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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1896)
rmrw-p 'i r ebm$h dvertiser. Vt 9 VOLUME XL NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY; JAN. 17, 1896. NUMBER 29 Wmmmtmt JPb i GfO S(f i. tf h- l V IV r ; TU. W. W. KEELING, N KM All A. GlTY, NKBKAKA. Office flrat door Boutb of Park hotel. W. W, SANDERS, Notary :-: Public Ninaha City, Neb. Kerker & Hoover, Dealer In Highest prices paldlfor hides, lard, tallow Same, etc NEMAHA. CITY, NEBRASKA. aKlPSSaflPBaf L Wt: ISlXmai Hon. Chris Siqkl Introducing Cooper the rustling Liveryman of Nemaha. I.nnvn vnnr orders for a team, hack or dray, and We po the Rest. Oar Hack moots all tratns B.BellAndrews.M.D.Ph.D, Surgeon Specialist, Stella. - Nebraska Operations for Cataract and all opera tions on the eye, Vericocele, Hernia, Hemerr holds, etc., performed with out chloroform and painless. Pa tients from abroad can obtain board and hospital facilities at prices less than in a city, considering skill and sanitary surroundings. Parties seeking relief, through surgical means will ""do well to confer with Dr. Andrews. WAJSTTEJD. JTf To Hell Cnnndlim Grown Frnlt aaaavrcea. iserrv nan is. iioses lirn liluirii M.iitft Prtl n t rta fit fit t li A In rrtat growers of lilh sra'le Jtnck. Boven Imndr-cl mcreN, hardy pnifltahle varieties that succeed la llio colilvHt climates. No experience re quired and fair treatment Kuaranteed. Any one not earn Kim: $50,00 per month and sxpen ses should write tin at once for particulars Llhernl Commissions paid part time men. Apply now and get choice of terrltorv. LUKE BUOTIIEilS COMPANY, Stock Exchango Rulltllng, Chicago, 111. to sell a ctinlcu 11ns NUHS 111 Wanted Salesmen,; TOCKor il H'lf S. LIBERAL HAL AltY or COMMISSION PAID WEEKLY. PKItMANRM'Hiid PAYINU POSITIONS to WOOIl MEN. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to BEGIN NEltR. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY eiVEN IE DESIRED. Write at once for terms to The flawk3 uieij Co , Mlwaukee.W s- Gompltxlon Pnservid DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM RomovesPreckles, Pimples, Liver -Moles, Blackheads, 5unburn nnd Tan, and re- jttrtra ihn alrln in Ita rtrlcrl. nal freshness, producing , clear nnd hrmlthv mm i nlnvlAn UiinArln. i nil f.fnil preparations and perfectly harmless. At all druggists, ormallcu for SOcts. Send for circular. VIOLA SKIN 80AP ! aimpiy u kin pnrlflln? S.ap, uorqualM for lh toilet, .nil a rlrl for Ihs nunrrr. Ablatlr pot. nut dalle.ul m.dl cattd. Atitruntliti. Price 25 Cantf. The G. C. B1TTNER CO., Toledo, O. ESTATE OF MICHAEL SPINNER. Do ceased In the County Court of Nemaha county, NobraHka. Notice Ib hurehy given that an application hns open mndo to the County Court of said county tonppolnt ChnH. P. Edwards administrator of the rstnte of said Mlolmol HplniHT, deceased, and that January 131 It, A. D. 189(3. at 10 o'clock a, in., at the olllco of the County Judge of Nemaha aunty, NnhrnHkii, In Auhurn, Nebrnska. have been tlxed hv the court as the tlmo nnd place for the hearing thoreof.wheti and where all persons Interested may appear and con test, thes-itne. Daiod Di'ceint)pr21tli.lR0.'), II. A. LAM BERT, County Judge. cllCCllLt- The Rocker Wasner . lias iroet trio tiioit aatltfactory of any V isher ever rUctil uruu tlie market. It i to uaslinnorillmry family nulling vt lOOIMIlCKSlNOXi: 1XOU11. a clean a, cart li n allied on ttio naliloaril. Write for prirA, and full ileKriptlon. ROCKER WASHER CO. Liberal luJuciibeuUtulivouentl WANTED-AN IDEAJFIffiffi thing to patent? Protect your Ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDER BUllN & CO., l'utont Attorneys, Washington, D. O., for tholr $1,800 prlio oltor. Local 3STews. J. W.Taylor was over from Stella Sunday. W. T. Devorss is now a life insur ance agent. We have had several nnow storms, but yery little snow has fallen. H. A. Brand remains in a ciitical condition, with the chances agaltiBt bii recovery. T. B, 8keen came in from Auburn Wednesday, to visit his mother and friends here for a few days. James Pierson , who has been living in the Mlnlck property for several weeks, moved to Nebraska City Wed nesday. Rabe Elliott shipped a car load of hogs to Nebraska City on Tuesday, and a car of cattle to Kansas City on Thursday. W. H Hoover came down from Lincoln Wednesday, to look after bis business interest here, aud visit his many friends. Roy Stepbeni, ef Els worth, Kansas, arrived in Nemaha Thursday evening, on a visit to his aunts.Mrs. J. l and Mrs. J. B. Heover. H. K. McCandlass shipped three cars of corn to Burlington on tbo 0th, eight cars on the 11th, three on the 14, and eleven on the 15th. The two Stephens are now adminis tering justice in Nemaha Stephen Gilbert as justice of the peace and Stephen Cooper as constable. On and after January 2tth, 1800, The Gilbert Bank will be open from 8 a. m. till 4 p. ro. S. Gilbert, Cashier. James 0. Miller drvoe inte Nemaha Thursday afternoon, coming from Marysville, Mo. We badeve Jim wishes be was living in Nemaha again. A fellow was in town Thursday talking of starting another palm root shop. We advise him to stay away, as be is not wanted by even a respec table minority. Mr. aud Mrs. Chas. A. Smiley, of Aspinwall prcinct, visited Nemaha friends Wednesday and Thursday. They had been to Peru visiting and stopped here on their way home. Goodwin & Perry, of Olathe, Kans., we are informed, will open a block of general merchandise in the corner Htore room belonging to Moses Hanks. We understand the stock will be closed out at auction. The next meeting of the Modern Woodmen of America will be held at Masonic hall next Tuesday night, Jan. 21at. It is hoped all members who have not received their certificates and taken the obligation will be present at this meeting. Chriatopner Shuck informs us that he did not succeod in gutting his team stopped or materially checked in tho runaway, as stated last week. When the horses began to mil his v ife caught hold of one line, and before he could get It the horses had got snch a start thai ho could not control them. He thinks if he had hud both lines at tho flrat he could have stopped them without any damage being done. The business men of Nemaha have more trouble In collecting accounts this year than they did last year. They believe that nearly all the mom y goes out of the country to pay dohis. Nemnha cannot prosper and hold its trade unless those who patronize our merchants pay promptly. Neatly all tho business men have authorized Stephen Cooper te collect for them. His first visit will ho as collector. If obliged to make a second visit, ho will have legal papers to sorvo in tho per-, formaline of his duty as constable The meo tinge at tho Methodist church increase in interest daily. The church is Oiled every night, all tho seats being eccupied andsoveral nights a number have bad to stand up. More seats will be provided hereafter, and an effort made to accommodate all who may come. Twenty-eight have joined tho church so far. The school board held a called meet ing at The Advertiser otllce Tuesday night. The resigna Ion of J II Veeder as member of the board was read, and on motion was accepted, W. W. Sanders was uuaulmouslv elected to (ill tho vacancy caused by Mr. Veeder'e resignation, aud be was also elected moderator or president of the board. We are informed that some of our citizens are giving boys money and sending them to Jirownvlllo to buy whisky for the aforesaid citizens. Ttie man that sends a boy on such an er rand and the man who bells a boy whisky or treats him after it Is bought should all be punished to tho full ex tent of the law. It is bad enough for a man to drink without enticing the boys thereto. In company wiih Rev. C. H. Gilmore we dreve to Peru Tuesday morning. Ve called at the Peru bank and were very pleasntly entertained by Jacob Good and his eon, Elmer Good, presi dent and cashier of,the bank, and were shown some samples of ore said to be very rich in gold, silver antl other minerals, taken from a mine in Colo rado in which T. J. Majors bas a fourth interest. We also called at the Times dice, at W . D. Abbot's drug store, and on Rev. G. M.Gates, pastor of the M . E . church . Rev. Gates had the misfortune to break his ankle about Thanksgiving, and has to use crutches yet. We tiien started for Auburn, stopping at Win. French's for dinner, wherd we were royally treated. Bro. Gilmore) evidently knows the good stopping places After dinner we drove on to Auburn, transacted some business there, and then came home in time for church, and were astonished to hear Bro. Gilmore preach so woll, after seeing his performance at the dinner table. Notice. Any one having horses, mules, wag ons, buggies, harness, or stock of any kind that they wish to sell, I would be glad to soil the same if brought to my store in Nemaha on each Saturday If stock is not sold I will not make any charge; if sold a small commisvinn will be claimed. Remember we will start our auction on each Saturday, at 2 o'clock. Everybody in the vicinity bring their stock in, hiso household goods, machinery and farming imple ments. W.S.Titus, Auctioneer. TO THE PUBLIC. Kind friends and patrons: I have carried you through the last year and this the beginning of a new year, I have some bills I have to meet, and I will have to ask you to respond at once. Thanking yeu for your patron age in the past and ask for a continu ance in the future. I am as ever Respectfully yours, M. II. Taylok. Coughing irritates the delicate orgs ans and aggravates the disease. In stead of waiting, try One Minute Cough Cure. It helps at once, making expectoration easy, reduces the sore ness and inllamation. Every one likes it. Taylor, the druggist. Wo have for sale a good 100 acre farm near Nemaha City, well improv ed, good house, barn, etc., large orch ard, farm all fenced, which will be sold for 835 per acre. If you want a bar gain call quick. If suffering with piles, it will inter est you to know that Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. This mediclno Is a specific for all complaints of this character, and if instructions which are simple) are carried out, a cure will result. We have tested this in numerous cases, and always with like results. It never fails, Taylor, the druggist. See W. S. Titus' advertisements. Gllbort t Son pay in trade 20 conts for corn. No one bas been obliged to sell a bushel of corn for lo s than 20 conts to pay them as thoy allow the use of their cribs to parties owing hem who wish to bold their corn. The following are the names of the petit jury for spring of 1800: James Henderaon, A. M. Berst, W. E. Majors, Pnllip Palmer, Edgar Gill, Henry Hohn, Ernest Oatman, Del 09 Hughes, J . I. Dressier, Herb Mmick, i David Lewis, Ed. Snyder, Peter Roam, John Simmons, B. N. Hurress, Theo. Rouse, Henry S. Snyder, Michael Riodon, Charles Bausch, G. A. Rltter, Wellington Morris, John Strain, Ed. Berlin, Wm Cafferty. A WOMAN WHO WILL WORK Wanted In every county to Introduce the Celebrato-a "Hygola" Waists for all ages. This waist supercedes the corset and bas received tho unanimous appro val of the leading physicians. 93.00 OutOt Free. Any energetic woman can make from $15 to 8r0 weekly. Send for circulars and terms. Hyoeia M'f'o Co., 378 Canal St., New York. W.W. Sanders..Notary Public. Pen sions papers of all kinds made out acs curately. Legal documents drawn up All business given prompt and careful attention. No excuse for sleepless nights when you cau procure One Minute Cough Cure. This will relievo all annoyan ces, enre the most severo cough and give you rem ami health. Can you af ford to do without it? Taylor, tho druggist. a a Titus & WilliamH carry a good grade of goods, and their prices are reason able. No shoddy goods kept to make a cut on. Piles of people have piles, but De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. When promptly applied it cures scalds and burns without the slightest pain. Taylor, the druggist. "W. S. TITUS' CASH STORE COME AND SEE ME. ONE PRICE TO ALL. Why go to othor town to buy your Groceries when you can buy them cheaper at home. Goods dellvorod to any place In town. Comparo my pri ces with any store in any ether town, or anywhere. This is a partial list of what I have at bottom prices: Granulated sugar, 17 lb for $1.0 Arbucklo Coffee, per package. , 2o Lion " " "... 24c Hotel Baking Po wdor 10c Climax " " fie Quail Oats, por packago lto Lenox Soap, 0 bare for 25c Satinet Soap, 0 bars for 25c Bod a Crackers, 3 lb 25c Prunes, & lbs 25c Rice. 7U)s 21c Plug Tobacco, per lb 2Sc Beans, 0 lbs 25c Best Gunpowder Tea 40c Dwlght's Cow Brand Soda. 2lbs 15c " Apricots, per can 15c, S for. . . 2Co , Pears, 2 cans for 25c Cove Oysters 10c Salmon 14c Tomatoes, 3 for 25c Corn, por can 0c Japan Tea Dust, 2 lbs 25c Parlor Mutches, 4 boxes 5c Choice peanut candy, per lb. . . 16c Mixed candy 0c Roasted Peanuts, lb 15c Virginia cigars, 2 for Co Fresh Pickles , per doz 8c Salt, 0 lbs for 6o Also tin cups, pipes, pina, tobacro, oats, corn, corn meal, chop feed, brooms ax handles, and other things too num erous to mention, at low" prices. Come and see my goods and get prices, as every one is welcome. Everything fresh aud new. No old goods. Call and see roe. YT.S.TiTue East Main Street, Nemaha, Nebr. Old papers for sale at this office, Tako the wagouette when in Auburn for any part of the city. Easy riding. Quick time. All trains met. John McKlhaney, proprietor. Draying I will haul loads in town for 15 cents a load. Any reasonable distance out Bide of town, 40 cents. Prompt service Your patronage solicited. Sam B una ess, MONEY FOR YOU. DID YOU HEAR OF IT? The chance of the year you will miss if you fail to visit LGUXA.JL. SLE! In our Entire Line of Boys' and Men's Clothing & Furnishing Goods Cheaper than ever sold in the county. They must and m Go and at the following prices: Just think of it I A good every day suit and overcoat, all for 5 ; worth twice tho money. Good suit of underwear for 50 cents. Good all wool cap for 10 cents. Pair of good calfskin mitts or gloves for only 35 cents. Good pair of yarn mitts, loather faced, only 24 cents. No one shall freoze, though corn and hogs aro low. So come along, Remomber, we are almost giving away underwear. Como and examine it, Now is tho time to buy. Everything at Astonishingly Low Prices at J. W. CRANMER & CO., Blue Front, Auburn, Nebraska