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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1896)
The Nebraska Advertiser W. W. mjJYMUlM, rbU,hrt HCBIOKirTlOft tt.oO I'BH YKAJt FRIDAY. APRIL 10, 1800. THE CONTEST FOR THE CAN DIDAOY. A littln more than half of the nUtf ar yet to hold their republican con vcritions for the election of deloRiiteii at Urge. Thtso arc in the order in wliich the states will meet: Oregon, Rhode Island and Kentucky, Nenruso ka, North Dakota, New Jersey, Maine, Connecticut, Tennessee, Maryland, Virginia, PennaylTania, Alabama, Vermont, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Montana, Missouri, Cali fornia, West Virginia, Wyoming, North Carolina, Colorado and Idaho, while the territory of Arizona has its convention the same day a Georgia and Illinois. Idaho, which is last on the lint, has itn convention on May 30. Two state couvcnliouH take place tills week. These are Oregon's, which meets on Uio 0th, and Rhode Islands, which occurs on the 10th, Slightly lest than half of of tbo 000 delegates, at large and district, which nro to appear in the St. Lou in conven tion havo already been chosen. A little inoro than half of these have either been instructed for McKlnle or are known to favor his candidacy. The other aspirants range in tlilt rder at present: Morton, Red, Alli son, Quay, Cullom. This, however, will not be tho order after all the delegates are chosen. Reed will tins doubtedly be thn nncond n the roll at thai time, and Morton will havo fallen to third place. He may even drop to fourth place, as he apparently has no etrength outside of New York, while Allison will probably get a few dele gates in the states yet to choose them Quay is likely to secure two-thirds or throo-fottrths of the sixty, four dele putes from Pennsylvania, while not or than half of Illinois' forty-eigh ' delegates will be for Cullom if he al lows his name to go before the conven tion. The question of commanding impor tance here is, will MoKinloy keep up the lead over the combined forces of his rlviila which ho has maintained from ihe beginning? The chances at this writing art) that he will. In Maine, Vermont, Connecticut and Rhode Is land, in which delegates aro to bo clioimi. Read will probably be far Id lead uf ll the other contestants, bt.t in all these atatos, except Maine and pOHrttbly Vsraaont, McKinley will ie ceivo some votes, no matter what the Instructions to the delegates at large may be. A fow district delegates in Massachasstta and Now Hampshire havo already been secured by bim, and the sentiment for him in Rhode Island and Connecticut hue all along been strong. In New Jersey, Maryland North Carolina and Georgia McKinltn will undoubtedly bo far ahead of al tho other aspirants, while Kentucky, which ia ostensibly for Bradley, who of course, is an impossibility, is really for tbo Ohio man. Outside of Illinois, in which Cullom is likely to receive a few more votes, MoKinloy will make a yirtually clean .weep of tho west, getting at least tlueo out of ovnry font of tho delegates yet to be naned. MUsouri is practically solid for him, and so apparently aro Indiana, Mian igan and tho Roeky Mountain and Pacific Coast States. It is excedln:n ly difficult to se at present how Mc Klnley's rivals can prevent him fiom earrylns; off tho prize on tho Urt-t allot. G obo-DemocraL m THE MOST WONDERFUL PILL. They relieve where all others fail. They are called Hogg's Little Giants x aud are rightly named. Remember the name and call for them at the best alore in town. Taylor keeps them. Old papers for sale at this office, Obaanberlaln'B Xf and Skin Ointment Is unequnlled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, ScaM Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands, Itching Pile, Hums, Frost liitea, Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For salu by druggist at 25 cente per 'box. TO HOSISOWNSXaj. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. CwIv'b Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure 1cm of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders nnd destroy worms, giving n$vr life to an old or ovor-worked home. 2e cents per package. For sale by druggist PEACHES. There is no trouble, and but trifling expense attending tho raising of peaches In Rlchardsoa county aud tho returns aro enormous. Poach trees Jo not winter-kill hero until after having born one or two heavy orops and not alwava then. Young peach trees do not euffoi from our winters, Wo do not advise tho planting of whole farms to peaches bnt every farmer ought to havo enough to sup ply the family and if passible some to sell. Try it this spring; plant a few peaeh trees, and in a year or two plant a fow more and sooa you will And you will have peaches every year. Falls City Journal. DISTRICT COURT. The March term of tho District Com t cloned on Friday evening. It was the ilrst term held by Judge Stall and naturally every one was curious to see how the btiBiuuss would be managed by tho now judge. The uuamimous tfeutiaient eeemod to be that he was conscientious aad fearUm in his rulings. His determination to decide cases promptly when submitted and uot to take them under adviHOs meat, was sommeaded and approved of by litigants and counsel. Falls City Journal, Edison's roaent announcement that ho had succeeded in converting the X rayx into light, thus enabling observ ers to see through opaque objects, has been conformed by a series of scienti flc experiments in L'ittsburgh. Tko cathode ray was passed through a two inch pine board, on tho opposito side of which wms fixed a sheet of card board coated with powdeied tungstate of calcium. A tunnel was placed against the cardboard to shade the eyvn, and tho experimenter, looking through ihe funnel, cardboard and block, saw the outlined of his fingers. A piece of steel was seen more dis tluctly, and it was Miggested by a surgeon who was present that, by put dug a Crookes tube beoind a patient and looking through a layer of thu lungttate, tho course of an oppetatiug nlte could be exactly followed. By iuployliig this process the aid of phu ugraphy would be neediest. Thus it earns that Edison's proposition to use the eye iuatead of the camera in ex iloring opaque bodies is already, to some extent, an accomplished fact. Globe-Democrat. The May number of the Delineator ia called the Commencement Number. Its forecast of summer styles in drest aad millinery is eomplete, including, basido the usual monthly display, a number of commencement, gowns and a chapter on the latest Idtas in attiio or bicycling. The varied methods of dressing the hair now in vogue arc illustrated and described, and a Nov Yoik dentist dlstustus the proper can of the teeth. Not less piactlcal and useful to women are the lirst of i lenes of papers on interior decoratioi , by Mr. GenevievH Wigfall, A. B. Longstreet's article on recant culinary inventions, one on domestic Kanitation, tnd the usual review of the markets and talk about cookery, the spring dainties receiving duo attention. Among tho ganeial reading a very en tertaining article 'Is coi tributed' In Mary Cadwalador Jones, Mildred Conway tells about a novel poster party, aud Carolyn Halited describes the origin, organization aud object of the Da ightm of tbo Americau Uevo lotion. Mrs. Itberspoon's testable chat, notices of new bo.ks and illua iatd desciiptlons of the latest de igna iu embroidery, knitting, tatting, lacs making, etc., complete a magnifi cent number, Tho Delineator is pub lished by the Buttorick Publishing Co., .lew xorn, at Si per year; 16 cents per single copy. u flanking Id RumIa. In Russia Hie Mot bank udvnncos moiKy at 4 per cent, a yeaa on ah klnda of goods in umouutu na high as two-third of their vaitH It take money on deposit at ya percent. A little while ao. to onalst the grain trade, the gxjvornment bought largely direct from the producers and will won 1 the largest holder of trraln In the country. It hiu nearly completed the nbnorption of private railroad !!. has acquired the monopoly of th man ufacture of spirit! and the control ot the retail trade. 1 about to lake the wine and sugar inide into It hamU nnd very ?uly the coal tni'de aa well. Chtcago News, SINGULAR DISCOVERIES. A Wtmia That Wm h Valuable Contribu tor to Hclnnc. A very stnuijre thing happened to tho prince of Monaco's Btcmii yacht PrlnceBBo Alice, near the Inland of Toroelru in the AzxjreB ItuU Bummer. The prince hoa devoted IiIh yucht to tho study of the ocean and ItH Inhabitants, and many important facts have thua bocn gathered for science. On tlwj oc casion referred to a scrm-wlnilc, or cachalot, about 45 feet long, wan har pooned by Home fishermen, and In ita dying struggles It made direct for tho I'rincesfto Alice. If it had Btruck the little yacht Uvs cotiHequcnccw might hove been wry aerlouH, but juwt when the collision seemed Inevitable the whale dived, and coming up on the other aide of the yacht, t timed upon it back In the death-agony. At this In r.tnnt the bodies of three gigantic cephaloodH tho clans to which cut tlt'flHhca belong were ejected from flvo whale's mouth. These were hc ourcd by a boat from the yacht, luid later the bodlca of a number of curious inhabitonta of Uio Ben were found in tho whale's stomach. The cephalo poda belong to n new Bpecicfl. Other captures that the whale had madowere bo Intercatlng aa to lead Mr. J. Y. IJu chanan. tho naturalist, to remark in a recent number of Nature: "The cach alot which wafl killed by tho whalers of Terceinv almost under the keel of the PrlneeHse Alice Becms aa if it had been guided In the purauit of its food by n desire to devour nothing but animals which, up to tlus prewent. are com pletely unknown." VERY SHOCKING FISH. lahablt the MedltvrrunetMi aad 1'oMenii Peculiar Attribute. Many people know of the electric eel of Bouth America, but there are com paratively few who have heard of the torpedo or electrio ray of the Mediter ranean Bea. This curious fish, accord ing to the New York Journal, is ubout tho size and shape of a large frying pan. with a Bhort and exceedingly broad handle. It is fiat aud swims horizontally iu the water. The torpedo, which is found practic ully in the Bay of Biscay and the shores of the Mediterranean sea, is so called because of its habit of giving electric shocks. Such shockH an', feeble, aa a rule, notgreater than those from a small electric battery. If the fish is enraged, however, it is capable of giving a much more powerful Rbock. It utt's this cu rious weapon to stun the small fishes and animals on which it preys, thus making the victim insensible previous to devouring it. It ia a very sluggish fish and will lay for hour.s buried in the sand a few feet from the shore in shal low water. Electricity is much talked of a a medical agent nowadays, and for such uses is spoken of as a new dis covery, but In the days of Caesar this natural electricity was much used for the bame purpose and physicians of the time applied it to the leg or arm of a person suffering from rheumatism, gout or nervous diseases, the patient keeping his hand or foot on the fish as long as It was jossible to bear the shocks. Thin was said to have been an excellent remedy. MOM to LOAN ator' ent. on Farm Lands, Apply at The Adver. tiser office, JNciuuha. i a. p. T. L. The American Protective Tariff Leagu ' a national organization advocating "Protection t American Labor and Industry " as explained by its constitu tion, as follows : "THobjotof ihU LMfucahktl k to protect AnwiMn lbor by a Uriff on import, whioh shall adtquaUly our Amartean induatrial produota afainat Wia oompatitlon of foralgn labor. ,T There are no personal or private profits in connection with the organiza tion and it is sustained by memberships, contributions and the distribution of its publications. FIRST: CorrMpondanoa la aolioltad rairoSnf Mambarahlp " and " Offioial Corraapondanta," SECOND: Wa naad and walooma aontributiona, wKathar small or larga, to our oauaa. THIRD: Wa publish a larf Una of dooumanta ovarinf all phase of tha Tariff qusttlon. Com a4ta sat will ba mailed to any address for SO cent. FOURTH : Send postal oard request for free ample copy of the "Amerioan Coonomtst." Address Wilbur F. Wakeman, QenereJSeorattr ISO Wast 23d aHrset. New Vtrk. "gr,w' A GREAT That you don't HOUSE Now id your t'rw ;b ""ry lowest J. The Inter Ocean Is the Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West and Has the Largest Circulation. TERMS BY MAll, DAILY (without Sunday) $4.00 per year DAILY (with Sunday) $6.00 per year The Weekly Inter Ocean g 1 .00 PER YEAR K As a Newspaper THE INTER OCEAN keepa abreast of the times in all respects. It sparos neither pains nor expense in BHOUrtiiR ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT LITERATURE. The "Weekly Inter Ocean As a Family Paper Is Not Excelled by Any. nv-r2f-It has something of interest to oaoh member of tho family. Its ife-t YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT is tho very best of its kind. Its LITER ARY FEATURES are unequaled. It is a TWELVE PAGE PAPER and contains tho News of the World. POLITICALLY IT Id REPUBLICAN, and gives its readers tho boneflt of the ablest discussions on all live po.ltlcal topics. It is Dubllshod in Chicago and is in accord with the poop o of tho West in both politics and literature. Please remember that tho price of THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN is ONLY ONE DOLLAlt 1'IlU VKAIU Address THR INTER OCEAN. Chicago. The Great LEE ARTICLES By AUTHORITATIVE WRITERS I!rKln In the FEBRUARY NUMBGR of Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly PUBLISHED JANUARY 1STH. Price 25 cts. Sold by all Newsdealers. m The Flr.t Article fif thin Notable SerleJ on the LGBa OP VIRGINIA, which Series will run hIx munths or mure, Is "The Ancestors of GEN. ROBERT E. LEE," By Mrs. R. A. PRY0R, of New York, (WIFE OF JUDGE PRY0R). The culminating Interest of the serlei wilt he in (lie llil presentation of that pure and lolty character in which are rcllrcted all th nolilit trait ot Ameiican chUalry the character ol (1ENERAL. KORKRT K LICE. Each paprr of the frrics will be com. plete in Itself, but lollowinn In the regular order ot development of the subject, and all will be piofusely illustrated. The collection ot portraits of General Ler, In particular, embraces a number hitherto unpublished, and includes all the standard ones appioved during his lilctime bv bis iam iyand filends. The editor of Frank I.eslik's Poi-ular Monthly, in collectlnK"the mate ilal lor this nerles, has had the aid and collaboration of Gfn. Titzhuch Lkk, CJfn. G. V. (,ustis Lkk, Dr. E.Jbnninos Lkk, Judgk R. A Pryor, Mm Kate Mason Rowland, and other well-known Virginians. No American, South or North, can well afford to misn this sciies. Crdcr through Local Newsdealer or Fostmaster. 25 eti ; $3 1 Tear. From now until St. Josepli e THE ADVBRTWBR AND Both one year for only $1 60 ! Tha Advertiser The Toledo Blade liotli ue Yea. for l.f0! The Advertiser - The State Journal Both one year for $2.0b! BLUNDER havo your PAINTED KALSO MINED or NEATLY PAPERED. prices. Gooi work guaranteed. S. HA BLOCK, Painter. Wiy: Ljl : m mrf , p tm H ORDER EARLY. EDITION LIMITED. Frank Leslie's Publishing: House, N. Y. J B January 1st, 1897. and - Week Hera ri i r