The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 10, 1896, Image 1
. 1. ebmsh Mdvertiser. NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, IJIUDAY, APRIL 10, 1896. NUMBER 41 VOLUME XL ("I'll u . v r j MMMr 1 8 A . A .. A' A If QU. W. W. KEELING, NRVA.UV Orrr, N'isuka.ica., Otlce first door south of Park hotel. W. W. SANDERS, Notary :-: Public Ndmaha City, Neb. Kerker & Hoover, Dealer lu 3SL HUne-it price pald.for hltlt, lartl, Ullow Kmo, etc NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. NEM&H&xBiflBERzSKOP H. A. Thompson, Pro. Shaving, Hlnimpoolilnc JUzor Uonelng Draining, Upeclnl Attention puld to LkHch and Children. Agent or Iftbratka City titeam Laundry. 9 B.BellAndrews.M.D.Ph.D, Surgeon Specialist, Stella, - Nebraska Operations for Cataract and all opera tions on the eye, Verioocule, Hernia, Hemorrhoids, etc , performed with out chloroform und painless. Pa tients from abroad can obtain boaul and hospital facilities at prices less than in u city, considering skill and sanitary a'tnTonudings. Parties seeking relief through surgical means will do woll to confer with Dr. Andrews. Hon Bob Sampson RepreneiititiE Cooper the rtiHtlltig liveryman of Nemaha. Leave your union for u ten in, linck or l my, and -- Wk do the Rest. Our Hack moo 8 uli 'rtiltiR Wanted Salesman,: to sell n choice llni- NUUSKUT STOCK arSKKO l'OTATOKS. LIBERAL SA !, AKY r COMMISSION I'AIU WEEKLY. PKKMA KNi und I'AYINW POSITIONS to UOOMMRN. SI'KOIAL I N DUOEMKNTS to ItKGI NNMtlt. KXOIiUSIVK TKKRITOKY IVEV IK" DK8IRED. Write t once for lrtn to The Hawks flnrsory Oo, Mlwaukee. Wa "WA.1STT35D A TVT A TNT! To hell Cunntlliin Grown Fruit 2r 'rew. Horry Plauts, Hoses Hiiriimiorv, Heed Polntorn, etc., for the lutgesl growers of hluh Krade stock. Beven hundred were-, Imrdy profitable Tarleilos Hint nucceed In tho coldest climates. No experience re quired and fulr treatment gtmranU-ett. Any one not earning 850,00 per month nnd axpen seKihonld write its at once for particulars. Lthanl CammlsslnnH paid part time men. Apply now nnd cet choice of territory. LUKE BROTHERS COMPANY, Stork ExchatiKe Building, Chicago, HI. R-I-P-A-N-S U. W The modern stand ard Family Medi J U U u cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. u z o MAIM Salary and expenses paid weekly from rtart. advancement. Exclusive t runuiuiuu iajbiuuu. uooucniuioeior u rjemsiv. icmic torjr. Largeat grower of buttery itocJc. naitifl. Falrtivntmantruar uican, imruj noevi irue lu anteed. Lloeraicom Wa mission to local can In- part tima gM w agonta. B w tereet any Y. Ins am nrr month nnn not earn and MIDOnsCB. Uont 1 heeltata Uscauee of Pre f mi fiitlnrealn this or otuer I lines. OutnitrD-5.Av.rra, r ConUnentalNureerlea, Chicago. ilM ll house is reliable Wamo thU paper. -Ed.U i- Jtstwm H nwack Local News. Election in over mid hII is peace. The Missouri river is on tlio boom. Garden making is till the go now. No salooiiB nor dives in N etnaba this year. We have had several line rains dur ing the past week. John Flack and J. 0. Miller drove I over to Brook Wedneidtiy. Oi. Scovill lias been visiting friends in Kansas for a week or two. lUbe Elliott shipped u cur of cattle to Kansas City Monday evening. Colonel Joe Harper wits in town Thursday, talking politics a little. For the finest lino of shirt waistK, go to A. H. Gilmore & bona', Auburn. Deputy Sherlf Hill und Cat. Oran dallworoUawn from Auburn Thurs day. Considerable fall wheat in this vicim ity will be plowed up Mild planted to euro. W. W. James, of Peru, drove through town Thursday, on his v ay to his farm near Shubert A. II Gilmore & Sons, at Auburn, carry w large line tA latent style dress foods at lowest prices. &ee them. As It rained last Sunday, we will have ralu for seven Sundays at least it is so saiu by those who believe lu signs. Taylor Gillespie has moved on the bar uortheMHl of town, whrjre Bud Stockton, the horse trader, has beeu living Mrs. F. A. Weltun returned to Au burn Thursday, after seveial days' vis it with bur daughter, Mis. Marsha 1 Pry or. Swift McCnudless was one of the victorious candidates tor councilman at Auburn, buinpj elected from, the third ward. Dam Andt-ison is right on tho "dick er." He traded for a load of furniluie at Johnson a tew days ago, bringing it to Nemaha, Tom Crummel thinks the people of Auburn don't appieciuto a guod man, as he was defeated tor mayor ot Au burn Tueoday. The section men are putting in heas ljr Hieel rails on this section, and are also taking out the poor ties and put ting in good ones. Slierm Titus says he is disgusted with Nemaha since the election and is going to luiive as soon as he can gel luouy enough to gut away. Found In Browuville, a pocket book containing a small sum of money. Owuor can have same by applying to John W . liitchey, at Mclniuoh's ston. Vm. II. Hoover came down 'from Lincoln Tuesday, but says ho did not come here to take part in an election, as lie has enough of that to attend to at home. Alra. David Frazier came down from Lincoln the last ot last week, and visi leu friends for a tew das. Dave ha moved to Katun , where he is interest ed in a mine. Wo hope he will make a uig lortune, Kev. and Mis. C. II. Gilmore, Mr. and Mis. W. W. Sanders, Mrs. M. A. Woodward and Mis. Fannie Yackley drove to Jtrowuville Wednesday, to at tend a meeting ot tho oillcial boaid of the Uiownvlllo circuit of the M. E. church. It's all the same, a slight cold, con gested lungs or severe cough. One Minute Cough Cure banishes tliein. M. II. Taylor. The revival meetings at tho Chris- I lUtn CUUrcil cioseu oumiay vonmn. As h result nbonti twenty three addi tions to the chinch have bsen had. Prof. Win. L. Davenport delivered a lecture at Shnbeit last Saturday night, on "Our Country and Its People." The lecture Is said to havo bneii good by those who heard It. The Titus Nursery Is working a large force ol men thh wtek, tilling orders for apring delivery. A large force in also engaged in transplanting, budding and grafting uuisery stock. Mr. Brown, from Missouri, is visits ing his old comrade, Wult Hadlo'jk. Walt offers to prove ail the big stories he has told about his war rucord bv Mr. Brown, and the Uttet vouches for Walt's good standing. Auburn elected a mixed ticket last Tuesday, the mayor ntr.l clerk being tompernuce and the three council. iien being license. There are now rive li cense councilmen 10 ono anti. license', so we suppose Auburn will have sa loons again this year. Mark White is another "has been," as he left tho country ono day last week, tie took a load of hogs to Auburn, sold the hogs and also the horses and wagon, bought a ticket to Kansas City, and skipped out. He left n wife and baby. Will rlacker is again able to be out. Christmas night lit was taken dwn with tlis typhoid fever, and for three long months he has wrestled witli the fever, Inllamalory rheumatism and the grip. It is to be hoped that his recov ry will now be rapid and permanent. One of Sherm Tims' boys was rid ing a horse Thun-day w'len it 'ran away with him and tlitew him oil The boy fell against Mrs. Crim's house and wai knocked neuseless. He was carried iu Dr, Heeling's otllce and soon recovered consciousness under the doctor's care. The M. E. Sunday school held an Easter entertainment last Sunday at 1 1 o'clock. Although very little rehears ing had been done, the entertainment, consisting of songn, reading, reciUtient and responsive reading, was splendid. All the children were given colored Easter eggs by their teachers. The fellow, who bought two pool tables to bo used in a dive, ou the stmngth of Nemaha electing a wet ticket thiii year, would like to trade the name for a pony. He doesn't care how old the pony is, whether he can see or not, or how badly blemished he may be, Just so he is breke to ride and is strong enough to carry him out of town, John Diessler paid 85 recently to have a horse broke to drive single. Lnst Sunday he hitched the horse to a cart and started out for a drive. In passing a neighbor's house a dog ran out and harked at the horse, and it ran away across the tlnld. The cart got to jumping so that John got off and let the horse go. It ran a mile or so and was caught, and no damage was done with the exception of a broken spoke. Kerker & Hoover are going into the seed business on quite an extensive scale. '1 hey buy their seed by the pound of Menglesdorf Bros., of Atchi son, Kansas, and as they re western fresh grown seed, they give the best satisfaction of any seed ever handled by this llrm. Kerker & Hoover put the sued up in 5 cent packages, and the packages contain enough seed for as large a gaiden as an average editor would care to tako cre of. They also have a supply of pure Early Rose po tatocs that they aie.solllng at 60 cents per bushel. Busy peoplo have no time, and sen sible people have no inclination to use a slow remedy One Minute Cough Cure acts promptly and gives perman ent resultB. M. II. Taylor. VILLAGE ELECTION. The election in Nemaha resulted in n victory for the caucus ticket that was nominated and pledged to oppose sa loons and dives, and I run the affairs of th village economically. The vote was slightly in excess or that of last year, there being slxtysix votes polled this year to flftyeight last year. The following is the vote cast, the llrst five being ou the Citizens' or caucus ticket, and the last five being the ticket nom inated by petition: l.N. Cooper 44 John E. Crolher 47 Stephen Gilbert 4o Jerry Marlatt 4& D. T. Smiley 4a S. K. Anderson 20 J . T Chambers 17 Kemp Colerlck 17 A. L. Jatvls. a frf a a a a Ill Harvey A. Thompson SI Last Sunday night a temperance en tertainmsnt was given at the Methodist church by the .Junior League. The enturtaintm-mt was one of the best ever given by the little folks In Nemaha, and that is saying considerable, as the little sues always acquit themselves with eredit, The program consisted of recitations, dialogues, sdIob, duets and choruses by members of the Junior Leagus, all of them under fifteen years of age, a duet by Misses Liille Wh?eler anil Yeva Clark, recitations by Misses Mabel lirngan, Katie Frost and May Brooks, nnd remarks by Kev. C. II. Gilmore. The interest of our people in the doings of the little folks and in temperance was shown by the crowd attending, as tho church was crowded, a great many having to stand during the performance. WANTED. Dry cows and heifers, to feed. Also one or two inllch cows. A. L. P. THOMPSON. Old papers for sale at this office, R. M. Gillanand Merlott are the only authorized agents for Nemaha county for the sale of stock in the Southeastern Nebraska Building and Loan association. J. M. IIuuihb, Manager. Sne our clubbing offers. Tako the wagonette when in Auburn for any part of the city, Easy riding. Quick time. All trains met. John McElhaney, proprietor. THE DOLLAR TALKS! Come and Hear It. You can buy more goods for a dollar at the 1 MT than at any other house in the county. Come and see us. Our motto is: (pick mm -A.ISTD jmall irofits. We want your trade and we are going to say "positively" that we are going to have it if Well Made, Perfect Fining Goods & Lowest Prices are what you want. This is the time when your dollar should buy about 91.10 worth of goods; so come and investigate. Largest and best stock of goods in S. E. Nebraska There will bo a broad smile awaiting you just inside the door of J-W. CRANMER&CO., Blue Front, Auburn, Nebraska ATTENTION COMRADES. G. W. Culp Post, Dept.of Neh.,0. A. H.. will give a supper Friday evening, April 24th, 1800. It is the intention of the committee to make it one or tho most enjoyable evenings that we havo overbad. A good program is being preparedconsisting of speaking by good speakers and recitations by tho schools, also the song entitled "Tho Mourou Doctrine," to tho tune of "Marching through Georgia." Speak ing will beglnat7;30p m after which supper will be served. Supper, 25 cents; children under years, 1ft cents. Everybody come and we will treat you well. By order ef the committee. ADVERTISED LETTERS. The following la a list of letters re maining uncalled for at tho Nemaha podtollico, for the month ending March ill, 1890: Carlson, Mrs : Ward. Mrs. Vile; Garbcr, Miss Bortha; Muse, Miss Maud; Coal, Miss Maggie; Moore, Mr. Ben T. Claud; I.eibex, Madams Augusto Lnmblex; Bonevtown, Agene; Mason, Mr. Tom: Collins, Mr. C. II.; Itallsback, Mr. ; Lightson, S. W ; Robertson, W. II. Maud Miniok, P. M. NOTICE. As one good act deserves another, all those indebted to the undersigned, pleaBe take notice, call and settle your account, If you desire to settle same with me, as I expect to go away in May. And oblige, H. A. Kyle, M. D.V.S. The finest stock of goods in the country is to be found at Taylor's. Ho also has secured the sale, of Begg's Family Medicines, Every bottle war ranted. They will give you satisfac tion . Notice. All persona who are indebted to the Qrm of Titus & Williams are requested to call and settle their accounts at once, cither by cash or note, as there will be a change in the business inside of BO days. Titus fc Williams. I have a StevonB refrigerator 7x9 feet, that has been in use only about 2i months, that I will sell cheap. J. L. Haitii. HE STORE