The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 10, 1896, Image 2

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w ...ii.ii.. m i.
W. W. HANDKK8, Publisher.
VXJ.4. 4,4.4.4. Jt4.XXJ.j.XXAj.4X--J.4.4-s(
3 APRIL J 896. :
' '
; Sun. Mon. Tuo. Wod. Thur. Frl. Sat. ;
12 3 4
;J920 2I 22 23 24 25j
: 2o" 27 28 29 30 j:
Summary of tho Dally Nowa.
PltRRIDKNT Cl.HVKI.ANI litis Blfjlicd
the not repealing tho stututo prohibit
inff tlio iippointmcnt to tlio army and
navy of porsotiB who held cotifodoruto
Skchktauy IIkhhkht linn decided to
use messenger pigeon sorvico for const
defense, tipccinlly denlgncd coops tiro
to bo built nt UO different points nlontf
tho Atlnntie const and many hundreds
of homing plpeons will bo plnced in
them. Additional lofts will later bo
constructed in a continuous chain nnd
after a timo bo extended to tho I'aciflo
The deficit in tho United States
revenues for tho month of March
amounted to 81,300,000. Tho receipts
wore 520,041,140.
This gold reserve, as officially re
ported on tho aoth, was 5128,711,0r0, tho
highest point reached during tho pres
ent ndmistratlon.
Tub senate committee on judiciary
lias decided upon iv favorablo report
for the voluntary bankruptcy bill.
Tho bill will bo reported to the seimto
on the 13th inst.
Duiiino tho past few wcolcs Secretary
Carlisle has received numerous lottors
asking cnlightonmont on his intentions
as to being a candidate for tho presi
dency and it was reported from Wash
ington ns being probable that tho an
nouncement of his candidncy might
como in tlio form of a reply to ono of
those lottcrs.
Thk river nnd harbor appropriation
bill was finished on tlio lid by tho houso
committeo which has been working on
it most of the session. Tho total
amount carried by the bill is a fow
thousand less than 510,000,000, or about
51,000,000 bolow tho bill of tho last con
"Bnicic" 1'o.MKitov, tho noted printer
and editor, was rcportod dvinc of
dropsy at lilythobouruc, L. I., on tho
Mb. Chaiu.ks Dittman, of tho whole
Balo tobacco firm of Dittman &. Vonoiff,
of Baltimore, Md. , has returned from
n trip to Havana and does not tako a
rosy view of tho situation in Cuba. Ho
said on tho 2d that tho outlook for the
tobacco interest was most discourag
ing and that tlio effect of tho war in
Cuba would presently bo folt In tho
United States in a material advanco in
Fr.AMits startod on tho Brunswick fc
"Western railroad whurves at Bruns
wick, Oa., and in an hour the wharves,
two largo warehouses and a number of
cars full of freight wero consumed, on
tailing a loss of 5200,000. The ilro then
extended to tho Downing company and
consumed tholr stores, valued at 5200,
000. Thirteen other stores wero also
burned with tholr contents, worth
about 8100,000, and tho Ocean hotel
was dnmnged to tho extont of 520,000.
ANOVKr. measure, aimed at high tho-
ntcr hats, was enacted into a law by
tho Ohio loglslaturo on tho 2d. It pro
vides that any manager permitting
any person to wear a hat or other head
gear in a theater obstructing tho view,
shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and
shall bo fined 510.
Jack Evkiihaiidt and Horace Leeds,
lightweights, met on tho 30th at tho
Empire Athletic club at Maspeth, L.
I., and after a hard light in tho 14th
round Evcrhardt won.
Bv tho falling of a lift at the Sliver
Creek shaftof tho Philadelphia fc Read
ing railroad, near Now IMilladolphia,
Pa., nlno mon wero injured. Three
may die. The accident was duo to tho
carelessness of tho engineer.
Thk mulct law won a decisive vic
tory on tho 2d in tho Iowa senate, the
liquor manufacturing bill being de
feated by a voto of 22 yeas to 27 nays.
Following on tho defeat of tho ques
tion of tho resubmission a few weeks
ngo, tho voto practically settles tho
prohibition fight in tho stato and per
mits liquor to bo sold in tho stato, but
forbids its manufacture therolu.
SKVKKAli mon attempted .to wreck
tho state capltol at Jackson, Miss., by
digging away a sido wall.
At Lloyd, Wis., Charles Eastland
and William Koith were instantly
killed by tho explosion of a boilor.
A WKi.r. drossod man about 40 years
of ago committed suicide on the 2d by
jumping from the Adams street bridgo
nt Chicago. Hundreds of pooplo haw
him, but nono in timo to prevent him
from jumping. There was no clew to
bis identity.
Tub clearing houso returns for tho
week onded April 3 for tho follow
ing cities were: Now York, 8.120,093,
037; Chicago, 587,837,210; St, Louis, 810,
014,800; Kansas City, S8,740,01IJ; St, Jo
seph, 81,038,708; Topekn, 8200,835; Wich
ita, 5430,514; Omaha, 83,808,882.
Lkttkiib received from tho Canadian
boundary report tho doath in Balny
river of Col. A. F. Naff, a United States
deputy marshal, and an entire party
of explorers, in all probably eight men.
They wero on their way to investigate
reports of tho timber stealing by Cana
dians along the boundary and wero
ascending tho river in sleighs and
broke through tho ico.
Thomas Biiknnan wns burned to
death while trying to put out a firo in
a wnsto ilumo at Anacondn, Mont
About ten yenrs ago ho was champion
nprintor of tho world, having an estab
lished record of 10 seconds for 200
At Clinton, 111., on tho 3d Ed Polcn,
formerly employed at tlio Illinois Cen
tral ruilroad, murdered his wife and
mother-in-law and then attempted fiui
cido by throwing himself in front of
an enst bound freight train. Jealousy
was given as his reuson for committing
the horriblo deed. At night a great
crowd of excited citizens assembled in
front of tho jail, but Mayor McGill ad
dressed them and said Pol on would
die of his injuries nnd tho crowd ilnally
Accoitmxo to Bradstrcot's Financial
Review on the 4th the first quartor of
1800 presented the largest list of actual
failures in business in tho United
States, those in which liabilities ex
ceeded nssots, over reported for a llko
period. Tho total was 4..112 or 700
more than in 1801, and 1,443 moro than
in tho first quarter of 1803, increases of
1.8.11 and 47 per cent respectively.
Liabilities of those failing this year
amount to 502,513,000, an incroaso of 30
per cent, as compared with a year ago.
W. II. J. TitAYNon, of Detroit, Mich.,
supremo president of tho American
Protoctivo association, has issued a cir
cular to the order at largo upon tho
political situation. Ho declared that
tho A. P. A. has a cinch upon tho pres
idential situation, and presented an
exhaustive plan for tho complete po
litical organization of tho order from
the primaries up.
A TKitmi'.io explosion of gas took
placo in tho No. 0 shaft of tho Lehigh
& Wilkesbarro Co., at Sugar Notch,
Pa., killing ono person, fatally injur
ing another, and wounding ilvo more.
Piiksidicxt Ciikbpo, of Venezuela, has
issued a decree directing tho ercation
of a bronze column In honor of tho
citizens of tho United States who aided
Venezuela in tho first struggle for in
dependence. Venezuela has honored
tho United States before by erecting a
statue of Washington and projecting
another statuo to President Monroo
commemorative of tho Monroo doc
trine. A TKimim.K explosion occurred in tho
Giles mine, near Ward, Col., on the 3d,
In which three men wero instantly
killed and two others badly hurt.
When tho men went to work they took
about 50 pounds of giant powder down
in tho mine with them, and shortly
after they reached tho bottom of tho
shaft and went to work tho powder in
some unknown way exploded.
ItKi'oiiTS from 400 points in Ohio in
dicate the smallest crop of wheat over
produced in tho state. Tho worst
damago was In tho southern half of
tho state, whero many farmors will
plow up tho wheat and sow oats.
Wir.MAM Kic.Mi'Kii and John Llnkio
engaged in a frlondly contest for box
ing supremacy in a saloon at Otis, Ind.,
recently. After a fow posses Kemper
struck Llpkio in tho abdomen. The
injured man fell unconscious and re
mained so until lie expired.
Thk Butler express on tho West
Pennsylvania railway was wrecked
near Frceport, Pa., on tho 1st, and ilvo
persons wero seriously injured. Tho
accident wns caused by the rails
spreading. Tho two rear coaches
jumped tho track and went over nn
embankment liro broke out almost
immediately and tlio passengers nar
rowly escaped with tholr lives.
Tun four-story brick building at 121
and 120 Fulton .street, Boston, has been
destroyed by lire. Loss, S150.000.
By tho fall of an Iron truss at a pa
vilion under courso of erection at
Union Hill, N. J., on the 1st, one man
was killed, one probably fatally In
jured and two horiously injurod. About
35 men wero at work almost directly
under the truss as it was being hoisted,
when tho derrick ropes broke and the
iron fell with a crash.
A jocoho on a Chicago street car
seized a woman's pockot-book and then
jumped from tho car. Tlio woman
screamed and tho conductor and a
number of passengers followed tho ne
gro. Tho latter soon saw that his es
cape wns hopeless and, taking a razor
from his pocket, ho coolly faced his
pursuers and drew tho blade twlco
across his throat and died almost in
stantly. Thk steamer Lord Charlcmont, which
arrived at St. Johns, N. B., reported
that It sighted a vessel showing signals
of distress, but beforo it could reach
her there was a sudden hea3' glaro of
flame nnd thou nil became dark. No
trace of the vessel could be found tho
next day.
A iiUMOit was recently going around
Wilmington, Del., the home of Thomas,
F. Bayard, that tho ambassador to
England would soon carry out a re
solve ho had made several weeks ago
that if congress passed a vote of con-
iura he would relinquish his oilier
Finn nt Saratoga, N. Y., on tho 3d
destroyed tho Putnam music hall,
Reeve's paintstorc and Scanlau's print
ing office. Loss, 550,000.
Ricoihthiih nnd receivers of land of
fices at Crookston and Duluth, Minn.,
havo beon notified in a circular pro
mulgated by tho general land ofllco
that at nine o'clock Friday morning,
May 15 next, Is the hour of opening
their ofliccs for entries of Red Lako
Indian reservation lands. Thcsa lands
will bo subject to tho disposal of actual
sottlcrs only under tho homestead law.
Ench settler Is to pay 81.25 per acre in
flvo annual installments.
Fivk persons wero overcomo by coal
gas in Capt C. Johnson's house at Pnrlt
villc, L. I., recently and Margaret Con
nors will dio us tho result of inhalation
of tho fumes. Tho othors wore report
ed not out of danger. A defective lluo
was supposed to have caused tho acci
dent Just before dark tho other night a
bridgo on tlio Baltimore & Ohio South
western, near Shoals, Ind., was dis
covered to bo on fire. Train No. 41
was due, nnd was heard approaching
at a high rato of speed. With much
presenco of mind Mrs. Freeman took
off hor petticoat and, running up tho
iracK, waveu it Irantically. Tlio en
gineer brought his train to a stand
within a fow yards of tho burning
bridgo, tliiiB provontlng a horror.
A Disi'ATCH from Boonville, Ky., on
tho 3d sutd In tho cloudburst on Llttlo
Sexton and Buffalo Creoles there were
probably 10 drowned.
Fivk hundred mochanics employed
on tho big Sicgcl-Cooper building at
New Yorlc wont on striko recently be
cause non-union cornico and skylight
makers had been engaged.
Eauiy on the morning of tho 3d a
boiler exploded at one of the Forest
Oil Co.'s wells on tho Thorn burg farm
in Robinson, a few miles from Pitts
burgh, Pa., and Engineer Thomas
wus blown 100 foot and both arms and
both legs wero broken. Ho also re
ceived a terrible gash in tlio abdomen
and wns badly scalded. Ho will die.
Shkhikk W. O. Gwy.nnk was killed
and John F. Madden fatally wounded
at Concord, Oa., In an attempt to cap
ture the Dolk gang of outlaws. Tho
desperadoes got away in tho dark, but
two posses wore reported as being after
them nnd it was said tho outlaws
would bo lynched If caught
A young negro, 18 years old, was
taken from jail at Tupelo, GO miles
from Memphis, Tonn., early on tho
morning of tho 3d by a mob and
lynched in front of tho courthouse.
Tho mob wont to tho sheriff's house,
overpowered him with shotguns,
marched him to the jail and forced
him to open It Tho men wore masks.
Tho prisoner mado an assault on a
wlilto lady near Plantcrsvlllo a short
timo ago.
An unknown negro boy, abut 10
years old, was found on tho Texas &
Pacific railway track, at Terrell, Tex.,
tho other day, cut in two by a train.
It was supposed that ho was steulirg
a ride.
Seciiktahy Cakmslk has written a
lotter to Charles II Long, chairman of
tho Kentucky democratic central com
mittee, on tho subject of his (Carlisle's)
candidacy for tlio presidency in which
tho secretary said that ho was moro
concerned about tho pnrty's platform
on tlio money question than ho was
about being a candidate for tho presi
dency, but that ho would regard an In
dorsement by Kentucky of his services
with great favor. Tho Louisvillo
Courier-Journal calls on Kentucky to
iudorso Secretary Carllslo and nomi
nate him for tho presidency.
Funs at the Washburn and Moon
plant at Quinsigamond, Mass., caused
a loss of S150.000. Two hundred men
will bo thrown out of work by it.
S. B. AitciiKit, of Now York, sccrc
retary of tho National Tariff Commis
sion league, consulted Detroit conven
tion promoters on tho 5th regarding
holding tho national convention. Tho
secretary predicted that ut least 2,000
advocates of tho removal of tho tariff
question from politics would attend
tho convention. Of upwards of 200
commercial bodies in the United States
all but two had appointed delogates.
Cahdinai. Giiiiioxs on the 5th at
Baltimore, Md., gave out a lengthy ap
peal for arbitration Instead of war,
signed by himself and Cardinals
Vaughan, of Westminster, and Loguc,
of Ireland. The document was tho re
sult of a correspondence upon the sub
ject between Cardinal Gibbons and his
colleagues whoso names aro aillxod to
tlio appeal, and was issued on Easter
Sunday becauso of th5 appropriateness
of tho day.
A TKicuint.r. tiro has occurred at
Manila, the capital of tho Philippine
islands, by which 4,000 houses were de
stroyed and ilu.OOO people left homeless.
A uisi'ATcn to tho New York World
on tho 5th stated that Enirland had
concluded a treaty of alliauce with
At tho Clark street dime museum at
Chicago on tho 5th a firo broke out and
at least 1,000 persons wero panic
stricken and mado a wild rush for tho
doors. Tlioro was also wild confusion
among tlio freaks, but no ono was
particularly hurt.
II. II. Hoi.mks, tho convicted mur
derer of Philadelphia, has made a con
fession in which lie tolls how and why
ho put to death no loss than 20 men,
women and children. Ho writes as
calmly and remorselessly as ho mur
dered, neglecting no detail. It was
well known that Holmes put 11 per
sons out of tlio world.
Ixtrgo Increime of ItocolptH nt Krinftna
City tho I.nnt Throe Month".
Kanhab City, Mo., April 0. Tho first
quarter of 180U has passed, and tho
cattle receipts at tho stock yards havo
run 3,750 ahead of tho samo timo last
year, footing 311,722, notwithstanding
the cry of shortage of cattlo in tho
west. Kansas furnished 40,247 moro
than tho same timo last year; Minne
sota, 2,102 more; Oklahoma, 1,053 more;
Arizona, 1,400 more, nnd tho Indian
territory, 070 more, but TcxaB was
short 22,034; Nebraska, 0,002; Colorado,
0.800; Missouri, 5,500; Utah, 2,272, and
New Mexico, 1,781.
Tlioro woro also 35,100 moro Bhcop
rccoivod than the first quarter of 1805.
Kansas sent in 00,002 moro than tho
samo timo last year; Nebraska, 10,503
more; Now Mexico, 3,510 more, and
Arizona, 1,314. But Colorado was short
20,100; Texas, 0,155, and Missouri, 5,040.
Of hogs, however, thero has been a
loss in tho receipts for tho first quar
ter of 1800. Kansas sent In 53,320 less,
and Missouri 27,405 less, but there was
an increase of 8,523 from tho Indian ter
ritory; 7,271 from Nobraska; 8,010 from
Oklahoma, and 800 from Texas, and
300 from far off Washington. The re
ceipts of horses and mules wero moro
than double, tho total for tho thrco
months being 27,310, against 13,010 tho
samo timo last year. Of this increase,
4,030 camo from Missouri, and 0,078
from Kansas.
Tho total winter packing in the west
reached 0,815,000 pounds, a falling off
as compared with tho winter season of
4801-5, of 375,000. Tho average weight,
however, was eight pounds heavier.
I.ntln-Amcrlcitn Coimtrlos Applaud Presi
dent IIIii7.'h 3IoRnaicc.
City of Mkxico, April 0. Telegrams
from all over Central and South Amer
ica regarding President Diaz's utter
ances on tho Monroo doctrine in his
recent messngo to congress havo been
received here. President Crcspo in his
congratulations to President Diaz and
tho Mexican people, dcclnres that
Venezuela sustains tlio plan of Latin
American union in defense of territorial
integrity. Tho Bolivian government
strongly favors tho plan as a check to
English arrogance and territorial am
bition. Tho president of Chili says
that if tho plan did not conceal tho
hidden purpose of tho United States
and was aimed at any particular Eu
ropean nation, it was worthy of com
mendation. Chili would bo glad to
send delegates to a conference, but
would prefer that the United States
havo no representation therein.
Interesting Facts from tho Anuuiil Itoport
of AdJt.-(on. llurln.
La Ciiossk, Kan., April 0. General
order No. 2, series of 1800, was yester
day issued bv Commander-in-Chief W.
II. Russell, Sons of Veterans, U. S. A.,
from the national headquarters at La
Crosse. The quarterly roportof Adjt
Gen. C. Borin, which. is made a part of
tho order, shows an nggregato on De
cember 31, 1805, of 1388 camps and. 31,
572 members of tho organization, a net
gain over tho last quarterly report of
01 camps and 810 members. More than
3,000 was cjqiended during tho quar
ter in charity, relieving about 300 per
sons. In camp and division headquar
ters there is about 540,009 on hand.
rlio Ohio Man Likely to Itenoli Victory on
tho first Itullot.
Washington, April 0. The cam
paign for tho republican presidential
nomination has advanced so far that it
seems moro than probablo that, unless
something at present unforeseen
should occur, William McKinlcy, of
Ohio, will enter tho convention with n
majority of uncontested delegates, or
ganize tho convention nnd obtain the
nomination on the first ballot. Indeed
tho McKinleyites are figuring that the
opposing candidates, abandoning the
fight as useless, may yield tho nomina
tion by acclamation. Tlio managers
of tho opposing candidates, however,
do not concede that there will be n
nomination on the first or even the
second ballot
lowu Silver Demacritts Will Shirt tho lloorn
for tlio ax-Onveruor.
Ottumwa, la., April 0. Tho free
silver democrats of Iowa will make a
determined effort to capturo tho Du
buque convention, and they will bo as
sisted by ex-Gov. Boles. Boles has con
sented to go to Chicago as a delegate-at-largo
from Iowa if tho platform de
clares for free silver. This is practi
cally tho first move to sccuro tho demo
cratic nomination for president for
Boles, participated in by prominent
white-metal democrats, not only In
Iowa, but in other parts of tho west
His unswer to a letter sent to him, re
questing him to run, Is a tacit admis
sion that ho will accept the nomina
tion if it is tendered to him.
It Is Suld They Havo ICiiturod Into ii Trent
of Allhtnoo.
New Yohk, April C A dispatch to
the World from London says: "The
posltlvo statement came to your cor
respondent from a loading financier oi
the city (tho monoymaking part ol
London), that England has concluded
a treaty of ulllanco with Spain. His
final message was, 'Within ten days
Europe will bo startled by tho official
announcement of this fact.' "
Tho Rack, tlio Thumbscrew and tho Hoot
Wero old fashioned instruments of torture
long sinco abandoned, but thero is a tor
mentor who still continues to ngonlzo tho
joints, musclos nnd nerves of muny of us.
The rheumatism, thnt Inveterate foo to dnllv
and nightly comfort, may bo conqucrod by
tho timely nnd Btoacly uso of Uostettcr's
Htomnch Bitters, which likewise eradicates
neuralgia, bilious, malarial, bowel, stomach
and ucrvo complaints.
Lady Customkii In china shop) ."Do
you break theso sets J" Dealer "No,
madam; tho purchasers scrvunta usually
attend to that." Tit-Bits.
Or what uso nro forms, seeing at tlmce
ilioy aro empty? Of tlio samo uso as bar
rols, which uro at times empty, too. Uuro.
In the
Selection of a spring medicino bear Ir
mind tho fact that what you need is a
good blood purifier, nnd tho host, in medi
cino, should always bo your aim. The
great cures of blood diseases by Hood's
Sarsnpnrllla havo mado It known as the
Ono Truo Blood Purifier. It is thorcfore
tlio best medicino for you to tako in the
That you need a good spring medicino ie
almost certain. Ninety per cent, of all
tho pcoplo need to tako Hood's Sarsapa
rilla to purify their blood at this season.
Tho warmer weather finds them great
ly debilitated, ano it is well known thai
discaso is most likely to attack thoso who
aro "all run down." If you
Hood's Sarsaparllla now, it will purify
and enrich you, blood, givo you a good
appetite, prevent and euro that tired,
languid feeling, which is so provalcnt in
tho Spring, and in this way it will build
you up and prevent sickness later in the
year, llcmcmbor
Hood s
Is tho Ono Truo Blood PurlRer. All druggists. 8T.
Prepared only by G. I. Hood &, Co. , Lowell, Mass.
HrinI'e Diflc tho best family cathartic
11UUU S r inland liver stimulant. 25c.
W. L. Douglas
3. SHOE besJoRnldThe
If you pay 84 to SO for shoes, ex- m
amino tho W. L. Douglas Shoe, and 29 C
teo what a good shoe jou can buy for s
nutl L.ACE, mado in all
kinds of the best Hclectcd
leather by skilled work
men. "Wo
nirtkc and
sell moro
$3 Shoes
thun any
4fi!lflPMa'' other
uinnumcttircr In tlio -world.
Nono genuine unless namo and
price is stamped on the bottom.
Ask your dealer for our 85,
St, SS.fiO, 8.fio, Shoes:
8S.50, JS and 81.75 for boys.
cannot supply you, send to fac
tory, enclosing price and 36 cunts
to pay carriage. State kind, style
of too (cap or plain), size and
width. Our Custom Dept.will till
your order. Send for new Illus
trated Catalogue to liox 11.
W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Maes.
7U vfct Ruy U tccompluhfj by rv-
yaryff dvyUon to ilrl rurpc U um
In Uu history of McGorm&t KwcitlntT
KtKnCa,Chkfo. For S yun iScytuvcL
I vmfif turn ruJjif piln xnd (rujnlnf
L nuthlrtfry, ini whila then ut probably forty i
l Runuucturtr fn thh ww, h a uic to uy ,
l uul Uu MtCcrmkk Company bufiij or-
third d 3 if Undtn, rciptrt and
mpvtrt umJ throughout
tlii rntlrt world.
The Greatest Medical Discovery
of the Age.
Has discovered in one of our common
pasture weeds a remedy that cures every
kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula
down to a common Pimple.
He has tried it in over eleven hundred
cases, and never failed except in two cases
(botli thunder humor.) He has now in his
possession over two hundred certificates
of its value, all within twenty miles of
Boston. Send postal card for book.
A benefit is always experienced from the
first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted
when the right quantity is taken.
When the lungs are affected It causes
shooting pains, like needles passing
through them; the same with the Liver or
Bowels. This is caused by the ducts be
ing stopped, and always disappears in a
week after taking it. Head the label.
If the stomach is foul or bilious, it will
cause squeamish feelings at first.
No change of diet ever necessary. Eat
the best you can get, and enough of it.
Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bed
time. Sold by all Druggists.
By V23j rare T