HIIHIIUH1JW.HI I 'J' 1. 1 III' -JJwiiMiJ.tii,i'juaj.mjijvrfflfn i m ibnrmimni it 1 1 mini ml 1 1 UMil I-1 t K AILS. Ml UUHtb WHIHI ALL llbt l tSi IJcet UouRh Hrrup. TaatoAtiood Crl in ti Bold bv ilnifffflAtfi Ubo H x It. W. W. KEELING, NlSMAlIA. OtTV, NKllKAKA, Ofllco first door south of Park hotel. W. W, SANDERS, Notary :-: Public Nomalia City, Nob. Kerker & Hoover, Doalor In Highest prices paldlfor hides, Inrd, tallow game, etc NEMAHA. CITY, NEBRASKA. NEM&H&zB&RBERsSHOP H. A. Thompson, Pro. The Nebraska Advertiser If. If, H1J'lH!ltN rubllihtr. SUIIBOKIPTION. . .... 81.no PICK YKAlt FHIDAY. JUNE 12, 1800. Hlinvltiff, Jlalr DroHflliiK, HIiMiipoonlni:, Ituzor IIoncliiK. Hin'dnl Httcntlon pnld to I,iu1Ips anil Children, Apentor Nebraska City Steam Laumtry. J. L. Mclvin, M.D., lh. G. PHYSICIM SURGEON O PKOIALTIKS! Dlsoftsos of tho Hkln. I)1h O eases of Woman and Children Will promptly answer nil culls, either ilny or night Olllco til Koynoto Drug Blorc Nostnha, - Nebraska SCHOOL IlEL'OKT. Following la tho report of District No. 55 for thotorm ending Juno Bth, 1800. Number of days taught, 00; numbor of scholars on roll, 30;avorago atten dance, 18. Those having tho highest avorngo in examination at tho closo of the term were: Grammar class, Katie Tussej, 03; Dottle Hoyd, 02; Pearl Ilayse 85. Intermediate class Maud Hunt, 80; Zolla Hall, 81 ; Alice Wolfe, 81. First primary Mainle Hall,80;Elsa Brown, 80; Georgo Hall, 04, Second Primary Alice Dixson, 85; Roy Brown, 80. Thoso not missing a day during the term are Elsa Brown, Hoy Brown, Maud Hunt, Alico Dixson, George Hall and Zolla Hall. Visitors Supt. Carman. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, Win, Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. F. TuBsoy, 'Alta Marrs, Lena Dixson, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Whetstone, Mr. and Mrs. II J TuBsoy, Ora Shivoly, Mina Hull, Mrs. 81agle, Mr. mid Mrs. Hayhe, Mr. and Mrs. Locridge, Ed Burgess, Mr. and Mm. Hunt, Etta Corey. Win Tussey, Mayo Wills, Onie Kennedy, Mrs. Dlx m, Mrs. Tidrow, Miss Kennedy, and Mr. and Mrs. Brown. May Tijhbky. Teacher. YOU CANT COUGH After taking n doses of Begg'sCherry Cough byrup. It la ono of the most wonderful remedies over put on tho market for coughs and colds. Sold and warranted by our popular druggiBt, M. II. Taj lor. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. To all whom it may concern : The commissioner appointed to locate I he road commencing at half section corner between sections 25 and 3tf, township 7 range 15, at main road and running thenco east on section line between sec tions 25 and 30 and sections .'JO and (11, range 15, and terminating at state line between Missouri and Nebraska, reports that the same no opened, also that a road commencing at tho section corner of sections 25 and 80, .10 and III in con nection with tho above mentioned road ana l tinning thence south on section line between section line 01 and .'10, all In township 7 range 15 east, and ter minating at the present slough road and the vacation of the siotigh road west of said section line of sections 31 and 80 to main road be opened and slough road be vacated at oneo, has re ported in favor of the establishment thereof, and all objections thewto or claims for damiiges must be tiled in the county clrks olllco oh or before noon of June 20, 1800, or such rond will be established without reference thereto. U. E. Pkkiiy, County Clerk. WIY WILL YOU COUGH? M. II. Taylor, your druggist asks you why? You can bo so easily cured. Three doses of Bpgg's Cherry Cough Syrup will relieve you at once. We gfiurantoe every bottlo.atid no monkey work. - MSSSiH ClIUIBSOIILAUGKlt Itopresontlng Cooper tho rtiHtlliiK Itivoryman ok Nkmaha. Ltavo vour orders for it tun m, linck or ilrny, and - Wic do tiik Rust. Our Hlick moots nil trnliiH B.BeliAndrews.M.D.Ph.D. Surgeon Specialist, Btella, - Nebraska Operations for Cataract and all opora r tlons on the eye, Vorlcocole, Hernia, llomorrholds, etc., porformeil with out chloroform and painless. Pa tients from abroad can obtain boaul and hospital facilities at prices less than In a city, considering skill and sanitary surroundings. Pintles seeking relief through surgical means will do woll to confer with Dr. Andrews. Bond's Cream Eye Salve curcH Inflammation of the KycB,Granulntcl l,ldp, Weak, Watery Eyes, and all kinds of Sore Eyes. It is Cooling:, Healing: and Strengthening. Every Box Guaranteed. Price, as cents. Tho Wonderful Wonder Worker Con cert company will be at Nemaha all of noxt week, and will give free enter tainments. Tho manager assures us tho company Id a good one, composed of fourteen persons, and their enter tainments are first class in every ro Hpect. No one need have any lualtancy In attending. The company is adver tising the Wonder Worker medicines. Tho St. Louis Republic has made arrangomunts to cover the political news of all parties in the coming cam paign in a way that has never been equalled by any newspaper. Those who wish to keep posted should sub scribe at once. The Republic, daily and Sunday, 1ms been reduced to $0 a year, $3 tor 0 months or 00 cents a month. Tho Twlce-a Week Republic is $1 a year. NOTICE OF EXAMINATIONS. Students of the country schools who wisli to take examination for free ad mission to any of tho high schools ot the coYnty for the next year aro ex pected to be present for examination at the Auburn High School building June 20th, at 8 :30 a. m. No charges for this examination. The annual examination for teachers certificates will be held July 24th and 25th, and the institute will begin on the Monday following. Teachers will piease uoier presenting thomselveB for examination until the above dato. M. II. Cakman, Co. Supt. WAITED TVT A "NT! To huH Canadian Grown Fruit ""-'Treos. Horry Plants, Hobos Bliruhhery, Heed Potatoes, etc., for I ho largest growers of high grade stock. Sovon hundred ucros, lmnly profitable varlotlos that succeod lu tho coldest climates. Mo oxporlonce re quired and fair treatment guaranteed. Any one not miming S50.00 pur month nml sxpon hch should write uh at onco for particulars. Liberal CoiniulHHlonH paid pnrt time men. Apply now nml got choloo of territory. IiUICK UltO I'll ERA COMPANY, 8took'I5xctmngo Building, Chicago, 111. CUMAX ALL GOOD UEPUBLICANS should make a point of attending the National convention, to be held at t. Louis, Tuesday, June 10th. The expense ia not great if you take th,e Burlington. On tho 13th, 14th and 15th you can purchase a round trip ticket to St. Louis at the ono way rate. Think isn't it worth a few dollars a fow days time to bug the next prosi dent nominated ? Full information on application to any ugont of tho B. & M. R. R. or by addressing J. Francis, Qon'l Paas'r. Agent.burllngton Kouto, Omaha.Neb. RICH DISCOVERIES OF GOLD At Cripple Creek, Colo., and elsewhero are being made dally, and tho produc tion for 1800 will be the largest over known, estimated at Two Hundred Million Dollars. Crinnle Greek alone is producing over One Million Dollars a month, and Bieadilv innrnaqlnrr. Mln. I MP W W0 wRL illB StoekH nro advancing in price more mmf Ml 11 I rapidly than any other Stocks, and WB if II W0 ma"y Pav dividends of 85 to 50 percent. mm WM "ZZr T,1y offer the best opportunity to make W M mill r ssTrr a ,llr0 l)roflt on ,l 9ma11 inuentment. IF WW Kn.A JohnI.Tali.man&Co., 45 Broadn WmWjmM PIIkFT wy. Now York, are financinl agents Ur w k bb w ror tno rruucntiai uoid Mining Co.and A kl f l" r" otIlora ln t,ie famous Cripple Crook dis- AND DirNl trlct Tlmy vlll send you freo Inter. m r-9 itfim I eating particulars of the mining com" LESS THAN H A I F THF ,)llnies t,,oy "Present, also their book nn I r n nV Vit i r n nn u on speculation in stocks. Grain and PRICE OP OTHIrR. BRANDS Cotton containing many new and iru portant reaiures. bond for these books Ripana Tabules. Ilipans Tabules cure nausea. RIpans Tabules euro headache. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia. Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabules euro bad breath. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. RELIEVED OF TERRIBLE PAINS R. E Morse, traveling salesman, Galveston, Texas., says: Ballard's Sipw Liniment cured me of Rheuma tism of three months standing after use of two bottles. .1. S. Doan. Dan ville. His., says 1 have used Balhud's Snow Liniment for years and would not be without It. J. H, Grouh, Hio, Ills., says Ballard's Snow Linimont cured terrible pains in back of head and neck when nothing else would. Every bottle guaranteed. Priro BO cents. Sold by Taylor tho druggist. THE MOST WONDERFUL PILL. They relieve where all others fail. They are called Begg's Little Giants, and aro rightly named. Remember the name and call for them at the best store in town. Taylor keeps them. A SOUND LIVER MAKES A. WELL MAN Are you bilious, constipated or trou bled with jaundice, sick headache, bad taste in mouth, toul brunth, coated tongue, dyspepsia, indigestion, hot dry skin, pain in hack and between should ers, chilh and fever, etc. If you have any of these symptoms your liver is out. of order and your blood is slowly being poisoned because your liver does not act promptly. Ilerbeno will euro any disorder of tho liver, stomach or bowels, It has no equal as a liver med icine. Price 75 cents. Free trial hot ties at Taylor's drug Btoro. 5 22 ly BEGG'S HAIR RENEWER Is positively the beat hair tonic on the market. It will stop hair falling out or turning grav. Giyo it atrial. Eve y bottle warranted to givesatisi faction by our popular druggist, M. II Taylor. iii i Mr. .lame Perdue, and old soldhr residing at Monroe, Jicli., was Beverly afllicted with rheumatism but received prompt relief from pain by using Chamberlain's Palno Balm. He says: "At times my back would ache so badlv that I could hardly raise up. If I i id not gotten reliof I would not be hero to wiite these few lin " Cham berlain's Pain Balm has done mo a great deal of good and I feel very thankful for If" For sale by Tajlor tho druggist. i-O.-O Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules: ono gives relief. Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. -i-POUNDS.20 -f- HALVES.IO QUARTERS SOLD IN CAMS ONLY! aro interested in any tion or investments, profitable to you. at once if vou form of spocula- They may prov If it required an annual outlay of S100 00 to insure a family agaitibt any serious consequents from im attack of bowel complaint' during the year there aro many who would feel it their duty to pay it; that they could not pfford to risk their lives, and those of their family for sneh an amount Any ono can get this Insurance for 25 couts, that being tho price of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemed v. In almost every neighborhood sump one has died from an Httaok or bowel complaint I erore medicine could be procured or a phy sician Bummoncd, Ore or twp doiei of thip remedy will cure any ordinary case. It tmver falls. Can yun afford to take the rbk for so small an 'oJ amount? For sale by Taylor the druggist. y&&cXJSTl.ISF22E3 J3eliiixiiio- June XX. Olosiiig June 22X. At. $1 10 I',t,,,e,,, kid Mioos in square and pointed toe; also in cloth top. V 9 Worth si.50antUi.76. Spocial iMilo Price $1.19! A t SI ilO t)" "'""N Iot of ladies' fine kid shoes, worth 83.00; sr.e 3 only At Ql.OV ..pecIAI, SALE PRICE $1.50! At s9 Qfi Ladl03' l!ll(,9t style laco shoes, blvck or tan; needle foe; worth lib $4.VO S400, SPECIAL SALE PKICE 82 95! At Til PftntQ Lmlie8' kltl Oxford ties, worth $1.00 Only a few left. XXL ftSl,Bllb Whilo they last wo sell them at 75 centB. A t Q norif c ladies' fine Oxford ties; square or pointed too; all sizes. JXb OO IA,HL& Regular price $1.25. Special Sale Price 95 cts At 11 90 Ladies' line Oxford ties or sandals; narrow square toe or ra 111 ViiAV zortoer black or tan; worth Si. 60 and 61.05. Sueciitl Sale Price $1.20! P At -l niirii-a One lot of infants' kid shoei. sizes 2 to 5, worth 50 cents, xt oo btllLB Special Sale Price 33 cents. At 1 1 Q -Muna or Bova' heavy grain Congreis or buckle shoes; worth lYb l. IV 31B0 SPECIAL SALE PRICE 81.19! At Q nonfo iVen'd hoavy grain lace shoes, worth $1.25. Suocial ixL OO LtJIllS Salo prioe 95conts! A I Q O flan's (luo shoes, lace or congress; worth Si .Jo and S3. 00. ftl 4).0 SPECIAL SALE I'RICE $1.23! Ai 1 OK Jen's" tan sIioph, lacp, razor toe; regular priceS2.0. StJOCial OX $L y0 Sale Price $1,95! A i- bO OK Neil's bico ahoea, laco, needle too; our host goods; worth S4.00. Al 0.60 SALE PRICS $1,95! ISpecial offerings in misses' shoes not listed here, owing to a lack of space. SALE BEGINS JU.N'E lltL CLOSES JUNE 21st, flu Great Casl Department Stere OF cXmnch& i. . AVicimncn s& son, 63-70-72 Opera House Block, BROWNVILLE, NEB. A GREAT BLUNDER, That you don't have your HOUSE PAINTED K ALSO JWINED or NEATLY PAPERED. Now is your time at the very lowest prices. Goo.l work guaranteed. J. S. HADLOCK, Painter. Jf others will find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy especially valuable for croup and whooping cough. It will give prompt relief and is safe and pleasant. IVe have sold it for sevaral years and it has never failed to give t lie most perfect satisfaction. G. W. Richards, Duquesne. Pa. Sold by Taylor tho Druggist. WHAT A PROMINENT INSURANCE MAN SAYS. II. M. Blossom, senior member of II. M. Blossom & Co.. 217 N.SdSt., St. Louis writes: I had been left with a very distressing cough, the result of influenza, which nothing seemed to re lieyo, until I took Ballard's Ilorehound Syrup. One bottle completely cured mo. I sent one bottle to my sistur who had a sevtro cough, and alio ex perienced immediate relief. I always recommended this syrup to my friends. John Cranston 908 Ilampshiro street, Quincy Ills., writes: I have found Rallaid's Ilorehound Syrup superior to any other eough medicine I have ever known. It nevor disappoints. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by Taylor the druggist. W.W. Sanders. Notary Public. Pen sions papers of all kinds made out lies curatoly. Legal documents drawn up All business given prompt and careful attention . T. A. STEVENS, The : Painter, Has opened a paint shop in Nemaha, and is now ready for House and Sign Painting, Repainting: Carriages, Upliolstering, Paper H anging,Etc. All orders promptly attended to. Work guaranteed. Prices to corres pond witli hard times. Leave ordors at Burl Hoover's store or a shop, flrat building north of hard ware store. T. A. STEVENS. Estimate of County Expenses. At a meeting of the county commissioners of Nomntui county. Neur., hold at tlio court hoiibi In Auburn, Jan. 10, 1896, tlie following' oNtlinato of expoiiHew of tho county for tlio yenr 1896 wns made: County Superintendent's Hulnry t 100 poorfnrm 1W0 " ItiHlltutn 100 " rentH, lights und fuel 500 " ncrloulturnl 1W " HRsesRors 1000 " phyt.lclnn 2H0 " expeiiKOof Jury fcoH, etc fiixo " Jail t'xppnBes 200 " commlHslonerH salary ....- 1300 " advertising lfilO " attorney In orlmlnal cases 200 " surveyor NX) " ol oct I on pxponsoH 1200 " supplies other tnnn statlonnry 200 " Insurnncn 150 Kxtra service clerk and clerk of board 75i Innanlty fund loop County lmprovemont 200 " hooks and stationary 200 " roads 12009 " bridge 1" Holdlors rollet 700 Kxpeii8o on suits pending 500 Oonnty attorney 800 Jaultoi's snlary 300 London and Urownvllle precinct It It bonds ijw Incidental ., tw" Total J65.&W lly ordor of the board of ennnty commits i slonors. I.OUIS HAST1AN, CUin'n I Attebt: II, E. Perky, County Clerk. 49 Board of Equalization. Xotlco Is hereby given that tho county commissioners will be In session as n board of equalization on Wednesday, Juno 17 jh, and will contlnun ln session until Haturduy afternoon,. luno 20th, 1890, and all tax payors who nro erroneously assessed or who feel themselves nggrloved are requested to go be fore tho board within the above date and have all errors corrected. By order of the biard of county commis sioners. II. E. P13EKY, County Clerk. XT A "VT PTTI r Canvassers to sell Fine '' All I VjU Trees at Fair Prices. Cash paid wkbkly; we furnish working capital, experloiico, etc. You cannot tall If yon sell lur the great JIO. A 11,1,. STARK UK SKIIIKS. 71st year. 1,000 acres Nurseries. 40,000 acres Orchards. Wrlto quick, glvlne ago, references, etc. Stark Bro's, Loulsiann, Mo., or Hockport, Ills. (R"dfe?!l'pk'yrn'mitA :Sirl'r:l'vit"i .y. enanooior rt"".i'S!!,"",!2,7' ?r. vr.'r.i"iiL'ui??.c,?wi W.MU4, ilUJ BUJVK, iruo vt luaiuu, i mr ireatm eaiguAis i brwou. Liiuormi c i misaion to looftl ipivrt tim Yel can In-(I Ucenta. am V leroat any 7(S nr.r month I ml Aimnui. Dont liMltats bocaiiaa of ere-1 vlnna failure! ln this or other I lines. Ontntrroc Aaarcu, minWN rtnoa. co.. m i, .TL1-Lj.- n.l- .111 kouw li reu&ble. hunntiiljpaper.-Kd.) Y. Wo have mado arrariRoments whores by wo can Bond The AnvEimsnit and he Inter Ocean botli ono year for only 81.60 cash in advanco. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles n 4 n it - k X'1 IIS ' T9-