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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1896)
THE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER - W. XV. HANDKUH, Publisher. NEMAIIA, .-.'-- NEBRASKA. VM-AJ.X4.J).4.XJ.X4..VXA4.AAXJ.AJ.Xi.V APRIL J896. I . : Sun. Mon. Tuo. Wod. Thur. Frl. Sal. : 1 9 3 A. ' 0 W T" : II II II II !Z Ji II : i'i?.iiiiiiJiiZ.ii'i 3 J9 20 21 22 23 24 25 .: - A 26 27 28 29 30 .... j THE WOULD AT LAIIGE. Summary of tho Dally Nowa. WASHINGTON NOTKS. Tun National League of Mtinfcinnn began its lltli convention ut Wiinhlng ton on tho 7tlit to lnt llvu days. Alox umlor lirawor, of Now Yorlc, presided. At thu recent meeting of tho nation ul ndvlsory hoard, of tho A. P. A. ut "Washington it wnn decidod, so it wn reported, to press tho lutmo of Con grensmnn Willium S. Linton, of Michi gan, as its choice for president tmd to arrange for a vigorous campaign. A hkcknt poll of tho democratic Tuomhersof congress showed 38 in favor of -tho nomination of cx-Oov. Holes, of Iown, at tho Ckicagoconvontioti, 21 for Gov. Mathews, of Indiana, and 11 for Cleveland. Those refusing to express themsolvos were supposed to have Glove land leanings. A l'UKTTY young woman, who speaks with a foreign accent and represonts herself as tho widow of a Cuban patriot recently killed, has been receiving do nations from certain senators and rep resentatives who aro in sympathy with tho Cuban cause. A member who had given her money subsequently dis covered that sho was Kut-o Gray, a no torious female sharper of Philadelphia. A Chicago Timos-IIcrald's Washing ton special on tho 10th stated that Sen ator Cullom held written a lottor with drawing from tho presidential contest, but had not decided when to mako it public As soon ns tho llccd and Alli son managers heard that Senator Cul lom had written a letter of with drawal, they drovo in hot has to to tho senator's house and implored him not to take tho stop. Tho senator may dccldo however, to give it to tho press ut an early day. PiiKsmiiNT Cmjvei.and has mado a formal proposition to Spain that tho good ofllcoH of tho United States bo ac cepted in madltatidn between that country and Cuba. Tho proposal was nuulo in a cablegram of instructions to our minister at Madrid. Tho noto brings to a crisis tho relations botwoon tho United States and Spain, which have been unsottlcd since tho outbreak of tho Cuban rcbolllon. MuMiiKitsand senators at Washing ton, it was reported, wero receiving thousands of letters asking for seeds. Tho lottors will bo answered by send ing tho scods just as soon as tho secre tary of agriculture will mako it possl blo to do so. It was estimated by tho Bocrotary that on or boforo May 1 ho would bo able to rosumo tho seod busi ness. OK.VKKAI, NEWS. Till: village of Lyons, near Wauseon, O., was noarly dovastated by an incon diary iiro on tho 9th. DeI'OTV GAMK Va11DKN HllBWSTKH, of Grand Ilnvon, Mich., began wholesale arrests of fishcrmou and seizure of tholr nets, upon tho charge that tho meshes used wero smaller than tho lawful size. Nearly every fishing firm int Grand Havon was complained against. Tho seizures throw many mon out of omploymont, as ilsbing in Lako Michigan is a big industry thcro. It was assorted that tho total value of tho nets soizod will amount to 2r,000. Attempts woro recently mado by incendiaries to burn tho Savannah, (Ga.) post oillco nnd also some of tho large business houses in different sec tions of tho city. Tin: bank at Stlllman Valloy, 111., was broken into tho othor nltrht An attempt to blow open tho safo was a failure, but tho vault and a portion of tho building wero wrockod. Tho rob bers got only a small sum. Hicim Aiii.waudt, tho Gorman anti Semitic agitator, was engaged to mako na address against tho Jews at New York, but when ho appeared in tho hall some ono throw a brick, which cut his scalp badly, and tho crowd closed in on him and roughly handled him, when ho drew a revolver, but just then a squad of policemen ap peared and arrested him. Nkau McLeansboro, III., Hon llooh nier, a well to do farmer, cut his wife's throat and hanged his six-year-old son to a rafter in his stable. Ho after wards covered tho bodios with fodder to hide his crimo, and mado his escape to tho wooda Jtoohmor and his wife had been having troublo over religious differences, ho being a non-boliover In Catholicism, while sho was a llrm Catholic. Tho murderer was after wards captured near Carmi, 111. A good deal of excltomcnt existed in tho neighborhood and lynching was frcoly talked of. ' ATl'ontwatcr, Mich., S. II. Minsk-nil, an attorney, shot and probably fatally wounded William I J. O. Sands, a wealthy citizen. Minshall then wont homo and shot his wife nnd three chil dren and then blow his own brains out. No motivo for tho tragedy has developed. Wim.iam VKim.r. and Joseph Soular wero sentenced to ho hanged at Duluth, Minn., for tho murder of Samuel Do Mars, at licwnbik. Vcrlll is 18 years of ago and Soular 17. Tho murder was n most brutal ono and was deliberately planned. Aiithuu Sciinkidkii, a Gorman about 20 years of ago, was hanged iti tho prison at Now Orleans on tho 10th for tho murder of Herman Schroeder, a rival in 'tho affections of a waitress, llo also killed a deputy sheriff with a knifo in the prison where ho hud been confined. Nkau Parkland, Ok., while Mrs. Wheeler was burning trash in tho yard, her Httlo six-year-old daughter got too near tho Humes and, her cloth ing catching fire, sho was burned to death before her mother's eyes. Tiik clearing house returns for tho week ended April 10 for tho follow ing cities woro: Now York, S52 1,1 (50, 222; Chicago, S77.008.000j St. Louis, 82C, H10,730; Kansas City, 80,390, 110; St. Jo soph, SI, 182,805; Topekn, 8:ni,470; Wich ita, Slf9,0i8; Omaha, S-1,208,820. Au. tho Croo Indians in tho United States, who largely inhabit Arizona and tho northwest, will soon bo do portcd to Canada. SroiiTi.vo men wero reported ns try ing to arrange a limited glovo contest botween Corbott and. Peter Mahor to take place at San Francisco In May. Tjik Cuban insurgents under Macco wore said to have defeated the Spanish troops four times recently in tho prov inco of Pinar del ltlo, tho Spanish loss being l.COO killed and wounded, but tho government suppressed ull Infor mation about tho battles. The bnrns of Mark Hickoy and J. 15. Wallace, near Illllsboro, Tex., wore destroyed by flro with their contents. Ono horso of Wallace's was burned to death, and another badly injured. Tho flro was of incendiary origin and Sher iff Poll sent somo deputies out with bloodhounds to investigate. Tho dogs followed a trail when word was brought that a suspocted negro, Henry McCutchcon, had shot himself. Ho was supposed to have killed himself rather than submit to arrest. A hkcknt dispatch to tho London Dally News from a resident of Cuba draw a lamentable picture of tho fero cious character that tho war had as sumed under Gen. Weylcr. It was be lieved, however, that tho rebels would eventually shako off the Spanish rule. Tho dispatches also stated that a band of volunteers, infuriated by tho resolutions of tho American congress, had shot six sons of nn Amoricnn farmer at Casigaus. The United States consul-goneral was said to bo inquir ing into tho matter. W. S. Linton, of Michigan, was being boomed for tho presidential nomination in Illinois, and it was stated that in most of the counties of that state large Linton clubs would be organized. An order had boon placed for fiO.OOO Linton buttons to bo worn by tho members of tho clubs. Eveuv building except on four squares In tho central part of Camp bellsvllle, Ky., was destroyed by a flro of supposed incendiary origin. The to tal loss was placed at 538,000. At Klang Gin two regiments of Chl neso soldiers revolted and, at a signal from tholr leader, boized tho guns of tho forts nnd proceeded to kill all of tho olllcers and a new regiment of sol diers recently arrived. In tho midst of tho massacre a magazine exploded and nil wero blown to pieces. Two battalions must havo been wiped out of existence, ns not a soldier lived to tell whether tho magnzlno went off by nccidont or designedly. Pesides an immense quantity of sholls. 10,000 pounds of powder wero stored in the powder room. A special from Madrid said that tho Spanish government had completed tho preparations of sending to sea a squadron of H vessels and that tho movement of tho fleet would depend on President Cleveland's courso on tho Cuban resolutions. Fun: damaged tho Savannah Grocery Co.'s stock at Savannah, Ga., 115,000; insured for about 8100.000. The Cincinnati Commercial-Gazetto printed on tho 0th a communication from W. J. Harrlty, chairman of tho domocratic national executive commit tee, booming ex-Gov. Kobcrt 13. Putti son, of Pennsylvania, as tho demo cratic candidate for tho presidency. An explosion occurred at the sawmill of Dennis Poyd, near Neville. Pn., on tho 8th. Two mon wero killed and four others wero badly injured. With out warning tho boiler blew up, wreck ing a part of tho building. Tho cauoo of tho explosion was unknown. A. J. llAmvnon, an elderly farmer of Tower Hill township, III., in attempt ing to lead a cow from a burning barn was ovorcomo by tho heat and boforo ho could bo rescued was futnlly burned. IlKOUhATOKH at Stockholm, Ky., re cently administered a tcrriblo whip ping to Mrs. Ulair and her daughter, Mrs. Dagger, for causing a married man to neglect his family for tholr so cio ty. Hv an explosion of clynnmlto at tho New llndobaugh Tunnel near Greens burg, Pn., on tho 7th, ono man was killed and three injured, two fatally. Tho mon wero thawing out the dynamite. Coi John A. Cockerilt., tho well known newspaper correspondent, died on tho 10th of apoplexy at Cairo, Egypt aged 51. Ho went to Japan a your age us tho Now York Herald's correspond ent It was during I1I3 stay in SL Louis that ho became involved in t bitter political quarrel with Col. Slay back, which resulted in Cockcrlll kill ing Slnyback. II. II. Holmes, the murderer now un der sentence of death at Philadelphia for tho murder of llenjamin Peltzcl, has mado a confession. It covoim near ly thrco newspaper pages. Ho admits to having committed 27 murders. Failures for tho week ended tho 10th were, according to Dun's lleview, 209 in tho United States, against 207 last year, and 33 in Canada, against 27 last year. Kx.-Go Ukown, of Ilhodo Island, was stated to bo a candidato for vice president of tho United States. Wa-Pa-Sho, chief of tho Sue and Fox tribe of Indians, was arrested ut Ills homo in tho reservation and brought to Oklahoma City, Ok., recently for re fusing to allow olllcers to plnco his children in the irovernment school. Ho hid tho children in tho bushes nnd stood tho ofllcers off with a Winchester. A dispatch from San Francisco on tho 0th stated that tho Uritish ship lliairmoro, whilo riding at anchor in Mission bay was struck by a squall and capsized and tho vessel wont to tho bottom in less than flvo minutes after. Six seamen who wero in tho holo wero drowned, tho others cscap-. ing. The Burlington depot at Garden Grove, la., was recently struck by lightning and burned to tho ground, with tickets and all contents. The London Chroniclo published a dispatch from Home on the 0th giving a letter from Cardinal Hampolla ex pressing tho satisfaction of tho pope at the cffortH mado to deeido international controversies by a pcrmanont tribunal of arbitration and also stating that his holiness had congratulated Cardinals Gibbons, Vuughn and Loguo for hav ing signed au appeal for Anglo-American arbitration. A special to tho Chicago Evening Post from Now York on tho 0th said that a report had reached there from Washington that tho president had made a most startling move in tho Cu ban matter. It was said to bo neither more nor loss than a personal letter to Scnor do Lome, tho Spanish minister, asking him to urge his government to tako action at onco to stop hostilities before tho United States intervenes. IIono Konq, China, has been declared an infected port and tho steamship line from thcro to Vladivostock has" sus pended operations. At Kobe, Japan, a general quarantine station has been established and systematic efforts made to combat tho dread disease. lie sides tho black plague, cholera and small-pox in a virulent form havo made their appearance. The Americap. strawboard works ol Anderson, Ind., has closed down in definitely because tho market was overstocked, and all tho other plants controlled by the trust will follow suit. ADDITIONAL DISPATCHES. Secretary Carlisle, ex-Secretary Whitney, Secretary Lamont and others woro parties in a conference with tho prcsidont at tho white houso on tho night of tho 11th at which tho presi dent mado known his intention to give to tho public within a few days a let ter regarding his relation to the com ing domocratic national convention. Ho said that ho was going to announce that his name must not bo considered for further honors and that tho future of tho party depended upon its adher ence to tho vital principles of tariff reform and sound money. A Py thu explosion of 200 pounds of powder in a magazine at tho St Law rence mine at lluttc, Mont, six men lost their lives. It will bo necessary to tunnel and timber through tho wrockogo before tho bodies can bo reached. A Washington dispatch of the 12th stated that there was no longer reason to doubt, notwithstanding roundabout denials, that Secretary Olnoy, in his communication to tho Spanish govern ment had offored tho mediation of tho president between Spain and Cuba. Tho offer had been made, according to report, as delicately and pleasantly as it could bo conveyed in words. Lavina Jones, u colored domestic, 12 years of aire, was arrested at Nor folk, Va., chargod with attempting to poison tho entire family of F. L. Hol land, by placing a quantity of poison in tho coffee pot. One person had died and four others were in ado intensoly sick. A terrific? windstorm visited Abi lene, Tex., early on the morning of tho 12th, many residences and work shops being demolished and telcphono poles blown down. At Colorado City a bny was killed and at Cresson tho M. E. church and nine business houses and residences wero destroyed. At Pates, Donton county, tho M. 13. church was also demolished and great, loss re sulted at othor places in tho state from buildings being blown down. M AHERand Sin ven have been matched at Pittsburgh, Pa., to light before tho Eureka club, Long Island, on May 29, for a purse of 80,000, 81,000 to go to the losor. TJio match is to bo for 20 rounds. A HLI7.ZARD visited Cripple Creek, Col., on tho 12th. doing great damage, a score or more of buildings being blown down. At Gillett and otlnr places many housos wero nlso'domol ibhed. Humors of loss of life in tho outlying districts were in general circulation. NOTED EDITOR DEAD. Ceil. John A. Cockcrlll PitflicA Awiiy While Tnivulliiir In Egypt. Cairo, Egypt, April 11. Col. John A. Cockorill, tho well-known newspa per correspondent, died last night of apoplexy. John A. Cockcrlll was born at Dayton, O., in 1845. When tho war broke out tho lad entered tho army ns a drummer boy. After tho war had ended young Cockcrlll becamo a COL. JOHN A. COCKEP.ILL. printer. Afterward he was appointed a clerk of tho senate. Ho next became a partner of Clement L. Vallunding hatn in tho publication of tho Dayton Empire, at that tirno tho organ of tho Montgomery county democracy. Later ho was a reporter on a paper in Ham ilton, where he attracted tho attention of J. 11. McCullagh, editor of tho Cin cinnati Enquirer, who offered him a position on that paper. Ho after ward becamo managing editor. Ho subsequently edited tho Washington Post, Ualtimoro Gazette, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, New York World and Now York Morning Advertiser. Ho went to Japan a year ago as the New York Herald's correspondent. It was during his stay in St Louis that ho be camo involved in a bitter political quarrel with Col. Slay back, which re sulted in Cockcrlll killing Slayback. VIOLENT STORMS. Colorado nnd Texa hultor Seriously from WIikI nnd flood. Cripple Creek, Col., April 13. Tho Cripple Creek district was yesterday visited by tho severest and most de structive blizzard in its history and an immense amount of damage has been done. A light snow started at 11 o'clock Saturday night, and about three Sunday morning tho storm broke forth again. Tho velocity of tho wind, which was from the northeast, in creased, and continued to blow al tho rate of GO miles an hour all day. A score or more of buildings in this city wero blown down, aud tents, signs and loose lumber wero scattered over town. All the telephono wires out of tho camp aro down, and no trains arrived or departed this afternoon. Tho Crip ple Creek Commission Co.'s threo-story building on Carr avenue, fell with a crash, and it caught on flro from an overturned stove, nnd was completely destroyed. Tho lioston Cafe building, nt Carr and Second streets, was par tially wrecked. A large rooming houso on Warren avenue was blown down about noon, and several occupants were injured. Many storo fronts havo been blown in, and some of tho busi ness houses, as well as residences, will need repairs. Humors of loss of lifo In tho outlying districts arc in general circulation. In tho hills hundreds of prospectors live in tents, a majority of which woro blown away. Thodamago to property throughout the camp will not fall short of 8100,000. A dozen buildings or more were blown down at Gillett. and a number at Altman, Goldfleld and Victor. Shaft houses and surfaco improvement all over tho district were badly damaged. A VIOLENT WINDSTORM IN TEXAS. Aijilene, Tex., April 13. A torrifio storm, tho velocity of tho wind being GO miles an hour, accompanied by an inch of rainfall, swept over this sec tion Saturday night In this place four residences and a half dozon work shops wero demolished. Many build ings were also unroofed and telephone poles wero blown down. A Mrs. Me Kinney was seriously, and a Mrs. John son painfully, Injured, their rosjfjencos being destroyed. At Colorado City the storm struck tho foijr-room building of J. M. Solomon and the house was literally splintorpd and James Solo mon, a 12 year-old boy, was killed nnd Mrs. Solomon and some of the other children were Injured. At Fort Worth a sash, door and blind factory and tho grand stand at the baseball park were wrecked. At Cresson, a small town below Fort Worth, tho Fort Worth & llio Grando railway dopot, tho M. 13. church and nine business houses and residences woro demolished. At Rea gan, Falls county, several buildings wero nlmost demolished. At Anneta, Parker county, ono storo and all of its contents wero blown away and a num ber of residences crushed. At Hates, Donton county, the M. 13. church was destroyed and other buildings moved from their foundations. Concrem Jluy Adjourn by Miiv 18. Washington. April 13. With the fortification bill reported to tho houso the only general appropriation bill re maining to bo submitted to that body for passage Is the general deficiency bill. Members of the committee aro confident that tho Fifty-Fourth con gress will adjourn by May 1.1 and thus provo ono of the shortest sessions on record within tho last 20 years. Dcnfnosfl Cnnnot Ho Cured by local nppllcutlons, ai theyennuot reach tho diseased portion of tlio car. There is only ono way to euro deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. DctifneHS i caused by an inflamed condition of the mu cous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tubo gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is cntlroly closed deafness Is tho result, and unless tho Inflammation enn bo tu'tcnout and this tubo restored to its normal con dition, hearing will bo destroyed forever; niiio cases out of ton nro caused by cutnrrli, which is nothing but nn iullumcd condition of tho mucous surfaces. Wo will givo Ono Hundred Dollars for anycaso of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Unturrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. V. J. Chrnkv & Co., Toledo, O. Hold bv Druggists, 7'u. Hall's Family Pills mo tho best. m 1 1 A man mny havo got his blnck eye by run ning against a churcn door, but it is hurd to mako a critical world bclievo it. Atchison Globe. Oun dangers and delights nro near allies, from tho sauio stem tho roso aud prickle rise. Shakespeare President Isnne Lewis of Sabinn, Ohio, is highly respected nil through that section. Ho has lived in Clinton Co. 75 years, and bus been president of tho Sabina Hank 20 years. He gladly testi fies to tho merit of Hood's Snrsnparilla, nnd what he says is worthy attention. All brain workers find Hood's Snrsnpa rilla peculiarly adapted to their needs. It makes pure, rich, red blood, and from this comes nerve, mental, bodily and digestive strength. "Inmglnd to say that Hood's Snrsnpa rilla is a very good medicine, especially a3 a blood purifier. It has done me good many times. For sovernl years I suffered greatly with pains of eyi" in ono cyo nnd about my temples, cspo clalb at night when I had been having a hard day of physical and mental labor. I took many romedics, but found holp only in Hood's Sarsaparllln which cured mo of rheumatism, neuralgia and headache. Hood's Snrsnparilla has proved itself a truo friend. I also tako Hood's Pills to keep my bowels regular, and liko tho pills very mnch." Isaac Lewis, Sabina, Ohio. i SarsapariSIa Is tho Ono True Blood Purifier. AU druggists. 87 Proparcd only by C. L Hood & Co., Lowoll, Mass. HnnH'c Dillcnro prompt, emclontand 11UUU & f 1 Uneasy la ctlcct. 25 cents. , "Webster's laiterfliatioaial Dictionary Tho Ono Great Standard Authority, So -writes Hon. D. .T. Ilrewer. Justice U. H. Sticrema Court. 1 ByScnd a Postal for Specimen Pages, etc. ' Successor of tho "Unabridged." Standard oftliKU.S.Oov'trrlnUi inc onice, tno u.m. hu. , prrnie Court, all the htittu Ruincme Court!, ' nmt of nenrljr all the i CCUOOIWUIU). Wnrxnlv Commcuclccl hv Stnte Superintend- nitft at Schools, nnil , other Kdiicntors nlniott , without numixr. THE BEST FOR EVERYBODY nrrillRF ! It Is eaty to find the word wonted. ! It Is easy to ascertain the pronunciation. , It Is easy to traco the srowtli ol a word. , It U easy to learn what a word nteano. ' Kcmurrn iruernnuomi j)icnonary in im iuvfcui ' I niiDinfld. An AI'AIV tllln tf Tri flftllnt I , to our lanimaBO in tho wny of onlioKraphy, ortho- ( , cpy.etyirmioi:y, nrm dennllion. J mni iiiiierewnu ( nwircni. jtiniis neriCCt naimmU cuyuBiiucwiwuH- , nipcan miitolt. DfcH.ltH;. G. & C. MmtRIASr CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., U.S.A. KOOOC0CH0XKKXK00K00 For your Protection we positively state tl)tt tills rotucdy (loos not jontrtln mercury oritur otiior injuilohs druj. Nasal Catarrh Is n local illfcaso und Is thu io mlt of colili nnd sud den climatic chances. ELY'S CREAM BALM Opcmand cleanses tho Nana! I'nsstiKOs, Allays 'In (itiH lnlUmmnMrin .'.si' as "JK&bCOLD'N HEAD f rom Colds. Itrstoros the Henos uf Tmtn and smell. lho IlRlm Is quickly Hlisorhud nnd tlves rollof at onco. I'rleoSicentsnt liriiKvlstsorby mnll. m.Y UltOTHBHS. 16 Wufren btreut. Now York A SHINING EXAMPLE of what may be accomplished by never vary ing devotion to a single purpose is. seen in the history of the McCormicfr Harvesting Machine Co., Chicago. For 65 years they have simply been building grain and grass-cutting ma chinery, and while there are probably' forty manufacturers in this line, it ij; safe to say that the McCormick Company builds one-third of all the binders, reapers and mowers used; throughout the antirc world. mill UUICtV lml.!a ,. -,,! n.i m rui-tV ','r"',V :n,mAVf".,i'l s.cnl (UrWiac THIS FAI'll mr, tlst yu writ. M 1 H CATARRH z' ft! ZxM ' At r,p A N-( a- i - l iftni ""