The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 31, 1896, Image 2

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' '
W. tV. 8ANDK1W, I'ubllslicn
Summary of tho Dally Nows.
Ab tho result of charges preferred
acatnst him United States Marshal
KJx, of Oklahoma, Iioh been removed
and Patrick L. Naglo, a lawyer of
Kingfisher, has been appointed in his
l'ltKSlDP.NT Ci.kvki.ANI) has expressed
his confidence in Judgo Kllgoro, of tho
Indian territory, and a disboliof in the
charges rocontly filed against tho judge.
1 iik Cherokee delegation at Wash
ington has presented to congress a
strong memorial protesting against
tho adoption of tho radical changes
recommended by tho Dawes commis
sion, appointed to treat with tho live
civilized tribes. Tho Chorokces make
a plea for an indefinite continuance
of their present form of government.
Tin; silver conference at Washington
on tho 23d resulted in the adoption oi
a declaration for tho free and un
limited colnago of silver at tho ratio oi
10 to 1, and tho call for a delegate na
tional convention to bo held at St.
Louis, July 22, 180(5, tho dato for the
populist national convention. The
call stipulates that delegates to the
convention shall bo willing to buuop
diuato party allegiance to tho princi
ples enunciated in tho declaration and
to support tho nominees of tho conven
tion. Accoiidino to a Washington dis
patch President Crespo, of Venezuela,
has boon advised by President Clove
land to make an cll'ort to re-establish
diplomatic relations with great Brit
ain, and tho president of tho Vene
zuelan republic now has tho subject
under consideration. There was a
strong boliuf at Washington that dip
lomatic rolations botween Great Brit
ain and Venezuela would bo re-established
and an arrangemont made to
submit tho boundary question to arbi
tration. '
Sojik of tho diplomatic representa
tives of tho South American republics
residing in Washington woro said to be
opposed to tho sweeping declaration ol
tho Davis resolution on tho Monroe
doctrine, and boliovodthut its adoption
would bo a step derogatory to tho dig
nity of their governments. Thoy ob
jected to tho assertion that no question
of territory between a republic on this
hemisphero and any European power
could bo settled without tho approval
of this country. Thoy think it is les
soning tho sovereignty of their govern
ments and establishing to a cortain ex
tent a suzerainty from Washington
over thorn.
Skciiktauy Smith has sent to the
house commlttco on public lands a
strong adverso report against tho free
homestead bill, absolving all persons
completing live years' residence on tho
lands taken and occupied under tho
homestead laws from making further
payment to secure their titlo othor
than tho fees incident to dllng and ob
taining proof. Laud olllclals estimate
that its passage would cost tho govern
ment 530,000,000518,000,000 in Okla
lioma alone.
It was recently reported at Washing
ton that a proclamation on tho Cuban
cause had bcou drafted by tho presi
dent and Secretary Olnoy and might
bo looked for at any time. It was
thought tho proclamation would not
go so far as to rocognizo tho Cuban re
public, but would be a plain declaration
of neutrality botweon tho contending
parties. Littlo crodonco was plnccd in
tho report that Cuba was to bo sold to
Groat Britain.
A Washington dispatch stated that
tho republican loaders in tho house
wero striving for -an early adjourn
ment, and unless tho sonato hold them
Lack expected to wind up tho business
of the session in tho early part of May.
ANcntiro family of four was drowned
In the Prairie Dog fork of tho lied river
In llandall county, Tex. Joseph Wick
er and his wifo and two children at
tempted to fonl tho stream in a cov
ered wagon. Tho waters swept the
wagon and team down. Tho father
uttompted to swim aslioro with ono
child an his back, but ho sank and both
ho and tho child woro drowned. The
mother and second child remained in
tho wagpn and woro also drownod.
Gr.oitoi: Wakd, u Chorokoo Indian,
was hangod at Van Huron, Ark., on tho
24th for murdering Ilonry Bacon in
July last year.
Tiik blanket mill of J. Dobson & Co.
nt Schuylkill Falls, Pa., was destroyed
by Uro on tho 24th. Loss, 335,000; in
sured. Fnti: ab Farloy, la., 25 miles from
Dubuquo, early on tho morning of tho
U5fcb, threatened to wlpo out a great
-portion of tho town. Half a dozen
business houses and tho opera house
wero destroyed. Flro companies from
neighboring towns woro summoned.
An ongiuo of a passongor train on
tho Panhandlo road, running 00 miles
iiu hour, blow up with a report that
was heard for miles when near South
Charleston, O., on tho 82d. Tho en
gineer and firoman woro Instantly
Icllled and a number of tho passengers
wero badly bruised, but uono fatally
It was reported from Cuba that the
inMirgqnt general, (tames:, was in an
advanced stago of consumption, com
plicated with fever, and tho doctors
had como to the conclusion that ho
could only live about two months
Ci.KAM.VO houso returns for the prin
cipal cities in tho United States for tho
week ended January 24 showed a to
tal avcrago increase as compared with
tho corresponding week last year of
0.0. Tho increases were: Now York,
0.4; Kansas City, ir..0j Topoka, 17. 1;
Omaha, 10.3. Tho decreases woro: St.
Louis, 0.1; St. Joseph, 7.7; Wichita,
It was reported on tho 21th that tho
western and southern populist leaders
had centered upon Judge Henry C.
Caldwell, of LLtlo Hock, Ark., as the
man thoy will nominato for tho presi
dency at tho convention to bo hold in
St. Louis July 22.
It was reported on the 24th that tho
house foreign affairs committoo hod
decided to report a resolution mildly
censuring tho United States ambassa
dor to England for his recent speeches
in reference to home polities.
Tiik Chicago Tribune said on tho 2ith
that a coinploto dismemberment of tho
great Santa Fo railway system was
likely to bo tho result of tho recent re
organization of tho main lines from
Chicago to Albuquerque, N. M. Less
than a year ago tho Colorado Midland
was dropped and a mouth ago tho At
lantic & Pacific was given up, and
now the now Santa Fo management in
tended to relinquish control of tho St.
Louis & San Frnncisco road. Thoy
have conceived tho idea that theso
linos tiro a burden on the main lino re
cently reorganized.
A itnci'.NT telegram from Constanti
nople said that an offensive and de
fensive alliance had been concluded by
Russia and Turkey, by which Turkey
agreed in tho event of Russia going to
war to close the Dardanelles to war
f.hips of all nations. It was said to be
probable that France would bo includ
ed in tho new alliance. Dispatches
from Paris and Vienna, however, de
nied tho truth of tho report
En Kiiihkiiom, county treasuror of
Plymouth county, la., was reported
missing. A hurried examination of
his books indicated a shortage of $10,
000. Conoiucssman II. D. Monkv was nomj
inatcd by the democratic caucus on the
20th ballot at Jackson, Miss., for United
States so n a tor. This was equivalent
to an election.
Tun failures for tho week onded Janu
ary 24 (Dun's report) woro 373 in the
United States, against 863 last year,
and 01 in Canada, against 50 last year.
Tub Maryland legislature on the 22d
ratified tho action of the republican
caucus of tho previous night and elect
ed Congressman George L. Wellington
to succeed Charles II. Gibson us United
States senator.
It was announced In Now York that
auxiliary members of tho Snlvation
army will make a vigorous protest
against the removal from America of
Commander Ballingtou Booth. They
will forward their unanimous protest
to London and if that proves without
effect, measures will bo taken to de
clare the army in America independent
of English domination.
Tiik secretary of the local branch of
the American Railway union at Oak
land, Cal., has received a letter from
tho private secretary of E. V. Debs in
which tho statement telographod from
tho east that Dobs is to resign the
presidency of the union is denied.
Gkn. Thomas Ewixo, who was
knocked down by a cable car at Now
York recently, died on the 21st. lie
was at ono time chief justice of 'Kan
sas and went into the war ns colonel
of tho 11th Kansas volunteers. Ho
will bo remembered for his famous
"Order No. 11," depopulating tho coun
ties of Missouri Unit bordered on Kan
sas. Tiik 28th annual convention of the
National American Woman Suffrage
association began nt Washington on
tho 2!id.
Fihk in tho old stock exchango build
ing at Chicago on the 24th caused a
panic among tho occupants, but nil
escaped without serious injury. 11.
Barton Lindloy, an employoof tho Chi
cago Tribune, was loudly cheered by
tho crowd when he emerged from tho
smoko safely carrying 'his aged father
in his arms.
Tin: 15th annual mooting of tho
American Forestry association con
vened at Washington on tho 2Kb.
The main object of tho gathering was
to sccuro the enactment of a law for
tho propor administration of tho forest
reserves in tho United States, which
aggregate 817,500,000 acres.
Tun ban placed by tho Catholic
church upon the ordors of Knights of
Pythias, Sons of Temparanco and Odd
Follows is absolute. This is the man
date of tho pope, recently givon out
through his official representative,
Cardinal Satolll. Tho three orders
named have a Roman Catholic mem
bership in round numbers of nearly
At 'the sossiou of the National Wom
an's Suffrage association at Washing
ton on tho 24th tho report of tho treas
urer ohowed that tho amount of money
handled during tho past year was al
most twice as much as in tho year 1804.
Georgo W. Catt, of Salt Lako city, re
viewed tho work in Utah and said tho
suft'rago victory tlioro was duo to or
ganized public opinion. At night a
ntato president's mooting was held and
Kate R. Addison, of Kansas, made an
At Poughkeopsic, N. Y., C. L. Mitolf
ell, a patient at tho Mattowan hospital
for tho insane, sot fire to tho institu
tion in flvo different places, but aftor
much cxcllomont tho flro was gotten
under control.
.Tajiks Johnson, a lifo tttno convict
charged with murder, has refused a
parolo from tho government He was
MMitup from Cascyvillo in 1893 to Jof
fersonville, Ind., for killing Leslie Bell.
He claims that ho is innocent of mur
der and killed the mnn in self-defense
and will accept nothing less than an
unconditional pardon which would en
tirely clear his character.
TilUKK men wore killed and four
seriously injured on tho 2tstby tho ex
plosion of acetylene gas in a building
at Now Haven, Conn., occupied by Eng
lish & Mcrsick and F. Plleglar & Co.,
hardware manufacturers. Tho explo
sion set tho building on fire, and it was
destroyed with its contents, tho loss
amounting to 8100,000. There wero 4C
people in tho building at the timo oi
tho accident, and for a timo tho report
was current that fully half of those
had perished.
Poison was put in tho coffee at the
homo of Mrs. Mary McGregor at Al-
toona, Pa., on tho 22d and William Mc
Gregor, nged 52, drank tho deadly
liquor and soon died. Mrs. McGregor,
Carry Sill, a six-year-old granddaugh
ter, and Mrs. Martha Johnson, a friend
of tho family, woro also dangerously
poisoned nnd tho littlo girl may not
recover. Minnio Swnnicr, aged 14,
a granddaughter of Mrs. McGregor,
was accused of tho crime.
SiiAitoN Fui.i.iili and Georgo Holt,
colored, wero fatally shot, and Frank
Stewart, white, dangerously injured in
a quarrel over cards at Dingess, W. Vn.
In tho international chess tourna
ment at St Potersbnrg Luskcr in
creased his total wins on the 23d to 11,
a totul which none of tho competitor
could reach, and won tho first prize.
Pillsbury, thu American, was third in
the race.
Piiinck IIknuv, of Battcnburg, hus
band of thu Princess Beatrice, of En
gland, who went to Ashanteo in a spe
cial capacity and who contracted fevei
there, has died. Tho queen and Prin
cess Beatrice were said to bo prostrated
with grief.
A TANIO prcvailod among tho inmates
of thu four-story Brighton flats at Chi
cago during a flro there recently. Sev
eral were rescued with great difllculty,
but they all escaped. The fire did dam
aco to the extent of 530,000; fully in
sured. II. II. Rand, of Wisconsin, a member
of tho executive committeo of the Na
tional League of Republican clubs,
lias received a letter from Secretary
Dowling, authorizing tho holding of
tho next convention of tho league at
Milwaukee on tho 25th, 20th and 27th
of Aug.ust
Tiik Cincinnati Tribune said on the
20th that John G. Carlislo was an
avowed candidate for president.
Gov. Rr.NKitow, of Oklahoma, has of
forcd a reward of S200 for tho arrest of
the assassin who shot down William
Wyancke in his own yard at Guthrie.
Mfff f y-T LJIJ I -w
6u are discharged I have
no u&e for any one that has
not sense enough to chew
The largest piece of jgood
tobacco ever ,5old Tor 10 cents
The Scent piece is nearly as
arge as you .get of other
mgh grades for 10 cents
A moij at Sullivan, Ind., on the 20th,
endeavored to lynch Grant Attcrbury,
arrested on a charge of assaulting his
sister-in-law. Tho door of the jail was
broken down and an entrance forced,
but the sheriff confronted the mob and
threatened to kill tho first man who
went up-stairs toward tho coll room.
Tho mob halted and finally withdrew,
but threatened to return within 2i
Siikhiff Ciiii.dhiis went to tho houso
of a man named Hurst at Powhattan,
Ark., to ascertain tho causo of soma
trouble at a populist meeting when
Hurst ran at tho sheriff with a knife.
Charles, tho sheriff's son, rushod to his
fathers assistance and shot Hurst in
tho stomach. Tom Hurst, seeing that
his father was shot, attempted to kill
Childers, but was fatally shot.
A i.atk London dispatch said that
tho outlook there in regard to tho
speedy settlement of tho disputo be
tween Groat Britain and Venezuela
was now looked upon as being much
moro hopeful and nobody anticipated
any further serious trouble iu connec
tion with tho dispute
A Constantinoi'I.k dispatch to tho
London Chronicle said that letters re
ceived there from Arabakir reported
that 2,000 Armenians were killed in
the recent riot, tho slaughtor being
mostly done with nxes and choppers.
Tki.koii.ymb poured in on the 25th at
Canton, O., for ex-Gov. and Mrs. Mc
Ktnley, caugratulating thorn upon
their 25th wedding anniversary.
Thkodohk Runyon, United States
ambassador to Germany, expired sud
denly and unexpectedly at Berlin on
tho 27th of heart failure. Ho had been
in somowhat fcoblo health for some
timo past, but no immediate fatal ro
suits wero anticipated.
A hkad-knd collision occurred bo-
twoen a passenger train and a freight
on tho Bald Knob branch of tho Iron
Mountain near Fair Oaks, Ark. Both
ongincs wero demolished and sovoral
persons wero moro or less injured.
A waoon load of 120 quarts of nitro
glycerine exploded at St. Mary's, O.,
rocontly, killing tho driver, Samuol
Engcls, and two horses. Tho shook
was distinctly felt at Lima and other
points equally distant In St Mary's
thousands of dollars of damage was
done by broken windows and other
wise. Mi:. John McCur.i.ouoit. of Winni
peg, Man., won tho ton-mile skating
race at tho St. Paul, Minn., carnival,
beatinzr tho world's record of 31:48 4-5.
McCullough made it iu 33:05.
Senerai Jffarrison
Uhe Presidential Office
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