The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 14, 1896, Image 1

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    "w smi juuiiijiii.numjii
rli. W. W. KEELING,
mkuviU. Oinr, N"uoraka.
OlHce first door south of Park hotel.
Notary :-: Public
Namaha City, Neb.
Kerker & Hoover,
Dealor In
Highest prices pald.for tildes, lard, tallow
game, etc
Surgeon Specialist,
Stella, - Nebraska
Operations for Cataract and all opera
tions on the eye, Veiieocele, Hernia,
Hemorrhoids, etc., performed with
out chloroform and painleaB. Pa
tients from abroad can obtain board
and hospital facilities at prices less
than in a city, considering skill and
sanitary surroundings. Parties
seeking relief through surgical
means will do well to confer with
Dr. Andrews.
tho rustling
of Nemaha.
Leave your orders
for n team, liack or
druy, and
- We do the Rest.
Our Hack trice's all
TUT A TVT PCn Canvnssers to sell Pln
WAIN I EjU Trees at Fair Prices.
Cash paid weekly; we furnish working
capital, experience, etc. You cannot (all if
von sell for the great MO. A ILL. VTAKK NUIl
KEUIKS. 71st year. 1,000 acres Nurseries.
4U,tnM acres Orchards. Write quick, giving
atso, references, etc. Stark liro's, Louisiana,
M ., or llockport, Ills.
to sell a
choice line
Wanted Salesmen
GIVEN IF DKSIRED. Write at once for
terms to
The Hawks Hursery Oo, Mlwaukee.W b
Notice of Bids for County Physician.
Notice Is hereby given that on or before
noon of the ISth day of February, A D 1890,
bids will bo received at the otllce ol the couu
tv clerk of Nemaha county, Nebraska, for
tho services of a physician, and furnishing
medicine for the county poor, for the ensu
ing vexr.
The board reserves the right to reject any
and all bids,
By order of county commissioners.
II. E. PEERY, County Clerk
Notice of Bids for County Printing,
Notice Is hereby given that on or before
noon of the 18th day of February, A. D 1886,
bids will bo received at the olllee of the coun
ty clerk of Nemaha county, Nebraska, for
the county printing for the term of ono
Bids will be received on the following Hat,
woto heads, 7 pound paper, per GOO
Letter heads, 12 pound papor, per 600
Envelopes, No. 6, XX high cut, per 50
Envelopes, No. 9. high cut, per 5'0
Envelopes, No. 10, high cut, per 600
Postal cards, printed, por 100
Soft paper tabs, 4xfl Inches
Soft paper tabs, 0x9 Inches
Publishing county commissioners' pro
ceedings Publishing not.lcos and bids
Publishing delinquent tax list
l.oual blanks, H sheets, SHxli, per 600 and
por 200
Lmml blanks, l-l sheets, 7x8, per 600 and
per 200
Legal blanks, sheets, VjXtlli, per 600 and
por 200
Court docket, 60 copies, per pago
Court docket, each additional copy
Tho board reserves tho right to reject any
and all hid
By order of county commissioners
II. E. PEERY, County Clerk.
A TMT ATT! T sel1 Canadian 6rown Fruit
SV AU Trees. Horry Plants, Roses
Snruubory, esued Potatoes, etc., for the largest
growers of high grade stock. Woven hundnd
uoroN, hardy prolltablo varieties that succeed
lu the coldest climates. No experience re
quired and fair treatment guaranteed. Any
mho not earning 860,00 per month and sxpen
sos should write us at onco for particulars,
Llhrnl Commissions paid part time men.
Apply now and get choice of territory.
Stock Exahivuge Building, Chicago, 111,
thing to patent? Protect your Ideas ; they may
bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDER
BUHN Sc CO., Patent Attornoys, Washington,
D, O., for their 91,800 price offer.
Local News.
El Tauu returned to Nouiaha a lew
days ago.
Blank Notes. Farm Leases, Hills ol
Sale, etc., lor sale at this olllco.
H.A.Kyle, tho veterinary, visited
eoveial points m Missouri this week.
Who ceuld ask for better winter
weather than wo have had this yum ?
Nat Smith is very sick wiiii pneu
monia fever. His recovery is doubt
We had quite a snow storm. Wednes
day morning, but tno snow is all gone
Prof. W.L. Davenport was one of
the chief disputants at the Shubert
lyceum last Friday evening.
Miss Mary Davidson, ol Douglas,
Nebr., viBlted her friend, Miss May
Brooks, a few days this week.
Mrs, David Tourtelot came down
from Lincoln last week, to assist In
taking care of her mother, Mrs. A. U.
Rev. Mr. Willis, a Holiuess minister,
preached at the Christian church Mon
day, Tuesday. Wednesday and Thurs
day nights.
Rev. J. 13. Denton preached a series
of sermons Hillsdale this week.
Ho will preach at the brick church
eadt of Shubert nwet week.
William Mounts, the fellow who
held up William Dishong at St. Deroin
Inst full, wa found uy and sen
tenced to three years in the pen.
TheB. & M. has closed its night
oflices at Salem and Preston, Nebi
This throws Ed Wheeldou, who was
night operator at Preaton, out of n job.
Mrs. S. A. Heovill, who has been
visiting her son at Omaha and her
daughter at Plattsmouth for Beveral
weeks, returned home Friday of last
Several ef eur citizens have been a
tending the meetings of the literay
society at Shubjrt. What is the mat-,
ter with Nemaha organizing a
R. Reasoner, who has been studying
telegraphy with II. A Wheeldon at
Shubert, went to Omaha las week,
where he passed a successful agent's
Seymour Howe called in n ursday
and subscribed for tbe State Journal,
Inter Oceas, Toledo Blade and New
York Tribune in connect ion with The
Kerker & Hoover, J. H. Llttrell and
A . L. Jarvls have been busy putting
up ice this week. They felt that it
was about their last chance to get good
ice this season.
J. C. Miller and family arrived in
Nemaha Tuepdoy. We understand
Jim has come back t stay, and Ib
looking lor a Iioubb to rent, but vacant
bouses in Nemaha are unknown these
Rev. Mr. Heck, of Wesloynn Uni
versity, Lincoln, preached at the M. E.
church Sunday evening. He is attend
ing the university and proparing hims
self to go as u missionary in the heaths
en countries.
County Commissioners Mclmnch
and Davis were in town Tuesday,
looking alter tho poor, Mr, Mclninch
took Mr. Davis down in "tho hills," to
show him what kind of a country we
did have in that part of tho county.
We have received from Dr. A. S
Holladay a copy of the Stillwater
(Oklahoma) Populist of Jan. 30th, con
taining a supplement advertising 'lis
fine horse, Almont Aberdeen, who has
been winning now laurels in Oklahoma.
Itabe Elliott shipped a car ot hogs
to Kansas City Thursday night. Dave
Miller went down with them.
We understand sume ona stole a
fino male Betkshire hog from C. Shuck
a fow nights ago. The fellow evident
ly had good judgment In the selection
of hogs, if ho did not have much
regard for the laws of his country.
Gilbert A Son pay in trade 20 cunts
for corn. No one has boon obliged to
sell a buahel of corn for less than 20
cents to pay them as they allow the
use of their cribs to parties owing
them who wish to hold their corn.
Mrs Llttrell asks us to say that if
tho county will take euro of its victims
according to law there will nut bo bo
many crazy people in Nemaha. Slurs
in their places are a verygooJ thing,
but out of their places are a bad thing.
Casner Barnes was in town Monday,
and of course called at those headquar
ters. Cas aaja heda trying hard to
convert the benighted people of his
section, and bring them into the fold
for McKmley. but finds them very
obstinate critters.
It has been suggested that a branch
of tin 0. L. 3. 0. Chautauqua Liter
aty and .scientific Circle be organized
in Nemaha. It would certainly be
profitable as well as interesting. Those
wishing to join can get particulars by
inquiring of Rev. C. II. Gilmore.
Rev. James Hiatt, accompanied by
Rev. Ackeman, of Nebraska City, were
in town Thursday morning, on their
way home Irorn the Hulo conference.
They report a very interesting session
at Hulo, two eiders and three deacons
being ordained. Revs. Hiatt and Acke
man will commence a meeting at Ne
braska City tonisrhtvvi,.
Hon. T. J. Majois was elected
junior vice commander of the Nebras
ka . A. It. at the encampment helo
at Omaha this week. dipt. J. II.
Culvei, commander of tho '
Home at Milford, was elected com
mander, and John Erliardt.of Stanton,
was elected senior vice commandei.
The reunion will be hold at Lincoln
for the next live years.
Another disgraceful racket occurred
on our streets one day this week. A
few persons in Nemaha seem to con
sider it ib their privilege every time
they fill up or get riled at any one (and
these two things generally go together)
to gee out on the stieets and howl and
swear and black-guard. They should
be taught a lesson, and probably will
be the next time this occurs.
C. Shuck has had some letter heads,
envelopes and cards printed for the
"Nemaha Valley Berkshire Farm."
Mr. Shuck is breeding some of the fin
est Berkshire hogs to be found any
where. He has disposed of about all
his surplus stuck now, but will have
more ready for market soon. If you
want some One stock at a reasonable
figuro, you cannot miss it by seeing
Is positively the best hair tonic on
the market. It will stop .hair tailing
out or turning gray, Give it atrial.
Every bottle warranted to give satis
faction by our popular druggist, M. II.
Taylor. .
W.W. Sanders,' Notary Put)lic. Pen
sions papers of all kinds, made out no
cUrately. Legal documents drawn up
All business given prompt and careful
Witch Hazel Salvo is the enemy to
sores, wounds and piles, which it never
falls to cure. Stops itching and burn
ing. Cures chapped lips and cold-sores
in two or three hours. M. II. Taylor.
Gilbert & Son pay in trade 20 cents
for corn. No one hits been obliged to
sell a bushel of corn forless than 20
cents to pay them as they allow the
use of tholr cribs to parties owing
them who wish to hold their corn.
Tho ao-shy-able given at tho Mlulck
Hall Thursday night was very inter
eating. Tho recitation by Miss Knto
Frost was excollcnt and tho music by
Miss Maud Minick, Miss "Veva Clark,
Ed. Maxwell and Jft. and Jrs. J . R.
Jaddox, with MIbh Bessio Kay at the
organ, was good.
Mrs. Hartwlck, Mrs. Kny and Miss
Bassio Kav had prepared a number of
original valentines, some of which
were sold, and ono was given to each
ono present. They were good, and
created considerable amusement.
Tuesday nlgnt, as Minor Taylor was
getting ready to closo up the drug
storo, some ono opened tho door and
turned loose a lot of cats whlcMftthey
had in a big sack. Tho dooF was
closed quickly and tho fun began.
Those inside say tho.utr was full of
cats fer a few minutes, it wus an exs
citing time, as tho cats did not seem to
have any respect for any one's foeiings.
Finally twhe door as opened and tho
cats departed without doing much
damage, and Minor began to fumlgato
tno store. Minor Bays the entire
audlenco were on their feet at tho closo
of the entertainment..
M. H. Taylor, your druggist asks
you why? You can bo so easily ouicd.
I'hreo doses ol Begg's Cheny Cough
Syrup will relieve you at once. We
guarantee every bottle, and no monkey
On and after January 20th, 181)0
The Gilbert Bank will bo open trom
8 a. m. till 4 p. in. s. Gilbert,
Take the wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Qnick time. All trains met. John
McElhaney, proprietor.
Notioe. -
All prtrsons wuo are indebted to the
firm of Titus & Williams are requested
to call and settle their accounts at
once, oitl'ei by cash or note, as there
will he a change in tho business inside
of 0 days. Titus & Williams.
On Wednesday evening nt iho rest
oonco of tho bride's parents oceiiim!
tho wedding of Mr. David II. Kulpy.
ono of Wed Cloud's best known and
most popular young men, to Miss Dora
Henderson, the accomplished daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. F.S. Henderson, of
this city, the Brv. Geo. O. Yelser
saying tho mystic words that madotho
two loving heartd one, tho ceremony
taking placo In tho prestnico of a very
few relatives and intimate friends of
Mic high contracting parties.
At 8 o'clock Miss Beatrix Miser
began playing Mondelshon's wedding
march and a fow seconds later an ad
journing door swung on its hinges,
and tho bridal pair, accompanied by
Miss Edna IIoiuloiHon, tho bride's
slBter, and Mr, F. W. Cowden, took
their places In tho parlor, when Rev.
Yelser in his usual pleasant way pro
nounced the ceremony that sealed the
lives of two of Bed Cloud's prominent
young society people, and pointed out
their destiny.
Tho groom, Mr. David II Kaley, has
lived in Bed Cloud for a groat many
years, almost trom childhood, and is
known as a thoiough business man,
and one of those good natured men
who it is a pleasure to meet and cm
verso with, while his biide, Miss Dora
Henderson, is well known, though
not residing here so lot.g. She is high
ly accomplished and cultivated, and is
admirably suited to be tho consort of
hor esteemed husband, uwd together
the Chief beliovos, will enjoy their
new relations, and will travel life's
journey happily In conjugal felicity
and wo, along with their many trieuds,
take great pleasiue in extending to
to them a lung and happy life, fiee
from the cares usualy incident in the
turmoils of lite,
Immediately after the ceremony
and congratulations u delicious wed
ding suppot was partaken of, after
which the company and friends enjoys
ed the hospitalities of the family until
a reasonable hour. Bed CI ud Chief.
Wo have for sale a good 100 aero
farm near Nemaha City, well improv
ed, good house, barn, etc., Inrge orch
ard, farm all fenced, which will bo sold
for $35 por aero. If you want a bar
gain call quick.
Take all your old gold and silver of
every description toS. H. Avoy & Co.,
of Aiihiirn whn will lino ih ntiil miir
"- " i -...- ..... u, .. ...,u t...jr
you full value.
We havo a customer for a good farm
of a 120 to I (10 acres Muni uo at a
reasonable prico If you want to sell
call and see us.
Old papers for sale at this olllce,
All the old gold and silver watch
cases, rings, etc., in tho country for
which we will pay tho highest market
price. S , H. Avey & Co ,
Corner store, Auburn, Neb,
Opposite First National Bank.
Overcoats and TJixcieirvFeai
In fact, all our heavy winter goods
go at nearly one-half our original
price. You can't afford' to miss
this Grand Opportunity, so come
to the Blue Front. You will find
prices that will astonish you.
Remember, we don't take a back
seat for any one in quality or price.
Blue Front, Auburn, Nebraska