burl Hoover's store
or a shop, first building north of hard
ware store.
Local USTews.
Cut down tho weeds.
Old settlors' picnic August 22nd.
Dr. Kay visited Auburn Wednesday.
Mrs. May Veeder went to Auburn
Henry Williams, of Shubort, was in
town Wednesday,
Tho Woodmen of tho World had a
picnic at Howe Wednesday,
Another Undo Tom's Cabin show
will bo in Nemaha August 5th.
Miss Nina Moore went to Cook,
Nebr., Thursday, to visit friends.
Harry McCandless got a car load of
coal Tuesday, from Unionvllle, Mo.
The rainfall Friday night and Saturi
day was three and one-fourth inches.
Joe Littrell is now buying gtain for
the Duff Grain Co. of NebraskaCity.
Misi Tudie Scovill is visiting her
friend Misa Flossie Waterman this
Mrs Wills, of Alliance, arrived in
Nemaha Monday evening, on a visit to
J. A. Wolfe, of Aspinwall precinct,
went to Crab Orchard Tuesday, to visit
bis brother.
Minor Taylor gave the drug store a
thorough cleaning and renovating the
first aft he week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wally McGechie, of
Shubert. were doing some trading in
Nemaha Thursday.
Mrs. II. W. Shubert, of Shubert, vis
ited her mother, Mrs. A. D. Skeen, of
Nemaha, Tuesday.
Our farmers now feel that the corn
crop is assured, and many of them are
selling their old corn.
Mrs. Rosina Wheeler returned to
Nemaha Wednesday evening, after a
visit with her son at Lincoln.
A number of our citizens drove over
to Howe Wednesday, and attended the
Woodmen of the World picnic.
Rev. C. II. Gilmore went to Union,
Neb., Tuesday, to attend the district
conference of the M. E. church.
M. T. Conner, of Auburn, was in
town Thursday, loading a car with
wheat he had bought in this neighbor-hood.
Walter Hadlock, I. N. Cooper, Geo.
W.Neil, and D. T. Smiley went to
Falls City Monday, to attend the re
Seymour and Charley Howe drove
up to PeruTuesday.and engaged rooms
for Charley and Eugene for the eusus
ing school year.
Mrs. Jennie Moore and Miss Nina,
who have been visiting friends at
Wytnore for some time, returned
home Wednesday afternoon.
We notice that Post No. No. 53 of
Nemaha has two tents on the reuuion
grounds at Falls City. Frank Hunt,
of St. also one of the tenters.
N. B. Sorivonor has some samples of
fine gold ore and also some gold dust
that was recently sent to him by his a miner in Summit county,
Rev. Peter VanFleet, of Nebraska
City, came up from Shubert last Fri
day, Btopped over night with Rev. C.
II. Gilmore, and went to Tecumsoh the
next day .
Miss Lillie Worthing, of Omaha.who
has been visiting her sister, Mrs. II. K.
McCandless, for a few days, wont to
Vordon Monday o veiling, to visit Mrs.
J. W. Bourne,
A MoKinley ratification meeting
will bo held at Auburn Saturday night
of tliis week. Congressman Strode
and Judgo Allen W. Field, of Lincoln,
will be tho speakers. Everybody is
We omitted last week to print tho
name of Mrs. Rose Gil moro as chap
lain of tho Woman's Relief Corps.
O. P. Dovel, of Auburn, was In town
Wednesday, collecting grain, grasses,
etc., for the Nemaha county exhibit at
the state fair.
Mrs. R. J. Duff and children went
to Horton, Kansas, Wednesday, to visit
a sister of Mrs, Duff's, who is very
sick. Thoy expect to bo away three
or four weeks.
Joe Flack nays we tnado a mistake
Inst week about the man that eat so
much corn, He says it was Jim f itus
that did the eating, and he ato thirty
six ears at one meaK
Neut Jarvis brought in a sample of
sugar cane Wodncsdav that measures
ten feet six inches in height. N o
telling how much higher It would
have grown if it had not been cut.
Lots of corn and wheat is being
shipped this week. On account of a
special low freight rate the buyers are
enabled to pay a little moro than regu
lar rates, which is causing it to move
Last Friday The Adveiitiseu ads
vertised that a rain was needed. That
night it commonced to rain and rained
steadily for about 18 hours, three and
a quarter inches of water falling. It
pays to advertise.
Wm. Moore wont even get mad now
when a man tells him that free coin
age of silverjis not the thing. He is
too busy thinking about the big boy
that arrived last Friday moruing to
talk politics much.
Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Shubert, who
went to California last fall, intending
to remain at least a year, returned to
Shubert Monday. They have had all
California they want, and are better
satisfied with Nebraska than ever.
John I. Dressier brought us in a
sample of timothy Thursday of last
week. It is fine. Mr. Dressier will
thresh out considerable of it, as the
seed pays better than tho bay. He
will exhibit some at the state aud
county fairs this fall.
G. N.jTitus went to York Tuesday,
to attend a meeting' of tho Nebraska
State Horticultural Society. Nat Is
fast gaining a reputation as one of our
best nurserymen, and is in demand at
all the horticultural meetings, where
his talks attract general attention.
Services will be held in the Episcot
pal church at Nemaha City on Wed
nesday evening, July 20tb, at S p. m
The services will be conducted and
sermon preached by tho Rev. Irving
Johnson of South Omaha. Subject of
sermon will be "The Church, a Light
Mrs. W. II. Brookover has been in
very poor health for several months.
She has been stopping with her pars
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Farmer, for
some time, and much of the time has
been confined to her bed, but is now
some better. Her physician says she
Ib suffering from consumption. Her
many friends hore hope for her recovery.
About 200 bushels good seed rye for
sale. Inquire at this office.
I have a good milk cow for sale
half Jersey, four years old.
R. C. Morton.
Old papers for sale at this office,
Wo have made arrangements whore
by we can send The Advertiber and
ho Inter Ocean both one year for only
81.00 cash lu advance.
Annual Meeting Picnic
of the Old Settlers'
At a meeting of somo of the old
settlers Monday it was decided to hold
th" regular annual mooting and picnic
on baturday, August 22d, 1800, at tho
parR in Nemaha. Tho following com
mlttees and ofilcors wero selected:
President of tho day Seymour
Marshal ot tho day Aba Lawrence.
Committee on general arrangements
Rabe Elliott, S. Gilbert and Stephen
Comtrittco on finance Chaa. Zook,
Albert Titus and Chas. Howe.
Committee on speakers W. W.
Sanders, Rev. C. II. Gllmoro and Robt
I. Smith.
Committee on music G.N.Sanders,
Frank Argabright and W. T Devorss.
CommUtee on log cabin Robt.
Frost, F. L. Woodward and I. N.
Speakers aro now being correspond
ed with, and their namea will be given
next week, probably.
It is expected that we will havo the
best old settlors mooting ever hold in
Nemaha County.
Tho committco on tho log cabin for
tho old settlors 'association requests all
those who can furnish logs to dollvcr
same at Nemaha on or before August
101 h, if possible. The cabin will be
10x18, and all thoso who can, aro do
sired to furnish a log at least 8 inches
through at the small end, and 18 or 20
feet long Those who cannot furnish
a log that long can bring Bhorter ones
as the short ones can be used at the
doors and windows. For particulars
further than this inquire of Rebt.
Frost, Frank Woodward or I. N.
Last spring AttorneyC. P. Edwards,
of Auburn, bought twentv-five cherry
trees of an Auburn dealer, and twenty
five of tho Titus Nursery. Fifteen
trees lived out of the number ho
bought from the Auburn dealer, and
twenty-eight are living out of those he
bought from the Titus Nursery, That
is a good record twenty eight living
trees out of twenty-five paid for. The
explanation of this is that the Titus
Nursery put in five extra trees, and
only two out of the thirty died.
Rlpans Tabules assist digestion.
G. W. Brookover, an account of
whoso death fiom a gun shot wound
was given in last week's Advertiser,
was a brother of W , II. Brockover, of
tills county, and a son of Mrs. G. B.
Kinney . Ills brother had heard noth
ing of his death until he biiw tho ac
count in Tnis Advertiser. Mr.
Brookover visited his relatives hero
about four years ago.
On Wednesday Mrs. Robt. L. Keta
lor drovo over to Howe to attend tho
picnic. When she arrived there Will
Muntz and Fred Dofnor offered to tie
her horse, and Bhe started for tho plcn
nic grounds, but had gone enly a abort
distance when sho remembered that
alio had left her pooketbook in the
buggy. She wont back but the pocket-
book was gono. Sho accused Muntr.
and Dofnor of taking it, but both de
nied it. Afterwards they woro arrests
ed and enrolled, but the pocketbook
was not found, but on being closoly
questioned tlwy finally acknowledged
stealing it and told where they had hid
it. They were taken to Auburn and
lodged In jail. The pocketbook con
tained nearly 538 when stolen. Only
a small amount was missing.
The free entertainment by tho
young people of the EpWorth League,
which was to have been given last Sat
urday night, was rpostponded until
Wednesday night on account of tho
rain. Wednesday night tho house was
filled with an appreciative audience.
The cntertainmont was fine. Mr: and
Mrs. George Washington entertained
John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and
Gen. Clinton and their wives at tea.
Several songs were given by the ladies,
and even th darkey waiter boys
(Cyrus Minick and Willie Thurman)
gave some songs. All were good.
The last number of tho program was a
tableau representing the Now Woman.
Nellie Sanders, representing the new
woman, was dressed in bloomers, and
was ready to leave the bouse, with
cane in hand, leaving her husband
(Willie Sanders,) rocking the cradle
and curling his hair with a curling iron.
Tho ice cream entertainment brought
a little over $ 10.00
House and two iota in Nemaha.
Apply to Kemp Coleriok.
Take the wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the city. Eaay riding.
Qnick time. All trains met. John
McElhaney, proprietor.
IS"emali5 Net
Canned Goods
Rice 5c
Prunes 0c
Peaches 00
Package Coffee 20
Mocha and Java Roast Coffee 30
Japan Tea 35
Lilly Starch 00
Horse Shoe Tobacco 37
Battle Axe Tobacco 23
Toddy 23
Canned Corn Go
Canned String Beans 0s
Canned Tomatoes 8c
Canned Lima Beans 8e
Sugar Drip Molasses, fine 40
Oat Meal 08
All shades in Henriettas 22jc pr yard
Good Prints at 05o
LJj Muslin at 05e
24 inch Turkey Red Handkerchiefs OSo
21 inch Turkey Red Handkerchiefs 03o
A new line of Hats from 15c to $2.00
McKinley Hats are beauties.
Boys' Suits from 85 cents to 84.00
Kirkendall Co. Shoes: The best on the market.
Everything at BedRock Prices
Everything that la kept in a general store can be found here, with
prices to suit the times, Call and see me and get prices.
N.R.Andersons Gash Store,