The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 31, 1896, Image 1

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    i r
Local News.
Muddy roads.
Rain yesterday.
The weather aeems like spring,
Old papers for sale at this office,
Frank Hunt gave ua a social call
A. L. P. Thompson rejoices over
the birth of a fine daughter.
ltev. E. S. Chamberlain is holding a
protracted meeting at Kebraaka City.
Mrs. it. 11. Mcilauua, of Bethany,
came to Nemaha Thursday, to visit
Mrs, Fannie Yackly visited Auburn
friends from Saturday till Monday
Sheriff Giufgow was on the Monday
afternoon passenger on his was to Mc
Klasick's Island .
Rev. James lliatt began a meeting
at tba Christian church in Brownville
Wednesday night.
Found A. pair of spectactleB in case
wnercanget same by applying at
this oillco and paying for this notice.
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Bolejack art
viaiting Shubert friends. Emery U
bow B. & M . agent at Dunning, Neb.
Seynour Howe has bought the in
terest of the heirs of the Hagadoru
(arm of 120 acres, northeast of cown .
Mra.M. H. Taylor, who has been
viBiting at Lincoln and Fremont for
the past month, returned home Mon
day. Fred and Wayne Mooris have rente'
the Jas. Cuiwell farm, three miles
aast of Auburn, and will move oui
in a short time.
We have a customer for a good farm
of a ISO to 160 acres. Must Ue at a
reasonable price. If you want to sell
call and see us.
Jonathan Blair and family, of Brock,
visited the families of Robert Frost
and Moses Banks from 8unday morn
ing until Tuesday afternoon.
On and after January 2th, 1800,
The Gilbert Bank will be open from
8 a. m. till 4 p. m. S. Gilbert,
Mrs. John W. Culp, of Bethany, has
has been visiting Nemaha friends for
the past three or four weeks. She ex
pects to return home the latter part of
this week.
A McKinley Club is being organized
In Nemaha. Nine republicans out of
every ten in Nemaha are for McKinley.
The list ef signers on the petition is a
big one.
The Woman's Relief Corps ef Peru
will give an intertainment and supper
at Peru on the night of Feb. 22d.
Col. II. C. Russell, commissioner of
public lands and buildings, will make
us address. Everybody is invited.
The lecture of Robert Mclntyre at
the Peru Normal next Thursday night
will be a rare treat to thoso who can
attend. The lecturer is one of the
most eloquent speakers in tno world.
Born .To Mr. and Mm. A. It. Mcs
Candless. jr., Friday night, January
24th, 1801, twin babies a boy and a
girl. Weight, OH each. Allie fees
that he is doubly blasted, and is proud
as a man well can be. May the
little one live te be a comfort and a
blessing to the parents.
Walter Hadlock went to Peru Wed
nesday night and acted as installing
officer at the public installation of
the ofllcersofthe G. A. It. post of
that place. Walt says they had a
magnlflcant time, so we know there
must have bean lets to eat.
l)r, J. W. Bourne came up from
Verdon Thursday, to attend the
funeral of II, A. Brand.
T.J. Hitte, of the Nebraska Farm
er editorial force, came down from
Lincoln Thursday, to attend the
funeral of H. A. Brand.
Lorenzo Dow Troxcil considers
marriage is a failure with him. He
was married last month, and utter on-
joying married life about three weeks
bis wife left bim.
J. W.Taylor came down f rem Lin
coln Thursday. He infer ma us that
Guy had just stood his examination
ferthefrst half of the school year,
and was way up, his standing being
from 08 to 100 in all his studies. We
are glad to hear Guy is doing so well.
Gilbert & Son pay in trade 20 cente
for corn. No one has been obliged to
sell a bushel of corn for le3s than 20
cflnta to pay tbem as they allow the
use of their cribs to parties owing
hem who wish to bold their corn.
Last Tuesday R. D. Waterman
tound one blj yearling steers dead In
the field, he having been shot by seme
unknown party. The shut was evident
lv tlied from a revslver or target gun,
ud struck the steer in one eye. It
appears to have been done intentional
y, but it does seem that no man woulu
be so mean as to do it.
The protracted meeting at the Meth
odist church closed Tuesday night.
It lasted just feur weeks, and duiing
that time fifty-one joined the M. E.
ihurch, and several others professed
conversion who have not yet joined
any church. A great deal of goon
was done by the meetings The seriet
or Htrmons waiesucn as ate uet otter
heard lu a town the size of Nemahx
and their influence is widespread.
John Farson went to Auburn a few
days ago witn a lead of wood, bring
ing back a load of flour. When a
short distance this side of the Nemaha
river he was walking to warm up. auo
let loose of the lines a few minutes to
warm his hands, whon the horses
started to run. John ran after them
but could not keep in sight, but when
he got home he found the team at thr
stable, and no damage bad been done.
The load had not been disarranged in
the least.
vVord was received in this city
several days ago that rich quartz was
struck in the mine in the Crlpplt, Creek
region of which Hon. 1. J. Majors, of
Peru,ownsen-feurth interest. The
other owners of the property are State
Treasurer Bartley, C. E. Adams, state
commander G. A. R and a brother of
Mr. Adams'. Last week the owners
of the mine had an offer of S100.0M
for the property which they are hold
ing at 2,5()0,0: Pom Times.
A young people's aid society was
organized about two weeks age by the
young people of the M. E. church.
The Faithful Band was selected as
the name of tho society. The follow
ing officers were elected : President-
Naomi Hatyb ; Vice-president James
Gilmore Secretary Trixy Seaburry ;
Assistant secretary Willie Sanders,
Treasurer Emory Howe; rganist
Anna Frost; Assistant organist May
Gaither. Meetings are held every
Saturday afternoon at the residenco of
Mrs, W. W. Sanders.
My wife having left mo without any
just cause or provocation, I hereby
notify all concerned that I will not
pay aiiy debts contracted by her here
after. Nemaha, Neb., January 27, 1806.
Loiiknzo Dow Troxcil.
All persons are warned to do no
hunting on the farm of N. B, Catlln,
In Asplnwall precinct, under penalty
of the law. R.D. Watkrman.
Tho Hillsdale Lltorary Society meets
at the Hillsdale school house every
Friday night, at 7 o'clock. The pro
grams (consist of recitations, dia
logues, debates, etc., and from all re
ports a very interesting time is had
each night. It is run on a puroly
moral and instructive basis, opening
with alngfng and prayer, and is having
great intluence for good in that com
munity. Tho idea is a good one and
should be adopted In other;' places.
Everybody is cordially invited to aU
tend. F. H. D.HtiNT,
Lillie Hall, President.
Died H. A. Brand, at bis residence
in Nemaha at 9 o'clock a.m., Wednes
day, January 20th, 1800. Mr. Brand
has been confined to his bed for some
time, and has been in very poor health
for a number of years, suffering from
a complication of diseases. He was
one of our oldest residents, and was
highly respected by all his associates.
We did not learn his exact age, but he
was about 74 years of age at his death.
The funeral services were held this
(Friday) forenoon, at the Christian
church of this place, of which the
deceased was a member. The sympa
thy of the community is extended to
the bereaved wtte in the loss of her
beloved husband.
Auburn llerald.
The stock of dry goods and notions
in the Hetzel block, owned by Simon
Uerg and known ua the Rackot Store,
was attached by creditors Tuesday
morning and fie stock is now in the
hands of the sheriff. Albert Weluman,
ot Humboldt, a brother in-law ol
Berg, issued an attachment in the
mm of 8500 which sum Weinman
claims Btng owes him von a note.
Hiier attachments soon followed aim
v Wednesday evening claims aggre
uting at i.oat 88,000 were filed agalas
ha stock, which is variously estimated
at $3,500 to 5,000. Tho local creditors
are the First tNatioual Bank, Abe
Keltenstein, Mrs: Feleustein and G.W.
It is hoped Mr. Berg will be able to
straighten out matters and resume
Sometime in October last, William
Mounts held up Wm. A. Dlshong near
Aspinwall and relieved him of his
personal effects, consisting of monev
and valuables. The festive William
of the first part skipped the country
and William, the victim, hied himself
straightway to this city and invoked
the aid of the law to bring the former
to justice. After a lapse of three
months Mounts returned and was
greeted by officers of the law. Mounts
was brought to this city Saturday and
lodged in the county jail. He was ar
ranged Wednesday before Judge Lam
bert and plead guilty of the charge.
His preliminary trial Is set for the
28th, and in the moantimo ho is in
being liable to furnish bail.
Auburn Herald.
The World's Greatest Orator, Robert
Mclntyre, of Denver, will lecturo in
the State Normal Chapel, at Peru,
Thursday evealng, February , 1890.
Subject, "Evolution of Abe Lincoln,''
Under the auspices of Epworth League.
People laugh and cry and shout, when
they hear Mclntyre, the silver-tongued
orator. James Whitcomh Riley the
famous "Iloouitr Poet" of Indiana,
after hearing Mclntyre. says: "Old
Soldiers stood up and cheerod as
though tho long hushed voices of the
brave leaders called again, and high
above tho black amok of the fray,
they saw the old llag lift once more
and laugh out in breaths of victory.
There was flro, there was fervor,
through it all, and yet a pathetic
undertone that swept on In sobs and
tears. Near me sat an old veteran,
whose lips fell falterlngly from patri
otic shouts to tremulous muttering of
prayer, ebllvlous as It ssemed of all
things but the speaker's matchless
Admission, 25 cents.
All persons who are indebted to the
firm of Titus & Williams are requested
to call and settle their accounts at
once, either by cash or note, as there
will be a change in the business inside
of (JO days. Titus & Williams.
A situation as housekeeper by a
middle aged lady. Call or address,
MrB. Fannie A. Eiaely, tth and Mc-
Claiustreot8 Falls City, Nebraska.
Blank Notes. Farm LeaBes, Bills of
Sale, etc., for sale at this office
Take all your old gold and silver of
every description toS. H. Avoy fc Co.,
of Auburn, who will buy it and pay
you full value.
Coughing irritates the delicate org
ans and aggravates the disease, In
stead of waiting, try One Minute
Cough Cure. It helps at once, making
expectoration easy , reduces the sore
ness and inflamntlon. Every one likes
it. Taylor, the drnggist.
We have for sale a good 100 acre
farm near Nemaha City, well improv
ed, good house, barn, etc., large orch
ard, farm all fenced, which will be Bold
for $35 per acre. If you want a bar
gain call quick.
Kind friends and patrons: I have
carried you through the last year and
this the beginning of a new year, I
have some bills I have to meet, and I
will have to ask you to respond at
once. Thanking you for your patron
age in the past and ask for a continu
ance in the future. I am as ever
Respectfully yours,
M. H. Taylor.
Any one having horses, mules, wag
ons, buggies, harness, or stock of any
kind that they wish to sell, I would be
glad to soil the same if brought to my
store in Nemaba on each Saturday.
If stock is not sold I will 'not make
any charge: if sold a small commission
will be claimed. Remember we will
start our auction on each Saturday, at
2 o'elock. Everybody in the vicinity
bring their stock in, aiso household
goods, machinery and farming imple
ments. W. S. TlTUS,
Piles of people have piles, but De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure
them. When promptly applied it cures
scalds and burns without the slightest
pain. Taylor, the druggist.
in iaci, an our heavy winter goods n
go at nearly one-half our original
price. You can't afford to miss
this Grand Opportunity, so come
to the Blue Front . You will find
prices that will astonish you.
Remember, we don't take a back
seat for any one in quality or price.
Blue Front, Auburn, Nebraska
Why go to other towns to buy your
Groceries when you can buy them
cheaper at heme. Goods delivered to
any place In town. Comparo my pri
ces with any store in any other town,
or anywhere.
This is a partial list of what I have
at bottom prices:
Granulated sugar, 17 Si for. . . . .fl.Ot
Aibuckle Coffee, per package. . 24c
Lion " " ".... 24e
Hotel Baking Powder 10c
Climax " " fie
Quail Oats, por package lOe
Lenox Soap, 0 bars for 20c
Satinet Soap, 0 bars for 25c
Soda Crackers, a lb 30c
Prunes, 5 lbs 25c
Rice, 7 lbs 3to
Plug Tobacco, per lb 2(c
Beans, 0 lbs 25c
Best Gunpowder Tea 40c
D wight's Cow Brand Soda.2lbs 10c
Apricots, per can 15c, 2 for. . . 25c
Pears , 2 cans for v 25e
Cove Oysters 10c
Salmon 14c
Tomatoes, 3 for 25e
Corn, por can 0c
.Tup n Tea Dust, 2 lbs 2le
Parlor Matches, 4 boxen 0c
Choice peanut candy, por lb. . . 10c
Mixed candy 0c
Roasted Peanuts, lb 15c
Yiiginia cigars, 2 for 5o
Fresh Pickles , par doz 8o
Salt, 0 lbs for 5e
Also tin cups, pipes, pins, tobacco,
jats, corn, corn meal, chop feed, brooms
ax handles, and other things tno num
erous to mention, at low prices.
Come and see my goods and gst prices,
as every one is welcome. Everything
fresh and new. No old goods. Call
and see me.
W.S. Titus
East Main 8treet, Nemaha, Nebr.
Take the wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the oity. EaBy riding.
Qnick time. All trains met. John
McElbauey, proprietor.
All tho old gold and silver watch
cases, rings, etc., in tho country for
which we will pay the highest market
price. 8,H.Avey&Co.,
Corner store, Auburn, Neb.
Opposite First National Bank.
and. Undleivvrear