The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 10, 1896, Image 8

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The Nebraska Advertiser
. if, ajjs'itan, t'uuUiUtr.
ttUKSOKiri'IUN 81.60 I'KIt YKAIt
FRIDAY. APRIL 10, 1800.
A bill introduced by Congressman
Strode to allow Gen. John M. Thnyar u
petuUn of $100.00 por month Imn )hih
cd botii the limine and senate.
The republican district convention
meots ut Tucumiuh Monday, and the
ntate convention to elect delegates to
the national convention meets at Om
aha next Wednesday,
II. H, lroy, of Omaha, announcen
tlut he in a candidate for the nomina
tion for the olllco of state tiraauror at
th coming rupublloin otatn conven
tlon. Mr. Irey was troasunir of Doug
las county from 1AD2 tn I8fl.
Outgrcmtli r Troitliln llntwoen Cattle
Mmi unit AKrlcullurinlK.
In Wyoming irrigation struggled for
Rome yenra wltli an obstacle more for
midable than aridity. Thin wiih the or
ganized stock interest which nour
ished on the public landa, wnatcfully
using the publlo streams to produce
crops of natural hay and to water great
herds of cattle. While many of the
leaders of this industry were of liberal
and progressive mind, and freely con
ceded that they had neither a moral
nor a legal right to stand in the way of
progress, an aggressive and trouble
some minority insisted that cattle were
worth more than men to Wyoming.
The final eonilict came in the "Jtus
Tlcrs' war" of 1802, with it ignomini
ous and crushing defeat of the caltle and their hired outlaws from Tex
as. With that fiasco the barriers of
opposition fell once and for all, nnd
the irrigation sentiment has since dom
inated the state. Reclamation and set
tlement in Wyoming and similar locali
ties elsewhere have never really
menaced the stock industry, and have
rather vindicated the necessity of its
reorganization upon a more democrat
ic basiB. There will bo more cattle
In the aggregate, but distributed
among a multitude or small owners
living In the irrigated valleys. There
they will raise the diversiiled products
essential to their support, nnd great
crops of winter fodder for cattle,
vhilo the adjacent uplnnds will servo
for summer pasture. This process lias
begun, and it results In the elevation
of the character of the men and of their
industry alike. William 12. Smythe,
in Century.
Hours for Slnnp.
The truth of tJie old adage that one
hour of sleep before midnight Ih worth
two hours after midnight is questioned
by Dr. 13. I Colby, who states that he
made some study of the subject while
in naval service during the rebellion.
The sliip's company on shipboard
oillce-rs and men alike tand four-hour
Mutches day and night, witJi the in
terpolation of a dng-wut oh of two hours
to change the time of each act of men
on Huuccroivr days. These men
are therefore obliged to get
their required sleep very irregu
larly, but In more than two
years' observation Dr. Colby oould
never discover that the watch officers
nnd men were not n.s fully refreshed
by their sleep ns were the officers of
the ship who wore required to stand
to watch at all. Philadelphia Item.
The Ohicaijrt, Burlington fc Quincy
R It. publishes a slxteen-piiim month,
ly illustrated ntnvupuper called the
"Corn Hell," which gives in an in .
tereiding way information about
western lands, particularly those in
Nebraska Tim tegular submnption
price is 2f cents pur jenr, but it' you
want It sent to any of your trionds
living east of the Mississippi river,
Mind ten cents in stamps for each such
person, giving name and full address
nnd the paper will he sent for one year
The U. & M. It. it. It. agent, will show
your u sample copy wf the paper on
request. Help your state and Induce
your friend to immigrate. Addresa
the Corn Belt, 200 Adams Street
Chicago, III.
It'll just an may to try One Minute
Cough Cure an anything ela. It's
eaiUr to cure a severe cough or cold
with it Lt your next puieluuse for a
cough be On Minuto Cough Cure
Better mt dioine; better Jesuit; batter
try it. M. II. Taylor.
It will be aggreeable surprise to per
sous subject to attacks ot bilious colic
to learn that prompt relief mny te had
by taking Chainbeilain'd Colic, Cnolern
and Diarrhoea Remedy In many in
stances the attack may he pi evented as
himmiub thollrat simpcomd of the din
enso appear. 2. and 50 cent bottles for
tula by M.I' Taylor.
It is said that stammerers rarely,
If ever, show any impediment of speech
when speaking in whispers.
A dream that you have lost your
sight indicates that you will soon dis
cover the perfidy of a trusted friend.
The sailboat for the pilot's use is
going out of date, and the steamboat
is taking its place. One Is in success
ful operation in New York waters.
The natives of Canada do not scru
ple to take out patents in Washington;
293 have been granted by our pa-tent
office to our cousins on the other side
of the St. Lawrence.
The otter is becoming more rare
each year. Anthony Dolcey caught one
in a trap a few days ago in IJInek river,
at liCe, Midi. It weighed 25 pounds,
and the pelt is valued at $15.
One of the greatest war records In
Maine belongs to the safe of a company
in Uars Mills, whiuh has been blown
open three times by burglars, and now
has three holes in it, filled with jxnvder,
left by a recent murauding party.
The average yearly sunshine in
Unglnnd, nceordlng to a recent work by
Dr. Van Uebbler on meteorology and
hygiene, Ib 1,-100 hours; in Germany,
1,700; in Italy, 2,300; and in Spain, 3,
000. London averages 23 hours of sun
shine out of a possible 100, und Madrid
A tramp visited all the houses at
Clovcrport, Ky and begged from every
kind lady ho met a postage stamp with
which to send a letter to his sick
mother, lie got the stamp every time
nnd went out of town with several dol
lars in his pockets as a result of the
successful ruse.
It is stated that an electric hen
has recently been invented, which is
claimed to be superior to the natural
article of flesh, feathers and blood, ex
cept that It cannot lay eggs. When the
electric incubator lias produced the
chickens, an electric foster mother
takes them in charge. The upper part
is devoted to the freshly hatched, while
the lower part is so arranged that the
joung can run around on thr ground,
and at the same time find heat and
protection when they require it.
A nkw pcuny-in-tho-slot machine
Rcarcs away tamperers by sounding an
alarm and shocking them with a strong
electric current.
After taking !l doses of Begg'sChen
Cough Syrup. It Is nno of the most
wonderful remedies ever put on the
market for coughs and eoldn. Sold and
warranted by our popular druggist, M.
II. Taylor.
W.W. Sanders. Notary i'nblie. Pen
sions papers of all kinds made out nc.
curately. Legal documents drawn up
All business given prompt and caret u I
it is not a miracle. It won't cure
everything, but it will cure piles.
That's what DeW itt's Witch Hazel
Salve will do, beeauso it has done it in
hundred of canes. M.ll Taylor.
We have made arrangements whores
by wo can send The AiVEUTisKit.and
lie Inter Ocean both one year for only
$1.00 cash in advance.
We might tell you more about One
Minute Cough Cure, but, you probably
know that it cured a cough, Every
one does who had tided it. It it a per
fect itimedy fur coughs, colds, horn
nt'M. It is an especial favoiite for
children, being pleasant to take and
quick in curing. M II. Taylor.
"Perhaps you would not think so
but very largo proportion of diaeas in
New York cornea from caielessnest
about catching cold," says Dr. Cyiuti
Edson. "It it such it simple thing and
so common that ho very few people,
uulens it. is a case of pneumonia, pay
any attention to a cold. There ate a
great many cases of eatar'h and con
sumption which have their origin in
this negllct of the simplest precaution
of every day life. The mnt sensible
duvlee ia, when ynu have one, get rid
of it its soon as posible. Hv all means
do not neglect, it." Dr. Ed-uni does
not tell you how to cure a cold hut
we will. Take Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It will rpliove the lungs, aid
expectoration, open the secretions and
soon effect a permanent cure 25 and
50 cent bottles for sale by M. II .Taylor.
Is positively Hip best, hair tonic on
the market. It will stop hair falling
nut or turning grav. Give it n trial.
Eve y bottle warranted to give satis
faction by our populai druggist, M. U.
They relieve where all other fall.
Til ay are called Begg's Little Giants,
ami are rightly named. Hememherthe
name and call for them at the besi
8toreiu town. Taylor keapa them.
Hums are aluolvtalv painless when
DeWitt's Witch llazl Salvo is prompt
lvapvlied. Thi statement, is true.
A perfect lemedy for sltln diseases,
ehnpped hrncU and lips, and luevei
fails to uurepilea. M.ll. Taylor.
fitylm Setbr the I'atrlttrch Still In Voruh
In the IUnt.
The Syrinn Arabs have changed their
style of dress less than any other na
tionality. At any rnto there is no
record of Its having changed during
the period covered by human history,
either ns regnrds male or female dress
or ndornmejit. Saving only for his
firearms, there 1b no reason to believe
that the Dodouin of the desert does not
clothe and adorn himself exactly as ho
did In the days of the Patriarchs and
the women wear their ornaments In the
nineteenth century of the same shape
and in the same style ns Sarah and He
hecca did. Among articles of western
costume, the two oldest are probably
the Highland kilt and the smock-frock
of the west country English laborer. It
is not probable that either of them
hns altered much for 1.000 years. The
smoek-froek was the peasant dress in
early Saxon times, and the kilt would
seem to be a development of the kirtlc
or fringed girdle, wliich was probably
the earliest garment worn by man.
IlnclriK 1'lcconn in llolglmn.
Belgium i the home of the racing
pigeon. There the sport is a nationnt
pastime, and a good pigeon frequently
wins for its owner large sums of money,
the prizes being considerable, to which
heavy pools are added.
Our bettet halves say they could not
keep houso without' Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It is lined in more
than half the homes in Leeds. Sims
Hros., Leeds, Iowa. This show.s the
esteem in which Hint remedy is lu-ld
where it has been .sold for years and is
Wfll known. Motheis lias learned that
hen is nothing so good for colds,
Miup and whooping cough, that it
euros theye ailments quickly and perd
manently, nnd that it is pleasant an
nafe for children to take. 25 nnd 50
cent bottles for sale by M. II .Taylor.
jSj)njp Xq pioa "'on l
IKKK) mjjswjj -cinjlg urooo
Sweet Peas
Mixed Varieties Lt-fiRe?S.ffte?e-
. . .Tlio Only
Bride of Niagara,
Packet 25c.
Half packet 15c.
The "Wonderful
Only 15 cents.
These Floral Novelties are described in
.' The JPimeer Seed Catalogue," Vick's
Guide for 1896, which contains lithographs of the
Double Sweet Pea, Notes, Fuchsias, Blackberries,
Raspberries, New Leader Tomato, Vegetables.
nueci wan good things,
old and new. Full list of
Flowers, Vegetables, Small
Fruits, etc., with descrip
tion and prices. Mailed on
receipt of jo cents, which
may be drducted from first
H0VELT1E8 . . .
Fuchsias, Rossi,
Pearl aooitbsrrr.
Isadtr Tomato,
Potatoes, tc.
Order rcallv FKBtt or free with in nriler fnr nn
of the above. In the floral world It Is the only safe
Rochester, N. Y.
mru I ft e a f
17 1 I BJ! M w
I' 5 Uwwi fin A
13 MA
JSijJiriOAiX, ami nJEMMKM!$gWrfITIVE
jjn Mi a' umhjMcmv .vis wsrjiFjnn.
Reduced Subscription Rates, hy mail, Postage Prepaid.
Daily and Sunday,
ViMiidnv Edition. 10 Danes.
Sunday Edition, 28 to 40 pages,
WrV.TT.TTT.V lB8Uetl ln aemi-weekly
Friday, 10 pages every
THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is universally conceded to be the
jjest of American newspapers, and nt these Reduced Rates it is also cheapest.
, THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT ays for and prints more news
than nny other paper in the United Stales. It will be indlBpensabie during the
coming great National Campaign, and the low price places it within the reach
ot all.
THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is sold by all newsdealers every
where at 2 oentB lor the daily and 5 cents for the Sunday issues. Delivered to
regular subscribers, daily and Sunday, 10 cents a week, 00 cents a mouth. Jf
your local dealer does not handle it, iusiet upon his procuring it for you, or
send your subscription witli remittance direct to the publishers.
ITParticular nttention is called to THE WEEKLY GLOBE-
DEMOCRATj Ishtied in semi-weekly sect Ioiih, eight pages every Tuetday
anu Friday, making it practically a largo semi-weekly paper for
only One Dollar a Year. This isHiie just lllls the bill lor thejusj man
who has not time to read a daily paper and yet desires to keep prnmptlj and
thoroughly posted. It goes to every state almost to veiy postofllce in the
Union. All America is its legitimate tleld. No matter where you live, you
will 11 lid it invaluable as a newspaper and home journal.
SamplelCopics free on application to
IPi-eicteiit of the "United Sttite
w York Weekly Tribune
of November 4th, 1896.
Public interest will steadily increase, and the disapointment of the men
whose votes turned the scale at the last election, with the results under the
administration thy elected, will make the campaign the most intensely inter
esting in the history of the country.
The New York Weekly Tribune.
the lending Republican family newspaper in the United States, will publish all
thw political news of the day, interesting to every Ameiican citizen, regardless
of paily affiliations.
Also general news in attractive form, foreign correspondent covering th
news of the world, an agricultural department second to none in the countr ,
market icports wliich sue recognized authority, fiu-einntiut! shoil storiis, com
pleto in eacli number, the cream ot the humoious papers, foreign ami 'i
with their best comic pictures, fahions plates and elaboiale descrip of
woman's attire, with a varied and attractive department of household interest.
The "New York Weekly Tribune" is an ideal family paper with a ciiculation
larger than any other weekly publication in the country issusd troni the office
of a daily. Lnrjro changes are being made in its details, tending to give a
greater life jnd variety, and especially more interest to the women and young
people of the household
A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal and
(Tho regular subscription for tlio two papers is 2.50.)
Address all orders to
THE Air&ETISER, Nemaha, Neb
Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Gen. W. Host,
Room 2 Tribune Building, New York City, nnd sample copy of The New
York Weekly Tribune will be mailed to you.
For Cheapest
Just Gaze
The Ad ehtiser, the N ew Y ork Tri
bune, the Toledo Blade and the Chicago
Tnter Ocean, all four papers one year for
only S2.10 cash in advance! This offer is
good for a short time only. Take advantage
of it at once.
Come in a!
One year, $0.00; &ix months, $3.0fl
- One year, l.ift
One year. $2.00
immlnv nml
section, 8 pages each Tusadny and
week, Oim year $1; six months OOcg
on This List: