The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 21, 1896, Image 5

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h 2
The Nebraska Advertiser
M. U ... V A" , fuhll'tirr.
31.50 lKU YBAll
FH1DAY. FEB. 21, 1800.
Ml !! utim -""""" iml.hi wut
McKiuiey easily lends nil ot tho
her candidates as u campaigner. In
i.-siM, lie up ke In sixteen statu-", mak
i ig :lt speeches in seven wreks, md
IiIh uudiuiiues nggjejjated more people
tliun were ever betoio addressed bj
any one mini, perlmpH, in it jingle emu
paign in this country. UloblJemo
era l.
Much lias been written about tin
new experimental colony cstablidhtd
at Fitzgeiald, Cia. One of the nomine
teaturea of the colony is tliat negroes
are nut allowed in it under any oir
ouiuslanoos. Another colony, with
similar restrictions, la soon to be us
(nblished in Ware county, near Fitz
gciald. Meantime a colony ol coloied
people is being established on the Ab
beyville & U'uycrosa railroad, adjoin-,
ing the Fitzgerald colony . In this i o
white people are to be allowed under
any circumstances.
Geoige W. Faribrother sr., On' years
editor of Tun Neuuaska Advkutis
kk. and one of the 111 in that gave us
our first insight into the printing buai
ti'na, was in the city this week attend
niL'Llin(i. A. It. onciiiiimimit. He
wa accompanied liy Mr. Henry San' '
ment, a former tellow-coinpositor of
outs in Mr. Fairbrjthers ollico. They
ara both members of the lien Thomp
son I'ost of the G. A. It. While hero
they called on in, and were shown
through the several departments com
prising the American Publishing
company' plant. American, Omaha.
Washington, D.U., February 17.
Tiie candid icy of ex-Senator Charles
F. Maiiderson for the republican pres
idential nomination was announced
toiday at the Capitol by several of his
friends, (Jen. Maiiderson this even
ing, in conversation, said that bo had
lieretofoiH declined to break hissilence
upon the matter.
"For months," said the Senator, "I
h-ive received letters Irom all sections
nt (he country urging me to enter tho
list an a candidate. These letters eamo
from comraddH m the war of the rebel
lion, from associates in public life,
and in addition I ieceivt;d ninny pt-r
sinial requests from fellow-citizens in
.Nobraski. Hoforo leivtu,' for
Wellington tho urgency was of. such
emphatic character that 1 decided to
make no turther opposition and to re
main paisiva. 1 can now simply say
that under this urgency and the kindly
eneouiugeuieiit that has followed it, I
can do nothing but stand and wait.
D. Niel Jouufcoii, principal of tho
state school for tho blind al Nebraska
City, lias 'resigned" us predicted in tho
Journal a few days ago. The resigna
tion was not announced by the govern
or until yesterday, but it i dated Feb
ruary 10, and as that day happened to
lie Sunday there may he some question
about the legality of the act, but Mr.
Johnson is not expected to raise the
q lestiotu II is supposed to have ins
nil of ollico holding.
Prof. W. A. Jones of Hastings was
appointed by the governor to.suectfed
Mr. Jolwihon. Mr. Jones has beon
engaged in educational work. He
seivedas county superintendent and
waa,ii candidate in 1MM on thd popu
list ticket for state superintendent.
The report is not denied that Governor
Ho. comb requested the leaignation of
Mr. Johnson. News of ino change
has not yet beon carried to Kuitunaker
W tight, who did so union to bring it
about, but when ho hears of it it is
thought that his joy will bo turned ln
to grief beoauso lie is not to get a job
The change, according to the resig
nation, is to take place March 1, but il
would surprise no one it it occurs ixn
modiately. Those who are acquainted
with the manner in which some of the
state institutions are conducted under
this administration hope this removal
is only tho tirst of many to come.
State Journal.
M. II. Taylor, your druggist asks
you why? You can be so easily cured.
Three doses ol llegg's Cherry Cough
byrup will relieve you at once. We
work!UeCCVOry b0",BaMd no uoley
Wondora of tho Wire.
A lady living near Indlunnpolls. who
Unt for more than n year been In deli
cate health, was brought to Chicago
early hint winter, where ah received
surgical treatment in a honpitnl. It
was impossible to take her lioine for
the ChriKtuuiH cekbration, although
nhe had rceo.ercd ho niueh that she
could wulU readily all over the hos
pital. .She hud three beautiful chil
dren at home, and the father prepared
a Christmas tree, just an he liad former
ly done. Only lie added n feat tire
vhieh had never been found there be
fore. He had the electricians come in
on ihe afternoon before Christmas and
put his residence telephone in the tree,
wlicie it was concealed with pine
needles and tinsel. He arranged with
the. long-distance people, apprised his
wife of her part in the play, and at a
certnln moment in the evening, when
the children, bubbling over with joy
at their presents, htill felt a sadness at
the absence of their mother, he clapped
the receiver to the ear of his youngest
child, and the gentle voice of "mamma"
came over the wire. It was their most
precious Christmas present.
Maine folk are almost in despair be
cause of the continued lack of snow.
Such a condition of affairs lias not
been known in very many yenrs. There
nic 50.000.000 feet of logs in the Penob
scot lumbering district which cannot
be moved because of the absence of, and fully as much more in other
districts, a a well as 50.000 cords of
hemlock bark for tanning, and ail the
lumber and milling industries aresuf-
ferlng severely. The unique experi
fnce of. Putft,nB whcc'H 8,w, l)a
been tried in some districts. ICvcry
previous winter when ice has been cut
it has been hauled to the houses on
Bleds. This yenr there is no snow, and
the ice has been cut and wheeled away.
The farmers say uow
of the warm blanket of snow means
biiort erops next. year.
The export of horses from this coun
try to I!uroc has increased largely in
the Inst two or three yenrs. During the
first eight months of last year 22.755
horses, valued at ?2.,.)47,000. were
shipped to Ilritish orts, as against
15,01 1 in the same period of 185M, and
10,177 in 1S03. The shipments to con
tinental ports show a large increase (on.
The varieties of horses in demand are
different in almost every country in
Europe, varying, of course, with the
kind of work they are needed for. al
though in many cases very different
styles of horses are demanded in dif
ferent countries for precisely similar
work. Despite the astoni;.hing fall
in the value of range horses in the west,
horse breeders in the south and east
think the future is very promising.
Anotheu new swindling scheme has
been devised and is practiced in the
legion of Sandusky, O. A farmer is
induced to buy a bill of groceries of a
traveling salesman, the goods in be
shipped from some city. In payment
the man agrees to tnke eggs. To make
it all straight and right the farmer
fives his notes for the goods and the
traveling man gives his for the eggs.
The goods and salesman arc never seen,
but the farmer's nolo turns up at the
Many Indian lads from tho Carlisle
Indian school find homes on Ducks
county (Pa.) fnrms. A youth known
ins Paul 1ms been living- with Kdwurd
Ilcaton, nt Davisville, Pa. He put his
em-lung's in a bicycle and became an
expert, wheelman. Last Sunday he,
unknown to the farmer, packed his
goods into a bundle, stropped it to the
w heel and rode away towards his old
home in the state of Wyoming'.
Minneapolis is particularly stuck
up just now over a recently imported
coon dog1, which Tom Cordry proudly
announces is not only the greatest
artist in its line in either Kansas or
Missouri, but is "a direct descendant
of a dog- which the queen of Honolulu
presented to King- Solomon, and which
that royal monarch used in hunting1
the coons in the corn fields of Palestine
200 years ago."
A liUKTLiMi woman hotel keeper of
Burns, Ore., who is credited with being'
one of the best looking as well as most
successful hotel-keepers in eastern
Oregon, ndvertiscs in a recent issue of
the local newspaper that she will not
be responsible hereafter for any debts
contracted by her husband or her son.
The men folks arc rapidly retrograding'
toward the back seat.
Fhqm recent reports il is learned
that the Turks have obliterated 170
Armenian towns, many of which were
flourishing' with manufactories. Why
such devastation is permitted to go on
unchecked in this enlightened uge it
is hard to determine; and the looting
1 1s tho least part of tho atrocities of
the fiendish destroyers.
1,000 IN IMUZKS.
Use the letters contained in the text :
"Mcnon Sbkiw Gnow'and form ns
many word tin you can, using letters
either backward or forward, but don't
tiso any letter in one word moie times
than it apt oars in "Monon Skkds
Guoyv." For example the words: see,
on, none, weeds, etc. The person form
ing tho greatest number of words,
using the letters in tho text, will re
ceive One Hundred Dollars in cash
Fbr the next largest list we will give
il' in cash, for the next largest list
850 in cash, for the next 825 in cash,
and for each of the next ten largest
lists wo will give 610 in gold. If you
are good at word making you can no
cure a valuable prize, in The Monon
Seed company intend giving many
hundred special prlzos to persons send
Ing lists containing over twenty five
words. Write your mime on list of
words (numbered) ami enclose the
same postpaid with six two-cent
stamps for a large combination puck
ago of Monon Seeds That Uruio, which
includes the latest and most popular
Mowers of endless varieties, also car
ticulais and inlch of distribution of
prizes. The word content will be care
fully and conscientiously conducted,
and is solely for the purpose of lurther
introducing our seeds in new localities
You will receive the biguest value in
Mower reeds ever, offered, and be
sides if you are aide to make a good
It t of words and answer promp ly you
will stand an ennui nppoitunlty to he
cure a valuable piize. We intend
spending a large amount of moue. in
the distribution ol piics in this c li
test. We assure you that your trial
order with us will be most ginllfjing.
Writ" jour name plainly and send
list ins oaily as possible. Address
MuNon SKi:i) Co., Monon Bltlg.
Chicago, III.
I J. W. Pierce, Hepublie, iown, auya:
j"l have u.sed One Minute Coiitfh Cure
. in my fniuilt and for in v self, with n-
huIU socniirely sa'.iataetory tlui loin
1 liaidly li lid wind toexpifhs in Hell' um
I to itn iiihii. I will never fail to re-.
commend it to other.-), mi tvorv ocean
ion that pn-sents ilwelf." M.II.Tavlor.
llrforu .siibstiiibint for a Mayuziui'
An U113 aralellecl Offer
Dcinort'si's ( I'apiir Pn tlerns urn the
miiMl pracllcnl .hi Hit) niiirkut. I hey nro of
uny -.e t Inn any iiihiiiIm'i- ot u hiiiisoliuld
could rcqulic. In t-aoli copy ol Hit) m..K:r.ln3
N prlntfti it coupon cnilt lliiu Hit- htiliMiilliur,
. or pin olniMT, ton putterii worm and rewtilur-
ly miIiI or ,'!,re or any iiuinliDr of paitt-i iin lor
lour et'iUH fiicn in cover pacKiiKC aini.po-.iMi;e
v lien me value o! me, patlcrna lo consliloica
I hit Mil!i,lher aelllail) ndH
Anil what u nuiKU.liH! It Is! '"or 18!)0 II will
ho more iiillliani than ever In-iont New
inaliai; nlenl.iii w mellloilN, new Ideas.
copy coiilalliM in e.x(jnlHlle reproduction In
colors of some celelir tied plcuuiiliv a tamoiix
j iii-llsl, woi t li v lo iiuoi li Ihe walls of tho most
i rellned home, it Is alliriucil thai DeinotestH
Is tiieoul coiiimIcI famll.N luauazliin puh-
IWIieil coinlllnliiL' all of Ihtt iiionI exceilenl
riolnl" ol us contemporaries, iicskhh liavieu
nliiillahlo fealureH of Its own. PeinorciU's
Ih ncluiilly .-, dozen innuiizlnis In one,
Ills a i)lujsl ol Ciiratiil ICvenls ami Mens
for tint liusy man or worn li. u Ilcvlttw anil a
Hloreliouseof Inlerisl lor all. Wives, inoili
ers, slsii is nucldaiiulileiN can Hull exactly
what they need to aiuih-u ntnl instinct llicm,
also iiiactleal helps lu nviiry depai ttiiont of
(loinest In anil social llle, Includliii; Iho lurn
Islilrnt anil oinaint'iillni: of the homo, mils
luolilery, hrlc-ii-hrno, artistic anil fanov
woric ot all kinds, etc., and miukcsi Ioiih anil
advice rcuanlliiK tli" wolltielnu and dresnliiK
of thulr own persons
"I'Iip scopo ot thu articles for 1895 and 180(1
will cover Iho whole country ami Its vailed
Interest'!, anil the articles will he profusely
Illustrated with the finest enuravlnuH, mid
In addition, It will publish the nest and pur-i-Ht
tlcllon. Illieaisat lenuth uut ol Dnoi
riports, Home Aiuuseineiits and Kiiiortnlii
nieiils; Itulvesa ureiit denl ofattenllon to the
Children's Department, and "Our Olrls,"iuid
lias a .Monthly Symposium by Celebrated
People, In which nrn discussed liiiportaut
)iii'Ht Ioiih of the, hour of Interest to thu older
Let u have yourhiibscrlptlnnnt onco. You
not more value for , our money than It In
possible insecure li: any other miKnstlao.
The MiiKii.lneoiii! your forS2(J0.
Or six months lor I.iki.
l)EMHll3.vr I'UIUilSUINO CO..
110 Filth Avenue, New York.
f A Liberal Offer. Only 82.85 for")
Turc Nkiihaska Advhktihkh and
' Bemorent's Family Mtujazim '
(.Send your subHcription to thin ollico J
at 6 per cent.
on Farm Lands,
Apply at The Adver
tiser office, Nemaha. J
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Public interest will steadily increiiHe, and Iho dimipolntrnent of the men
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The New York Weekly Tribune.
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Also general news in attractive form, foreign correspondence covering th
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Address all orders to
Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Heat,
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