i u ii imm niiiimiwin Tfce Kcbxaska Advertiser HI IN AY. .IAN' I". 180(1. xn "Clubbed" to Death. It 1h mild Hint Kcvcrnl loaders in tlio progression of woman feel convinced tlmt (lie clubbing bitHinoKH Iiiih becu enrrled (u mi exlrenie. One nt IcuHt Iiiih shown lier eolois in the following fashion, in the Manchester Union: "One passing word pood ntitnred, not ennt4inloroiis about clubs: "It la borne m upon mo anxiously that women nowadays, at least, in and about the (front center), are clubbing them Helves to death, and 1 think I hnvo found out the heroic reason why. Sud denlya lltllu while ago they cIIh covered that there were too many in the world ever ho many to one man and with ti grand Hiigncity and u yet grnndor altruinm, they net out to thin down, nH rapidly and effectively tin possible, their own ranlcH. Natnral iHtH tell iih of a wonderful little race of Ahudian rodents, which once in n cer tain period rcaohcH an enormous in crease, so that lt numbers are beyond compulation. Then, all at once, oi their own accord, they net forth in -Htemly columns, deliberately, comfort nbly, gnyly, picking up their snlll-' cient substance as they go, and even ' multiplying on the way, until their ' persistent march brings them to the Pacific sen, into which they calmly "walk, mid aie drowned. Toward some mich bir 'c, pathetic burial and end is the great woman concourse, of its own sublime will and purpose, marching to-day I" Julian Jami:s V. ITauvky, of the i Montgomery circuit court, Cr.iwfordu ; "vlllc, lnd., is about to establish a new I court, rule which will practically dc I nwny with Hie "professional juryman," I "who has been such an annoying curse to all ;ourts in Indiana from time lin memorial. .ludge JIarvey proposes to guard against this class by ordering tlic jury commissioners to draw the regular panel of 12 and then cither four or six additional talesmen who can be called in to tnhe the; places of thoe of 1he regular panel excused by the court. The sheriffs dcclarp that the pro fessional Jurymen become more numer ous every year, and are most annoying, rendering a sheriff's position, especial ly in election years, most embarrassing. Tiir proverb about an ill wind had u curious Illustration in the course of the long drought last summer and fail. It was thought everybody suffered from it, but it was n great tiling lor the owners of the coal mines in Hop kins county, Ky. because of the drought the Ohio river became closed to navigation, nnd the Pennsylvania cool was shut out. of Louisville and other important Kentucky markets. As a consequence there wns n great de mand made upon the local coal mires, and they were all run at their extreme capacity for three or four months. A cownoY was brought into Tucson, A. T., recently from a range In the St. Simon valley, to be treated for a wounded instep, which had been shut- ' tered by n pistol bullet of big caliber. The shooting, it wns explained, oc curred during a round-up. There was no quarrel between the injured man and tins man who shot, him, "but ono morning when they got out. the air was pretty crispy, and they begun shooting ut each other to increase the, i circulation of the blood." I Tun old house of the Aldens at Dux bury, Mass., built about 10.10, is now oc cupied by the ninth John Alden in di rect descent from the John whose pret ty love story is so well known. lie has u littk daughter, PriscillaMullins, too, says a writer in the Kostau Tran script, but her brother, the tenth John Alden, was, killed by lightning in a storm last summer; so the line of John Alden is now broken. SnvEitAL large consignments of salm on eggs have lately been sent from this country to Europe. Last week a crate of 50,000 eggs was shipped to the United States fishery nt Dalrd, Cal., to Ireland, nnd nnother crate, containing 25,000 eggs, wns shipped from the same place to Germany. Some of the banks In New York find ' It to their advantage in cashing checks ' drawn by and for women to pay than ' In clenn, crisp new bills or coin. In this way they cater successfully to tlie Instinctive feminine regard for nicety nnd neatness, and find their reward in feminine appreciation. One of the buildings at the Tennes see centennial exposition will be erect ed entirely with money provided by the children of the state. Everything in it nnd around It will bo arranged for the pleasure and profit of children. In the tower will sv. Ing a fine set of sil ver chimes. Smoking Goes hi That )llloo. There Is one postmaster in Ohio whr does not fear the inspector. HecentPj an old uitiid informed the postmaster- general that there was smoking in the post office at . 0. She went straight to hendquartcrs. The postmaster-general notified inspeetor-ln-Charge Salmon to investigate, and he did. lie found tlmt the ot office wns In a grocery store. The postmaster wn the storekeeper, and, in reply to the de tective, said: "Yes, I smoke, nnd my son smokes. And let me tell you Home thing. Smoking is a necessity with me and the post office is not: so thcsoofl'T you take your office away the better I'll like It." The office paid nbout five dollars n yenr and nobody else would take it. so the postmaster was informed that Ii'j might smoke nil he wanted to so long as he did not blow it in people's faces. A HUDDKXnnd unprecedented demand for cents has lately sprung up in vnri oiin parts of the country, and the Phil adelphia mint has been turning out the bright copper coins at. a rate unpre cedented in the history of the estab lishment. Nine presses, with a ca pacity of $500 wortli of pennies an hour, have been busy for weeks filling the demands. The rutuion of the de mand is that In Philadelphia un eight-cent exchange fare ha been es tablished by the street car railroads. In Detroit a three-cent fare Iiiih been established on the street railroads. Changes of n similar character have also been made in other large cities. Then a great many defective cent h have been received for redemption lately. Uargttln-countcr prices, with odd cents, hnvo something to do with the demand, too. Rhode Island will join Pennsylvania in an effort to preserve the lines at the famous camp ground of the revolution, Valley Forge. The former state linn ap propriated $2,000 and provided a commis sion to erect a monument to the mem ory of John Waterman, from that state, who died at Valley Forge during the cn enmpmeut and wn buried within the lines. The grave Is located on the Pier bol farm, now occupied by I. Ileston Todd, about 600 yards east of Fort Huntingdon and about 100 yards south of the road leading from Volley Forge to Port Kennedy. Gov. Lippett, who is chairman of the commission, bus writ ten Gov. Hastings, of Pennsylvania, say ing that the Khode Island commission will visit this place soon and desires to cooperate with the Valley Forge com mission. Tun practical purpose of our farmers' institutes is to make farming more re munerative. It is scarcely to be ex pected that the business will become as profitable as It was during and for some years after the war period, but Secre tary Morton, in his last report, speaks encouragingly of the industry. He argues that, inasmucli'ns the supply of land appropriated for tillage remains practically stationary and consumption of farm products increases with the rapidly growing population, the value of farm lands must soon advance. This view Is also entertained by others. M. C. Wood Davis, in a series of articles in one of our leading reviews, predicted a rise in the not distant future. The drop in laud villous is not confined to this country; it has ulso occurred in many purtfl of the world. The tables were turned in a Bur prising manner on an exultant crook by a smart Yankee deputy sheriff in York county, Me., the other day. The deputy was after the crook, and came up with him just across the border in New Hampshire. The crook was safe from the deputy's warrant there, but in order to be safer he boarded a train f oi the interior of tlio state. That was his mistake. The deputy boarded the same truiu, and took a seat near the crook. At a point a few miles ahead the railway truck ran across a comer of York county, Me. The deputy knew this, but the crook didn't. When the line was crossed the deputy pulled the bell rope, stopped the train, dragged tlio crook out of his seat, put him off the train, and arreBtcd him. A JoruN (Mo.) man bought ten dozen cloaks at a St. Louis sale, and he has given them out to littlo girls in Joplin whose parents were unable, to buy them warm garments to wear to school. There's n littlo practical phil anthropy that is worthy of emulation. The latest faith cure reported in Maine is thnt of a lady who applied a clothes cleaning preparation to her face, thinking it was a liniment, and who said it relieved her neuralgia greatly. The persons of African descent in the United States are classified accord ing to degrees of colored blood into 0,337,080 blacks, 050,089 mulattocs, 105, 135 quadroons and 09,030 octoroon. Jlrfure subset l.ll iitj fot a Miiytisiue SKIS TIIK BEST, DEMQMST'5 An Unparalclled Offer llPtnoroM's Ctt I'Annr Pa Iterim urn thn most iiriiollcwl on tlio market, 'I'liey are of Miiy R17.0 iiiih liny incmtier oi n noiiHOliold coulil rcqulio. In each copy of tlio iiikkhzIiio N piloted n coupon entitling tlio mi liscrl Iter, or piitclniHcr, to u pattern worth mid rexulnr I;. mid forlMoor nny tuiiulmr of pulieinx lor U iircriilN f'irli locovnr pucltiiizo nnd poMnun A in u tint VHliioof tho piillerns l ciiinldurud i iih Miifcnitur ai'uiuny kpih DEMOKEST'S MAGAZINE FBEE. And what ii iiiitKitzliio It In! For 18WJ It will lie morn lirllllniu tlinn ever before. Now iniiiiiiemoiil,iiew nu'thodH. new litenn. Kach cony coiiluliiH mi cxqniHlte reproduction In rolnrs of nohiu eeloliraled picture by n fiimotis arilNl, worthy to adorn the wuIIk of Hie inn-t rennet! home. II l affirmed Unit DetutiietitR Ik the only complete family inaisazlno piilt llHlietl piimhliilnit all or Hie mn.sl excellent point of Itsofintomporarltm, health hnvli t; inlinlliihlo fciitnroM ofliM own. DciuurcHl'ri In aaliiallv ri dozen miiKtizlnrN In one, 11 Ih a Uluast of Carroll! Kvenls niitl Icli'HH fur Him himy man or worn n. u Review and a SlorchotiNf of IiHereM ror all. Wives, molli crH,MHtrM AiiilriiuiKliUirfi can find exactly what ihoy need lomnnse anil IiihImipI them, hIno piacllt'iil helps in every ilepnitmeiit of ilotiifNllmiiiilHOclnl life, Inoludlt.K Mm farn InIiIijk mid mniiinentliiK of the borne, mi tnoltlery, brlc-a-brn, arflxMn and fancy work oi till klniN etc., anil mikkchHoiih nnd ml vice iokuhIIiik ihw wellbelntt and riri-NNliiK of llmlr own permum ThPHcopo of Hie article for I89.p find 1890 will cover Mm wholn country and Itn vai led InlernslM, nnd the, article will lie profusely IHliHirnled with the flneHl eiiurnvlnuri, anil la addition, ii will puhlMi the nest and pur hI flcllon. It, lieutHiit IcnicMi mil o Door -Sports, Homo AiniiHemculN and hnieilaln- n Il..l.l..yn .. . . I ......... . ....!. (I r.n iu i n. Lai lie have yournnhHcrli.tlon atone. Ynu iet mnro value for j our money Minn It In poilbli'lonpcuri It; any oilier mtK7.no. Tlio MiiKHKlne one year for 82 (X). Orwlx ninntliH for I.iki. Over 2.')0 illll'eieiit uiirnientH nroNhown each ifiir, piiMeniB ornll of which are oblaliiablo by BulmprlliprHnt4oenoh. Numplocopy with put loin coupon ent for Kiel. DKMoIlKVr PUHLIHHINU Oil.. 110 Klllli Avenue, Now York. i A Liberal Offer. Only 82 85 for) I TlIK NTKIUtA8KA AnVIMlTHKIl Ullll Demovest's Family Muyazlne ( .Send your Hiibucription to this ofilee j . .n.ln.u The National Tne, WA8IIINMTON. I), O. !EX)K1896. "MARCHING THROUGH GEORGIA." By MAJ-GEN. 0. 0. HOWARD. The Story Told by an Army Comman der. Gnat Contribution to History. Tint National TainuKa will nhortly lie-in Mm pulillcatloii of.MaJ. liun.O. O. lloward'a ileNcrlptlon of Hie March Ihionnh Ueorla and the Ciirollnas, endlUK with Mm Urand Kovlew al WhhIiIiikIoii. 1'IiIm will bo an I in meiiHoly Itnpnrinut contribution lo the ills lory of I he War. (Jen. Mownrd, who coin m muled Mm Army of Uio Toiineeeo on lliono eii'Ai achleveuieiiiN was, next to Gen. Slier. until, tlio raukliiK oWcer of all Mm foicea Mo will loll IhoHtorv of Mm niureht-N, kIcIiiiv IhIiik, anil biutoU, the nwIII sweep I'rotn Al lanta to Kavnniuih, the loliSnuio HtiiiKKlra with Mm Carolina kwuiiikh; mud, rain ami rebel oimmleH, and of the urund tiluiuplml piiKeant al W.lilngtou. In his own stionit. Kriiphlo, vivid etyle. Tim t-erleH will beRln wtlii the pursuit or Mood after Atlanta, and end with Mm Oiiiiul Itevlew at VuHhlne,ton Othek Living Commanuehs who plnyed coiiHplcuou part In the war, wll I ciintilhuto to It cnlumiiH during the year; and, besides, It will have more than Its UNUal ainouni ot truoKlories of actual exper ience or the men who did the hard inarching and tlKhtliiK ol tlio great conflict. It will bo more Mian ever THE G HEAT IIlSTOltlOAL AND Family Pai'ek of Amorlcn. Il claliaa to (lvo mornnplendld readliiK matter for TWO 0KNT8 A WEkK than any other publication. It ue no bollorplate or synilloato matter, ami w.hat It contain oan be found In no oilier paper. Price Si a year, payable in advance. HUIWGHI II K AT ONCJK, so a not to mlH a altiKlonuinboi. Send for ".StatHtlcs of Mm War.,,"Llnctiln,H Words," nnd "Mlscellano ouh Memorand." Thoy r painpnlri, con lalulm; inatlcrH ofgreat value am! Interest to everv ono Interested In Mm history of Mm war. l'rlcefieeulH each. Aildrvss all communications to THE NATIONAL TIUHUNE, 1729 Nkw Yokk Avk., WAHiimoTon, D. C. at 6 per cent. on Farm Lands, Apply at The Adver- tiser office, Nemaha. -ii in, n ki 'i it Kimii urn i ii in i en i mn 111 mo Children' DopariiiiFiit, and "Our Olrln,"ain1 han a Monthly Symposium by Celebrated People, In which aro illnciiKned linnortant IICHtloilNOf the hour of liiloresL lit Hie olili.r 1 IT B LOAN Haveiouheard THENEWS? 1 I am closing out my interest in Auburn' and will close out a magnificent stocK of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. EVERYTHING GOES at one-half to ono-third values. Nothing reserved! Everything to go in the Shortest Possible Time! Not in all Auburn's history were such phenomenal values ever offered in Good, Reliable, Well-known Goods. Don't delaj or the Plums will be carried off by some one more fortunate. This Sale Strictly Cash. Positively no goods Exchanged. J. . THOMAS, AUBURN, - - NEBRASKA. TheSf.LouisGlobe-Democrat J JS4THKM4 ami Reduced Subscription Rates, Daily and Sunday, Stittiidny Edition, 10 paces, Siimluy Edition, 28 to 40 pages, TXn?T? VT V issued in nemi-weekly VY AJUlhU A Friday, 10 pages every week, Onu year $1 ; hix monilia 50c THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is nmver.iily conceded to he the ijkst ot American newHpapers, and al these deduced Hates it n also cheapest. THE GLOBE-DEMO JR AT pays for and prints more news than any other paper in the United States. It will l.e indispensable during the coining great National Campaign, and the low in- ce places it within the reach of all. THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is uold by all newsdeajers every where at 2 .lentH tor the daily and ft centf lot the Sunday issues. Deliveied to regular subscribers, daily and Sunday, 15 cents u weeK, 00 eents a month. If your local dealer does not handle it, insist upon his pi (curing it for you, or send your subscription witli remittance direct to the publishers. BT Particular attention is called to THE WEEKLY GLOBE- DEMOCRATi issued in semi-weekly sections, eight pages every Tuesday ana Friday, making it practically a large semi-weekly paper for only One Dollar a Year. This issue just (ills the bill lor the bus) man who lias not time to read a daily paper and yet desires to keep promptly and thoroughly posted. It goes to every state alinortt lo very postofllce in the Union. All America is its legitimate Held. No matter where you live, you will tint) it invaluable as a newspaper and home journal. Sample Copies free on application to For Cheapest Reading Just Gaze on This List: GMi The Ad sertiser, the N ew Y ork Tri bune, the Toledo Blade and the Chicago Inter Ocean, all four papers one year for only S2.10 cash in advance! This offer is Igd for a short time ioi it ai once HUM It KSI)J TJITMVE by mull, J outage Prepaid. ' One year, $0.00; aix months, $3.00 - " One year, $1. CO One year. $2.00 section. 8 paces each Tuusdiu and GLOBE PRINTING CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. onlv- Tuke advantage CQMBNATON OFFER. -I" A1 r K K