THE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER . i i - XV. XV. 8ANIHCUS, I'liblUhcr. NEMAHA, NEUUASKA. fl THE WOULD AT LARGE. Summary of tho Dally Nowo. WAHIIINOTON NOTICS. PjlF.fllDKNT Cl.KVRI.AMI OH tho 2.1(1 tscnt to the Bcnuto n uiensufro doalininp; to furninh the correspondence of tho ntuto department In regard to tho treatment of American citizens In Cuba on the ground that It was incompati ble with tho public horvico to do bo at tho present time. Tho Ron rite had previously ndoptcd a resolution unking for the correspondence. A HrnciAi. dispatch from Washing ton to the Now Yorlc Herald stated that a member of tho cabinet had nald thoro would bo no compromise at tho Chicago convention on tho money question if the Clevelund administra tion can prevent it and that it will bo a fight to a finish as far as President Cleveland was concerned. A btouv has boon startod in Wash ington that Senator Quay may bo made chairman of thu national committee to take care of tho McKlnlcy campaign. to tho best information obtainable at Washington on tho 510th SIRS delegates had been chosen to tho Chicago convention, 180 being for froo silver, ITU for sound money and 10 in doubt, owing to Nebraska having se lected two sots of delogatos. A mi.MOit was going tho rounds at. Washington recently that Senator Tol ler's name will bo presented at Chicago by tho frco eilvor delogatos. It was said ho would bolt at tho St. Louiscon vention us soon as a sound money plat form was adopted and would lead tho frco silver men in that course. It was current gossip at Washington on tho SOth that Senator Itrico had abandoned all hope of carrying a sound money delegation from Ohio to tho democratic national convention. Tiiuiti: promises to bo so much con troversy over tho general immigration bill recently passed by tho liouso be tween tho houso and senate that tlicro Is little prospect of its enactment this session. Tin: president signed tho bill on tho 27th which necessitates a year's resi dence in a territory before getting a divorce. Sisnatoh Gorman, it was suid at Washington, was trying to got freo colnago democrats to nominate Vico President Stevenson for tho presidency at Chicago and declare for tho fruo coinugo of gold and silver, but lcavo tho ratio to bo determined by congress. Tiik prico of drawings at the putont office will be reduced after July. Gkn. Wkyi.ku has promulgated nn edict in Cuba suspending for one year all civil processes against planters, and creditors will not bo able to secure payment of interest or foreclose any mortgages they may hold. Tho au thorities at Washington wore going to protest against tho edict, which will injuriously allcct American Interests in tho island. (IKNICItAIi NKWS. A dispatch from St. Louts on tho 28th stated that 31ft peoplo wore known to bo dead from the ofl'eets of tho re cent tornado on bqth sides of tho river nnd that tho number would probably approximate 100. Those found to bo dead in St Louis up to tho dispatch numbered 100. An army of pickpockets and thieves Invaded St Louis and tho mayor ordered out tho militia. Tho Auditorium, which was only slightly damaged, will bo fixed up In tlmo for tho national republican con vention. Tiik 38th general assembly of the United Presbyterian church of tho United States convened at Xeniu, O., on tho U8th. Rev. James White, of Kansas City, Mo., wus chosen moder ator. Frank Evans, aired 120, was Instantly killed by tho explosion of a sawmill boiler at Clay City, 111., recently. His body was blown 200 feet and tho main part of tho boiler was found 120 yards from tho see no of tho explosion. Sev eral others were seriously injured. At Mount Vernon, III., nlno peoplo wcro killed by a tornado on tho 27th. At the Methodist Episcopal general conference at Cleveland, O., on tho 27th a motion was carried to rofer tho re port of tho commltteo on constitution to a commission to report four yonrs hence. Tho committee on Epworth league recommended that tho league, in extending tho spirit of national co operation to tho other young peoplo's Koclctles, should never become ntllllatcd In any manner with any othor socloty which was not distinctly Methodist. Tin: city council of Kaukakeo, 111., has commenced a war against tho hell ing of cigarettes or tobacco to minors. At Fisher's Corners, Mich., Mrs. Charles Comstock gavo birth to soven children four girls and three boys. One of tho girls has since died, but tiic rest were all doing well. Tun schooner Mary Spraguo wue towed into lioston in a sinking condi tion on tho 25th. She had collided with nn unknown schooner some day previously and it was feared had sunk her with all on board. Youno (Jiui'FO nnd Jnck Everhurdt fought six hard rounds at the Empire theater at lirooklyn on tho 2.rth. Griffo had a shade tho best of it, but failed to land his man. Tub train service betweon Chicago and St. Louis was paralyzed ou tho 28th, not a train having ontorod Chi cago from tho latter city. This filibustering steamer Three Friends, which recently loft Jackson ville, Flo., with a cargo of arms and ammunition for Cuba, was nald to have been chased by a revenue outtcr and ran ashore on ono of tho Florida keys. A. II. McDonnkli,, of Ilochcstor, N. Y., recently broho tho 10, 15 and 20 mllo records on tho road on tho Corfu course. Tho time mado was: Flvo miles, 8:21; 10 miles, 21:25; 15 miles, 31:12, and 20 miles, 40:01. McDonnell now holds all tho road records up to l'JO miles. It has been decided that the Luther an college, to cover tho southern states, shall go to Charlotte, N. C. For somo time it has been hanging between Char lotto and Columbia, S. C. It was ru mored that S,000,000 was backing tho enterprise. Tin: scene at East St Louis, III., on the 28th was simply appalling. From tho river bank to tho National stock yards, n dlstanco of over a mile, scarcely a building was left standing. Tho improvised morgucB and hospitals wcro choked with tho dead, battered out of shape, and had a steady stream of hysterical women nnd irrim-fneed men passing through them looking for their loved ones. A conservative es tlmato placed tho number of dead at 15a Tiik national convention of tho United Commercial Travelers opened at Cincinnati on tho 28th with an un usually lurco attendance. Ni:w Hadkn, 20 miles west of Con tralin, I1L, was practically wiped out of existenco by tho tornado on the 27th, only llvo buildings being left standing, and tho list of killed was re ported all the way from 18 to Jt8. Tin: prohibition convention'at Pitts burgh, Pa., nominated Joshua P. Lev ering, Maryland, for president, and Halo Johnson, of Illinois, for vico president Tho frco silver plank was rejected and a narrow gauge platform, embodying merely tho principle of prohibition nnd omitting woman suf frage, was adopted. The broad gangers and women suffragists bolted and re solved to organize a nc,w party, to be called the national party, its motto to bo "Homo Protection." Tin: frco silver faction scored a vic tory at tho prohibition convention at Pittsburgh, Pn., on the 27th, by elect ing C. W. Stownrt, of Illinois, perman ent chairman over A. A. Stephens, of Pennsylvania, who was backod by the gold standard delegates. Tiik Presbyterians In session at Mem phis, Teun., discussed the status of the negro in connection with tho church, & complaint having been made against tho synod of South Carolina for declin ing to roccivo a negro in tho Tusca loosa district as a student for the min istry. Tiik third biennial of tho General Federation of Women's clubs was formally inaugurated at Louisville on tho 27th about 700 visitors being in at tendance. Tin: Vermont democratic state con vention on the 27th indorsed Clove laud's administration, doclared for a gold standard and nomiuatcd J. Henry Jackson for governor. Tin: section of country around El Ileno and Kingfisher, Ok., was visited by a severe hall and windstorm on tho 27th, the destruction of glass being groat and the damage to crops ulmost incalculable. Tho people sought refuge in storm caves and no fatalities woro reported. Chinch bugs wcro reported as doing much damage to corn and oats In Hu rcuu county, 111., and a small green In sect was causing much alarm to tho farmers in that vicinity, it having to tally destroyed ono wheat field in two days. The ferry boat Katharine was caught at tho mouth of the Ohio river, near Cairo, III., on tho 20th by a sudden hurricane nnd capsized and nil on .board, except tho captain, engineer und clerk, wero drowned, tho dead numbering probably 11. Catt. John Wilson who first planted tho federal Hag on Lookout mountain, Tonn., in November, 1S(H, after tho confederates had been routed, has died at Hia homo near Irvine, Ky., of cancer in mo ince. A TKiimiiu: cyclone struck the vil lage of Oakwood, Mich., on tho 25th and wiped it oil! tho face of tho earth. Just west of tho villaco tho fields wero strewn with the dead and dying. It was bollevcd tho number of dead and wounded would reach 100. Auoubt Gukxtiiku shot his wife Minnie at Cleveland, O., on tho 25th an5 then turned tho weapon on him self. The tragedy was tho result of a family quarrel. Fiuk at Dallus, Tex,, destroyed six business houses, causing a loss of S1G0, 000. Mayoii W. W. Watkus, of Hot Springs, Ark., killed Hurry Martin, a doctor's drummer, on the street by cut ting ills throat with a pocket knife. Tho killing grew out of a quarrel caused by n war being waged ou drum mers by tho city authorities. Tin: mayor of Milwaukee lias called on tho business men of that city to unlto and bring an end to the boycott on tho street ''allway. Tho strikers wero running 'busses bosldo tho car lines and tho street ears wero running empty at a dead loss. Practically tho wholo city was sympathizing with tho strikers in their boycott against tho street railway and tho business inter ests of tho city were suffering seriously. Jami'.a Em.inoton was hanged at Boise, Ida., rccontly for tho murder of Charles Hrigge, his employer, after a quarrel regarding wages ou December 20, lMI'i. Tin: Chicago post office oonsus gives the city a population of 1,700,000, an Increase of 200,000 over that of last year. This census was mado by tho 1133 regular letter carriers. The in crca&o Is a little over 11 per cent Tiik schoonor Albion brought news to San Francisco of tho probable loss of the schooner Lincoln in Alaskan waters. Tho Lincoln had on board about HO persons, all of whom have un doubtedly lost their lives. Most of tho passengers were gold seekors. An appeal for aid lias been mado by tho East St. Louis (III.) relief commit tee, who stated that it was safo to say that 0,000 families wero rondcred homeless. Mr. Paul W. Abt, president of the First national bank of that city, has been designated to receive ull con tributions scut A kiiii: which started in tho candy factory of Williams & Uowcr at Sher man, Tex., burned several other stores and cntuilcd a loss of probably 5125,000. There was no insurance on tho stock of Williams k llower. Tiik Norwegian bark Ilrodcron wns wrecked near St Paul's island in tho gulf of St. Lawrence early on the 27th. A thick mist and a heavy sea prevailed at tho time. The captain nnd four others wero drowned and flvo men wero saved. Two tramps took rofugo In a farm er's barn at Henderson, Ky., during a storm and the place took fire and cre mated thorn and three horses. Smok ing or lightning was thought to have been the cause. At San Jose, Oil., early on tho 27th Col. McGllncy, Mrs. McGlincy, Mrs. James Dunham, James Well, James llriscoe and Minnie Schesler wero found murdered by being shot or hacked to death with a hatchot. Tho only being In tho house who escancd alive was a-month-old baby. James ' Dunham, the husband of ono of tho victims, was suspected of tho crime, family quarrels being tin cause. At Drake, 111., a cyclono on tho 27th wrecked the schoolhousc and 80 chil dren are snid to have been killed. Tiik schoolhousc at Rush Hill, Mo., was crushed by a windstorm on tho 27th and 50 children wero reported killed. At Mexico, Mo., seven persons wcro killed and 25 injured by the sarao storm. Dkskiionto, Ont, was swept by firo recontlj' and about 75 families wcro made homeless. Tho loss aggregated 5350,000. The flumes spread so rapidly that many lost all their possessions. Tiik Methodist Episcopal confcrcnco at Clevelnnd, 0., on the 20th held in stallation ceremonies for the three now bishops. At tho afternoon session the roport of tho temperance commltteo was adopted, declaring it to be tho duty of each member of tho church to bo a total abstainer and asserting that tho attitude of the church was one of relentless enmity against the liquor traffic AnDiriOIfAIi DISI'ATCIir.3. At tho free feast given In honor of tho czar of Russia's coronation on tho Hodynsky plain, near Moscow, a ter rible panic ensued, resulting In over 2,000 people losing their lives by being trampled upon. It was resolved to provide a hearty meal for 500,000, but there was such an immense crowd waiting to be fed for so many hours that suddenly they pressed forward to get at tho food and swept everything before them, tho police being power less before tho rush, and numbers of weak and hungry peasants fell. A l'oim-VKAU'Oi.n chil 1 of J. L. Kreg wer, of Parkland, Ok., went Into a hog pen nnd picked up a little pig, when tho old hog attacked the child, knock ing It down and biting off part of its face and tearing out one eye. It will die. "IIhick" PoMKttoY, the noted journal ist and author, died at his lirooklyn home on the :0th from dropsy. J. J. Morr, chairman of tho national silver party, has issued an address from Washington, urging all friends of the party to push tho work of organization witli nil possible vigor, the purpose being to unite for notion all believers in the restoration of "free sliver and prosperity." Tiik post olllco department at Wash ington is daily in receipt of complaints about letter carriers in tho west par ticularly in Missouri, Kansas and Tex as making tho occupants of houses come out to tho sidewalk to get their mail. At Seneen, Mo., a terrible cloud burst occurred on the 30tk. Many buildings wero swept away by tho rush of water and 18 people were reported drowned, 15 bodies having been re covered. An appeal for aid has been mado for tho immediate wants of tho living destitute, Mayor James McGan non, of Seneca, being authorized to re ceive all contributions. At Goshen, Iud., chief of police John Uignoy shot Dick Simmons through the heart while the latter was resist ing arreiQ. At Chicago nearly 200.000 peoplo gathered to witness tho finish of tho bicycle race from Wheeling to Chicago, 2tl4 miles. Tho race was won by O. P. Nelson In 1:12:5:5. Ho had been given nine minutes In tho handicap. 'A caiii.i: message lias been received at Chicago that Miss Kate Field died at Honolulu of pneumonia. Sho was in tho Sandwich islands as tho special correspondent of tho Chicago Times-Herald. NEBRASKA STATE NEWS. Sbvkkax, parties wero recently ar rested at Fremont upon tho charge of illegally spearing fish. Tin: remains of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Illldcrbrund, who wcro killed by tho cars at Lcmars, la., wcro burled at Lincoln. JosEt'H Tuckkii, colored, of Fremont, Is under arrest for stealing 5100 worth of diamonds from Mabel Bishop, of that placr. Tiik fish commissioner left several thousand fish nt Kearney a few days ago to be placed in tho ponds at Wat son's ranch. Tnucity council of Lincoln hns given notice that after July 1 no moro bills will be paid for the maintenance of tho police force. Chops nrc reported to bo looking fino in the vicinity of North Platte, and tho acreage of irrigated crops is much better than ever before. Tho first crop of alfalfa is about ready for har vest Bkad D. SiiAUOHTKii, recch-er of the Lincoln street railway, has asked tho district court to remove the case re cently brought by tho city to forecloso on the road for delinquent taxes to tho federal court Undkii instructions of the court the Hood perjury case at Lincoln lias passed into history, the jury bringing In a verdict of acquittal. The defonso had entered a demurrer to the evidence against Hood and Judge Hall sustained It and ordered the jury to acquit Hkckntly as young Illley Hancr wns returning to his home at Belgrade rid ing a mule, tho animal threw him. His foot lecamo tangled in the stirrup and he was dragged about the prairie, no ono knows how long, as he was alone. His shoe finally came off and released his foot Ho was badly in jured. Tin: wife of Edward Butler, of Beat rice, lately brought suit against five saloon lecepers and their bondsmen for 5,000 damages. Butlcr.whoatono time wus possessed of considerable means has squandered tho greater portion of his money in drink, and is now in the insane nsylum at Lincoln. Mrs. But ler claims damages on account of liquors sold her husband. Pknsions lately issued to Nebraska veterans: Original, Peter Schad, Lind say; David Stevens, Raymond; Luther T. Burnett, Wahoo. Renewal und in crease, August Sasse, Orleans. Addi tional, Thomas Burmingham, Hubbell. Incrense, Henry Hayward, Tufford; Henry Hate. Avoca. Original widow, Emma J. Williamson, Curtains. Special act, John M. Thayer, Lincoln. William Hoim'ku, residing south of Elkhorn, lately found the dead body of an unknown man in an out field a quarter of a mile booth of town. IIo evidently was about 50 years old, weighing about 100 pounds, and was five feet seven inches in height Tliero were no innrus on his clothing by which he could bo identified. The man had been dead about a week. Roiikut Bksiis. 10 years old, recently applied to the Grand Island authori ties to be sent to the reform school. He said his stepfather, living in a small town north, had sent him away and ho had no place to stay. He stated that he knew he would have to work at tho reform school, but thought that they would also teach him something there. The proper papers wero made out and he wus accommodated. Attorney Wiikdon, of Lincoln, has opened tho ball against tho mutual in surance companies of the state, but is said to be running tho thing on his own hook, ns State Auditor Mooro washes his hands of any complicity with the campaign inaugurated by Mr. Wheton. Tho latter has, according to permission given by tho supreme court, filed a brief attacking the con stitutionality of the farmers' insurance law of 1891. Henry Walkek, residing 25 miles west of Broken Bow, shot his wife thrco times a few days ago. Tho act was undoubtedly premeditated, as trouble had existed between them for some time. Walker's excuse for shoot ing his wife was that ho thought she had tried to poison him, and that ho would have to kill her as a matter of self-protection. Ho is about .".2 years old Hiid has thrco children, tile oldest nine years and the j'oungest two years old. Ho wns jailed at Broken Bow. A smooth set of swindlers recently infested the country about Pleasant Dale and Emerald. They wero horse traders and "struck every person they met for a swap." They told a long and pitiful story about being starved out by the drought In Colorado tho I last three years and said that they hud lost an mcir property ana most or their horses. Aftor getting a number of good horses they left They woro voted to bo a set of thieves, and sev eral victims would be glad to meet them ngaln. It Is stated that tho cadets of tho university of Nebraska are very much disgruntled, owing to a recent decision of tho faculty against their going into camp tills year. It is asserted that tho attitude of the faculty originated in tho fact that recently there was a some what riotous disposition manifested among somo of tho companies compet ing for tho prizes offered for superior drilling, which disturbance led to tho arrest of ono of tho cadets. The ground selected for tho encampment is at Nebraska City, and tho faculty is fearful of similar exploits amoug tho young men If they tiro allowed ,o go iuto camp near that city. Milk nnd Honey In (Ircrcc. Among the best of tho native Greek dishes, to a western taste, is a prepar ation of scalded goat's milk, not unlike Devonshire junket, and called Kaimaki. Milk in Greece, by the way, runs littlo risk of being watered, for the custom is to drive a flock of goats through the street and to milk them as required. Indeed, the milk-sellers in somo places- Naupllu, for Instance aro apt, forolL their usefulness, to evoke anathemas when they perambulate the town be fore dawn, wakening tho echoes and the sleepers witli most strident and unmclodious howls of Gnlal gala! If the children of Israel of old found tho land of Cunaan a land flowing witli. milk and honey, they must huve fared,, in at least one respect, like tho modern traveler in Greece, who, finds the fine honey of Hymcttus distributed witli lavish hand down the breakfast tables in lnrgo soup-plates, while tho Athenian butter (of goat's milk, of course) is not so very unlike Devonshlro cream, and the two go very well together. "Butter and honey shall he eat, and shall know how to choose tho good nnd rcfuso the? evil." One can buy honey-cake at u road side station in Ellis, not far from Olym pla thick, stiff, viscid lumps about the color of oatmeal porridge, which tastes much better than it looks, and is, let us say, the lineal descendant of the honey-cake which tho ancient Greek sacrificed to keep off the Furies. Westminster Gazette. Of test and trial provo Hood's Sarsaparilla to be unequalled for purifying tho blcod because Sarsaparifla Is the One True Blood Purifier. AUdrugglsts. tl Hoori'B Plllo cure all Liver Ills. 25 cents. The Greatest Medical Discovery. of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DONALD KENNEDY, of ROXBURY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common Easture weeds a remedy that cures every ind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor.) He has now in his possession over two hundred certificatcs of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from the first brtt!e,and a perfect cure is warranted When the right quantity lc taken. When the lungs are affected it causes; shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts be ing stopped, and always disappears in a. sveek after taking it. Head the label. If the stomach is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you can get, and enough of it Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bed time. Sold by all Druggists. FIND THE ONLY ORIGINAL DESIGN PUBLISHED In This Country IN L'Art de La Mofle, And nil tho most re linblo Information on tho question of dress. Order of your News dealer or send 85 Cents nt r.itfro ofihti !m!B!, 80 for tlio last Number. uim, ror an icuu. THE MORSHROilGHTOH GO., 3 33 aext lOtla JEtxoot, Bet. Gth Arc. and Broadway, NEW YORK. 66 95 New Line Between Cincinnati TOLEDO and DETR081 SOLID VESTIBULED TRAINS FAST TIME EXCELLENT EQUIPMENT. INAUGURATED MAY 24. THE 8CHEDULE. L.V. Cluclnuutl IMOO ti. m. Oilfi p. m Ar. Toledo ni'J.I p. in. ! !.." u. m. Ar. Detroit .i4.' p. in. Otl.l 11. nu Through Coaches and Parlor Cars on Day Trains. Through Coaches, Wagner Sleeping Cars Clnclnnat to Tolodo and Cincinnati to Dotroit on Night Trains. Tim Now Pervlco between Cincinnati, Toledt nd Detroit Is AS O00D AS OUR NEW YORK LINE ! AS O00D AS OUR 0HI0AO0 LINE I AS GOOD AB OUR, ST. LOUIS LINE ! Iluy rnurtlrkfltR through via " lllir Kour." bur lull Information cull ou iirqiiik omclclresD E. 0. McCOIUUCK, Iui. Triilllc Mr. 11. It. 3MIITIN, Gen'U'iiss.&Tkt.Acent. If you accept a substitute, you must not fuss because its not as good as genuine HIRES Rootbeer. Uidoohlr br The Charlti K. litre. Co., rMUItlphU. X 'tla. .ttltajc cjitci S fallooi. Soil ererywtierc. flESSflgtf ami WHISKY lml'lts cured. Hook lent bj-:u:ii; this riru mrj ium j rnu. I A - r X -x