The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 17, 1896, Image 1
tLjmmremniim .hj.iimiiiiihmi VOLUME XL NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1896. NUMBER J2 Miwmuinimi .MM wbw fifl Wi IwA' ' T)R. W. W. KEELING, NttttVUV ClT. NrJUUAKA. Olllce Urot door south (if Park hotel. W. W. SANDERS, Notary :-: Public Nomalia City, Neb. Kerker & Hoover, Uoalor In IMIEI-A-TS IIIlioit prlcoH pnlil.for lildei, Inrd, Uilow g.irae, etc NEMAHA CITY. NEBRASKA. Local News. Additional looal'on tho hist pugo. Hurve Thompson In running the bar ber shop alone now. Charlie Robln9on is now an employee of the Titus Nursery. Col. and Mrs. J. L. Dulhy, of Snubert, weio in Nemaha Tuosduy. Mrs. Jennie Moore Is spending the week with her mother at Auburn. It H. A. Thompson, Pro. ENS&H& BftRBEn SHOP Hlinvlng, Hair DrexfilnKi HtiumpoonlnR, Ituzor Honclng. Spcclnl attention imld to Lndlcti nnd Children. Agtntfor Nebraxka City Steam Laundry. .BellAndrews.M.D.Ph.D, Surgeon Specialist, Stella, - Nebraska OperatiotiH for Cataract and all opera tions on the eye, Varicocele, Hernia, Hemorrhoids, etc., performed with out chloroform and painless. Pa tients from abroad can obtain boatd and hospital facilities at prices less than in a city, considering skill and sanitary surroundings. Parties seeking relief through surgical means will do well to confer with Dr. Andrews. i n Hon RobSamtoON Iteprcsontlng Cooper the rtiHtllng Liveryman OF Nkmaha. I.oiivo ynur ordorH for 11 tpiun, hnck or dniy, and We do tiik Rest. Our llnck uico h nil raliiH to noil a Ire lln N1IIISKIIY Wanted Salesmen .rani' LMtMt nnTiTlU'C T .1 rtKR A I , M A I vilV or COM MINION lAID WEKKI.Y. i'-.UMAMiNriuid I'AYINw POSITIONS to UOOHMKN. SIMSOFAr, I MUOEMBNTS to tlfHNNKKR. KXIM.U6JIVK TKUKITOHY OIV13N IK U1CHIHBD. Write at once Tor LTini Irt The Hawks flursery Oo, Mlwaukoe. Wb ATVT AW? To sell Cnnndinn Orown Fruit VAtfc'll-t-Trri'H. Hurry Pliuitn, Koses -"niooui v, .Seed Potato, etc., fur the lnri?eRt t .iwetRof hluh gnvle stock. yovn hundred iin-es, hardy proiltable varieties thut succeed In tlin coldi-xl cIlmntcH. No experience r on I rod and fair meat Riinrnnieel. Any our not arnl.: 5D,00 per -.11011111 and Rxpen- should write iin at onco for pnrllculiirn. ,!pnl Commissions paid part time men. A nnly now ami isot choice of territory. LUKE BUOI'HEfW rOMPANY. Stuck BxoliiiiiK Hiilldlnt?, OIiIchko, 111. 01 J m u R-I-P-A-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. TIUK . WtyTJS MAIM Salary and expenses paid weekly fromitart. l'rrmojient txaltlon. flood ch&noe f or t advancement Kxcltulre territory .IX ? lircai irrow on or nurse ry.Kjc. (.lean, naroy noes, iruo w ..ait.u SWI HV..wB.i autead. Liberal com uilsaion to local part tim acenta. Y We can In tercut any fn not earn lne 175 per month. and expense, uont r faeeltata because ot pro-lou?fallure.lnthl?oro&er ,,... Mfir frM Addrcas. "" iiiinwM niinq. rv. Z Continental Nuraerle, Chlcago-llMl "itti tawliWtaTaro1 thU paper.-fed.)) John Hadlock is painting and grain ing Johns, Hoover's house this week. For lateat Btylu inilllnery go to Miss Harris, "the mil II tier," ftouth Auburn. Tom Chambers and Chan Waterman shelled corn for II. T. Minick Thurs day. Ihid Stockton has moved in Taylor Gillespie's house in the west pait of town. Mrs. J. II. Veeder Is visiting her sister, Miss Nina Moore, at Cook, Neb., tills week. T. W. Eustice, at Auburn, carries a large line of wall paper at prices to suit tho tiniori. Mrs. M. II. Crolher visited her daughter, Mrs. Jennie Melvin, at Stel la, lutt week. Mr. and Mis. John Gulp, accompan ied bv their daughter, Mrs C. A. Titus, returned to Hethnuy, Neb., Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Titus will make her home with her parents at that place. She takes with ht-ruhe kind wishes and heart felt sympathies of her many friends in liei sad bereavement. A few day ago J. V. Vebtir' smoke Iiouho caught allru and was burned up, together with considerable meat Unit was uelug smoked. Mr Wrhber had the hams and shoulders of several hogs in the smoke houso, cur lug for his summer's meat, and Mis. Cora White uud Mrs. Minnie Kuapp also had considerable meat in it. A good quantity of this was saved, but it is badly damaged by the tire, and it is said that It will soon turn bitter and be unfit for use. . Books, stationary and toilet articles at T. W. Eustice's, Opera House Drug Store, Auburn. Dr. and Mrs. 13. Hell Andrews, of Stella were visiting friends and rula tives heto Tuesday . MrvliBigGeorJiaipiPiin. DUittua, apuiit ouuuuy wiin uuuijjcd mother, Mrs. S. Yates. Miss Minnie Hinds, of Shubert, visi ted her sister, Mrs. Steve Cooyer, sev eral days last week. A. H.Gilmore& Sons, at Auburn, carry large line of latent style dress goods at lowest prices, bee them. Mrs. F. A. Welton came down fiom Auburn the llrst of the week to visit her daughter, Mrs. Sarah Pry or. Misa Harris, "the milliner," at South Auburn, carries the latest style milli nery. Low prices. Nemaha ladies are invited to call. 42 Mr. and Mrs. Moses lianka drove over lo Verdon and Salem the latter part of last week, visiting friends until Monday of this week. Will Freed, who has been working iivllarvey Thompson's tonsorial parlor for the past mouth, returned Id his home at South Auburn the first of the week . It is rumored that S. K. Anderson, v ho recently bought the Louis Lewis stock of general tiieichandise at Shu bert, will remove the sune to Nemaha about the Hist of next mouth. Miss Frantie Frazier leturned from Iltin.boldt Monday, whore she has been visiting friends for some time. Her cousin. Miss Mabel Fntzier, came home with her and will visit with her for awhilu. Dr. II. S Gaither and family started Monday for Uolcknw, Missouri, where they expect lo make their future home. Dr. and Mrs. Gaither during their res idence of two years in this place, have made a host of friends, who wish them success and all the good things of life iu their new home. Miss Lillla Wheeler, who has hern visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Wheel er, for several months, returned to Lincoln Friday of laut week Miss Wheeler will be greatly missed here, especially by the young people, among whom she is a favorite, but she ex peels to return to Nemaha in a few weeks. A HOY A I, TIME. April I iitli, 1 SOU, being the thirtieth wedding anniversary or Mr.' unit Mrs. George E. Dye, they decided to cele brat the occasion by entertaining a few of l heir most intimate friends, and tony that they vere royally en" tertained would he expressing our ideas very mildly. For all who know Mr. and Mrs. Dye and family, know that none surpass them in entertaining. At 1 1 o'clock the gueU began to as semble. Uy 11 :3U about sixty had as sembled. At 12 o'clock we repaiiud to the dining room, and such a dinner but few meet with during a long lifetime. A bnautiful table, decorated with tho choicest viands gieted us. After thoroughly satisfying the inner man, we were escorted to the parlor and Dr. Hull, of Stella, in a neat little speech, presented Mr.' Dye with an elumtnt silver cornet, donated by his man friends; and in Jurn, the groom pre sented' the' liride with a luvely pearl necklace. Other valuable and hand some piesents were given the bride and groom a complete list of which we aro compelled to omit for lack of space. Those present were Jesdamea See ley and Grant, Dr. and Jrs, Gaither, Mr. and Jia. 0. K. Fisher, Jr. and Jlrs. Luke Fisher, Jr. and Jrs. Win. Bantz. Mr. ana Jrs. S. Couer, of Howe, Jr. and Jrs. Low Morris, Jr. and Jib. Minor, Jr. nnd Jrs, Marion Anderson. Jr. and Jrs. W. T. Ruasel, Jr. and Jrs. J. W. Webber, Jr. and Jia. John Argabright, Mr. and Mrs. James Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson, Air. and Mrs. C. W. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. P. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. John Dressier, Mr. ami Mrs. John Hawxby, Mesdatnes Anna Field and Davidson. Misses Rhoda Anderson, Florence Dye, Blanche Dye, Jesse Dye, Edith Dye and Miss Smelser; Dr. Hull and Messrs Evans and Hert Hall of Stella, and Messrs. Marshall Webb, C G. Dye, Charlie Anderson, John Sleu tevllle and Emery Dye, After tho presentation of the gifts, we were entertained by vocal music by Miss Florence Dye, entitled. "Home of my Childhood," and "The Nighten gale." AIho by Mr and 'Mi's Dye, as sisted by Mrs. Minor, entitled "Lady of Beauty," and "Merry Bells." At 4 o'clock the "wedding bolls" were still ringing, but we had to take leave of our host and hostess and make ready to migrate to tho "land of paw paws." Gak. For the best line of ready mixed paints In the country, go to T. W Eustice, Opera House Drug Btors, Alii burn. 42 4 CHARLEY TITUS lb DEAD. Charles A. Titus died Sunday, April l'ith, 181)0, at 7 o'clock p. m., aged twenty-F.even jeara, one month and eighteen days, at the home of his fath er, James A. Titus adjoining Nemaha, The deceased has suffered for over a year with heart disease. A few months ago diopsy set in, and for months he has been confined to his room, During tills time, although suf fering continually and most of the time unatile to lie down on account r smothering:, he remained cheerful, and seemed never to give up hopes of iu covery until a few days previous to his death, when, we are informed, ho call ed the dear ones Into the room and ' bade- thum goodbye. Poor Chat ley! He was always energetic, full of ambi tion uud plans tor the future. Ho was a route agent in the employ o( the Adams Express Company for some time previous to his sickness, and had bright prospects before him. It seems sad that one so ftlll of ambition should be culled away so early in life. Charles A. Titus was horn in Nemu ha February 24th, 1801), and grew to manhood here. He was married Sep tcmbor7th, 1802, to Miss Lllliu Gulp. He leaves a little daughter, a loving wife, fathei and mother, sister and brothers to mourn his death. And may the loving Heavenly Father help them to bear this great ullliction. The sympathy of the entire community go out lo them. The deceased had a wide acquaint" ance, nut only iu this county, but in Beatrice and Arcadia, where he lived after going into the service of Hie ex press company. The news of his death will cause Bad lieaits in many places. The funeral services wero held at the Christian church at 10 o'clock a. in. WediiesdHyyuinder'vha auspices nL the Woodmen of the World lodges of Stel la, Howe and bbubert. The service was very beautiful and appropriate, and showed the fellowship and lovohift brother Woodmen bore him. Rev. E. S. Chamberlain preached the funeral sermon. The remains were laid at rest in the Nemaha cemetery. Kerker & Hoover are going into the seed business on quite an extensive scale. They buy their seed by tho pound of Menglesdorf Bros., of Atchi son, Kansas, and as thoy are western fresh grown seed, they give tho best satisfaction of any seed ever handled by this linn. Kerker & Hoover put the seed up iu a cent packages, and the packa es contain enough seed for as large a gardon as an average editor would care to take caro of. They also have u supply of pure Early Rose po tatoes that they are selling at 60 cents Iter bushel. For the ilnest line of shirt waists, go to A. H. Gilmore & Sons', Auburn. Take the wagonette when in Auburn for any part of the city. Easy riding. Quick time. All trains met. John McElhaney, proprietor. ATTENTION COMRADES. G. W. Culp Post, Dept.of Neh.,G. A. R.. will give a supper Friday evening, April 24th, 1800. It Is the intention or the committee to make it one of tho most enjoyable evenings that we iiavo ever had. A good progiam is being preparedconsisting of speaking by Rood speakers and recitations ,by tho schools, also the song entitled "The Monroo Dootrlne," to tho tuno of "Marching through Georgia." Speak ing will begin at 7 ;30 p. m after which supper will bo served. Suppor, 25 cents; children under 12 years, 16 cents. Everybody come and we will treat you well. By order of the committee NOTICE. As one good act deserves another, all those indebted to the undersigned, please take notice, call and settle your account, if you desire to settle same with me, as I expect to go uwuy hi May. And oblige, II. A. Kylk, M. D.V. S. ISTotico. - - "Wait. Dr. Holladay's famous trotting stal lion, Almont Aberdeen, record 2:22, and the sire of Allen, 2:21 , and othnra better than 2:80, will commence the present season tit Auburn, Neb., about tho tlrst of May, In charge of Marlon Baker. 42 R. M. Glllanand Msrlott are the only authorized agents for Nemaha county for the sale of stock in the Southeastern Nebraska Building and Loan association. J. M. RuKxnas, Manuger. . The ilnest stock of goods in the country is to be found at Taylor's. He a ho has secured the sale of Begg's Family Medfclneb; ilyery bottfo war runted. They will gfv'e you satisfac tion. Notice. All persons wuo are indebted to the (Inn of Titus & WlllianiB are requested to call and settle their accounts at once, either by cash or note, as there will bo a change in the business inside of 00 days. Titus & Williams. I have a Stevens refrigerator 7x0 feet, that has been in use only about 'iyz months, that I will sell cheap. J. L. Haitii. THE DOLLAR TALKS! Come and Hear It. You can buy more goods for a dollar at the BLD than at any other house in the county. Come and see us. Our motto is: IT C HE BE f nick mm -A.2STD mall Irofits. We want your trade and we are going to say "positively" that we aro going to have it if Well Made, Perfect Fining Goods & Lowest Prices are what you want. This Is tho time when your dollar should buy about Si. 10 worth of goods; so come and investigate. Largest and best stock of goods in'S. E, Nebraska There will bo a broad smile awaiting you just inside the door of J.W. CRANMER&CO., Blue Front, Auburn, Nebraska.