The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 17, 1896, Image 2

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i i
XV. XV. 8ANI1KKH) I'ublUhor.
Summary of tho Dally Nowo.
Tins secretary of tho treasury sent
to congress on llio 8th u letter trims
initllitf estimates of deficiencies in tip
proprinttons, ii mo tin tin f to &i,3I3,-IVj,
required to incot tlio urgent demnnds
of the government for the current and
prior llscnl years.
Skchi;tahv CAitUfU.N 1ms issued a
circular letter of Instructions to per
sons intending to Hiibscrlho for tho new
loun. The circular will be sent to nil
persons upplylng for blank forms of
proposals which uro ready for distribu
A i.kitkh from President Cleveland
to .Senator CafTroy, of Louisiana, wns
inadu public on tho Oth. It deals with
the bond Issue and denies that tho ad
ministration entered into nn agree
ment with a syndicate to float tho
Tiik Kub-commlttco of tho house ap
propriations committee, htiving charge
of tho pension bill, has decided to in
crease tho amouut for tho next fiscal
year from SUIS.OOO.OOO to 8H(1,000,00().
'Pin. Irict. fi.rtrmrit. wni tlltlt. riutfofl fni-
by Commissioner Locliren in his esti
mates. Tiik politicians at Wnnhington -wore
reported as discussing the meeting
place of the democratic natiouul con
vention. Senator Gorman, who is on
the executive committee, bollevcd that
the contest would bo between New
York, Chicago and Cincinnati. Tho
national committee meets at Washing
ton on tho 10th.
Sm Juuan PAUNCKroTK had n con
ference with I'ostmastor-Gonornl Wil
son about the establishment of a par
cels post convention between tho
United States and Great llritnin. Mr.
Wilson assured tho Uritish ambassador
that tho matter would bo considered
as soon as possible, but ho thought it
would bo disadvantageous to this coun
try as tho mails would bo transported
over much more territory here thnu in
CosauKBSMAX Mkiklxjoiix has pre
pared a bill, which ho will introduce
at tho first opportunity, which is in
tended to solve tho financial question,
at leust in part. Tho bill is intondod
to reduce tho denominations of United
States notes when reissued or re
placed, which the congressman thinks
will Increase their troncral circulation
and retard their hoarding for redemp
tion and the consequent withdrawal
Vf eold from the treasury.
Tiik gold reserve In tho United States
treasury at tho close of business on tho
7th stood at Srfl,(S8!i,710.
The democratic members of the
Kentucky legislatures held a joint cau
cus at Frankfort to nominate a United
States senator. Tho final result of the
ballot was: Itlackburn, 37; McCrcary,
13; ltrown, fl.
It wns reported at Nashville, Tenn.,
that a mob of 15 men, led by McClure
Williams, a notorious character, went
to Ccliua, on tho Upper Cumberland
river, and in their efforts to take in
tho town a fight resulted, in which
four men wore killed Williams, the
leader of thb mob, the sheriff and one
of his deputies, and Ed Parrott, who u
fow weeks ago killed a brother of Wil
liams. Tiik Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette
on the 10th printed tho first of a series
of nrtioles,'froni supporters of tho ro
publican presidential candidates. It
was from Senator Chandler, of New
Hampshire, tho manager of Reed. He
said that Now England was solid for
Reed, and that ho was New York's sec
ond choice.
Tun failures for tho week ended the
10th (Dun's report) were 431 in the
United Stntes, against 120 last year,
and 53 in Canada, against 04 last year.
A fiuk In tho live-story building, .19C
and 598 Broadway, Now York, at ono
tlmo threatonod to destroy the block.
Tho building wns consumed with a loss
estimated at $200,000. How the lire
originated was not known.
A Lettish received at Boston on tho
Oth said that out of u total population
f 0,000 Armenians utGurun 1,00 were
killed by tho Kurds and Mohammedans.
AH the Gregorian und Protestant
houses were looted and 27 among tho
Catholics. Many houses woro sacked
and burned, including thrco Protestant
chapels. Throe priests of tho Grogo
rlan church wero killod, but one
paved himself by accepting tho Mo
lioimnodnn ftiitU.
Sun. Mon. Tuo. Votl. Thur. Frl. Sal.
.... r w
" il L i -1 6- 21
1?" 20 2J 2 23 24 25
I 26 27 28 29 30 3 J ....
TllK Erco Homo lenguo convention of
Oklahoma mot at El Ucno on tho 10th,
with about 100 delegates present. Tho
action of the convention wns very har
monious. Formulating resolutions to
congress and department officers com
prised most of tho work. Thg meeting
next year will bo at Kingfisher.
The polico at l)es Moines, In,, dis
covered, on the 10th, in the medical de
partment of tho Drake university tho
two bodies of Mrs. Rachel Townsend
and Alexander Roll, which had been
buried id tho Saylorvlllo comotory
within ten days and taken from tho
graves by ghouls.
The authorities at Havana, Cuba,
have discovered ovidonco of a conspir
acy to cause an uprising in that city
and to hand the plnce over to tho in
surgents. Tho conspiracy was bolloved
to bo widely ramified and Its dlicovcry
caused great uneasiness and suspicions
that tho disaffection was much more
widely disseminated than had boon ad
mitted. Thirty persons had boon ar
rested for complicity in tho plot and
Aqullino eclnno, polico inspector for
tho port of Havana, had been relieved
from duty.
Wai.tkk Clank Nichols, a writor for
Harper's Weekly, who arrived at Den
ver, Col., on tho llth, was found dead
in bed tho next day, and at first it was
supposed that death was duo to sui
cide, but later developments showed
that ho had been enticed into a don,
drugged, robbed and thrown into tho
The celebrated stallion, Pilot Me
dium, for which tho owner, Wnltcr
Clark, had refused 800,000, died at Rnt-
tlo Creek, Mich., suddenly on the 10th.
The horse wus valued at 8100,000. Ho
was the siro of 47 trotters and flvo
pacers, most of whom are standard
Roiikht Clai'haddle, n farmer of
Ransomvlllc, N. Y., was fatally shot
l3' his worthless son-in-law, George II.
Smith, who was pursued by a posse of
villagers, cornered, and when ho made
resistance filled with bullets, causing
his death. One of his pursuers also
was shot.
Evehy Haloonkcopcr in Sycamore,
III., has been made defendant in suits
brought against them in the name of
tho citv for selling liquor to minors.
Many witnesses have been subpoenaed,
and tho cases promiso to bo sensa
tional. I). SNonmiAss, chief justice of tho
supremo court of Tennessee, has been
indicted on two counts by the grand
jury at Chattanooga ono for carrying
concealed weapons and tho other for
felonious assault upon John R. liens
lev. Sknatoh Wolcott, of Colorado, who
hns recently returned from Europe,
snld that Americans had little iden of
tho unselfish und important efforts
tntulo throughout England and tho
continent in favor of tho recognition
of silver. At a meeting in Paris a plan
for an identical resolution on the im
portance of international agreement,
to bo introduced in tho Englisti parlia
ment, tho French assembly and tho
German relchstag, was agreed upon.
A srnciAL dispatch from Rerlin to
London on tho Oth stated that Russia's
co-operation with Germany in tho
Transvaal matter had been assured
and that Franco would act with Russia.
This apparently confirmed tho roport
of an autl-liritish ulliunco and that tho
notion of Emperor William towards
tho Uoor republic was a thoroughly
weighed stop.
It was reported at New York on the
8th that W. K. Vandorbllt would soon
bocome tho husband of Miss Atnray
ltond. After that ho will tako a long
cruise on his yacht, tho Valiant
Gov. Lownukh was inaucrurntod as
chief executive of Maryland on the 8th
at Annapolis. Ho is the first republic
an governor that tho state has over
A special to tho Now York Journal
from Havana, Cuba, on tho Oth said
that tho insurgents wero within sight
of Havana and that hundreds of fami
lies in tho suburbs and city had aban
doned their homes and woro crowding
tho- quay watching, with blanched
faces, for stenmers to tuko thorn from
tho island, tho btonmcrs which had
cleared being crowded to thoir utmost
Fhanic Sijui'Son and Harrison Fuller,
colored, charged witli having assaulted
Mrs. I'omeroy, a widow, and her 10-
year-old daughter near Loxlngton,
Tenn., woro brought in on tho train
from Nashville, whero tho sheriff had
placed them for safe keeping, to bo
tried on tho 8th, when they woro mot
by a mob of some GOO men, who at onco
proceeded to administer tho law of
Judge Lynch, by suspending tho two
negroes to a railroad trestle und thou
firing a volley of shot into thoir bodies.
Ah a result of tho crusade against
sweatshops in Cleveland, the stato as
sembly, Knights of Labor, has declared
a boycott upon all clothing manufac
turers using their output.
Gen. Moiitimeh D. Lr.ooKTT, ono of
the prominent union officers during
tho civil war nnd commissioner of
patents under Gen.. Grant, died at
Cleveland, O., of apoplexy, aged 85.
The Alhumbra sugar house of Gon.
W. J. Jiohau, near Plaqucmlno, Im.,
ono of tho finest in tho state, wns de
stroyed by on incendiary fire. Thoro
wore about 1,200 barrels of sugar in tho
building, besides a largo amount of
molasses, all of which was uninsured.
Tho sugar houso was only partially in
sured. Tho loss on it was 500,000 and
on tho sugar nnd molasses S'-'O.OOO.
It wns roported at New York that
tho Morgan syndicate would bid 10
for tho new bonds.
The 800 striking conl minors at Gal
litzln, Pa., in obedience to an order
1...1 ,... !. 111.. 11
posum uy muir coiiimitiuu, uuvu .m ru-
turned to work. The men struck foi
an increase of 20 per cent, but wont
back without accomplishing any hing. ,
Three was a flro in a small building
at Lynn, Mass., on tho 10th occupied
by a family named Lo Moire. When
the fire department nrrlvcd the body
of Mrs. Lo Moire wns found in a chum-!
bcr burned to a crisp, while a dnugh- j
tor wns found lying on tho stnirwnv
badly burned about tho body, having
boon overcome by the smoke and finmci
while attempting to escape. The father
nnd son woro found In tho waterclosot
undor tho influence of liquor.
Mits. C. A. Mahshall, a widow whe
lived at Cleveland, 0., with her twe
brothers, was lltcrnlly cooked on the
H)th. While getting breakfast she
poured coal oil on tho flro. An cxplo'
sion occurred and sho was enveloped
in flames. All the clothing was burned
from her body and the flesh fell from
her bones. Sho cannot live.
Cleakino houso returns for tho prin
cipal cities in the United States for the
week ended January 10 showed an av
erage increase as compared with the
corresponding week last year of 18.0:
in New York tho increase was 20.2; out
b'uIo Now York tho increase was 9.8.
Fheemax Collins was hanged at
Tuskegcc, Ala., on tho 10th for the
murder of his wifo last spring by cut
ting her throat as sho slept Jealousy
was tho cause of the crime.
Two earthquakes occurred in the dis
trict of Kahlhnhl, Persia. Tho first
was on tho nitrht of January 2. The
large vlllngo of Jnnnbnd was destroyed.
several others wero partially ruined
and 300 persons were killed. The sec
ond carthqunko occurred the morning
of January 5. Tho town of Gol was
destroyed and 1,000 houses were demol
ished. In addition great damage was
done to many villages. The loss of
life was very great. There wero 80C
persons killed in Gol alone and lurge
numbers of cattlo and sheep also per
ished. Wallace Littlefield, a bartender
at Iluiro, Col., was killed by a cowboy
named Alexander. Tho cowboy had
previously been ejected from tho sa
loon and returned armed with a shot
gun and rode his pony into the place
and ordered drinks for the crowd at
tho barkeepor's expense, and then, on
being expostulated with, shot tho bar
tendor dead.
James E.Titosii'Sox, familiarly known
in uporting circles as "Denver Jimmy,"
committed suicide at Dallas, Tex., by
taking morphine. Ho had been on a
big spree.
A movement was reported on foot
among prominent Americans and Eng
lishmen in London to bring about tho
formation of a permanent court of ar
bitration to sottle all disputes between
tho two nations,-as proposed by Justice
Harlan in 1893.
The private bank at Fayette, Fulton
county, O., was entered by burglars,
the bafe broken open and everything of
valuo taken. The robbers got about
The Des Moines, la., polico have ar
rested 17 students of tho medical col
lege in which five bodies stolen from
tho Suylorvillo cemetery were found.
Tho students woro released on 83,000
bail each. There was much indigna
tion expressed by tho citizens agalust
tho body snatchers.
In Wise county, Va., William Wells
nnd Gus Osborn fought a hand to hand
fight with knives with James Cox nnd
Henry Willinms over two women. Tho
fight lnsted for 30 minutes, when Wells
and Osborn fell dead and Cox wns
mortally wounded. Williams was not
An ongngement botwoon Spanish
troops and a band of 500 insurgents at
Managua, 12 miles southwest of Ha
vana, was reported on the 12th. Go
mez wns south of the town of Guura
and nonr Mcleua, moving eastward
through tho burned cano fields and
passing Providencia and Guinez. At
Ranes tho insurgents had plundered
and burned tho great stores. Three
clerks were burned and tho mavor was
Sehot. Cantlin, of the llulfnlo, N. Y.,
police, had senrched for Patrolman
Summon on his beat nnd could not find
him, when ho finally discovered him
coming out of a questionable resort
The sergeant suspended tho patrolman
at once, when tho lnttcr shot tho ser
gennt. Cnntlin ufterwnrds was discov
ered dying and just had sufficient
strength. to toll who his assailant was.
A TEIUU1JLE fight between officers
and horse thioves occurred at Inland,
40 miles west of Perry, Ok., receutly.
Jeff Coatos, tho leader, was shot dead
from his horse and three others of tho
band wore so badly wounded that they
wero captured. Ono man of tho sher
iff's posso was seriously wounded. Six
of the horse thieves escaped.
Mits. Alva E. Vandkiuhlt, tho di
vorced wifo of Wftlinm K. Vanderbilt,
wns married to Oliver Hazard Perry
Rclmout by Mayor Strong at Now
York on tho llth, only a fow personal
friends being present.
The republicans hold a caucus at
Frankfort, Ivy., on tho llth to nomi
nate a candidate for United States sen
ator and Dr. Hunter was chosen by ac
clamation. As tho death of Represent
ative Isaac Wilson breaks tho tio in
tho legislature, Dr. Hunter will prob
ably bo elected.
The strained relations between En
gland and Germany over the Trans
vaal incident was reported on tho lath
iifidiiuppenring and there was less up
piehuusiou of war over tho mutter.
"V V 1 1 n 1 1 IlInN uro I'rlchtonmt.
As tho balloon nenrod Potersfield we
ntorcd a douse bank of clouds and
ran in thorn for some thrco miles,
omerging over tho chalk downs and
.1.I.M ... t ... 1...... , rr .. n..nH ...I ...1 trtll t
Va ft rMt t
was amusing to witness tho alarm of
tho bunnies as they dived into their
burrows, which from above presented
tho appearance of hundreds of circular
black spots. Rnlloons have a very ter
rifying cUcct on all birds. As ono
passes over a farmyard there in nlwnys
a regular stampede of tho fowls under
cover, while ducks dash into tho ponds
and divo frantically to avoid tho sup
posed danger. The effect of tho diving
is most absurd, as seen from above, for
often, owing to tho transparency of
tho water, tho violent efforts of tho
ducks to hide themselves arc-plainly
visible. Wild birds, especially game,
arc also much perturbed at the sight of
tho balloon, pheasnnts crowing loudly
and running off, while partridges
which have been Hushed drop like
stones into a neighboring hedge row.
Sheep also seem to bo much alarmed,
but cattle and horses appear to tako no
interest in tho matter. Mncmillnn's
Last, your we offered $200 for the big
gest i ield of oats. 209 bushels Silver
Mine Oats wus tho highest. This year
e offer $200 more tn oats, $100 on Sil
ver King Hurley, n barley yielding in
1&05 lift bushels per acre, and $100 on
Golden Triumph Yellow Dent Corn, the
corn of your drcnmsl
What's Teosintc and Snnd Vetch and
Sucnlino und Lnthyrus and Giant
Spurry nnd Giant rnenrrnfo Clover nnd
lots of such things? They'll make you
rich if you plant u plenty. Cutalogue
tells you!
it with 10c. postnge to the John A. Sal
zer Seed Co., LaCrouse, Wis., you will get
free 10 grasses nnd grains, above outs,
barley, corn and their catalogue. Cat
alogue ulone, 5c. (k)
Miss Gush "O, captain, wero you ever
boarded by a pirate?" Capt. Storms "Yes.
Ho charged mo 811 a day for a hull room ou
tho fourth fioor." Indianapolis Journal.
II(W?B Till ?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollurs Rcwnrd
for uny case of Catarrh Unit can uot bo
cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure.
P. J. Cuusi'.Y it Co., l'rops., Toledo, O.
Wo, the undersigned, hnvo known P. J.
Cheney for tho last 15 years, and boliovo
him perfectly honornblo in all business
transactions and llunucinlly nolo to carry
out uny obligations ninuo by tncir urm.
. Wkst & Tuuax, Wholesale Druggists, To-
ledo, O.
WiLinso, Kinnan & Mauvin, Wholcsalo
I Druggists, Toledo. Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally,
' acting directly upou tho blood nnd mucous
ourfwos of tho system. Prleo 75c. per bot-
tlo. Sold by ull Druggists. Testimonials
Hall's Family Pills aro tho best.
What this country needs is maple sugar
thut will pass a thorough civil service ex
amination at all seasons of tho year. Balti
more American.
Solmstnpol Wan Not Impregnable,
For it was taken by nssnult, but a physiquo
built up. 11 constitution fortiiled by llostet
ter's Stomach Hitters, may bid defiance to
tho assaults of malarious diseusooven in lo
calities where it is most prevalent and ma
lignant. Emigrants to tho uguo-brecding
sections of tho Went should bear this in
mind, und start with a supply. Tho Bitters
promptly subdues dyspepsia, rheumatic
and kidnoy complaints, nervousness, con
stipation und biliousness.
HiTPPi'ur.ns FitoM Couaiis. Soitn Tuiioat.
etc., should bo constantly supplied with
Brown's lironctlal Trochtu."
Di'zmr-"Whnt'B in that bottlo poison?"
Dooby "I guess there must bo; there isn't
any lubol on it." Hoxbury Gazette.
Piso's Cure for Consumption has saved
mo many a doctor's bill. S. P. Hauiy,
Hopkius Place, Baltimore, Md., Dec
flow calmly wo may submit ourselves to
tho hands of him who bears up tho world.
BunciiAM's tills for constipation 10c and
25c. Get tho book (free) ntyour druggist's
and go by it. Annual miles 0,000,000 boxes
Tun mnlo is a dcmi-Jack, nnd therefore n
dcmi-John, which accounts for tho spirit
Unit Is within him. Boston Transcript.
Hit makes no difference how hard ho
may try, 1 uoant bellebo uat a reu-noseu
man can look coldly intellectual.
Any sarsaparilla is sarsaparilla. True. So any
tea is tea. So any flour is flour. But grades differ.
You want the best. It's so with sarsaparilla. There
arc grades. You want the best. If you understood
sarsaparilla as well as you do tea and flour it
would be easy to determine. But you don't. How
should you ?
When 3'ou are going to buy ?. commodity
whose value you don't know, you pick out an old
established house to trade with, and trust their
experience and reputation. Do so when buying $
sarsaparilla. $
Aycr's Sarsaparilla has been on the market u.)
fifty years. Your grandfather used Ayer's. It is a
refutable medicine. There arc many sarsaparillas. &J'
But only one Ayer's.
Tho nerves upon puro blood, and thoy will'
bo your faithful servants und not tyrannical
mnsters; you will not bo oervous, but
Btrotig, cheerful nnd happy. To have
puro blood, and to keep it puro, tako
- Sarsaparilla
Hood's PIIIb curoUl Llvor Ills. 25 cents.
W. L. Douglas
It you pay 84 to 80 for shoes, ex- j
amino tho W. L. Dougln3 Shoe, and O C
sco what a good shoo joti can buy for '
nnd LACK, mndo In nlL
) I luln of the Ir Ht selected
IcntUnr by slcllled work
men. "Wo
innlce and
soil moro
$3 Sliocs
than niiy
o th or
intuitifnclNrer in tho -world.
None ccnulne unless name and
price Is stamped on tho bottom.
Ask your dealer for our 85,
84,,, BS.Sft Shoes;
83.60, 88 and 81.75 for boys.
TAKE HO SUBSTITUTE. If your dealer
cannot supply jou, send to fac
tory, enclosing price and 36 cents
to pay carriage. State kind, stylo
of too (cap or plain), size and
Width. Our Custom Dcpt.will fill
your order. Send for new Illus
trated Catalogue to llox it.
W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass;
! See that
It's the feature of
the DeLONG
Pat. Hook and
Eye. No matter
how you twist
and turn, it holds
the eye in place.
Send two cent stamp
with 7iame and ad
dress, and too will
mail you Mother Gooso in new clothes
containing ten color plates 1 ten black
and white pictures ; and lot of lively
IticuAiiDsoH fe DnLoMa Bros., Phllada.
8 6a W WMlOftOaOMMMl
The Greatest Medical Discovery1
of the Age.
Has discovered in one of our commom
pasture weeds a remedy that cures every
kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula'
down to a common Pimple.
He has tried it in over eleven hundred
cases,and never failed except in two cases
(both thunder-humor.) He has now in his
possession over two hundred certificates
of its value, all within twenty miles of
Boston. Send postal card for book.
A benefit is always experienced from the
first bottle, and a perfect cufe is warranted,
when the right quantity is taken.
When the lungs are affected It causes
shooting pains, like needles passing
through them; the same with the Liver or
Bowels. This is caused by the ducts be
ing stopped, and always disappears in a
week after taking it. Read the label.
If the stomach is foul or bilious It will,
cause squeamish feelings at first.
No change of diet ever necessary. Eat
the best you can get, and enough of it.
Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bed
time. Sold by all Druggists.
WW laa irtW BjBbutKolldirocttothocoutunk-
erotwholoBale price. Hhl.
anynhero far ommlnatio
before sale Everything war
ranted. 100 styles of Cor"
rlnges, 90 styles of Hor
ness,4i styles RldlnftSad
vnvftvoErovv ' ELKHART
vi!jJi -; VS. CarrlnEeHnmejMfgC.
V. D.I'batt.Socj liiuuart. ma.
ES? jBSk kiftr