)CA'.flJPLUi J-I1P IJUUiUl 141 IJULHIUI JlMjeWTB IK0W3?lBUW3MW9CBiCVUFfVRfl(i TCCTgaatiiiiJTgamtgitanYfMfn'jfTgaMttvtcCTTyji ranrvT iViTHtiit-tti rrPBl u KMd5MWliJ:l UUHIS WHLHL ALL USt (AILS. Iloet Cough Hjrup. Tories Otxxl. Urol in iimn. honi nr nmitginm. TQR. W. W. KEELING, Nkmaiia. City, Njmuaka. Offico first door aouth of Park hotel. W. W. SANDERS, Notary :-: Nomalia City, Nob. Kerker & Hoover, Denier In illKhost price jinldfor hides, lnrd,'vtilow j.uno, etc NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. H. A. Thompson, Pro. BIiiwInk, lliilr DrcNNliiKi Hlminpoonliic, Jtuzor noticing, HK'Clul nttcntlun jmlil lo Liutlui mill Children. Atcut for fftbratka City 6'tutm Laundry. J. L. Meloln, M.JX, J'li.G. SI'KOIALTIKH: DIhpiuiph of tho Btcln, I)Ih cmnch of Women and Ulillilron Will promptly niiNUor all chIIh, olthor day or nielli Olllcu al Koynoto Drug Htorc NcMialia, - Nobrnska Cuius Pohi.auokh Ituiiri'Honllni; Cooper tlio rtifltlltiK Liveryman OK NlCMAHA. Lcavo your orders for a team, hack or dray, and Wkdo this Rkst. Otir Hack moot aull truliiH .BeilAndrewsJ.D.Ph.D, Surgeon Specialist, Stella, - Nebraska Operations for Cataract and all opera tions on the eye, Vericocole, Hernia, Hemorrhoids, etc., performed with out chloroform and painless. Pa tients from abroad can obtain board and hospital facilities at prices less than in a city, considering skill and sanitary surroundings. l'aities seeking relief through surgical moans will do woll to confer with Dr. Andrews. Wanted Salesmen, to soil a cltolrn line ot NUHSUIY STOCK or Ki:i:il I'OTATOKS. LlHKUA I. HAL AltY or COMMISSION PAID WHlilCLY. I'KUMANHNl'iiml l'AYINO POSITIONS to GOODMKN. SIMCCIAIi INOUUEMKNTS to HKOINNKIMt. KXOMJBIVK TKUHITOKY GIVKX IV DKSIH13I). Write at oneo for tonus to The Hawks Uursory Oo, Mlwaukoo. Ws Isoiscl'8 Crcnm Kyc Salve curcB liillaiiizuatioii ot ttae Eyes, GrmmlntedlLitlN, Weak, "Watery Eyes, and all IciiidB of Sore Eyes. It i'o Cooling, Healing: and Strcnjjrtlienin Every llox Guaranteed. Price, as cents. A M V.N ! To Hotl Canadian Grown Fruit bSSTrpos, Horry Plants, Hoses fjliruiiuory, Hoed Potatoes, cto., for UiolurtjoHt Krowors of hluli uriulu stock. Sovou hundred aoros, hardy proll table varieties I hut succeed lu tho eolih'Ht clltnutcs. No xiurlencu re quired and fair treatment Knrnnterd. Any one noL earning 850,00 per month and sxpen HeSHhould write us ut ouco for parllculiiu, Liberal Commissions paid part tlinu men. Apply now and not choleo of terrltorv. luici-: uuo i'hkus company. Stock KxohRiiuo Hulldlng, Chlciio, 111. R-I-P-A-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : (kires the common every-day ills of humanity. w m Oi en U o u o I NEMAHA mm HOP PHYICIAHAKDSURGEOH The Nebraska Advertiser . If. MJJ'iUltH i'uhltihir. VtSue''w SUHBfJKU'TION. . ..... 81.50 rKH YKAK FRIDAY. JUNE 6, 1806. B wmmanamamm g n aumumwiimiil 'Hie county comtnlsalontrs had con flidornble trouble In getting u car load of lumber with which to repair tho old toll bridgo Hcross tho Nemaha river south of town. They got tho lumber from Tennossco webolievo. Tho first car load was caught in :i wreck and destroyed. The second car load was used by tho railroad company to repair one of their bridges that had been wrockfld and th third trial was made buforo tho lumber got through. MEMORIAL SERVICES. According to previous arrungemflnt, memorial sorrices wore held at tho opera house last Saturday. It was about 2 o'clock whon tho Borneo began. The flinging was good. Roy. John T. Smith, of Nemaha City, delivered one of the best addresses we ever heard. It wa lino from beginning to end, and elicited warm praiso fiom overy one we heard apeak of it. After the ser vice at the hall the procossion was formed, headed by the G. A. R. post, and proceeded to the cemetery, where tho graves of the dead soldieis were decorated with (lowers. A olara of littlu girls from tho primary depart mont of our schools acted as (lower girls. W. II. Rider has mid an experience that few men over had, lie has sonif leaves that were picked from plants growing on bin grave. lie was homt on ti furlough during the late war when 14 copperheads waylaid him ono dark night and tried to kill him So sure woro thoy of theiir sueces that thoy dug tho gravo beforehand Mr. Rider escaped without injury, although one bullet wont through his coat. Mr. Rider was at that time liv ing with his parents, in northern In diana. A few years ago his sister was visiting in that neighborhood and wont to tho place where tho grave had been dug. The sunken placo was still plainly to be seen. She plucked Bomo leaves from plants growing thuroon and brought them out to Mr. Hides, who kept thorn in memory of hia narrow escape. NOTICE OF EXAMINATIONS. Students of the country schools who wish to tako examination for free ad mission to any of tho high schools of the covnty for the next year aro ex pected to be ptcsont for examination at the Auburn High School building June 20th, at 8:30 a . No charges for this examination. The annual examination for teachers certificates will be held July 24th and 25th, and thn itistiluto will begin on the Monday following. Teachers will please dofor presenting tliomselvos for examination until tho uboyo date. SM. II. Carman, Co. Supt. m ALL GOOD REPUBLICANS should make a point of attending the National convention, to bo held nt t. Louis, Tuesday, Juup 10th. The expense is not gieut if you take tho llurlington. On the 13th, 1-lth and 15th you can purchaso a round trip ticket to St. Louis at the one way rato. Think isn't it worth a few dollars a few days time to suo the next presi dent nominated? Pull information on application lo any agent of the li. & M. R. It. or by addressing J. Francis, Gon'l Pass'r. Agont.burlington Routo, Omaha, Neb. RICH DISCOVERIES OF GOLD At Cripple Creok, Colo , and elsewhere aro being made daily, and tho produc tion for 1890 will be tho laigest over known, estimated at Two Hundred Million Dollar. Clippie Creek alone is producing over One Million Dollars a month, and steadily increasing, Min. ing Stocks aro advancing in prico more rapidly than any other Stocks, and maay pay dividends of 35 to 50 percent. Thoy offer tho best opportunity to make a large profit on a small inuestment. John I. Tallman & Co., 45 Broad way, New York, are llnaucial agents for the Prudential Gold Mining Co and othors in tlie famous Cripple Cioek dis trict. They will send yu froo inter-, eating particulars of the mining com panies thoy lepresont, also thuir book on speculation in Stocks, Grain and Cotton, containing many new and im portant features. tySoiid lor these books at once if you aro interested in any form of specula tion or investments. They may provo profitable- to von. Rlpans Tabules: at druggists. I FOR SALE OR TRADE. HoiiBe and two lotn in Nemaha. Apply to Kkmi' Colekick. YOU CANT COUGH After taking 3 doses of Regg'sCherry Cough Syrup. It Is ono of tho most wonderful remedies over put on the market for coughs and colds. Sold ami warranted by our popular druggist, M. II. T113 lor. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. To all whom it may concern: Tho commissioner appointed to locate the road commencing at half section corner between sections 25 and 30, township 7 range 15, at main road and running thence cast on section lino between sec tions 25 and 30 and sections 30 and ill, range 15, and terminating at state line between Missouri and Nebraska.reports that tho same bo opened, also that a road commencing at tho section corner of sections 25 and 30, 30 and 31 in con nection with the above mentioned road ana tunning thence south on section line between section lino 31 and 30, all in township 7 range 15 east, and ter minating at tho present slough road and tho vacation of tlio slough road west of said section line of sections 31 and 30 to main rotid be opened and slough road bo vacated at once, has te ported in favor of the establishment thereof, and all objections thereto oi claims for damages must bo filed in the county clorkjs ofllce oh or before noon of June 20, 1800, or such road will be established without reference thereto. ti. E. Pkiskt, County Clerk. A lady at Tooleys, La , was ver ilck with bilious colic when M CTislet a prominent meichant of tho town, gave her a bottle of Chamberlain's Cola Dliolera and Diaarhavi Remedy. He tys she whs woll in forty minutes af tor taking the first dose. For Bale bj Taylor, tho drugnist WtlY WILL YOU COUGH? M. II. Tavlor. your druggist ask you why? You can bo so easily cured Three doses of Rpgn's Cheirv Cough Syrup will relieve you at once. Wi guarantee every bottle, and no monke. work . Itlpans Tabules. Rlpans Tabules cure nausea. Rlpans Tabules euro headache Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia. Rlpans Tabules assist digestion. Rlpans Tabules euro bad breath. Rlpans Tabules euro biliousness. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules cure torpid Hver. Rlpans Tabules cure constipation. See our clubbing offers. Old papers for sale at this office, Dr S F Scott, Iiltia Itidge, Ilarrisoi Co., o., says; "For whooping cough Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is excel lout." By using it fieely the diseaso i1 dpprived of all dangerous consequences There is no danger in giving the Rem ody to babies, as it contains nothing injurious. 25 ami 50 cent bottles for sale by Taylor, the druggist. MwwiiinT T. A. STEVENS, The : Painter, Has opened a paint shop in Nemaha and is now ready for AlkVMMW Wi M ! U ViiVlk4J' I Repainting; Carriages, PapeiiHanging,Etc. All orders promptly attended to. Work guaranteed. 1'iices to corres pond with hard times. Leave orders at Burl Hoover's store or a shop, first building north of haul ware storo. T. A. STEVENS. fm li m I baa Tho American Protective Tariff Leagua is a national organization advocating "Protection to American Labor and Industry " as explained by its constitu tion, as follows : "The obj:t of thla LmJJ lhall be to protk Amtrioan labor by a tariff on Import., whloh ihall ed.quately .jur Am.rioan induttnal produaM ajaintt tht comp.titicn of for!fn labor. There are no personal or private profits in connection with th organiza tion and it is sustained by memberships, contributions and the distribution of its publications. FIRST: Corrtipondanoa It ottoltd rerd(pf Mambarthtp " and " Offioial Correipandnta. SECOND: Wa natd and weloom aontributiona, wfcathar tmall or largt, to our oauaa. THIRD: We publlth a large line of document overing all phaeee of the Tariff question. Com pteta set will be mailed to any addrett for SO cente, c FOURTH! Send poetal oard request for free) ample oopy of the " Amerioan Eoonomiat, Addreee Wilbur F. Wakeman. QenereJ8orttnft 130 We.t 23d Otreet, New Yoffc. at n n AT MCININCH'S. We offer 363 boxes of Mason's genuine self sealing Fruit Jars at the following un precedented prices: Pints per dozen 70 cts. Quarts per dozen 30 ots. Half Gallons pr doz. 85 These low prices are the result of a lucky purchase made some months ago. We could not replace them to sell at these prices. In view of the enormous fruit crop now in sight fruit jars hae already advanced great ly, and it does not seem improbable that prices may advance 50 per cent before the season is well begun. Would it not be the part of wisdom to anticipate your needs and buy now what fruit jars you will need for the entire season? No high rents or credit store losses in our prices. fie Great U or KBBVUOBHa' 88-70-72 Opera House Block, BROWNVILLE, NEB. WATCH THIS SPACE! For prices on Fountain and Stylographic Pens see K. J. Duff. A GREAT BLUNDER. That you don't have your T T T T Ot 1 PAINTED ( ) iN H KAIiSOMINED or -L JL KJ rJ J ; HEATLY PAPERED. Now Is your time at the very lowest prices. Goo'l work guaranteed. J. S. HADLOCE, Painter. The Inter Ocean Is the Most Popular Republican Newspaper of theVest and Has the Largest Circulation. TERMS BY MAIL. DAILY (without Sunday) $4.00 per year DAILY (with Sunday) $6.00 per year The Weekly Inter Ocean if .00 PER YEAR. Jz As a Nowspapor THE INTER OCEAN keep abraast of the times in all respects. It spares neither pains nor expanse in securing ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT LITERATURE. The "Weekly Inter Ocean As a Family Paper Is Not Excelled by Any. nv-JSIt has something of intorest to each member of the family. Its UUJ3 YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT 1b th very best of its kind. Ita LITER ARY FEATURES are unequaled. It is a TWELVE PAGE PAPER and contains the News of the World. POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and elves its readers tho beneBt of the ablost discussions on all lire political topics. It is published in Chicago nud is in accord with the peceplo of tho West in both polities and literature. Pleaso remember that the price of THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN is ONLY ONE DOLLAR i'KR YUAK, Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. AND Both one year for only $1 60 ! - - Th. Stat Journal Both one year for S2.00! mm si Dewieiit Store u sroi a Gaa WbO AND - i v . 4- y , i A-