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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1896)
UccIbIou la Fuvor at tbjfr 'be Long Hook mid Eo. .'fudge AcliCBon, in the United Stntcs Circuit Court at Pittsburgh, has just rendered, in the ease of Iticlitmlson & He hong brothers vs. Campbell fc Smith, nn important decision of great interest, sustaining letters patent owned by Klchardson & Do Long brothers, which were granted to Frank 15. Dc Long for a humped hook and eye, and enjoining thedefendantsfrom selling the "Golden Spring" hooks and eyes. , The hooks dealt in by the defendants vtnro manufactured by the Golden Spring Hook and Eye Company, of Springfield, Mass. In these boohs the positions of the strnight and curved portions of the De Long loop were re Mited. The Court held that this did not void infringement, and directed a decree to be entered for the plaintiffs. . The case, wilch was a test one of great importance, was contested at great length, and has been pending for almost two years. Messrs. lUchardson & DcLongllroth ers were ropresentcd by Messrs. Straw bridge & Taylor, Uradbury Uedell, and ."John G. Johnson, of Philadelphia, and Frederick F. Fish, of Hoston, and the defendants by Messrs. Allan Webster and William L. Fierce. N. Y. Times, February 3, 1890. Tlio Colorless KcrIoii. "In that country onco known as the 'Great American Desert,' embracing a portion of Tovas and Arizona, there arc no odors," said a citizen of Dallas to a reporter. "There luscious grapes and many other fruits grow, especially near cross-timber country, but there is no perfume; wild flowers have no smell and carcasses of dead animals, which in dry seabons are very plentiful, emit no odor. It was always supposed tO'bo a treeless plain, upon which no plant could grow or breathing thing could live, buta large part of it is now successfully cultivated, and but for the rarity of the atmosphere, causing the peculiarity I havo named, and the mirages, which are even more perfect than in the desert of Sahara, no one would look upou it as a barren country now. Another singular feature com mon to the desert land is that objects at a great dlstunee appear greatly mag nified. A fow scraggy mosquito bushes will look liko a noblo forest. Stakes driven into the ground will seem liko telegraph poles." Dallas (Tex.) News, AMERICA'S OKEATJJST SEED GKOW I3KS. Thirty years ago when the Salzers were conducting in a small but profit able way, a market garden and green business in La Crosse, Wis., they little dreamed that within a third of a century they would be the leaders in the seed-growing and soed-selling industry of America. The secret of xliis phenomenal success was quality, liberality, push. Nothing in the world advertises itself quicker and better, and more lasting than quality and to the superior merit ot Salter's northern grown seeds; to their unusual life and vigor and to their absolute surety of growth, in conjunction with their great producing qualities and this coupled with the great liberality of the firm in the way of rare and many extras to each order and push back of all, has placed the firm in the van and en titles them to the proud distinction of America's greatest seed growers! The production of rare vegetable sorts and new farm seeds has long been a great specialty with this company, owning and operating many thousands of acres of land. Their great eight hundred acre Jrial farm in South Da kota was visited by thousands inter ested in higher farming, and all rail roads gave half-fare rate within the state to any wishing to see the farm. The Salzers pay great nttcntion to the new grasses, clovers and fodder plants", and their catalogue contains 4 he largest list of rare farm seeds found in America. A strong point of tbe John A. Salzev Beed Co. is that they keep large stocks of everything in the seed line on hand, f-o that a customer ordering of them is always sure of getting what ho or ders. A slight idea of the magnitude of this firm's business can be gathered that they issue probably the largest num berof cataloguesofanyAmerican firm; that they use over $00,000 postage a year, employ in the packing and dis tributing of their seeds upwards ot Bix hundred hands and require for their distributing warehouse over ten acres of floor room. A five cent postage stamp sent to tho John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., will bring you their great catalogue. 7iwt''c5 "Tin WoocUm Hen." Tho illustration shown herewith lsBinnl! In size, but really lnrgo when wo consldci that tho "Woodon Hen" is no larger than o live hen, yet has doublo tho capacity. II weights only 15 pounds, lias a capacity of 2 epffs. and whilo not a tov, is just as ainus lnsr. besides being instructive as well. suggest that overy render of tills write Mr. Goo. JI. Stahl. Qiilney, Ills., and aak for n copy of hid hiindnonio Iittlo booklet "K," dew ribing tho "Wooden Hen;" also his large cntaloguo of tho Model Excelsior Incubator. JU1 sent tree. Mcutlou this puper. ffijKiadjSSd.3siS3r X25 aH'.35l9)i2,V-- -.r'-r'..T.u'f HOT WEATHER SOUPS. Directions for Concocting Several 1'nliU. nltlo Kinds. Consommes and any soups except rich, thick broth, may bo properly served in summer. Tho more delicate cream soups seem especially adapted to tho season. Thero aro few dishes more delicious than such a soup when it is properly made and few that aro bo easily spoiled. Tho most common error is for them to be of watery con sistency instead of a soft, creamy char acter of what the French call a velvety subat&cce. (llenco they name their fa vorite white sauco "velouto''.) Slow, careful cooking alono develops tills quality. A fresh pea soup is ono of tho most excellent in the whole list. Put a pint of green peas over the fire to cook in a quart of white broth. Chop a small onion and a carrot fine. Fry them in butter, or with a small piece of salt porlc, of tho size of a finger, add a spray of parsley, one of celery, a bay leaf and a sprig of thymo. Add these ingredients to tho peas, and let tho whole cook for one hour very slowly. At the end of this time strain the soup, pressing tho peas through a sieve, and lot them cool over the flro for ten min utes longor, stirring them constantly. At tho end of this time add half a cup of hot cream, or a cup of milk in which tho boaten yolk of an egg has been stirred, adding this mixture first to a small quantity of tho hot soup and then beating it into the whole. Leek soup is by no means to bo despised on tho score of health. Wo ought to cat freely of all albuminous vegetables in tho summer. The lenk is a more val uable vegetable in soup than the com mon onion, though the onion may bo substituted for il in almost any placo where it is used. Take six white leeks, peel them and cut them up and fry them in butter the size of an egg until they aro a golden brown, and add a scant half teacup of Hour. Now pour in a pint of boiling water, with salt aud pepper, and lot the whole simmer slowly for one hour. IJroth may be used instead of water, but water makes a very good soup. When the leeks aro cooked add a pint and a half of boiling milk and two hot boiled potatoes, mashed and mixed to a cream with a little milk. Let tho whole boil up, stirring it well, then strain it, pressing the leek and potato through the sieve. Iteturn tho puree to the fire, let it cook about ten minutes longer, then move it to the back of the stove and beat up tho yolks of two eggs with a little cold milk and mix it with a cup of hot broth. Pour this mixture in the soup, and stir it all thoroughly. Do not let the soup boil after adding tho egg yolks. N. Y. Tribune. A Very Thirsty I)o;j. A young Wissahickon man, so the tale goes, owned a dog of mongrel breed, which had added to its one great undesirable- quality of low birth tho more offensive one of the mange. The young man determined to sever his re lations with the animal, and with that end in view he secured a large wash- tub and put staples in tho inside of it, with ropes attached to them, to secure ly hold the dog and keep its head un der water. He caught the dog just as 'it came in after a long tramp in the dusty roads. The doomed animal was preparing to slake its thirst at the hy drant, when its master grabbed it aud tied it down in the tub. Then he turned the water on and lot it run until the dog's head was totally submerged. He could not bear to see the poor brute suiler, so he went away for a quarter of an hour. He came back expecting to find the dog dead Strange to say, however, the doy was very much alive. Thero was no water in tho tub; neither was there any leak in it. The dog had simply quenched his thirst Philadel phia Record THE GtNEHAL MARKET. Kansas Citv, Fob. 1". CATTLE Host bcovos $ 3 3J 4 IB StocUers 3 'JO 3 76 Nutlvocows 2 01 3 15 jiiiV40 uuwii'u to iiuuvy ii uu p i vy WHEAT No. 2 red 7 & 7A No. C bard CS CO CORN No. J ralxod 23 23 Ji OATS No. 2 mixed 18 10 RYE No. 2 31 3114 FLOUR l'ntuiit, por sack 1 I'O 2 10 -i-RilcyT-.- 1 73 I 85 HA'? Cholco tlmotTiy 10 SO 11 60 Fancy pralrlo 6 to 7 00 BRAN-(Sacked) 12 43 BUTTEU-Cboico creamery... 17 18 CHEESE Full cream 10 lOtf EGGS-Cholco 1014 Jl POTATOES 20 25 ST. LOUIS. CATTLE Natlvo and shipping 3 75 4 CO Toxans 2 60 3 75 HOGS-Hcavy 4 Oil 4 25 SHEEP Filir lo cholco 2 75 3 CO FLOUH-Cbolce 2 70 3 75 WIIE AT-No. 2 red 72 J 73 CORN No. 2 mixed 20W 20ft OATS No. 2 mixed 10 10 RYE No. 2 30Ji 3Ctf BUTTER Creamery 15 21 LARD Western Htuanlfc 5 35 t& 5 II 1'ORIC 10 00 (210 45 CHICAGO. CATTLE-Common to prima.. 3 15 1 C5 HOGS Facltlni? and shipping . 3 05 I -ii SHEEP Fair to cholco 3 00 w, 3 CO FLOUR Winter wheat 2 55 3 55 WHEAT No. 2 red COtfffi K CORN No. 2 58 28J OATS No. 2 WY1 Wi RYE 18 S8S-J BUTTER-Creamery 18K 10tf LARD 5 Ml S fi PORK 10 00 10 12S4 NEW YORK. CATTLE -Natlvo steers 110 4 70 HOGS-Good to choice 4 50 a 4 81 FLOUR Good to cholco 3 40 rt.. 1 00 WHEAT No. 2 red 80, 8iK CORN No. 2 30V, Xi OATS-No. 2 2'!f WJ4 BUTTER-Creamery 18 20 PORK Mess 10 60 fcli 00 Tim llrnvritt Deed t,nnt lYiir. Last year the Iloyal Humane society, sf England, awarded its "bravost Iced" medal to William Muckford, a rvorkman in tho sowors. Muckford ind thrco other mon woro cleaning out sewer in Torquay, when it was Hooded by a thunderstorm. Only Muckford could swim, or seemed to havo any presenco of mind. Ho hold ap his companions, ono aftor tho other, showed them how to keep a foothold, sucouraged them by cheorful words, and by strength and courage kept them nlivo for seven hours, until tho water subsided and they wcro ablo to tnako their exit.- Golden Days. DlCtVrlnir Sensotin. Every ono kuowy that when tho peoplo north of the equator nro suiTcr ing from winter's blasts thoso south ot tho dividing lino aro enjoying sum mer, but few know of tho peculiar cli matic conditions which prevail in tho Andes. Whilo tho peoplo at tho coast aro having their winter it Is summer in tho mountains nnd vice versa. Of course the distinction between the two seasons is slight in that part of South America but it is quite sufficient to be noticeable. Chicago News THE WORLD'S EARLIEST POTATO. That Sniper's Earliest, fit for use in 28 days. Salzcr's new late potato, Cham pion of tho World, is pronounced the heaviest yiclder in the world, and we challenge, you to produce its equal! 10 ac s to Salzcr's Earliest Potatoes yield 1000 bushels, sold in ,'Iunc at 51.00 a bushel- $ W00. That pays. NOW IF YOU WILL CUT THIS OUT AM) ai;XI) it with 10c. postage you will get, free, 10 packages grains and grasses, includ ing Teosinte, Lathyrus, Sand Vetch, HiantSpurry, (limit Clover, etc. and our feed catalogue. (k) m-,.1 .1 . .. Sr.i! tho young woman. Is tho young vomnn being suddenly and unexpectedly liisMull Ah, yes. And docs the young woman ralso a huo aud cry J Tho young wotntin raises a slight huo, but no cry. De troit Tribune. Deafness Cannot Ito Cured by local applications, as thoy canuot reach I'lio diseased portion of tho car. Thero Is only ono way to euro deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness In caused by an inHamcd condition of tho mu cous lliiiiur of tho Eustachian Tubo. When this tubo gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, nnd when it is cntiroly closed deafness is tho result, and unless tho iullanunntiou can bo taken out and this tubo restored to its normal con dition, hearing will bo destroyed forever; nlno cases out of ten nro caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dollars for anycaso of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Ciiunkt & Co., Toledo, O. Sold bv Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pllla arc tho best. "Oiideu In tho court I" shouted tho Judge. "This Is tho worst disgrace this court has suffered siuco I was elected to.tho judge ship !" Indianapolis Journal. Buucium'h rn.i.3 for coustlpation 10c and 2fe. Get tho book (freoi at your druggist's and go by It. Annual sales 0,000,(K)0 bo:;cs, - m Ainioucm a girl may bo bright enough to KIlOW Mull "KISS" IS u liuuii, biiu iiu- uiinhla to decline it. Philadelphia Press. Wt: havo not been without Piso's Cure for Conaumptic ui:l, Camp fat., ion for 20 years. Lizzm I'xn- Harrlsburg, Pa., JUay !, 'U4. Hi: that Is ungrateful has no guilt but ono; nil other crimes may pass for virtues lu him. Young. Mu. Mucumon'by "I lovo you for nil that I am worth, darling." Miss Budd "That's just what I lovo you for." Boston Courier. Tiiiioat DisnAsr.scommencowlthn Cough, Cold or fioro Throat. "Wnww' Umnchial Troches" give immediate aud suro relief. If you would know tho vnluo of money, go aud try to borrow some. Franklin. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement nnd tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. Tho many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting tho world's best products to tho needs of physical being, will attest the valuo to liealth o tho puro liquid laxative principles embraced in tho remedy, Syrup of Figs. It3 excellence ia duo to its presenting in tho form most acceptable and pleas ant to tho tasto, tho refreshing and truly beneficial properties of n perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with tho approval of tho medical profession, becaus-o it acts on tho Kid noys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening thorn and it is perfectly freo fiom overy objectionablo substance. Syrup of Figs i for sale by all drug gists in GOc and $1 bottles, but it ia man ufactured by tho California Fig fryrup Co. only, whoso nntno is printed on every package, also tho name, Syrup of Figs, and boing well informed, you will not sccept any substitute if ollercd. Slttctl from tho lllood By tho kidneys, impurities pass off harm lessly Tho inactivity of tho organs named not only causa theso impurities to remain and poison tlio system, but also leads to tho degeneration and destruction of tho organs thoniselvcs. Prevent Blight's disease, dia betes, dropsy, gravel nnd other nlhucnts which affect tho kidneys and bladder with Hostctter's Stomach Bitters, which lllcowlso overcomes mulurhd. dynpeptlo, bilious, nervous aud rhoutnutio complaints. 'Why did thoy let that man go who stolo tho bicycle!" "They had to; thoy couldn't get a jury to try lilni every man In tho county rklcs a wheel. "Chicago Itecord. . m i ii i Waywoiim Watson "Pardncr, do you cat plo wit' a knlfol" Perry Patcttlo " Wot plot" Cincinnati Enquirer. I As good as can be made I regardless ot price A 5P4 Ounces ' i for IO cenfsf Other Brands Only j YlYtz Ounces for IO cents !DonT take our word T for it, but buy a piece I and see for yourself T Furc m I J& m I I 1 Ul 1 LdlmlL You are sure of Pearline its record is positive imitations of Pearline inj lire hands and clothes. I (tV flllT Look out forthe man -1io tayi! lie Ins something Just ' Will lllllllll'l LUUf UUli as good as pearline lie's (oolinKyoii there Is nothing Willi IIIIIIIIn' else so good as I'carlinc Pedlers peddle poor rtitfl l'earllne Is only sold I at first-class stores. Made by James l'yle, Nch York. frftftfrftffr 5 m 4 i i 4 ' mm mm mm m :T:JTHi:::.': - STEEL WEB PICKET FENCE. L::::LLL:: :;'L J i it mm mm. a'tini mm mm xs ' Alcn rARl.PH POULTRY. GARDEN AND RABBIT FENCE. We tnnnufiicturo a coraploto lino of 8mooth reprt'bentcil. Aslc your dealer to show you as DE KALB FENCE OO.f ZZZS.gZ: i Diet Of now crrntlnns rmM The PLANT SYSTEM has imMOO.OOOAcrasr.ww. In Uorttlu. TliuI'lnntHrMem'i "('ompnndliim of Ito. llablo I nets," u viiltiull HiMiilliooU I'm Fa nn-r-i'Biinil Invcufora, KHKKou Al'1'IilU.tTloN. Vrlta III Vinuririitiii., tor meratuiu. ilapt, utu. AMnvp vmia AtC A T I VITU WBM LIQUID EXfSSBfwSMqKC .UIRBU LAI7 tdUUmitUSBIlb.Hl'JDH.HU On U VAI 49 MS M K IB (lb X Si MIMMM m""t r-'T"T' -f r" i ,' i .r. 1 1 i Yirri Vi THE KING CURE OVER ALL FOR Rheumatism Neuralgia, Sciatica, IS 1ST. JACOBS! OIL CABLED FIELD AND HOG FENCE. ,-l. 7. (.1, i. L, "Wlro Fcnclnc nnd Ktmrantco overy nrtlclo to ber thin Fence. fC"CATALOaUG FItEU. m sjiH-f'l' 82 iRSSE 22 Salzer's Seeds Sprout Quickly, Grow Vigorously, Produce Enormously. TIin.t'a tlinlr rnnnr.1 hV.nnlierB tvhothnrlii tho fi&LtorweBt. nurthnt antith. I In orcry state MuleYery ellme. Wo aro tho largest growers of Farm and Vece table BecdB In AmnHriL. Our Mnmmnth I'Unt rnri Hmri C.italoiruo and lOsanv liifpnln. irMl an1 rnmCH nl&ntl. 1m malild YOU UIIOX1 TO Jcslptcf IO cento costnee. CatuloKiie nlnuo C cents, fiend to-dny. - MMr u agsmawtaM awrii ?ranm5a ti.7jR:&iwmni.Hiv.Hr:jWMrrrKhf;vitt!j a '.'wr -; 'wf. z ruin n wa wjv v t Aloriilillib llnlilt 'iir-d In IO lo a liny. Ai im y till ciin-il. lilt. J. SIKI'IIK.NS, l,chauon,Olilo. mid WHISKY linlills cured. Book sent LtS 1IIKK. Dr. II. . MuOUUlT, ITH.Mi, Ui. Cf.Vi U2 THIS P APIA .TU7 tins rou riU. A. M. K. D 15921 VJ1W VltlTINQ TO ADVEUTISKItH VU'JiBK stnto tlint you nw tho Advcrtlsamcnt In this DBDer. hfll CURES VIKtHE All ElSh lAILS nQl LS Out CouRh byrup. TastcaUood. Ueorfl El In tlma. 'y,"ro't ,, , W